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@@ -1,257 +0,28 @@

import { PlainExtension, KeyBindings, CreateExtensionPlugin, NodeExtension, ApplySchemaAttributes, NodeSpecOverride, NodeExtensionSpec, NodeViewMethod, CommandFunction, Static, KeyBindingProps, NodeType as NodeType$1, AnyExtension } from '@remirror/core';
import { InputRule } from '@remirror/pm/inputrules';
import { NodeType, ResolvedPos } from '@remirror/pm/model';
import { Transaction } from '@remirror/pm/state';
* Provides some shared thing used by both `listItem` and `taskListItem`
declare class ListItemSharedExtension extends PlainExtension {
get name(): "listItemShared";
createKeymap(): KeyBindings;
createPlugin(): CreateExtensionPlugin;
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
interface AllExtensions {
listItemShared: ListItemSharedExtension;
* Creates the node for a list item.
declare class ListItemExtension extends NodeExtension<ListItemOptions> {
get name(): "listItem";
createTags(): "listItemNode"[];
createNodeSpec(extra: ApplySchemaAttributes, override: NodeSpecOverride): NodeExtensionSpec;
createNodeViews(): NodeViewMethod | Record<string, never>;
createKeymap(): KeyBindings;
createExtensions(): ListItemSharedExtension[];
* Toggles the current list item.
* @param closed - the `closed` attribute. If it's a boolean value, then it
* will be set as an attribute. If it's undefined, then the `closed` attribuate
* will be toggled.
toggleListItemClosed(closed?: boolean | undefined): CommandFunction;
* Lift the content inside a list item around the selection out of list
liftListItemOutOfList(listItemType?: NodeType | undefined): CommandFunction;
interface ListItemOptions {
* Set this to true to support toggling.
enableCollapsible?: Static<boolean>;
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
interface AllExtensions {
listItem: ListItemExtension;
* Create the node for a bullet list.
declare class BulletListExtension extends NodeExtension<BulletListOptions> {
get name(): "bulletList";
createTags(): ("listContainer" | "block")[];
createNodeSpec(extra: ApplySchemaAttributes, override: NodeSpecOverride): NodeExtensionSpec;
createNodeViews(): NodeViewMethod | Record<string, never>;
createExtensions(): ListItemExtension[];
* Toggle the bullet list for the current selection.
toggleBulletList(): CommandFunction;
listShortcut(props: KeyBindingProps): boolean;
createInputRules(): InputRule[];
interface BulletListOptions {
* Set this to true to add a spine.
enableSpine?: Static<boolean>;
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
interface AllExtensions {
bulletList: BulletListExtension;
* A helper function to dedent selected list items.
* @beta
declare function dedentList(tr: Transaction): boolean;
* A helper function to indent selected list items.
* @beta
declare function indentList(tr: Transaction): boolean;
* Toggles a list.
* @remarks
* When the provided list wrapper is inactive (e.g. ul) then wrap the list with
* this type. When it is active then remove the selected line from the list.
* @param listType - the list node type
* @param itemType - the list item node type
declare function toggleList(listType: NodeType$1, itemType: NodeType$1): CommandFunction;
* Create a command to sink the list item around the selection down into an
* inner list. Use this function if you get multiple list item nodes in your
* schema.
* @deprecated use `indentList` instead.
declare function sharedSinkListItem(allExtensions: AnyExtension[]): CommandFunction;
* Create a command to lift the list item around the selection up intoa wrapping
* list. Use this function if you get multiple list item nodes in your schema.
* @deprecated use `dedentList` instead.
declare function sharedLiftListItem(allExtensions: AnyExtension[]): CommandFunction;
* Wraps existed list items to a new type of list, which only containes these list items.
* @remarks
* @example
* Here is some pseudo-code to show the purpose of this function:
* before:
* ```html
* <ul>
* <li>item A</li>
* <li>item B<!-- cursor_start --></li>
* <li>item C<!-- cursor_end --></li>
* <li>item D</li>
* </ul>
* ```
* after:
* ```html
* <ul>
* <li>item A</li>
* </ul>
* <ol>
* <li>item B<!-- cursor_start --></li>
* <li>item C<!-- cursor_end --></li>
* </ol>
* <ul>
* <li>item D</li>
* </ul>
* ```
* @alpha
declare function wrapSelectedItems({ listType, itemType, tr, }: {
listType: NodeType$1;
itemType: NodeType$1;
tr: Transaction;
}): boolean;
* Creates the list for the ordered list.
declare class OrderedListExtension extends NodeExtension {
get name(): "orderedList";
createTags(): ("listContainer" | "block")[];
createNodeSpec(extra: ApplySchemaAttributes, override: NodeSpecOverride): NodeExtensionSpec;
* Automatically add the `ListItemExtension` which is required here.
createExtensions(): ListItemExtension[];
* Toggle the ordered list for the current selection.
toggleOrderedList(): CommandFunction;
listShortcut(props: KeyBindingProps): boolean;
createInputRules(): InputRule[];
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
interface AllExtensions {
orderedList: OrderedListExtension;
* Creates the node for a task list item.
declare class TaskListItemExtension extends NodeExtension {
get name(): "taskListItem";
createTags(): "listItemNode"[];
createNodeSpec(extra: ApplySchemaAttributes, override: NodeSpecOverride): NodeExtensionSpec;
createNodeViews(): NodeViewMethod | Record<string, never>;
createKeymap(): KeyBindings;
createExtensions(): ListItemSharedExtension[];
* Toggles the current checkbox state and transform a normal list item into a
* checkbox list item when necessary.
* @param checked - the `checked` attribute. If it's a boolean value, then it
* will be set as an attribute. If it's undefined, then the `checked` attribuate
* will be toggled.
* @param selection - a resolved position within the task list item you want to
* toggle. It it's not passed, the lower bound of the current selection's will
* be used.
toggleCheckboxChecked(props?: {
checked?: boolean;
$pos?: ResolvedPos;
} | boolean): CommandFunction;
createInputRules(): InputRule[];
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
interface AllExtensions {
taskListItem: TaskListItemExtension;
* Create the node for a task list.
declare class TaskListExtension extends NodeExtension {
get name(): "taskList";
createTags(): ("listContainer" | "block")[];
createNodeSpec(extra: ApplySchemaAttributes, override: NodeSpecOverride): NodeExtensionSpec;
createExtensions(): TaskListItemExtension[];
* Toggle the task list for the current selection.
toggleTaskList(): CommandFunction;
listShortcut(props: KeyBindingProps): boolean;
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
interface AllExtensions {
taskList: TaskListExtension;
export { BulletListExtension, ListItemExtension, ListItemSharedExtension, OrderedListExtension, TaskListExtension, TaskListItemExtension, dedentList, indentList, sharedLiftListItem, sharedSinkListItem, toggleList, wrapSelectedItems };
export { BulletListExtension } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { BulletListOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { dedentList } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { indentList } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { sharedLiftListItem } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { sharedSinkListItem } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { toggleList } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { wrapSelectedItems } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ListItemExtension } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ListItemSharedExtension } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { OrderedListExtension } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { TaskListExtension } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { TaskListItemExtension } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { dedentListCommand } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { indentListCommand } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { splitListItem } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { maybeJoinList } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { liftListItemOutOfList } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { calculateItemRange } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { listBackspace } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ListItemOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ListItemAttributes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { createCustomMarkListItemNodeView } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isList } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isListItem } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isListNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isListItemNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { TaskListItemAttributes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';

