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Comparing version 3.13.8-nightly.4555 to 3.13.8-nightly.4558




@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

var $cMJQZ$reactstatelycollections = require("@react-stately/collections");
var $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer = require("@react-stately/virtualizer");
var $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$exports = require("./ListLayout.main.js");
var $67c493497dcda343$exports = require("./TableLayout.main.js");

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@

$parcel$export(module.exports, "ListLayout", () => $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$export$cacbb3924155d68e);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "TableLayout", () => $67c493497dcda343$export$62444c3c724b1b20);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "ListLayout", () => $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$exports.ListLayout);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "TableLayout", () => $67c493497dcda343$exports.TableLayout);

@@ -22,945 +22,6 @@ * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.

* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
*/ /*
* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
const $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$var$DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 48;
class $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$export$cacbb3924155d68e extends (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Layout) {
getLayoutInfo(key) {
let res = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
// If the layout info wasn't found, it might be outside the bounds of the area that we've
// computed layout for so far. This can happen when accessing a random key, e.g pressing Home/End.
// Compute the full layout and try again.
if (!res && this.validRect.area < this.contentSize.area && this.lastCollection) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, 0, Infinity, Infinity);
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
this.validRect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, 0, this.contentSize.width, this.contentSize.height);
res = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
return res;
getVisibleLayoutInfos(rect) {
// If layout hasn't yet been done for the requested rect, union the
// new rect with the existing valid rect, and recompute.
if (!this.validRect.containsRect(rect) && this.lastCollection) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = this.validRect.union(rect);
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
let res = [];
let addNodes = (nodes)=>{
for (let node of nodes)if (this.isVisible(node, rect)) {
if (node.header) res.push(node.header);
if (node.children) addNodes(node.children);
return res;
isVisible(node, rect) {
return node.layoutInfo.rect.intersects(rect) || node.layoutInfo.isSticky || this.virtualizer.isPersistedKey(node.layoutInfo.key);
shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext) {
// Invalidate cache if the size of the collection changed.
// In this case, we need to recalculate the entire layout.
return invalidationContext.sizeChanged;
validate(invalidationContext) {
this.collection = this.virtualizer.collection;
// Reset valid rect if we will have to invalidate everything.
// Otherwise we can reuse cached layout infos outside the current visible rect.
this.invalidateEverything = this.shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext);
if (this.invalidateEverything) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = this.virtualizer.getVisibleRect();
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
// Remove deleted layout nodes
if (this.lastCollection && this.collection !== this.lastCollection) {
for (let key of this.lastCollection.getKeys())if (!this.collection.getItem(key)) {
let layoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(key);
if (layoutNode) {
var _layoutNode_header;
this.layoutInfos.delete((_layoutNode_header = layoutNode.header) === null || _layoutNode_header === void 0 ? void 0 : _layoutNode_header.key);
this.lastWidth = this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width;
this.lastCollection = this.collection;
this.invalidateEverything = false;
buildCollection() {
let y = this.padding;
let skipped = 0;
let nodes = [];
for (let node of this.collection){
var _this_rowHeight;
let rowHeight = (_this_rowHeight = this.rowHeight) !== null && _this_rowHeight !== void 0 ? _this_rowHeight : this.estimatedRowHeight;
// Skip rows before the valid rectangle unless they are already cached.
if (node.type === "item" && y + rowHeight < this.validRect.y && !this.isValid(node, y)) {
y += rowHeight;
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(node, 0, y);
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
if (node.type === "item" && y > this.validRect.maxY) {
y += (this.collection.size - (nodes.length + skipped)) * rowHeight;
if (this.isLoading) {
var _this_loaderHeight;
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, y, this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, (_this_loaderHeight = this.loaderHeight) !== null && _this_loaderHeight !== void 0 ? _this_loaderHeight : this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
let loader = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("loader", "loader", rect);
this.layoutInfos.set("loader", loader);
layoutInfo: loader
y = loader.rect.maxY;
if (nodes.length === 0) {
var _this_placeholderHeight;
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, y, this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, (_this_placeholderHeight = this.placeholderHeight) !== null && _this_placeholderHeight !== void 0 ? _this_placeholderHeight : this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
let placeholder = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("placeholder", "placeholder", rect);
this.layoutInfos.set("placeholder", placeholder);
layoutInfo: placeholder
y = placeholder.rect.maxY;
this.contentSize = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Size)(this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, y + this.padding);
return nodes;
isValid(node, y) {
let cached = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
return !this.invalidateEverything && cached && cached.node === node && y === (cached.header || cached.layoutInfo).rect.y && cached.layoutInfo.rect.intersects(this.lastValidRect) && cached.validRect.containsRect(cached.layoutInfo.rect.intersection(this.validRect));
buildChild(node, x, y) {
if (this.isValid(node, y)) return this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
let layoutNode = this.buildNode(node, x, y);
layoutNode.node = node;
var _node_parentKey;
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = (_node_parentKey = node.parentKey) !== null && _node_parentKey !== void 0 ? _node_parentKey : null;
this.layoutInfos.set(layoutNode.layoutInfo.key, layoutNode.layoutInfo);
if (layoutNode.header) this.layoutInfos.set(layoutNode.header.key, layoutNode.header);
this.layoutNodes.set(node.key, layoutNode);
return layoutNode;
buildNode(node, x, y) {
case "section":
return this.buildSection(node, x, y);
case "item":
return this.buildItem(node, x, y);
buildSection(node, x, y) {
let width = this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width;
let rectHeight = this.headingHeight;
let isEstimated = false;
// If no explicit height is available, use an estimated height.
if (rectHeight == null) {
// If a previous version of this layout info exists, reuse its height.
// Mark as estimated if the size of the overall collection view changed,
// or the content of the item changed.
let previousLayoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
if (previousLayoutNode && previousLayoutNode.header) {
let curNode = this.collection.getItem(node.key);
let lastNode = this.lastCollection ? this.lastCollection.getItem(node.key) : null;
rectHeight = previousLayoutNode.header.rect.height;
isEstimated = width !== this.lastWidth || curNode !== lastNode || previousLayoutNode.header.estimatedSize;
} else {
rectHeight = node.rendered ? this.estimatedHeadingHeight : 0;
isEstimated = true;
if (rectHeight == null) rectHeight = $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$var$DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
let headerRect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, y, width, rectHeight);
let header = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("header", node.key + ":header", headerRect);
header.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
header.parentKey = node.key;
y += header.rect.height;
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, y, width, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
let startY = y;
let skipped = 0;
let children = [];
for (let child of (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelycollections.getChildNodes)(node, this.collection)){
var _this_rowHeight;
let rowHeight = (_this_rowHeight = this.rowHeight) !== null && _this_rowHeight !== void 0 ? _this_rowHeight : this.estimatedRowHeight;
// Skip rows before the valid rectangle unless they are already cached.
if (y + rowHeight < this.validRect.y && !this.isValid(node, y)) {
y += rowHeight;
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(child, x, y);
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
if (y > this.validRect.maxY) {
// Estimate the remaining height for rows that we don't need to layout right now.
y += ([
...(0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelycollections.getChildNodes)(node, this.collection)
].length - (children.length + skipped)) * rowHeight;
rect.height = y - startY;
return {
header: header,
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect.intersection(this.validRect)
buildItem(node, x, y) {
let width = this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width;
let rectHeight = this.rowHeight;
let isEstimated = false;
// If no explicit height is available, use an estimated height.
if (rectHeight == null) {
// If a previous version of this layout info exists, reuse its height.
