Core Phrasebook
Phrasebook is a collection of APIs to define translations. In addition, the package provides locales for all core ELF elements. The phrasebook is primarily designed to be used with @elf/elf-i18n and @elf/elf-translate packages.
Phrasebook is a singleton that contains all translations. The developer can get a translation or observe translation changes.
Define new translation
All translations are defined per locale and scope. locale can be a top level locale (for instance en, ru, zn) or a region locale (for instance en-GB, uz-Cyrl-UZ). scope is usually an element name. If the scope is not defined, the translations are considered as default and are accessible for every scope.
To define a default locale:
Phrasebook.define('en', { OK: 'OK' });
Phrasebook.define('ru', { OK: 'Хорошо' });
To define a scoped locale:
Phrasebook.define('en', 'elf-element', { TEST_ELEMENT: 'Test Element' });
Phrasebook.define('ru', 'elf-element', { TEST_ELEMENT: 'Элемент для тестирования' });
You can get translations by calling get
method. The response always includes scoped translations combined with default translations.
console.log(Phrasebook.get('en', 'elf-element'));
console.log(Phrasebook.get('en', 'unknown-element'));
You can get the list of supported locales for the scope by calling supported
Observe Phrasebook
The main benefit of using Phrasebook is the ability to observe changes in translations. As soon as the translation changes or the new translation defined the callback function is called. This allows dynamic loading of translations (e.g. from CDN).
To observer translations:
const element = document.createElement('elf-element');
Phrasebook.observe(element, 'elf-element', (locale) => {
Phrasebook.define('en', 'elf-element', { TEST_ELEMENT: 'Test Element' });
Phrasebook.define('ru', { OK: 'Хорошо' });
To stop observing translation use disconnect
method. This is usually required when the element is removed from DOM tree.
Core Element Translations
The package is deployed with all translations required by ELF Elements.
Define locales inside src\locale
. The following structure must be followed:
| |--[component-name].ts
| |--shared.ts
You must ensure that all keys are populated for every locale.
The key is the reference with which to return the translation value.
Each translation value is in the ICU format.
A simpler formatting guide can be found at messageformat, or for an online checker: Translate ICU messages.
import { Phrasebook } from '../../';
import './shared';
const translations = {
KEY_TO_USE: 'Du hast {numPhotos, plural, =0 {keine Bilder.} =1 {ein Bild.} other {# Bilder.}}'
Phrasebook.define('de', 'emerald-color-dialog', translations);
export default translations;
Locales for ELF elements are managed by ELF Core team. If you need to add the new locale please submit the request to ELF Support
If you see that some locales are wrong, please submit the new merge request.