@@ -1,24 +0,19 @@

var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __decorateClass = (decorators, target, key, kind) => {
var result = kind > 1 ? void 0 : kind ? __getOwnPropDesc(target, key) : target;
for (var i = decorators.length - 1, decorator; i >= 0; i--)
if (decorator = decorators[i])
result = (kind ? decorator(target, key, result) : decorator(result)) || result;
if (kind && result)
__defProp(target, key, result);
return result;
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/bullet-list-extension.ts
import {
command as command2,
extension as extension2,
ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority2,
ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag4,
NodeExtension as NodeExtension2
} from "@remirror/core";
var _initClass, _ListItemExtension, _dec, _dec2, _dec3, _initProto, _initClass2, _BulletListExtension, _dec4, _dec5, _dec6, _initProto2, _initClass3, _OrderedListExtension, _dec7, _dec8, _dec9, _initProto3, _dec10, _initProto4, _dec11, _dec12, _initProto5;
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) { return function (r) { assertNotFinished(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), e.push(r); }; }
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(e, t) { if (!e(t)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance"); }
function memberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o, c, l, u) { var f; switch (i) { case 1: f = "accessor"; break; case 2: f = "method"; break; case 3: f = "getter"; break; case 4: f = "setter"; break; default: f = "field"; } var d, p, h = { kind: f, name: o ? "#" + r : r, static: s, private: o, metadata: u }, v = { v: !1 }; if (0 !== i && (h.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, v)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) { if (2 === i) d = function (e) { return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), a.value; };else { var y = 0 === i || 1 === i; (y || 3 === i) && (d = o ? function (e) { return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),; } : function (e) { return; }), (y || 4 === i) && (p = o ? function (e, t) { assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t); } : function (e, t) {, t); }); } } else d = function (e) { return e[r]; }, 0 === i && (p = function (e, t) { e[r] = t; }); var m = o ? l.bind() : function (e) { return r in e; }; h.access = d && p ? { get: d, set: p, has: m } : d ? { get: d, has: m } : { set: p, has: m }; try { return, c, h); } finally { v.v = !0; } }
function assertNotFinished(e, t) { if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished"); }
function assertCallable(e, t) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function"); }
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) { var r = typeof t; if (1 === e) { if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0"); void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init"); } else if ("function" !== r) { var a; throw a = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(a + " decorators must return a function or void 0"); } }
function curryThis1(e) { return function () { return e(this); }; }
function curryThis2(e) { return function (t) { e(this, t); }; }
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o, c, l, u) { var f, d, p, h, v, y, m = r[0]; a || Array.isArray(m) || (m = [m]), o ? f = 0 === i || 1 === i ? { get: curryThis1(r[3]), set: curryThis2(r[4]) } : 3 === i ? { get: r[3] } : 4 === i ? { set: r[3] } : { value: r[3] } : 0 !== i && (f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === i ? p = { get: f.get, set: f.set } : 2 === i ? p = f.value : 3 === i ? p = f.get : 4 === i && (p = f.set); for (var g = a ? 2 : 1, b = m.length - 1; b >= 0; b -= g) { var I; if (void 0 !== (h = memberDec(m[b], a ? m[b - 1] : void 0, n, f, c, i, s, o, p, l, u))) assertValidReturnValue(i, h), 0 === i ? I = h : 1 === i ? (I = h.init, v = h.get || p.get, y = h.set || p.set, p = { get: v, set: y }) : p = h, void 0 !== I && (void 0 === d ? d = I : "function" == typeof d ? d = [d, I] : d.push(I)); } if (0 === i || 1 === i) { if (void 0 === d) d = function (e, t) { return t; };else if ("function" != typeof d) { var w = d; d = function (e, t) { for (var r = t, a = w.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) r = w[a].call(e, r); return r; }; } else { var M = d; d = function (e, t) { return, t); }; } e.push(d); } 0 !== i && (1 === i ? (f.get = p.get, f.set = p.set) : 2 === i ? f.value = p : 3 === i ? f.get = p : 4 === i && (f.set = p), o ? 1 === i ? (e.push(function (e, t) { return, t); }), e.push(function (e, t) { return, t); })) : 2 === i ? e.push(p) : e.push(function (e, t) { return, t); }) : Object.defineProperty(t, n, f)); }
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r, a) { for (var n, i, s, o = [], c = new Map(), l = new Map(), u = 0; u < t.length; u++) { var f = t[u]; if (Array.isArray(f)) { var d, p, h = f[1], v = f[2], y = f.length > 3, m = 16 & h, g = !!(8 & h), b = r; if (h &= 7, g ? (d = e, 0 !== h && (p = i = i || []), y && !s && (s = function (t) { return _checkInRHS(t) === e; }), b = s) : (d = e.prototype, 0 !== h && (p = n = n || [])), 0 !== h && !y) { var I = g ? l : c, w = I.get(v) || 0; if (!0 === w || 3 === w && 4 !== h || 4 === w && 3 !== h) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + v); I.set(v, !(!w && h > 2) || h); } applyMemberDec(o, d, f, m, v, h, g, y, p, b, a); } } return pushInitializers(o, n), pushInitializers(o, i), o; }
function pushInitializers(e, t) { t && e.push(function (e) { for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e); return e; }); }
function applyClassDecs(e, t, r, a) { if (t.length) { for (var n = [], i = e, s =, o = r ? 2 : 1, c = t.length - 1; c >= 0; c -= o) { var l = { v: !1 }; try { var u = t[c].call(r ? t[c - 1] : void 0, i, { kind: "class", name: s, addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, l), metadata: a }); } finally { l.v = !0; } void 0 !== u && (assertValidReturnValue(5, u), i = u); } return [defineMetadata(i, a), function () { for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(i); }]; } }
function defineMetadata(e, t) { return Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.metadata || Symbol.for("Symbol.metadata"), { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: t }); }
function _applyDecs(e, t, r, a, n, i) { if (arguments.length >= 6) var s = i[Symbol.metadata || Symbol.for("Symbol.metadata")]; var o = Object.create(void 0 === s ? null : s), c = applyMemberDecs(e, t, n, o); return r.length || defineMetadata(e, o), { e: c, get c() { return applyClassDecs(e, r, a, o); } }; }
function _checkInRHS(e) { if (Object(e) !== e) throw TypeError("right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got " + (null !== e ? typeof e : "null")); return e; }
// src/bullet-list-extension.ts
import { assertGet, command as command2, extension as extension2, ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority2, ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag4, keyBinding, NamedShortcut, NodeExtension as NodeExtension2 } from "@remirror/core";
import { ExtensionListMessages as Messages } from "@remirror/messages";