// Mark as estimated if the size of the overall collection view changed,
// or the content of the item changed.
let previousLayoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
if (previousLayoutNode) {
rectHeight = previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height;
isEstimated = width !== this.lastWidth || node !== previousLayoutNode.node || previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.estimatedSize;
} else {
rectHeight = this.estimatedRowHeight;
isEstimated = true;
if (rectHeight == null) rectHeight = $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$var$DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
if (typeof this.indentationForItem === "function") x += this.indentationForItem(this.collection, node.key) || 0;
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(x, y, width - x, rectHeight);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
// allow overflow so the focus ring/selection ring can extend outside to overlap with the adjacent items borders
layoutInfo.allowOverflow = true;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect
updateItemSize(key, size) {
let layoutInfo = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
// If no layoutInfo, item has been deleted/removed.
if (!layoutInfo) return false;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = false;
if (layoutInfo.rect.height !== size.height) {
// Copy layout info rather than mutating so that later caches are invalidated.
let newLayoutInfo = layoutInfo.copy();
newLayoutInfo.rect.height = size.height;
this.layoutInfos.set(key, newLayoutInfo);
// Invalidate layout for this layout node and all parents
this.updateLayoutNode(key, layoutInfo, newLayoutInfo);
let node = this.collection.getItem(layoutInfo.parentKey);
this.updateLayoutNode(node.key, layoutInfo, newLayoutInfo);
node = this.collection.getItem(node.parentKey);
return true;
return false;
updateLayoutNode(key, oldLayoutInfo, newLayoutInfo) {
let n = this.layoutNodes.get(key);
if (n) {
// Invalidate by reseting validRect.
n.validRect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)();
// Replace layout info in LayoutNode
if (n.header === oldLayoutInfo) n.header = newLayoutInfo;
else if (n.layoutInfo === oldLayoutInfo) n.layoutInfo = newLayoutInfo;
getContentSize() {
return this.contentSize;
getKeyAbove(key) {
let collection = this.collection;
key = collection.getKeyBefore(key);
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyBefore(key);
getKeyBelow(key) {
let collection = this.collection;
key = collection.getKeyAfter(key);
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyAfter(key);
getKeyPageAbove(key) {
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key);
if (layoutInfo) {
let pageY = Math.max(0, layoutInfo.rect.y + layoutInfo.rect.height - this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
while(layoutInfo && layoutInfo.rect.y > pageY){
let keyAbove = this.getKeyAbove(layoutInfo.key);
layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(keyAbove);
if (layoutInfo) return layoutInfo.key;
return this.getFirstKey();
getKeyPageBelow(key) {
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key != null ? key : this.getFirstKey());
if (layoutInfo) {
let pageY = Math.min(this.virtualizer.contentSize.height, layoutInfo.rect.y - layoutInfo.rect.height + this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
while(layoutInfo && layoutInfo.rect.y < pageY){
let keyBelow = this.getKeyBelow(layoutInfo.key);
layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(keyBelow);
if (layoutInfo) return layoutInfo.key;
return this.getLastKey();
getFirstKey() {
let collection = this.collection;
let key = collection.getFirstKey();
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyAfter(key);
getLastKey() {
let collection = this.collection;
let key = collection.getLastKey();
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyBefore(key);
getKeyForSearch(search, fromKey) {
if (!this.collator) return null;
let collection = this.collection;
let key = fromKey || this.getFirstKey();
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
let substring = item.textValue.slice(0, search.length);
if (item.textValue &&, search) === 0) return key;
key = this.getKeyBelow(key);
return null;
getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
layoutInfo.opacity = 0;
layoutInfo.transform = "scale3d(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)";
return layoutInfo;
getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
layoutInfo.opacity = 0;
layoutInfo.transform = "scale3d(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)";
return layoutInfo;
getDropTargetFromPoint(x, y, isValidDropTarget) {
x += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.x;
y += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.y;
let key = this.virtualizer.keyAtPoint(new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Point)(x, y));
if (key == null || this.collection.size === 0) return {
type: "root"
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key);
let rect = layoutInfo.rect;
let target = {
type: "item",
key: layoutInfo.key,
dropPosition: "on"
// If dropping on the item isn't accepted, try the target before or after depending on the y position.
// Otherwise, if dropping on the item is accepted, still try the before/after positions if within 10px
// of the top or bottom of the item.
if (!isValidDropTarget(target)) {
if (y <= rect.y + rect.height / 2 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
} else if (y <= rect.y + 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (y >= rect.maxY - 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
return target;
* Creates a new ListLayout with options. See the list of properties below for a description
* of the options that can be provided.
*/ constructor(options = {}){
this.disabledKeys = new Set();
this.allowDisabledKeyFocus = false;
this.rowHeight = options.rowHeight;
this.estimatedRowHeight = options.estimatedRowHeight;
this.headingHeight = options.headingHeight;
this.estimatedHeadingHeight = options.estimatedHeadingHeight;
this.padding = options.padding || 0;
this.indentationForItem = options.indentationForItem;
this.collator = options.collator;
this.loaderHeight = options.loaderHeight;
this.placeholderHeight = options.placeholderHeight;
this.layoutInfos = new Map();
this.layoutNodes = new Map();
this.rootNodes = [];
this.lastWidth = 0;
this.lastCollection = null;
this.allowDisabledKeyFocus = options.allowDisabledKeyFocus;
this.lastValidRect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)();
this.validRect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)();
this.contentSize = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Size)();
* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
class $67c493497dcda343$export$62444c3c724b1b20 extends (0, $fe69e47e38ed0ac4$export$cacbb3924155d68e) {
shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext) {
// If columns changed, clear layout cache.
return super.shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext) || !this.lastCollection || this.collection.columns.length !== this.lastCollection.columns.length || this.collection.columns.some((c, i)=>c.key !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].key || c.props.width !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].props.width || c.props.minWidth !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].props.minWidth || c.props.maxWidth !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].props.maxWidth);
getResizerPosition() {
var _this_getLayoutInfo;
return (_this_getLayoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(this.resizingColumn)) === null || _this_getLayoutInfo === void 0 ? void 0 : _this_getLayoutInfo.rect.maxX;
getColumnWidth(key) {
var _this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth;
return (_this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth = this.columnLayout.getColumnWidth(key)) !== null && _this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth !== void 0 ? _this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth : 0;
getColumnMinWidth(key) {
let column = this.collection.columns.find((col)=>col.key === key);
if (!column) return 0;
return this.columnLayout.getColumnMinWidth(key);
getColumnMaxWidth(key) {
let column = this.collection.columns.find((col)=>col.key === key);
if (!column) return 0;
return this.columnLayout.getColumnMaxWidth(key);
// outside, where this is called, should call props.onColumnResizeStart...
startResize(key) {
this.resizingColumn = key;
// only way to call props.onColumnResize with the new size outside of Layout is to send the result back
updateResizedColumns(key, width) {
let newControlled = new Map(Array.from(this.controlledColumns).map(([key, entry])=>[
let newSizes = this.columnLayout.resizeColumnWidth(this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, this.collection, newControlled, this.uncontrolledWidths, key, width);
let map = new Map(Array.from(this.uncontrolledColumns).map(([key])=>[
map.set(key, width);
this.uncontrolledWidths = map;
// relayoutNow still uses setState, should happen at the same time the parent
// component's state is processed as a result of props.onColumnResize
if (this.uncontrolledWidths.size > 0) this.virtualizer.relayoutNow({
sizeChanged: true
return newSizes;
endResize() {
this.resizingColumn = null;
buildCollection() {
// Track whether we were previously loading. This is used to adjust the animations of async loading vs inserts.
let loadingState = this.collection.body.props.loadingState;
this.wasLoading = this.isLoading;
this.isLoading = loadingState === "loading" || loadingState === "loadingMore";
this.stickyColumnIndices = [];
for (let column of this.collection.columns)// The selection cell and any other sticky columns always need to be visible.
