Installation •
First you need to install react-bootstrap
as their documentation.
Basically you'll need to run these commands:
npm add react-bootstrap@next bootstrap@5.1.0
yarn add react-bootstrap@next bootstrap@5.1.0
Then, you'll need to import bootstrap
styles into your app:
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
Finally you can install this package running these commands:
npm add -D @rescript/react-bootstrap
yarn add -D @rescript/react-bootstrap
Basic Form
module Form = ReactBootstrap.Form
module Button = ReactBootstrap.Button
module Container = ReactBootstrap.Container
let make = () => {
<Form.Label> {`Email`->React.string} </Form.Label>
<Form.Control _type="email" />
<Form.Label> {`Senha`->React.string} </Form.Label>
<Form.Control _type="password" />
<Button size=#lg _type=#submit>