@@ -29,10 +24,4 @@ import { InputRule, wrappingInputRule } from "@remirror/pm/inputrules";

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-commands.ts
import {
ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag2,
} from "@remirror/core";
// src/list-commands.ts
import { chainableEditorState, ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag2, findParentNode, getNodeType, isNodeSelection } from "@remirror/core";
import { joinBackward } from "@remirror/pm/commands";

@@ -44,11 +33,9 @@ import { Fragment, Slice } from "@remirror/pm/model";

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-utils.ts
// src/list-utils.ts
import { ExtensionTag } from "@remirror/core";
function isList(type) {
var _a;
return !!((_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.includes(ExtensionTag.ListContainerNode));
return !!;
function isListItem(type) {
var _a;
return !!((_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.includes(ExtensionTag.ListItemNode));
return !!;

@@ -62,8 +49,14 @@ function isListNode(node) {

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-commands.ts
// src/list-commands.ts
function toggleList(listType, itemType) {
return (props) => {
const { dispatch, tr } = props;
return props => {
const {
} = props;
const state = chainableEditorState(tr, props.state);
const { $from, $to } = tr.selection;
const {
} = tr.selection;
const range = $from.blockRange($to);

@@ -74,10 +67,10 @@ if (!range) {

const parentList = findParentNode({
predicate: (node) => isList(node.type),
predicate: node => isList(node.type),
selection: tr.selection
if (
// the selection range is right inside the list
parentList && range.depth - parentList.depth <= 1 && // the selectron range is the first child of the list
range.startIndex === 0
) {
// the selection range is right inside the list
parentList && range.depth - parentList.depth <= 1 &&
// the selectron range is the first child of the list
range.startIndex === 0) {
if (parentList.node.type === listType) {

@@ -88,7 +81,7 @@ return liftListItemOutOfList(itemType)(props);

if (listType.validContent(parentList.node.content)) {
dispatch == null ? void 0 : dispatch(tr.setNodeMarkup(parentList.pos, listType));
dispatch?.(tr.setNodeMarkup(parentList.pos, listType));
return true;
if (deepChangeListType(tr, parentList, listType, itemType)) {
dispatch == null ? void 0 : dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView());
return true;

@@ -103,13 +96,20 @@ }

function splitListItem(listItemTypeOrName, ignoreAttrs = ["checked"]) {
return function({ tr, dispatch, state }) {
var _a, _b;
return function ({
}) {
const listItemType = getNodeType(listItemTypeOrName, state.schema);
const { $from, $to } = tr.selection;
const {
} = tr.selection;
if (
// Don't apply to node selection where the selected node is a block (inline nodes might be okay)
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/consistent-destructuring
isNodeSelection(tr.selection) && tr.selection.node.isBlock || // List items can only exists at a depth of 2 or greater
$from.depth < 2 || // Don't apply to a selection which spans multiple nodes.
) {
// Don't apply to node selection where the selected node is a block (inline nodes might be okay)
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/consistent-destructuring
isNodeSelection(tr.selection) && tr.selection.node.isBlock ||
// List items can only exists at a depth of 2 or greater
$from.depth < 2 ||
// Don't apply to a selection which spans multiple nodes.
!$from.sameParent($to)) {
return false;

@@ -131,15 +131,7 @@ }

const content = ((_a = listItemType.contentMatch.defaultType) == null ? void 0 : _a.createAndFill()) || void 0;
const content = listItemType.contentMatch.defaultType?.createAndFill() || void 0;
wrap = wrap.append(Fragment.from(listItemType.createAndFill(null, content) || void 0));
const depthAfter = $from.indexAfter(-1) < $from.node(-2).childCount ? 1 : $from.indexAfter(-2) < $from.node(-3).childCount ? 2 : 3;
$from.before(keepItem ? void 0 : -1),
new Slice(wrap, keepItem ? 3 : 2, 2)
tr.doc.resolve($from.pos + (keepItem ? 3 : 2))
tr.replace($from.before(keepItem ? void 0 : -1), $from.after(-depthAfter), new Slice(wrap, keepItem ? 3 : 2, 2));
tr.setSelection(tr.selection.constructor.near(tr.doc.resolve($from.pos + (keepItem ? 3 : 2))));

@@ -152,3 +144,3 @@ }

const newListItemStartPos = $from.after(-1);
const content = ((_b = listItemType.contentMatch.defaultType) == null ? void 0 : _b.createAndFill()) || void 0;
const content = listItemType.contentMatch.defaultType?.createAndFill() || void 0;
const newListItem = listItemType.createAndFill(null, content);