// In addition, row headers need to be in the DOM for accessibility labeling.
if (column.props.isDragButtonCell || column.props.isSelectionCell || this.collection.rowHeaderColumnKeys.has(column.key)) this.stickyColumnIndices.push(column.index);
let [controlledColumns, uncontrolledColumns] = this.columnLayout.splitColumnsIntoControlledAndUncontrolled(this.collection.columns);
this.controlledColumns = controlledColumns;
this.uncontrolledColumns = uncontrolledColumns;
let colWidths = this.columnLayout.recombineColumns(this.collection.columns, this.uncontrolledWidths, uncontrolledColumns, controlledColumns);
this.columnWidths = this.columnLayout.buildColumnWidths(this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, this.collection, colWidths);
let header = this.buildHeader();
let body = this.buildBody(0);
this.lastPersistedKeys = null;
body.layoutInfo.rect.width = Math.max(header.layoutInfo.rect.width, body.layoutInfo.rect.width);
this.contentSize = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Size)(body.layoutInfo.rect.width, body.layoutInfo.rect.maxY);
return [
buildHeader() {
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, 0, 0, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("header", "header", rect);
let y = 0;
let width = 0;
let children = [];
for (let headerRow of this.collection.headerRows){
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(headerRow, 0, y);
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = "header";
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width);
layoutNode.index = children.length;
rect.width = width;
rect.height = y;
this.layoutInfos.set("header", layoutInfo);
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect
buildHeaderRow(headerRow, x, y) {
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, y, 0, 0);
let row = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("headerrow", headerRow.key, rect);
let height = 0;
let columns = [];
for (let cell of (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelycollections.getChildNodes)(headerRow, this.collection)){
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(cell, x, y);
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = row.key;
x = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxX;
height = Math.max(height, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height);
layoutNode.index = columns.length;
for (let [i, layout] of columns.entries())layout.layoutInfo.zIndex = columns.length - i + 1;
this.setChildHeights(columns, height);
rect.height = height;
rect.width = x;
return {
layoutInfo: row,
children: columns,
validRect: rect
setChildHeights(children, height) {
for (let child of children)if (child.layoutInfo.rect.height !== height) {
// Need to copy the layout info before we mutate it.
child.layoutInfo = child.layoutInfo.copy();
this.layoutInfos.set(child.layoutInfo.key, child.layoutInfo);
child.layoutInfo.rect.height = height;
// used to get the column widths when rendering to the DOM
getRenderedColumnWidth(node) {
var _node_colspan;
let colspan = (_node_colspan = node.colspan) !== null && _node_colspan !== void 0 ? _node_colspan : 1;
var _node_colIndex;
let colIndex = (_node_colIndex = node.colIndex) !== null && _node_colIndex !== void 0 ? _node_colIndex : node.index;
let width = 0;
for(let i = colIndex; i < colIndex + colspan; i++){
let column = this.collection.columns[i];
if ((column === null || column === void 0 ? void 0 : column.key) != null) width += this.columnWidths.get(column.key);
return width;
getEstimatedHeight(node, width, height, estimatedHeight) {
let isEstimated = false;
// If no explicit height is available, use an estimated height.
if (height == null) {
// If a previous version of this layout info exists, reuse its height.
// Mark as estimated if the size of the overall collection view changed,
// or the content of the item changed.
let previousLayoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
if (previousLayoutNode) {
height = previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height;
isEstimated = node !== previousLayoutNode.node || width !== previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width || previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.estimatedSize;
} else {
height = estimatedHeight;
isEstimated = true;
return {
height: height,
isEstimated: isEstimated
buildColumn(node, x, y) {
var _node_props, _node_props1;
let width = this.getRenderedColumnWidth(node);
let { height: height, isEstimated: isEstimated } = this.getEstimatedHeight(node, width, this.headingHeight, this.estimatedHeadingHeight);
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(x, y, width, height);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
layoutInfo.isSticky = !this.disableSticky && (((_node_props = node.props) === null || _node_props === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props.isDragButtonCell) || ((_node_props1 = node.props) === null || _node_props1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props1.isSelectionCell));
layoutInfo.zIndex = layoutInfo.isSticky ? 2 : 1;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect
buildBody(y) {
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(0, y, 0, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("rowgroup", "body", rect);
let startY = y;
let skipped = 0;
let width = 0;
let children = [];
for (let [i, node] of [
var _this_rowHeight;
let rowHeight = ((_this_rowHeight = this.rowHeight) !== null && _this_rowHeight !== void 0 ? _this_rowHeight : this.estimatedRowHeight) + 1;
// Skip rows before the valid rectangle unless they are already cached.
if (y + rowHeight < this.validRect.y && !this.isValid(node, y)) {
y += rowHeight;
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(node, 0, y);
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = "body";
layoutNode.index = i;
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width);
if (y > this.validRect.maxY) {
// Estimate the remaining height for rows that we don't need to layout right now.
y += (this.collection.size - (skipped + children.length)) * rowHeight;
if (this.isLoading) {
// Add some margin around the loader to ensure that scrollbars don't flicker in and out.
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(40, Math.max(y, 40), (width || this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width) - 80, children.length === 0 ? this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height - 80 : 60);
let loader = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("loader", "loader", rect);
loader.parentKey = "body";
loader.isSticky = !this.disableSticky && children.length === 0;
this.layoutInfos.set("loader", loader);
layoutInfo: loader,
validRect: loader.rect
y = loader.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, rect.width);
} else if (children.length === 0) {
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(40, Math.max(y, 40), this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width - 80, this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height - 80);
let empty = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("empty", "empty", rect);
empty.parentKey = "body";
empty.isSticky = !this.disableSticky;
this.layoutInfos.set("empty", empty);
layoutInfo: empty,
validRect: empty.rect
y = empty.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, rect.width);
rect.width = width;
rect.height = y - startY;
this.layoutInfos.set("body", layoutInfo);
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect.intersection(this.validRect)
buildNode(node, x, y) {
case "headerrow":
return this.buildHeaderRow(node, x, y);
case "item":
return this.buildRow(node, x, y);
case "column":
case "placeholder":
return this.buildColumn(node, x, y);
case "cell":
return this.buildCell(node, x, y);
throw new Error("Unknown node type " + node.type);
buildRow(node, x, y) {
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(x, y, 0, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)("row", node.key, rect);
let children = [];
let height = 0;
for (let [i, child] of [
...(0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelycollections.getChildNodes)(node, this.collection)
].entries())if (child.type === "cell") {
if (x > this.validRect.maxX) {
// Adjust existing cached layoutInfo to ensure that it is out of view.
// This can happen due to column resizing.
let layoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(child.key);
if (layoutNode) {
layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.x = x;
x += layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width;
} else {
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(child, x, y);
x = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxX;
height = Math.max(height, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height);
layoutNode.index = i;
this.setChildHeights(children, height);
rect.width = this.layoutInfos.get("header").rect.width;
rect.height = height + 1; // +1 for bottom border
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: rect.intersection(this.validRect)
buildCell(node, x, y) {
var _node_props, _node_props1;
let width = this.getRenderedColumnWidth(node);
let { height: height, isEstimated: isEstimated } = this.getEstimatedHeight(node, width, this.rowHeight, this.estimatedRowHeight);
let rect = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(x, y, width, height);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
layoutInfo.isSticky = !this.disableSticky && (((_node_props = node.props) === null || _node_props === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props.isDragButtonCell) || ((_node_props1 = node.props) === null || _node_props1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props1.isSelectionCell));
layoutInfo.zIndex = layoutInfo.isSticky ? 2 : 1;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
validRect: rect
getVisibleLayoutInfos(rect) {
// If layout hasn't yet been done for the requested rect, union the
// new rect with the existing valid rect, and recompute.
if (!this.validRect.containsRect(rect) && this.lastCollection) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = this.validRect.union(rect);
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
let res = [];
for (let node of this.rootNodes){
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node, rect);
return res;
addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node, rect) {
if (!node.children || node.children.length === 0) return;
case "header":
for (let child of node.children){
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, child, rect);
case "rowgroup":
let firstVisibleRow = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.topLeft, "y");
let lastVisibleRow = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.bottomRight, "y");
// Add persisted rows before the visible rows.
let persistedRowIndices = this.persistedIndices.get(node.layoutInfo.key);
let persistIndex = 0;
while(persistedRowIndices && persistIndex < persistedRowIndices.length && persistedRowIndices[persistIndex] < firstVisibleRow){
let idx = persistedRowIndices[persistIndex];
if (idx < node.children.length) {
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node.children[idx], rect);
for(let i = firstVisibleRow; i <= lastVisibleRow; i++){
// Skip persisted rows that overlap with visible cells.
while(persistedRowIndices && persistIndex < persistedRowIndices.length && persistedRowIndices[persistIndex] < i)persistIndex++;
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node.children[i], rect);
// Add persisted rows after the visible rows.
while(persistedRowIndices && persistIndex < persistedRowIndices.length){
let idx = persistedRowIndices[persistIndex++];
if (idx < node.children.length) res.push(node.children[idx].layoutInfo);
case "headerrow":
case "row":
let firstVisibleCell = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.topLeft, "x");
let lastVisibleCell = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.topRight, "x");
let stickyIndex = 0;
// Add persisted/sticky cells before the visible cells.
let persistedCellIndices = this.persistedIndices.get(node.layoutInfo.key) || this.stickyColumnIndices;
while(stickyIndex < persistedCellIndices.length && persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex] < firstVisibleCell){
let idx = persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex];
if (idx < node.children.length) res.push(node.children[idx].layoutInfo);
for(let i = firstVisibleCell; i <= lastVisibleCell; i++){
// Skip sticky cells that overlap with visible cells.
while(stickyIndex < persistedCellIndices.length && persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex] < i)stickyIndex++;
// Add any remaining sticky cells after the visible cells.
while(stickyIndex < persistedCellIndices.length){
let idx = persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex++];
if (idx < node.children.length) res.push(node.children[idx].layoutInfo);
throw new Error("Unknown node type " + node.layoutInfo.type);
binarySearch(items, point, axis) {
let low = 0;
let high = items.length - 1;
while(low <= high){
let mid = low + high >> 1;
let item = items[mid];
if (axis === "x" && item.layoutInfo.rect.maxX < point.x || axis === "y" && item.layoutInfo.rect.maxY < point.y) low = mid + 1;
else if (axis === "x" && item.layoutInfo.rect.x > point.x || axis === "y" && item.layoutInfo.rect.y > point.y) high = mid - 1;
else return mid;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(items.length - 1, low));
buildPersistedIndices() {
if (this.virtualizer.persistedKeys === this.lastPersistedKeys) return;
this.lastPersistedKeys = this.virtualizer.persistedKeys;
// Build a map of parentKey => indices of children to persist.
for (let key of this.virtualizer.persistedKeys){
let layoutInfo = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
// Walk up ancestors so parents are also persisted if children are.
while(layoutInfo && layoutInfo.parentKey){
let collectionNode = this.collection.getItem(layoutInfo.key);
let indices = this.persistedIndices.get(layoutInfo.parentKey);
if (!indices) {
// stickyColumnIndices are always persisted along with any cells from persistedKeys.
indices = collectionNode.type === "cell" || collectionNode.type === "column" ? [
] : [];
this.persistedIndices.set(layoutInfo.parentKey, indices);
let index = this.layoutNodes.get(layoutInfo.key).index;
if (!indices.includes(index)) indices.push(index);
layoutInfo = this.layoutInfos.get(layoutInfo.parentKey);
for (let indices of this.persistedIndices.values())indices.sort((a, b)=>a - b);
getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
let res = super.getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo);
res.transform = null;
return res;
getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
let res = super.getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo);
res.transform = null;
return res;
// Checks if Chrome version is 105 or greater
checkChrome105() {
var _window_navigator_userAgentData;
if (typeof window === "undefined" || window.navigator == null) return false;
let isChrome105;
if (window.navigator["userAgentData"]) isChrome105 = (_window_navigator_userAgentData = window.navigator["userAgentData"]) === null || _window_navigator_userAgentData === void 0 ? void 0 : _window_navigator_userAgentData.brands.some((b)=>b.brand === "Chromium" && Number(b.version) === 105);
else {
let regex = /Chrome\/(\d+)/;
let matches = regex.exec(window.navigator.userAgent);
isChrome105 = matches && matches.length >= 2 && Number(matches[1]) === 105;
return isChrome105;
getDropTargetFromPoint(x, y, isValidDropTarget) {
var _this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find;
x += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.x;
y += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.y;
// Offset for height of header row
y -= (_this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find = this.virtualizer.layout.getVisibleLayoutInfos(new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(x, y, 1, 1)).find((info)=>info.type === "headerrow")) === null || _this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find === void 0 ? void 0 : _this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find.rect.height;
// Custom variation of this.virtualizer.keyAtPoint that ignores body
let key;
let point = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Point)(x, y);
let rectAtPoint = new (0, $cMJQZ$reactstatelyvirtualizer.Rect)(point.x, point.y, 1, 1);
let layoutInfos = this.virtualizer.layout.getVisibleLayoutInfos(rectAtPoint).filter((info)=>info.type === "row");
// Layout may return multiple layout infos in the case of
// persisted keys, so find the first one that actually intersects.
for (let layoutInfo of layoutInfos)if (layoutInfo.rect.intersects(rectAtPoint)) key = layoutInfo.key;
if (key == null || this.collection.size === 0) return {
type: "root"
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key);
let rect = layoutInfo.rect;
let target = {
type: "item",
key: layoutInfo.key,
dropPosition: "on"
// If dropping on the item isn't accepted, try the target before or after depending on the y position.
// Otherwise, if dropping on the item is accepted, still try the before/after positions if within 10px
// of the top or bottom of the item.
if (!isValidDropTarget(target)) {
if (y <= rect.y + rect.height / 2 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
} else if (y <= rect.y + 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (y >= rect.maxY - 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
return target;
this.columnWidths = new Map();
this.wasLoading = false;
this.isLoading = false;
this.lastPersistedKeys = null;
this.persistedIndices = new Map();
this.collection = options.initialCollection;
this.stickyColumnIndices = [];
this.disableSticky = this.checkChrome105();
this.columnLayout = options.columnLayout;
let [controlledColumns, uncontrolledColumns] = this.columnLayout.splitColumnsIntoControlledAndUncontrolled(this.collection.columns);
this.controlledColumns = controlledColumns;
this.uncontrolledColumns = uncontrolledColumns;
this.uncontrolledWidths = this.columnLayout.getInitialUncontrolledWidths(uncontrolledColumns);

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import {getChildNodes as $gtW1T$getChildNodes} from "@react-stately/collections";
import {Rect as $gtW1T$Rect, LayoutInfo as $gtW1T$LayoutInfo, Size as $gtW1T$Size, Point as $gtW1T$Point, Layout as $gtW1T$Layout} from "@react-stately/virtualizer";
import {ListLayout as $61ef60fc9b1041f4$export$cacbb3924155d68e} from "./ListLayout.module.js";
import {TableLayout as $a152112e902709bf$export$62444c3c724b1b20} from "./TableLayout.module.js";

@@ -14,946 +14,7 @@ /*

* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
*/ /*
* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
const $61ef60fc9b1041f4$var$DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 48;
class $61ef60fc9b1041f4$export$cacbb3924155d68e extends (0, $gtW1T$Layout) {
getLayoutInfo(key) {
let res = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
// If the layout info wasn't found, it might be outside the bounds of the area that we've
// computed layout for so far. This can happen when accessing a random key, e.g pressing Home/End.