@@ -164,12 +156,18 @@ if (newListItem) {

const listItemAttributes = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(grandParent.attrs).filter(([attr]) => !ignoreAttrs.includes(attr))
const listItemAttributes = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(grandParent.attrs).filter(([attr]) => !ignoreAttrs.includes(attr)));
const contentType = $to.pos === $from.end() ? grandParent.contentMatchAt(0).defaultType : null;
const contentAttributes = { ...$from.node().attrs };
const contentAttributes = {
tr.delete($from.pos, $to.pos);
const types = contentType ? [
{ type: listItemType, attrs: listItemAttributes },
{ type: contentType, attrs: contentAttributes }
] : [{ type: listItemType, attrs: listItemAttributes }];
const types = contentType ? [{
type: listItemType,
attrs: listItemAttributes
}, {
type: contentType,
attrs: contentAttributes
}] : [{
type: listItemType,
attrs: listItemAttributes
if (!canSplit(tr.doc, $from.pos, 2)) {

@@ -185,8 +183,11 @@ return false;

function getAllListItemNames(allExtensions) {
return allExtensions.filter((extension4) => extension4.tags.includes(ExtensionTag2.ListItemNode)).map((extension4) =>;
return allExtensions.filter(extension4 => extension4.tags.includes(ExtensionTag2.ListItemNode)).map(extension4 =>;
function getOrderedListItemTypes(listItemNames, state) {
const { $from, $to } = state.selection;
const {
} = state.selection;
const sharedDepth = $from.sharedDepth($to.pos);
const listItemTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const listItemTypes = /* @__PURE__ */new Map();
for (let depth = sharedDepth; depth >= 0; depth--) {

@@ -202,3 +203,6 @@ const type = $from.node(depth).type;

const listItemNames = getAllListItemNames(allExtensions);
return ({ dispatch, state }) => {
return ({
}) => {
const listItemTypes = getOrderedListItemTypes(listItemNames, state);

@@ -215,3 +219,6 @@ for (const type of listItemTypes.values()) {

const listItemNames = getAllListItemNames(allExtensions);
return ({ dispatch, state }) => {
return ({
}) => {
const listItemTypes = getOrderedListItemTypes(listItemNames, state);

@@ -260,6 +267,5 @@ for (const type of listItemTypes.values()) {

}) {
var _a;
const oldList = range.parent;
const slice = tr.doc.slice(range.start, range.end);
if (oldList.type === listType && ((_a = slice.content.firstChild) == null ? void 0 : _a.type) === itemType) {
if (oldList.type === listType && slice.content.firstChild?.type === itemType) {
return false;

@@ -290,12 +296,15 @@ }

const atStart = range.startIndex === 0;
const { from, to } = tr.selection;
if (!wrapItems({ listType, itemType, tr, range })) {
const {
} = tr.selection;
if (!wrapItems({
})) {
return false;
tr.doc.resolve(atStart ? from : from + 2),
tr.doc.resolve(atStart ? to : to + 2)
tr.setSelection(TextSelection.between(tr.doc.resolve(atStart ? from : from + 2), tr.doc.resolve(atStart ? to : to + 2)));

@@ -305,3 +314,4 @@ return true;

function liftOutOfList(state, dispatch, range) {
const tr =, list = range.parent;
const tr =,
list = range.parent;
const originMappingLength = tr.mapping.maps.length;

@@ -312,3 +322,4 @@ for (let pos = range.end, i = range.endIndex - 1, e = range.startIndex; i > e; i--) {

const $start = tr.doc.resolve(range.start), item = $start.nodeAfter;
const $start = tr.doc.resolve(range.start),
item = $start.nodeAfter;
if (!item) {

@@ -320,28 +331,12 @@ return false;

const atStart = range.startIndex === 0, atEnd = range.endIndex === list.childCount;
const parent = $start.node(-1), indexBefore = $start.index(-1);
if (!parent.canReplace(
indexBefore + (atStart ? 0 : 1),
indexBefore + 1,
item.content.append(atEnd ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list))
)) {
const atStart = range.startIndex === 0,
atEnd = range.endIndex === list.childCount;
const parent = $start.node(-1),
indexBefore = $start.index(-1);
if (!parent.canReplace(indexBefore + (atStart ? 0 : 1), indexBefore + 1, item.content.append(atEnd ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list)))) {
return false;
const start = $start.pos, end = start + item.nodeSize;
new ReplaceAroundStep(
start - (atStart ? 1 : 0),
end + (atEnd ? 1 : 0),
start + 1,
end - 1,
new Slice(
(atStart ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list.copy(Fragment.empty))).append(
atEnd ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list.copy(Fragment.empty))
atStart ? 0 : 1,
atEnd ? 0 : 1
atStart ? 0 : 1
const start = $start.pos,
end = start + item.nodeSize;
tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(start - (atStart ? 1 : 0), end + (atEnd ? 1 : 0), start + 1, end - 1, new Slice((atStart ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list.copy(Fragment.empty))).append(atEnd ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list.copy(Fragment.empty))), atStart ? 0 : 1, atEnd ? 0 : 1), atStart ? 0 : 1));

@@ -385,4 +380,7 @@ return true;

function liftListItemOutOfList(itemType) {
return (props) => {
const { dispatch, tr } = props;
return props => {
const {
} = props;
const state = chainableEditorState(tr, props.state);

@@ -401,11 +399,14 @@ const range = getItemRange(itemType, tr.selection);

function getItemRange(itemType, selection) {
const { $from, $to } = selection;
const range = $from.blockRange($to, (node) => {
var _a;
return ((_a = node.firstChild) == null ? void 0 : _a.type) === itemType;
const {
} = selection;
const range = $from.blockRange($to, node => node.firstChild?.type === itemType);
return range;
function calculateItemRange(selection) {
const { $from, $to } = selection;
const {
} = selection;
return $from.blockRange($to, isListNode);

@@ -424,15 +425,15 @@ }

const previousList = root.maybeChild(rootIndex - 1);
const previousListItem = previousList == null ? void 0 : previousList.lastChild;
const previousListItem = previousList?.lastChild;
if (
// current node must be the first node in its parent list item;
itemIndex !== 0 || // current list item must be the first list item in its parent list;
listIndex !== 0
) {
// current node must be the first node in its parent list item;
itemIndex !== 0 ||
// current list item must be the first list item in its parent list;
listIndex !== 0) {
return false;
if (
// there is a list before current list;
previousList && isListNode(previousList) && // we can find the list item type for previousList;
previousListItem && isListItemNode(previousListItem)
) {
// there is a list before current list;
previousList && isListNode(previousList) &&
// we can find the list item type for previousList;
previousListItem && isListItemNode(previousListItem)) {
return wrapSelectedItems({