// Compute the full layout and try again.
if (!res && this.validRect.area < this.contentSize.area && this.lastCollection) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, 0, Infinity, Infinity);
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
this.validRect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, 0, this.contentSize.width, this.contentSize.height);
res = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
return res;
getVisibleLayoutInfos(rect) {
// If layout hasn't yet been done for the requested rect, union the
// new rect with the existing valid rect, and recompute.
if (!this.validRect.containsRect(rect) && this.lastCollection) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = this.validRect.union(rect);
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
let res = [];
let addNodes = (nodes)=>{
for (let node of nodes)if (this.isVisible(node, rect)) {
if (node.header) res.push(node.header);
if (node.children) addNodes(node.children);
return res;
isVisible(node, rect) {
return node.layoutInfo.rect.intersects(rect) || node.layoutInfo.isSticky || this.virtualizer.isPersistedKey(node.layoutInfo.key);
shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext) {
// Invalidate cache if the size of the collection changed.
// In this case, we need to recalculate the entire layout.
return invalidationContext.sizeChanged;
validate(invalidationContext) {
this.collection = this.virtualizer.collection;
// Reset valid rect if we will have to invalidate everything.
// Otherwise we can reuse cached layout infos outside the current visible rect.
this.invalidateEverything = this.shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext);
if (this.invalidateEverything) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = this.virtualizer.getVisibleRect();
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
// Remove deleted layout nodes
if (this.lastCollection && this.collection !== this.lastCollection) {
for (let key of this.lastCollection.getKeys())if (!this.collection.getItem(key)) {
let layoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(key);
if (layoutNode) {
var _layoutNode_header;
this.layoutInfos.delete((_layoutNode_header = layoutNode.header) === null || _layoutNode_header === void 0 ? void 0 : _layoutNode_header.key);
this.lastWidth = this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width;
this.lastCollection = this.collection;
this.invalidateEverything = false;
buildCollection() {
let y = this.padding;
let skipped = 0;
let nodes = [];
for (let node of this.collection){
var _this_rowHeight;
let rowHeight = (_this_rowHeight = this.rowHeight) !== null && _this_rowHeight !== void 0 ? _this_rowHeight : this.estimatedRowHeight;
// Skip rows before the valid rectangle unless they are already cached.
if (node.type === "item" && y + rowHeight < this.validRect.y && !this.isValid(node, y)) {
y += rowHeight;
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(node, 0, y);
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
if (node.type === "item" && y > this.validRect.maxY) {
y += (this.collection.size - (nodes.length + skipped)) * rowHeight;
if (this.isLoading) {
var _this_loaderHeight;
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, y, this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, (_this_loaderHeight = this.loaderHeight) !== null && _this_loaderHeight !== void 0 ? _this_loaderHeight : this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
let loader = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("loader", "loader", rect);
this.layoutInfos.set("loader", loader);
layoutInfo: loader
y = loader.rect.maxY;
if (nodes.length === 0) {
var _this_placeholderHeight;
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, y, this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, (_this_placeholderHeight = this.placeholderHeight) !== null && _this_placeholderHeight !== void 0 ? _this_placeholderHeight : this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
let placeholder = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("placeholder", "placeholder", rect);
this.layoutInfos.set("placeholder", placeholder);
layoutInfo: placeholder
y = placeholder.rect.maxY;
this.contentSize = new (0, $gtW1T$Size)(this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, y + this.padding);
return nodes;
isValid(node, y) {
let cached = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
return !this.invalidateEverything && cached && cached.node === node && y === (cached.header || cached.layoutInfo).rect.y && cached.layoutInfo.rect.intersects(this.lastValidRect) && cached.validRect.containsRect(cached.layoutInfo.rect.intersection(this.validRect));
buildChild(node, x, y) {
if (this.isValid(node, y)) return this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
let layoutNode = this.buildNode(node, x, y);
layoutNode.node = node;
var _node_parentKey;
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = (_node_parentKey = node.parentKey) !== null && _node_parentKey !== void 0 ? _node_parentKey : null;
this.layoutInfos.set(layoutNode.layoutInfo.key, layoutNode.layoutInfo);
if (layoutNode.header) this.layoutInfos.set(layoutNode.header.key, layoutNode.header);
this.layoutNodes.set(node.key, layoutNode);
return layoutNode;
buildNode(node, x, y) {
case "section":
return this.buildSection(node, x, y);
case "item":
return this.buildItem(node, x, y);
buildSection(node, x, y) {
let width = this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width;
let rectHeight = this.headingHeight;
let isEstimated = false;
// If no explicit height is available, use an estimated height.
if (rectHeight == null) {
// If a previous version of this layout info exists, reuse its height.
// Mark as estimated if the size of the overall collection view changed,
// or the content of the item changed.
let previousLayoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
if (previousLayoutNode && previousLayoutNode.header) {
let curNode = this.collection.getItem(node.key);
let lastNode = this.lastCollection ? this.lastCollection.getItem(node.key) : null;
rectHeight = previousLayoutNode.header.rect.height;
isEstimated = width !== this.lastWidth || curNode !== lastNode || previousLayoutNode.header.estimatedSize;
} else {
rectHeight = node.rendered ? this.estimatedHeadingHeight : 0;
isEstimated = true;
if (rectHeight == null) rectHeight = $61ef60fc9b1041f4$var$DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
let headerRect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, y, width, rectHeight);
let header = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("header", node.key + ":header", headerRect);
header.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
header.parentKey = node.key;
y += header.rect.height;
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, y, width, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
let startY = y;
let skipped = 0;
let children = [];
for (let child of (0, $gtW1T$getChildNodes)(node, this.collection)){
var _this_rowHeight;
let rowHeight = (_this_rowHeight = this.rowHeight) !== null && _this_rowHeight !== void 0 ? _this_rowHeight : this.estimatedRowHeight;
// Skip rows before the valid rectangle unless they are already cached.
if (y + rowHeight < this.validRect.y && !this.isValid(node, y)) {
y += rowHeight;
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(child, x, y);
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
if (y > this.validRect.maxY) {
// Estimate the remaining height for rows that we don't need to layout right now.
y += ([
...(0, $gtW1T$getChildNodes)(node, this.collection)
].length - (children.length + skipped)) * rowHeight;
rect.height = y - startY;
return {
header: header,
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect.intersection(this.validRect)
buildItem(node, x, y) {
let width = this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width;
let rectHeight = this.rowHeight;
let isEstimated = false;
// If no explicit height is available, use an estimated height.
if (rectHeight == null) {
// If a previous version of this layout info exists, reuse its height.
// Mark as estimated if the size of the overall collection view changed,
// or the content of the item changed.
let previousLayoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
if (previousLayoutNode) {
rectHeight = previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height;
isEstimated = width !== this.lastWidth || node !== previousLayoutNode.node || previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.estimatedSize;
} else {
rectHeight = this.estimatedRowHeight;
isEstimated = true;
if (rectHeight == null) rectHeight = $61ef60fc9b1041f4$var$DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
if (typeof this.indentationForItem === "function") x += this.indentationForItem(this.collection, node.key) || 0;
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(x, y, width - x, rectHeight);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
// allow overflow so the focus ring/selection ring can extend outside to overlap with the adjacent items borders
layoutInfo.allowOverflow = true;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect
updateItemSize(key, size) {
let layoutInfo = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
// If no layoutInfo, item has been deleted/removed.
if (!layoutInfo) return false;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = false;
if (layoutInfo.rect.height !== size.height) {
// Copy layout info rather than mutating so that later caches are invalidated.
let newLayoutInfo = layoutInfo.copy();
newLayoutInfo.rect.height = size.height;
this.layoutInfos.set(key, newLayoutInfo);
// Invalidate layout for this layout node and all parents
this.updateLayoutNode(key, layoutInfo, newLayoutInfo);
let node = this.collection.getItem(layoutInfo.parentKey);
this.updateLayoutNode(node.key, layoutInfo, newLayoutInfo);
node = this.collection.getItem(node.parentKey);
return true;
return false;
updateLayoutNode(key, oldLayoutInfo, newLayoutInfo) {
let n = this.layoutNodes.get(key);
if (n) {
// Invalidate by reseting validRect.
n.validRect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)();
// Replace layout info in LayoutNode
if (n.header === oldLayoutInfo) n.header = newLayoutInfo;
else if (n.layoutInfo === oldLayoutInfo) n.layoutInfo = newLayoutInfo;
getContentSize() {
return this.contentSize;
getKeyAbove(key) {
let collection = this.collection;
key = collection.getKeyBefore(key);
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyBefore(key);
getKeyBelow(key) {
let collection = this.collection;
key = collection.getKeyAfter(key);
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyAfter(key);
getKeyPageAbove(key) {
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key);
if (layoutInfo) {
let pageY = Math.max(0, layoutInfo.rect.y + layoutInfo.rect.height - this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
while(layoutInfo && layoutInfo.rect.y > pageY){
let keyAbove = this.getKeyAbove(layoutInfo.key);
layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(keyAbove);
if (layoutInfo) return layoutInfo.key;
return this.getFirstKey();
getKeyPageBelow(key) {
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key != null ? key : this.getFirstKey());
if (layoutInfo) {
let pageY = Math.min(this.virtualizer.contentSize.height, layoutInfo.rect.y - layoutInfo.rect.height + this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height);
while(layoutInfo && layoutInfo.rect.y < pageY){
let keyBelow = this.getKeyBelow(layoutInfo.key);
layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(keyBelow);
if (layoutInfo) return layoutInfo.key;
return this.getLastKey();
getFirstKey() {
let collection = this.collection;
let key = collection.getFirstKey();
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyAfter(key);
getLastKey() {
let collection = this.collection;
let key = collection.getLastKey();
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
if (item.type === "item" && (this.allowDisabledKeyFocus || !this.disabledKeys.has(item.key))) return key;
key = collection.getKeyBefore(key);
getKeyForSearch(search, fromKey) {
if (!this.collator) return null;
let collection = this.collection;
let key = fromKey || this.getFirstKey();
while(key != null){
let item = collection.getItem(key);
let substring = item.textValue.slice(0, search.length);
if (item.textValue &&, search) === 0) return key;
key = this.getKeyBelow(key);
return null;
getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
layoutInfo.opacity = 0;
layoutInfo.transform = "scale3d(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)";
return layoutInfo;
getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
layoutInfo.opacity = 0;
layoutInfo.transform = "scale3d(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)";
return layoutInfo;
getDropTargetFromPoint(x, y, isValidDropTarget) {
x += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.x;
y += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.y;
let key = this.virtualizer.keyAtPoint(new (0, $gtW1T$Point)(x, y));
if (key == null || this.collection.size === 0) return {
type: "root"
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key);
let rect = layoutInfo.rect;
let target = {
type: "item",
key: layoutInfo.key,
dropPosition: "on"
// If dropping on the item isn't accepted, try the target before or after depending on the y position.
// Otherwise, if dropping on the item is accepted, still try the before/after positions if within 10px
// of the top or bottom of the item.
if (!isValidDropTarget(target)) {
if (y <= rect.y + rect.height / 2 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
} else if (y <= rect.y + 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (y >= rect.maxY - 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
return target;
* Creates a new ListLayout with options. See the list of properties below for a description
* of the options that can be provided.
*/ constructor(options = {}){
this.disabledKeys = new Set();
this.allowDisabledKeyFocus = false;
this.rowHeight = options.rowHeight;
this.estimatedRowHeight = options.estimatedRowHeight;
this.headingHeight = options.headingHeight;
this.estimatedHeadingHeight = options.estimatedHeadingHeight;
this.padding = options.padding || 0;
this.indentationForItem = options.indentationForItem;
this.collator = options.collator;
this.loaderHeight = options.loaderHeight;
this.placeholderHeight = options.placeholderHeight;
this.layoutInfos = new Map();
this.layoutNodes = new Map();
this.rootNodes = [];
this.lastWidth = 0;
this.lastCollection = null;
this.allowDisabledKeyFocus = options.allowDisabledKeyFocus;
this.lastValidRect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)();
this.validRect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)();
this.contentSize = new (0, $gtW1T$Size)();
* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
class $a152112e902709bf$export$62444c3c724b1b20 extends (0, $61ef60fc9b1041f4$export$cacbb3924155d68e) {
shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext) {
// If columns changed, clear layout cache.
return super.shouldInvalidateEverything(invalidationContext) || !this.lastCollection || this.collection.columns.length !== this.lastCollection.columns.length || this.collection.columns.some((c, i)=>c.key !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].key || c.props.width !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].props.width || c.props.minWidth !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].props.minWidth || c.props.maxWidth !== this.lastCollection.columns[i].props.maxWidth);
getResizerPosition() {
var _this_getLayoutInfo;
return (_this_getLayoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(this.resizingColumn)) === null || _this_getLayoutInfo === void 0 ? void 0 : _this_getLayoutInfo.rect.maxX;
getColumnWidth(key) {
var _this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth;
return (_this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth = this.columnLayout.getColumnWidth(key)) !== null && _this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth !== void 0 ? _this_columnLayout_getColumnWidth : 0;
getColumnMinWidth(key) {
let column = this.collection.columns.find((col)=>col.key === key);
if (!column) return 0;
return this.columnLayout.getColumnMinWidth(key);
getColumnMaxWidth(key) {
let column = this.collection.columns.find((col)=>col.key === key);
if (!column) return 0;
return this.columnLayout.getColumnMaxWidth(key);
// outside, where this is called, should call props.onColumnResizeStart...
startResize(key) {
this.resizingColumn = key;
// only way to call props.onColumnResize with the new size outside of Layout is to send the result back
updateResizedColumns(key, width) {
let newControlled = new Map(Array.from(this.controlledColumns).map(([key, entry])=>[
let newSizes = this.columnLayout.resizeColumnWidth(this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, this.collection, newControlled, this.uncontrolledWidths, key, width);
let map = new Map(Array.from(this.uncontrolledColumns).map(([key])=>[
map.set(key, width);
this.uncontrolledWidths = map;
// relayoutNow still uses setState, should happen at the same time the parent
// component's state is processed as a result of props.onColumnResize
if (this.uncontrolledWidths.size > 0) this.virtualizer.relayoutNow({
sizeChanged: true
return newSizes;
endResize() {
this.resizingColumn = null;
buildCollection() {
// Track whether we were previously loading. This is used to adjust the animations of async loading vs inserts.
let loadingState = this.collection.body.props.loadingState;
this.wasLoading = this.isLoading;
this.isLoading = loadingState === "loading" || loadingState === "loadingMore";
this.stickyColumnIndices = [];
for (let column of this.collection.columns)// The selection cell and any other sticky columns always need to be visible.
// In addition, row headers need to be in the DOM for accessibility labeling.
if (column.props.isDragButtonCell || column.props.isSelectionCell || this.collection.rowHeaderColumnKeys.has(column.key)) this.stickyColumnIndices.push(column.index);
let [controlledColumns, uncontrolledColumns] = this.columnLayout.splitColumnsIntoControlledAndUncontrolled(this.collection.columns);
this.controlledColumns = controlledColumns;
this.uncontrolledColumns = uncontrolledColumns;
let colWidths = this.columnLayout.recombineColumns(this.collection.columns, this.uncontrolledWidths, uncontrolledColumns, controlledColumns);
this.columnWidths = this.columnLayout.buildColumnWidths(this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width, this.collection, colWidths);
let header = this.buildHeader();
let body = this.buildBody(0);
this.lastPersistedKeys = null;
body.layoutInfo.rect.width = Math.max(header.layoutInfo.rect.width, body.layoutInfo.rect.width);
this.contentSize = new (0, $gtW1T$Size)(body.layoutInfo.rect.width, body.layoutInfo.rect.maxY);
return [
buildHeader() {
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, 0, 0, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("header", "header", rect);
let y = 0;
let width = 0;
let children = [];
for (let headerRow of this.collection.headerRows){
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(headerRow, 0, y);
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = "header";
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width);
layoutNode.index = children.length;
rect.width = width;
rect.height = y;
this.layoutInfos.set("header", layoutInfo);
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect
buildHeaderRow(headerRow, x, y) {
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, y, 0, 0);
let row = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("headerrow", headerRow.key, rect);
let height = 0;
let columns = [];
for (let cell of (0, $gtW1T$getChildNodes)(headerRow, this.collection)){
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(cell, x, y);
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = row.key;
x = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxX;
height = Math.max(height, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height);
layoutNode.index = columns.length;
for (let [i, layout] of columns.entries())layout.layoutInfo.zIndex = columns.length - i + 1;
this.setChildHeights(columns, height);
rect.height = height;
rect.width = x;
return {
layoutInfo: row,
children: columns,
validRect: rect
setChildHeights(children, height) {
for (let child of children)if (child.layoutInfo.rect.height !== height) {
// Need to copy the layout info before we mutate it.