@@ -457,3 +458,5 @@ listType: previousList.type,

function listBackspace({ view }) {
function listBackspace({
}) {
if (!view) {

@@ -499,16 +502,8 @@ return false;

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-item-extension.ts
import {
ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag3,
isNodeSelection as isNodeSelection2,
} from "@remirror/core";
// src/list-item-extension.ts
import { command, extension, ExtensionPriority, ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag3, isBoolean, isNodeSelection as isNodeSelection2, NodeExtension } from "@remirror/core";
import { NodeSelection } from "@remirror/pm/state";
import { ExtensionListTheme as ExtensionListTheme2 } from "@remirror/theme";
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-item-node-view.ts
// src/list-item-node-view.ts
import { ExtensionListTheme } from "@remirror/theme";

@@ -530,3 +525,3 @@ function createCustomMarkListItemNodeView({

const update = (newNode) => {
const update = newNode => {
if (newNode.type !== node.type) {

@@ -541,9 +536,13 @@ return false;

return { dom, contentDOM, update };
return {
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-item-shared-extension.ts
// src/list-item-shared-extension.ts
import { environment, PlainExtension } from "@remirror/core";
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-command-dedent.ts
// src/list-command-dedent.ts
import { Fragment as Fragment2, NodeRange as NodeRange2, Slice as Slice2 } from "@remirror/pm/model";

@@ -557,3 +556,6 @@ import { liftTarget, ReplaceAroundStep as ReplaceAroundStep2 } from "@remirror/pm/transform";

return { parentItem, parentList };
return {

@@ -566,18 +568,4 @@ function indentSiblingsOfItems(tr, range) {

if (endOfRange < endOfSelectedList) {
new ReplaceAroundStep2(
endOfRange - 1,
new Slice2(Fragment2.from(lastSelectedItem.type.create(null, selectedList.copy())), 1, 0),
return new NodeRange2(
tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep2(endOfRange - 1, endOfSelectedList, endOfRange, endOfSelectedList, new Slice2(Fragment2.from(lastSelectedItem.type.create(null, selectedList.copy())), 1, 0), 1, true));
return new NodeRange2(tr.doc.resolve(range.$from.pos), tr.doc.resolve(endOfSelectedList), range.depth);

@@ -592,17 +580,3 @@ return range;

if (endOfSelectedList + 1 < endOfParentListItem) {
new ReplaceAroundStep2(
endOfSelectedList - 1,
endOfSelectedList + 1,
new Slice2(
Fragment2.from(selectedList.type.create(null, lastSelectedItem.type.create(null))),
tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep2(endOfSelectedList - 1, endOfParentListItem, endOfSelectedList + 1, endOfParentListItem, new Slice2(Fragment2.from(selectedList.type.create(null, lastSelectedItem.type.create(null))), 2, 0), 0, true));
return new NodeRange2(tr.selection.$from, tr.selection.$to, range.depth);

@@ -632,3 +606,6 @@ }

const { parentItem, parentList } = findParentItemResult;
const {
} = findParentItemResult;
range = indentSiblingsOfItems(tr, range);

@@ -648,5 +625,8 @@ range = indentSiblingsOfList(tr, range);

var dedentListCommand = ({ tr, dispatch }) => {
var dedentListCommand = ({
}) => {
if (dedentList(tr)) {
dispatch == null ? void 0 : dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView());
return true;

@@ -657,3 +637,3 @@ }

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-command-indent.ts
// src/list-command-indent.ts
import { Fragment as Fragment3 } from "@remirror/pm/model";

@@ -717,6 +697,12 @@ import { TextSelection as TextSelection2 } from "@remirror/pm/state";

return { selectedSlice, unselectedSlice };
return {
function indentList(tr) {
const { $from, $to } = tr.selection;
const {
} = tr.selection;
const range = calculateItemRange(tr.selection);

@@ -734,4 +720,11 @@ if (!range) {

const { previousItem, previousList, previousItemStart } = findPreviousItemResult;
const { selectedSlice, unselectedSlice } = sliceSelectedItems(tr.doc, $to, range);
const {
} = findPreviousItemResult;
const {
} = sliceSelectedItems(tr.doc, $to, range);
const newPreviousItemContent = previousItem.content.append(Fragment3.fromArray([selectedList.copy(selectedSlice.content)])).append(unselectedSlice ? unselectedSlice.content : Fragment3.empty);

@@ -743,10 +736,11 @@ tr.deleteRange(range.start, range.end);

tr.replaceRangeWith(previousItemStart - 1, previousItemEnd + 1, newPreviousItem);
previousList === selectedList ? TextSelection2.between(tr.doc.resolve($from.pos), tr.doc.resolve($to.pos)) : TextSelection2.between(tr.doc.resolve($from.pos - 2), tr.doc.resolve($to.pos - 2))
tr.setSelection(previousList === selectedList ? TextSelection2.between(tr.doc.resolve($from.pos), tr.doc.resolve($to.pos)) : TextSelection2.between(tr.doc.resolve($from.pos - 2), tr.doc.resolve($to.pos - 2)));
return true;
var indentListCommand = ({ tr, dispatch }) => {
var indentListCommand = ({
}) => {
if (indentList(tr)) {
dispatch == null ? void 0 : dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView());
return true;

@@ -757,3 +751,3 @@ }

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-item-shared-extension.ts
// src/list-item-shared-extension.ts
var ListItemSharedExtension = class extends PlainExtension {

@@ -775,3 +769,6 @@ get name() {

return { ...pcKeymap, ...macKeymap };
return {

@@ -791,4 +788,19 @@ return pcKeymap;