child.layoutInfo = child.layoutInfo.copy();
this.layoutInfos.set(child.layoutInfo.key, child.layoutInfo);
child.layoutInfo.rect.height = height;
// used to get the column widths when rendering to the DOM
getRenderedColumnWidth(node) {
var _node_colspan;
let colspan = (_node_colspan = node.colspan) !== null && _node_colspan !== void 0 ? _node_colspan : 1;
var _node_colIndex;
let colIndex = (_node_colIndex = node.colIndex) !== null && _node_colIndex !== void 0 ? _node_colIndex : node.index;
let width = 0;
for(let i = colIndex; i < colIndex + colspan; i++){
let column = this.collection.columns[i];
if ((column === null || column === void 0 ? void 0 : column.key) != null) width += this.columnWidths.get(column.key);
return width;
getEstimatedHeight(node, width, height, estimatedHeight) {
let isEstimated = false;
// If no explicit height is available, use an estimated height.
if (height == null) {
// If a previous version of this layout info exists, reuse its height.
// Mark as estimated if the size of the overall collection view changed,
// or the content of the item changed.
let previousLayoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(node.key);
if (previousLayoutNode) {
height = previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height;
isEstimated = node !== previousLayoutNode.node || width !== previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width || previousLayoutNode.layoutInfo.estimatedSize;
} else {
height = estimatedHeight;
isEstimated = true;
return {
height: height,
isEstimated: isEstimated
buildColumn(node, x, y) {
var _node_props, _node_props1;
let width = this.getRenderedColumnWidth(node);
let { height: height, isEstimated: isEstimated } = this.getEstimatedHeight(node, width, this.headingHeight, this.estimatedHeadingHeight);
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(x, y, width, height);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
layoutInfo.isSticky = !this.disableSticky && (((_node_props = node.props) === null || _node_props === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props.isDragButtonCell) || ((_node_props1 = node.props) === null || _node_props1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props1.isSelectionCell));
layoutInfo.zIndex = layoutInfo.isSticky ? 2 : 1;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect
buildBody(y) {
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(0, y, 0, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("rowgroup", "body", rect);
let startY = y;
let skipped = 0;
let width = 0;
let children = [];
for (let [i, node] of [
var _this_rowHeight;
let rowHeight = ((_this_rowHeight = this.rowHeight) !== null && _this_rowHeight !== void 0 ? _this_rowHeight : this.estimatedRowHeight) + 1;
// Skip rows before the valid rectangle unless they are already cached.
if (y + rowHeight < this.validRect.y && !this.isValid(node, y)) {
y += rowHeight;
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(node, 0, y);
layoutNode.layoutInfo.parentKey = "body";
layoutNode.index = i;
y = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width);
if (y > this.validRect.maxY) {
// Estimate the remaining height for rows that we don't need to layout right now.
y += (this.collection.size - (skipped + children.length)) * rowHeight;
if (this.isLoading) {
// Add some margin around the loader to ensure that scrollbars don't flicker in and out.
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(40, Math.max(y, 40), (width || this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width) - 80, children.length === 0 ? this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height - 80 : 60);
let loader = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("loader", "loader", rect);
loader.parentKey = "body";
loader.isSticky = !this.disableSticky && children.length === 0;
this.layoutInfos.set("loader", loader);
layoutInfo: loader,
validRect: loader.rect
y = loader.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, rect.width);
} else if (children.length === 0) {
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(40, Math.max(y, 40), this.virtualizer.visibleRect.width - 80, this.virtualizer.visibleRect.height - 80);
let empty = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("empty", "empty", rect);
empty.parentKey = "body";
empty.isSticky = !this.disableSticky;
this.layoutInfos.set("empty", empty);
layoutInfo: empty,
validRect: empty.rect
y = empty.rect.maxY;
width = Math.max(width, rect.width);
rect.width = width;
rect.height = y - startY;
this.layoutInfos.set("body", layoutInfo);
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: layoutInfo.rect.intersection(this.validRect)
buildNode(node, x, y) {
case "headerrow":
return this.buildHeaderRow(node, x, y);
case "item":
return this.buildRow(node, x, y);
case "column":
case "placeholder":
return this.buildColumn(node, x, y);
case "cell":
return this.buildCell(node, x, y);
throw new Error("Unknown node type " + node.type);
buildRow(node, x, y) {
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(x, y, 0, 0);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)("row", node.key, rect);
let children = [];
let height = 0;
for (let [i, child] of [
...(0, $gtW1T$getChildNodes)(node, this.collection)
].entries())if (child.type === "cell") {
if (x > this.validRect.maxX) {
// Adjust existing cached layoutInfo to ensure that it is out of view.
// This can happen due to column resizing.
let layoutNode = this.layoutNodes.get(child.key);
if (layoutNode) {
layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.x = x;
x += layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.width;
} else {
let layoutNode = this.buildChild(child, x, y);
x = layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.maxX;
height = Math.max(height, layoutNode.layoutInfo.rect.height);
layoutNode.index = i;
this.setChildHeights(children, height);
rect.width = this.layoutInfos.get("header").rect.width;
rect.height = height + 1; // +1 for bottom border
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
children: children,
validRect: rect.intersection(this.validRect)
buildCell(node, x, y) {
var _node_props, _node_props1;
let width = this.getRenderedColumnWidth(node);
let { height: height, isEstimated: isEstimated } = this.getEstimatedHeight(node, width, this.rowHeight, this.estimatedRowHeight);
let rect = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(x, y, width, height);
let layoutInfo = new (0, $gtW1T$LayoutInfo)(node.type, node.key, rect);
layoutInfo.isSticky = !this.disableSticky && (((_node_props = node.props) === null || _node_props === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props.isDragButtonCell) || ((_node_props1 = node.props) === null || _node_props1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _node_props1.isSelectionCell));
layoutInfo.zIndex = layoutInfo.isSticky ? 2 : 1;
layoutInfo.estimatedSize = isEstimated;
return {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
validRect: rect
getVisibleLayoutInfos(rect) {
// If layout hasn't yet been done for the requested rect, union the
// new rect with the existing valid rect, and recompute.
if (!this.validRect.containsRect(rect) && this.lastCollection) {
this.lastValidRect = this.validRect;
this.validRect = this.validRect.union(rect);
this.rootNodes = this.buildCollection();
let res = [];
for (let node of this.rootNodes){
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node, rect);
return res;
addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node, rect) {
if (!node.children || node.children.length === 0) return;
case "header":
for (let child of node.children){
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, child, rect);
case "rowgroup":
let firstVisibleRow = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.topLeft, "y");
let lastVisibleRow = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.bottomRight, "y");
// Add persisted rows before the visible rows.
let persistedRowIndices = this.persistedIndices.get(node.layoutInfo.key);
let persistIndex = 0;
while(persistedRowIndices && persistIndex < persistedRowIndices.length && persistedRowIndices[persistIndex] < firstVisibleRow){
let idx = persistedRowIndices[persistIndex];
if (idx < node.children.length) {
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node.children[idx], rect);
for(let i = firstVisibleRow; i <= lastVisibleRow; i++){
// Skip persisted rows that overlap with visible cells.