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/list-item-extension.ts
var ListItemExtension = class extends NodeExtension {
// src/list-item-extension.ts
var ListItemExtension = ((_dec = extension({
defaultOptions: {
enableCollapsible: false
staticKeys: ["enableCollapsible"]
}), _dec2 = command(), _dec3 = command(), class ListItemExtension extends NodeExtension {
static {
e: [_initProto],
c: [_ListItemExtension, _initClass]
} = _applyDecs(this, [[_dec2, 2, "toggleListItemClosed"], [_dec3, 2, "liftListItemOutOfList"]], [_dec]));
constructor(...args) {
get name() {

@@ -808,15 +820,16 @@ return "listItem";

closed: { default: false },
nested: { default: false }
closed: {
default: false
nested: {
default: false
parseDOM: [
tag: "li",
getAttrs: extra.parse,
priority: ExtensionPriority.Lowest
// Make sure this rule has lower priority then `TaskListItemExtension`'s
...override.parseDOM ?? []
toDOM: (node) => {
parseDOM: [{
tag: "li",
getAttrs: extra.parse,
priority: ExtensionPriority.Lowest
// Make sure this rule has lower priority then `TaskListItemExtension`'s
}, ...(override.parseDOM ?? [])],
toDOM: node => {
const attrs = extra.dom(node);

@@ -862,9 +875,21 @@ return ["li", attrs, 0];

toggleListItemClosed(closed) {
return ({ state: { tr, selection }, dispatch }) => {
return ({
state: {
}) => {
if (!isNodeSelection2(selection) || !== {
return false;
const { node, from } = selection;
const {
} = selection;
closed = isBoolean(closed) ? closed : !node.attrs.closed;
dispatch == null ? void 0 : dispatch(tr.setNodeMarkup(from, void 0, { ...node.attrs, closed }));
dispatch?.(tr.setNodeMarkup(from, void 0, {
return true;

@@ -876,15 +901,6 @@ };

], ListItemExtension.prototype, "toggleListItemClosed", 1);
], ListItemExtension.prototype, "liftListItemOutOfList", 1);
ListItemExtension = __decorateClass([
defaultOptions: { enableCollapsible: false },
staticKeys: ["enableCollapsible"]
], ListItemExtension);
static {
}), _ListItemExtension);
function updateNodeViewDOM(node, dom) {

@@ -897,4 +913,27 @@ node.attrs.closed ? dom.classList.add(ExtensionListTheme2.COLLAPSIBLE_LIST_ITEM_CLOSED) : dom.classList.remove(ExtensionListTheme2.COLLAPSIBLE_LIST_ITEM_CLOSED);

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/bullet-list-extension.ts
var BulletListExtension = class extends NodeExtension2 {
// src/bullet-list-extension.ts
var BulletListExtension = ((_dec4 = extension2({
defaultOptions: {
enableSpine: false
staticKeys: ["enableSpine"]
}), _dec5 = command2({
icon: "listUnordered",
label: ({
}) => t(Messages.BULLET_LIST_LABEL)
}), _dec6 = keyBinding({
shortcut: NamedShortcut.BulletList,
command: "toggleBulletList"
}), class BulletListExtension extends NodeExtension2 {
static {
e: [_initProto2],
c: [_BulletListExtension, _initClass2]
} = _applyDecs(this, [[_dec5, 2, "toggleBulletList"], [_dec6, 2, "listShortcut"]], [_dec4]));
constructor(...args) {
get name() {

@@ -911,4 +950,7 @@ return "bulletList";

attrs: extra.defaults(),
parseDOM: [{ tag: "ul", getAttrs: extra.parse }, ...override.parseDOM ?? []],
toDOM: (node) => ["ul", extra.dom(node), 0]
parseDOM: [{
tag: "ul",
getAttrs: extra.parse
}, ...(override.parseDOM ?? [])],
toDOM: node => ["ul", extra.dom(node), 0]

@@ -921,3 +963,2 @@ }

return (_, view, getPos) => {
var _a;
const dom = document.createElement("div");

@@ -928,3 +969,3 @@ = "relative";

const parentListItemNode = $pos.node($pos.depth - 1);
const isFirstLevel = ((_a = parentListItemNode == null ? void 0 : parentListItemNode.type) == null ? void 0 : !== "listItem";
const isFirstLevel = parentListItemNode?.type?.name !== "listItem";
if (!isFirstLevel) {

@@ -934,3 +975,3 @@ const spine = document.createElement("div");

spine.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
spine.addEventListener("click", event => {
const pos2 = getPos();

@@ -957,8 +998,6 @@ const $pos2 = view.state.doc.resolve(pos2 + 1);

createExtensions() {
return [
new ListItemExtension({
priority: ExtensionPriority2.Low,
enableCollapsible: this.options.enableSpine
return [new ListItemExtension({
priority: ExtensionPriority2.Low,
enableCollapsible: this.options.enableSpine

@@ -973,49 +1012,44 @@ toggleBulletList() {

const regexp = /^\s*([*+-])\s$/;
return [
wrappingInputRule(regexp, this.type),
new InputRule(regexp, (state, _match, start, end) => {
const tr =;
tr.deleteRange(start, end);
const canUpdate = wrapSelectedItems({
listType: this.type,
itemType: assertGet(, "listItem"),
if (!canUpdate) {
return null;
return tr;
return [wrappingInputRule(regexp, this.type), new InputRule(regexp, (state, _match, start, end) => {
const tr =;
tr.deleteRange(start, end);
const canUpdate = wrapSelectedItems({
listType: this.type,
itemType: assertGet(, "listItem"),
if (!canUpdate) {
return null;
return tr;
command2({ icon: "listUnordered", label: ({ t }) => t(Messages.BULLET_LIST_LABEL) })
], BulletListExtension.prototype, "toggleBulletList", 1);
keyBinding({ shortcut: NamedShortcut.BulletList, command: "toggleBulletList" })
], BulletListExtension.prototype, "listShortcut", 1);
BulletListExtension = __decorateClass([
defaultOptions: { enableSpine: false },
staticKeys: ["enableSpine"]
], BulletListExtension);
static {
}), _BulletListExtension);
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/ordered-list-extension.ts
import {
assertGet as assertGet2,
command as command3,
extension as extension3,
ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority3,
ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag5,
keyBinding as keyBinding2,
NamedShortcut as NamedShortcut2,
NodeExtension as NodeExtension3
} from "@remirror/core";
// src/ordered-list-extension.ts
import { assertGet as assertGet2, command as command3, extension as extension3, ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority3, ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag5, findParentNodeOfType, isElementDomNode, keyBinding as keyBinding2, NamedShortcut as NamedShortcut2, NodeExtension as NodeExtension3 } from "@remirror/core";
import { ExtensionListMessages as Messages2 } from "@remirror/messages";
import { InputRule as InputRule2, wrappingInputRule as wrappingInputRule2 } from "@remirror/pm/inputrules";
var OrderedListExtension = class extends NodeExtension3 {
var OrderedListExtension = ((_dec7 = extension3({}), _dec8 = command3({
icon: "listOrdered",
label: ({
}) => t(Messages2.ORDERED_LIST_LABEL)
}), _dec9 = keyBinding2({
shortcut: NamedShortcut2.OrderedList,
command: "toggleOrderedList"
}), class OrderedListExtension extends NodeExtension3 {
static {
e: [_initProto3],
c: [_OrderedListExtension, _initClass3]
} = _applyDecs(this, [[_dec8, 2, "toggleOrderedList"], [_dec9, 2, "listShortcut"]], [_dec7]));
constructor(...args) {
get name() {

@@ -1037,20 +1071,20 @@ return "orderedList";

parseDOM: [
tag: "ol",
getAttrs: (node) => {
if (!isElementDomNode(node)) {
return {};
return {
order: +(node.getAttribute("start") ?? 1)
parseDOM: [{
tag: "ol",
getAttrs: node => {
if (!isElementDomNode(node)) {
return {};
...override.parseDOM ?? []
toDOM: (node) => {
return {
order: +(node.getAttribute("start") ?? 1)
}, ...(override.parseDOM ?? [])],
toDOM: node => {
const extraAttributes = extra.dom(node);
return node.attrs.order === 1 ? ["ol", extraAttributes, 0] : ["ol", { ...extraAttributes, start: node.attrs.order }, 0];
return node.attrs.order === 1 ? ["ol", extraAttributes, 0] : ["ol", {
start: node.attrs.order
}, 0];

@@ -1063,3 +1097,5 @@ };

createExtensions() {
return [new ListItemExtension({ priority: ExtensionPriority3.Low })];
return [new ListItemExtension({
priority: ExtensionPriority3.Low

@@ -1074,68 +1110,51 @@ toggleOrderedList() {

const regexp = /^(\d+)\.\s$/;
return [
(match) => ({ order: +assertGet2(match, 1) }),
(match, node) => node.childCount + node.attrs.order === +assertGet2(match, 1)
new InputRule2(regexp, (state, match, start, end) => {
const tr =;
tr.deleteRange(start, end);
const canUpdate = wrapSelectedItems({
listType: this.type,
itemType: assertGet2(, "listItem"),
return [wrappingInputRule2(regexp, this.type, match => ({
order: +assertGet2(match, 1)
}), (match, node) => node.childCount + node.attrs.order === +assertGet2(match, 1)), new InputRule2(regexp, (state, match, start, end) => {
const tr =;
tr.deleteRange(start, end);
const canUpdate = wrapSelectedItems({
listType: this.type,
itemType: assertGet2(, "listItem"),
if (!canUpdate) {
return null;
const order = +assertGet2(match, 1);
if (order !== 1) {
const found = findParentNodeOfType({
selection: tr.selection,
types: this.type
if (!canUpdate) {
return null;
if (found) {
tr.setNodeMarkup(found.pos, void 0, {
const order = +assertGet2(match, 1);
if (order !== 1) {
const found = findParentNodeOfType({ selection: tr.selection, types: this.type });
if (found) {
tr.setNodeMarkup(found.pos, void 0, { order });
return tr;
return tr;
command3({ icon: "listOrdered", label: ({ t }) => t(Messages2.ORDERED_LIST_LABEL) })
], OrderedListExtension.prototype, "toggleOrderedList", 1);
keyBinding2({ shortcut: NamedShortcut2.OrderedList, command: "toggleOrderedList" })
], OrderedListExtension.prototype, "listShortcut", 1);
OrderedListExtension = __decorateClass([
], OrderedListExtension);
static {
}), _OrderedListExtension);
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/task-list-extension.ts
import {
assertGet as assertGet4,
command as command5,
ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority5,
ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag7,
keyBinding as keyBinding3,
NamedShortcut as NamedShortcut3,
NodeExtension as NodeExtension5
} from "@remirror/core";
// src/task-list-extension.ts
import { assertGet as assertGet4, command as command5, ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority5, ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag7, keyBinding as keyBinding3, NamedShortcut as NamedShortcut3, NodeExtension as NodeExtension5 } from "@remirror/core";
import { ExtensionListMessages as Messages3 } from "@remirror/messages";
// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/task-list-item-extension.ts
import {
assertGet as assertGet3,
command as command4,
ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority4,
ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag6,
findParentNodeOfType as findParentNodeOfType2,
isElementDomNode as isElementDomNode2,
NodeExtension as NodeExtension4
} from "@remirror/core";
// src/task-list-item-extension.ts
import { assertGet as assertGet3, command as command4, ExtensionPriority as ExtensionPriority4, ExtensionTag as ExtensionTag6, findParentNodeOfType as findParentNodeOfType2, getMatchString, isElementDomNode as isElementDomNode2, NodeExtension as NodeExtension4 } from "@remirror/core";
import { InputRule as InputRule3, wrappingInputRule as wrappingInputRule3 } from "@remirror/pm/inputrules";
import { ExtensionListTheme as ExtensionListTheme4 } from "@remirror/theme";
var TaskListItemExtension = class extends NodeExtension4 {
var TaskListItemExtension = (_dec10 = command4(), class _Class extends NodeExtension4 {
static {
[_initProto4] = _applyDecs(this, [[_dec10, 2, "toggleCheckboxChecked"]], []).e;
constructor(...args) {
get name() {