while(persistedRowIndices && persistIndex < persistedRowIndices.length && persistedRowIndices[persistIndex] < i)persistIndex++;
this.addVisibleLayoutInfos(res, node.children[i], rect);
// Add persisted rows after the visible rows.
while(persistedRowIndices && persistIndex < persistedRowIndices.length){
let idx = persistedRowIndices[persistIndex++];
if (idx < node.children.length) res.push(node.children[idx].layoutInfo);
case "headerrow":
case "row":
let firstVisibleCell = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.topLeft, "x");
let lastVisibleCell = this.binarySearch(node.children, rect.topRight, "x");
let stickyIndex = 0;
// Add persisted/sticky cells before the visible cells.
let persistedCellIndices = this.persistedIndices.get(node.layoutInfo.key) || this.stickyColumnIndices;
while(stickyIndex < persistedCellIndices.length && persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex] < firstVisibleCell){
let idx = persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex];
if (idx < node.children.length) res.push(node.children[idx].layoutInfo);
for(let i = firstVisibleCell; i <= lastVisibleCell; i++){
// Skip sticky cells that overlap with visible cells.
while(stickyIndex < persistedCellIndices.length && persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex] < i)stickyIndex++;
// Add any remaining sticky cells after the visible cells.
while(stickyIndex < persistedCellIndices.length){
let idx = persistedCellIndices[stickyIndex++];
if (idx < node.children.length) res.push(node.children[idx].layoutInfo);
throw new Error("Unknown node type " + node.layoutInfo.type);
binarySearch(items, point, axis) {
let low = 0;
let high = items.length - 1;
while(low <= high){
let mid = low + high >> 1;
let item = items[mid];
if (axis === "x" && item.layoutInfo.rect.maxX < point.x || axis === "y" && item.layoutInfo.rect.maxY < point.y) low = mid + 1;
else if (axis === "x" && item.layoutInfo.rect.x > point.x || axis === "y" && item.layoutInfo.rect.y > point.y) high = mid - 1;
else return mid;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(items.length - 1, low));
buildPersistedIndices() {
if (this.virtualizer.persistedKeys === this.lastPersistedKeys) return;
this.lastPersistedKeys = this.virtualizer.persistedKeys;
// Build a map of parentKey => indices of children to persist.
for (let key of this.virtualizer.persistedKeys){
let layoutInfo = this.layoutInfos.get(key);
// Walk up ancestors so parents are also persisted if children are.
while(layoutInfo && layoutInfo.parentKey){
let collectionNode = this.collection.getItem(layoutInfo.key);
let indices = this.persistedIndices.get(layoutInfo.parentKey);
if (!indices) {
// stickyColumnIndices are always persisted along with any cells from persistedKeys.
indices = collectionNode.type === "cell" || collectionNode.type === "column" ? [
] : [];
this.persistedIndices.set(layoutInfo.parentKey, indices);
let index = this.layoutNodes.get(layoutInfo.key).index;
if (!indices.includes(index)) indices.push(index);
layoutInfo = this.layoutInfos.get(layoutInfo.parentKey);
for (let indices of this.persistedIndices.values())indices.sort((a, b)=>a - b);
getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
let res = super.getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo);
res.transform = null;
return res;
getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo) {
let res = super.getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo);
res.transform = null;
return res;
// Checks if Chrome version is 105 or greater
checkChrome105() {
var _window_navigator_userAgentData;
if (typeof window === "undefined" || window.navigator == null) return false;
let isChrome105;
if (window.navigator["userAgentData"]) isChrome105 = (_window_navigator_userAgentData = window.navigator["userAgentData"]) === null || _window_navigator_userAgentData === void 0 ? void 0 : _window_navigator_userAgentData.brands.some((b)=>b.brand === "Chromium" && Number(b.version) === 105);
else {
let regex = /Chrome\/(\d+)/;
let matches = regex.exec(window.navigator.userAgent);
isChrome105 = matches && matches.length >= 2 && Number(matches[1]) === 105;
return isChrome105;
getDropTargetFromPoint(x, y, isValidDropTarget) {
var _this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find;
x += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.x;
y += this.virtualizer.visibleRect.y;
// Offset for height of header row
y -= (_this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find = this.virtualizer.layout.getVisibleLayoutInfos(new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(x, y, 1, 1)).find((info)=>info.type === "headerrow")) === null || _this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find === void 0 ? void 0 : _this_virtualizer_layout_getVisibleLayoutInfos_find.rect.height;
// Custom variation of this.virtualizer.keyAtPoint that ignores body
let key;
let point = new (0, $gtW1T$Point)(x, y);
let rectAtPoint = new (0, $gtW1T$Rect)(point.x, point.y, 1, 1);
let layoutInfos = this.virtualizer.layout.getVisibleLayoutInfos(rectAtPoint).filter((info)=>info.type === "row");
// Layout may return multiple layout infos in the case of
// persisted keys, so find the first one that actually intersects.
for (let layoutInfo of layoutInfos)if (layoutInfo.rect.intersects(rectAtPoint)) key = layoutInfo.key;
if (key == null || this.collection.size === 0) return {
type: "root"
let layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo(key);
let rect = layoutInfo.rect;
let target = {
type: "item",
key: layoutInfo.key,
dropPosition: "on"
// If dropping on the item isn't accepted, try the target before or after depending on the y position.
// Otherwise, if dropping on the item is accepted, still try the before/after positions if within 10px
// of the top or bottom of the item.
if (!isValidDropTarget(target)) {
if (y <= rect.y + rect.height / 2 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
} else if (y <= rect.y + 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "before"
})) target.dropPosition = "before";
else if (y >= rect.maxY - 10 && isValidDropTarget({,
dropPosition: "after"
})) target.dropPosition = "after";
return target;
this.columnWidths = new Map();
this.wasLoading = false;
this.isLoading = false;
this.lastPersistedKeys = null;
this.persistedIndices = new Map();
this.collection = options.initialCollection;
this.stickyColumnIndices = [];
this.disableSticky = this.checkChrome105();
this.columnLayout = options.columnLayout;
let [controlledColumns, uncontrolledColumns] = this.columnLayout.splitColumnsIntoControlledAndUncontrolled(this.collection.columns);
this.controlledColumns = controlledColumns;
this.uncontrolledColumns = uncontrolledColumns;
this.uncontrolledWidths = this.columnLayout.getInitialUncontrolledWidths(uncontrolledColumns);
export {$61ef60fc9b1041f4$export$cacbb3924155d68e as ListLayout, $a152112e902709bf$export$62444c3c724b1b20 as TableLayout};
"name": "@react-stately/layout",
"version": "3.13.8-nightly.4555+81162ea39",
"version": "3.13.8-nightly.4558+c5e4b3701",
"description": "Spectrum UI components in React",

@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"dependencies": {
"@react-stately/collections": "3.0.0-nightly.2843+81162ea39",
"@react-stately/table": "3.11.7-nightly.4555+81162ea39",
"@react-stately/virtualizer": "3.6.9-nightly.4555+81162ea39",
"@react-types/grid": "3.2.5-nightly.4555+81162ea39",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.2843+81162ea39",
"@react-types/table": "3.9.4-nightly.4555+81162ea39",
"@react-stately/collections": "3.0.0-nightly.2846+c5e4b3701",
"@react-stately/table": "3.11.7-nightly.4558+c5e4b3701",
"@react-stately/virtualizer": "3.6.9-nightly.4558+c5e4b3701",
"@react-types/grid": "3.2.5-nightly.4558+c5e4b3701",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.2846+c5e4b3701",
"@react-types/table": "3.9.4-nightly.4558+c5e4b3701",
"@swc/helpers": "^0.5.0"

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "81162ea392926d06ec3d25c228e6f9b6b5479d59"
"gitHead": "c5e4b3701fdb89eb551f1b3697ac253f06ef68fa"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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