@@ -1155,33 +1174,26 @@ return "taskListItem";

checked: { default: false }
checked: {
default: false
parseDOM: [
tag: "li[data-task-list-item]",
getAttrs: (node) => {
let checked = false;
if (isElementDomNode2(node) && node.getAttribute("data-checked") !== null) {
checked = true;
return {
// Make sure it has higher priority then ListItemExtension's parseDOM by default
priority: ExtensionPriority4.Medium
parseDOM: [{
tag: "li[data-task-list-item]",
getAttrs: node => {
let checked = false;
if (isElementDomNode2(node) && node.getAttribute("data-checked") !== null) {
checked = true;
return {
...override.parseDOM ?? []
toDOM: (node) => {
return [
"data-task-list-item": "",
"data-checked": node.attrs.checked ? "" : void 0
// Make sure it has higher priority then ListItemExtension's parseDOM by default
priority: ExtensionPriority4.Medium
}, ...(override.parseDOM ?? [])],
toDOM: node => ["li", {
"data-task-list-item": "",
"data-checked": node.attrs.checked ? "" : void 0
}, 0]

@@ -1195,3 +1207,3 @@ }

mark.contentEditable = "false";
mark.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
mark.addEventListener("click", e => {
if (!view.editable) {

@@ -1204,3 +1216,5 @@ e.preventDefault();

const $pos = view.state.doc.resolve(pos + 1);{ $pos });{

@@ -1233,3 +1247,6 @@ mark.checked = node.attrs.checked;

return ({ tr, dispatch }) => {
return ({
}) => {
const found = findParentNodeOfType2({

@@ -1242,5 +1259,11 @@ selection: $pos ?? tr.selection.$from,

const { node, pos } = found;
const attrs = { ...node.attrs, checked: checked ?? !node.attrs.checked };
dispatch == null ? void 0 : dispatch(tr.setNodeMarkup(pos, void 0, attrs));
const {
} = found;
const attrs = {
checked: checked ?? !node.attrs.checked
dispatch?.(tr.setNodeMarkup(pos, void 0, attrs));
return true;

@@ -1251,32 +1274,31 @@ };

const regexp = /^\s*(\[( ?|x|X)]\s)$/;
return [
wrappingInputRule3(regexp, this.type, (match) => {
return { checked: ["x", "X"].includes(getMatchString(match, 2)) };
new InputRule3(regexp, (state, match, start, end) => {
const tr =;
tr.deleteRange(start, end);
const canUpdate = wrapSelectedItems({
listType: assertGet3(, "taskList"),
itemType: this.type,
return [wrappingInputRule3(regexp, this.type, match => ({
checked: ["x", "X"].includes(getMatchString(match, 2))
})), new InputRule3(regexp, (state, match, start, end) => {
const tr =;
tr.deleteRange(start, end);
const canUpdate = wrapSelectedItems({
listType: assertGet3(, "taskList"),
itemType: this.type,
if (!canUpdate) {
return null;
const checked = ["x", "X"].includes(getMatchString(match, 2));
if (checked) {
const found = findParentNodeOfType2({
selection: tr.selection,
types: this.type
if (!canUpdate) {
return null;
if (found) {
tr.setNodeMarkup(found.pos, void 0, {
const checked = ["x", "X"].includes(getMatchString(match, 2));
if (checked) {
const found = findParentNodeOfType2({ selection: tr.selection, types: this.type });
if (found) {
tr.setNodeMarkup(found.pos, void 0, { checked });
return tr;
return tr;
], TaskListItemExtension.prototype, "toggleCheckboxChecked", 1);
function updateNodeViewDOM2(node, dom) {

@@ -1290,4 +1312,19 @@ node.attrs.checked ? dom.setAttribute("data-checked", "") : dom.removeAttribute("data-checked");

// packages/remirror__extension-list/src/task-list-extension.ts
var TaskListExtension = class extends NodeExtension5 {
// src/task-list-extension.ts
var TaskListExtension = (_dec11 = command5({
icon: "checkboxMultipleLine",
label: ({
}) => t(Messages3.TASK_LIST_LABEL)
}), _dec12 = keyBinding3({
shortcut: NamedShortcut3.TaskList,
command: "toggleTaskList"
}), class _Class2 extends NodeExtension5 {
static {
[_initProto5] = _applyDecs(this, [[_dec11, 2, "toggleTaskList"], [_dec12, 2, "listShortcut"]], []).e;
constructor(...args) {
get name() {

@@ -1304,12 +1341,12 @@ return "taskList";

attrs: extra.defaults(),
parseDOM: [
tag: "ul[data-task-list]",
getAttrs: extra.parse,
// Make sure it has higher priority then BulletListExtension's parseDOM by default
priority: ExtensionPriority5.Medium
...override.parseDOM ?? []
toDOM: (node) => ["ul", { ...extra.dom(node), "data-task-list": "" }, 0]
parseDOM: [{
tag: "ul[data-task-list]",
getAttrs: extra.parse,
// Make sure it has higher priority then BulletListExtension's parseDOM by default
priority: ExtensionPriority5.Medium
}, ...(override.parseDOM ?? [])],
toDOM: node => ["ul", {
"data-task-list": ""
}, 0]

@@ -1326,22 +1363,3 @@ }

command5({ icon: "checkboxMultipleLine", label: ({ t }) => t(Messages3.TASK_LIST_LABEL) })
], TaskListExtension.prototype, "toggleTaskList", 1);
keyBinding3({ shortcut: NamedShortcut3.TaskList, command: "toggleTaskList" })
], TaskListExtension.prototype, "listShortcut", 1);
export {
export { BulletListExtension, ListItemExtension, ListItemSharedExtension, OrderedListExtension, TaskListExtension, TaskListItemExtension, dedentList, indentList, sharedLiftListItem, sharedSinkListItem, toggleList, wrapSelectedItems };
"name": "@remirror/extension-list",
"version": "2.0.16",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"description": "The list extensions.",

@@ -40,17 +40,24 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.21.0",
"@remirror/core": "^2.0.13",
"@remirror/extension-events": "^2.1.14",
"@remirror/messages": "^2.0.3",
"@remirror/theme": "^2.0.7"
"@babel/runtime": "^7.22.3",
"@remirror/core": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@remirror/extension-events": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@remirror/messages": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@remirror/theme": "3.0.0-beta.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@remirror/pm": "^2.0.5"
"@remirror/cli": "1.0.1",
"@remirror/pm": "3.0.0-beta.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"@remirror/pm": "^2.0.5"
"@remirror/pm": "^3.0.0-beta.0"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"@remirror": {
"sizeLimit": "10 KB"
"scripts": {
"build": "remirror-cli build"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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