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@rnx-kit/align-deps is a tool for managing dependencies within a repository and across many repositories. It ensures that your packages are using compatible dependencies and versions, given a set of requirements, based on customizable presets with known good packages and versions that are curated from real apps. You can even bring your own presets that are tailored to your needs.

Note that this tool was previously known as dep-check, but it was renamed to avoid name clashes and other reasons. For more details, you can read the RFC:

If you want to learn how align-deps is used at Microsoft, and see a demo of how it works in a monorepo, you can watch the "Improve all the repos – exploring Microsoft’s DevExp" talk by @kelset and @tido64 at React Native Europe 2021.

To learn more about how align-deps works, please read the design document.


yarn add @rnx-kit/align-deps --dev

or if you're using npm

npm add --save-dev @rnx-kit/align-deps

You can also run this tool using npx

npx @rnx-kit/align-deps@latest [options] [packages...]

but note that profiles may change between each run. We therefore don't recommend that you use npx if you intend to run this tool on CI or as part of post-install. It should be fine if you run it manually.


yarn rnx-align-deps [options] [packages...]

Listing paths to packages that should be checked is optional. If omitted, align-deps will look for the closest package.json using Node module resolution. If the target package is a root package defining workspaces, they will all be included.


  • Ensure dependencies are compatible with react-native 0.70 without a config:
    yarn rnx-align-deps --requirements react-native@0.70
  • Initialize a config for your app (or library):
    yarn rnx-align-deps --init app
    # or specify `library` for a library
  • Apply changes suggested by align-deps:
    yarn rnx-align-deps --write
  • Interactively update supported react-native versions (or bump version used for development):
    yarn rnx-align-deps --set-version


Comma-separated list of package names to exclude from inspection.


--exclude-packages will only exclude packages that do not have a configuration. Packages that have a configuration, will still be checked.

--init <app | library>

When integrating @rnx-kit/align-deps for the first time, it may be a cumbersome to manually add all capabilities yourself. You can run this tool with --init, and it will try to add a sensible configuration based on what is currently defined in the specified package.json.


Comma-separated list of presets. This can be names to built-in presets, or paths to external presets. Paths can point to a JSON file, a .js file, or a module name. The module must default export an object similar to the one below:

module.exports = {
  0.69: {
    "my-capability": {
      name: "my-module",
      version: "1.0.0",
  "0.70": {
    "my-capability": {
      name: "my-module",
      version: "1.1.0",

For a more complete example, have a look at the default preset.

See Presets for more details.


This flag is only be considered when a package is not configured. The presets specified in the configuration will always take precedence.


Comma-separated list of requirements to apply if a package is not configured.

For example, --requirements react-native@0.70 will make sure your packages are compatible with react-native 0.70.

See Requirements for more details.


Sets production and development react-native version requirements for any configured package. The value should be a comma-separated list of react-native versions to set. The first number specifies the development version. For example, --set-version 0.70,0.69 will set the following values:

  "rnx-kit": {
    "alignDeps": {
      "requirements": {
        "development": ["react-native@0.70"],
        "production": ["react-native@0.69 || 0.70"]

If the version numbers are omitted, an interactive prompt will appear.


A rnx-align-deps --write run will be invoked right after changes have been made. As such, this flag will fail if changes are needed before making any modifications.


Writes all proposed changes to the specified package.json.


While @rnx-kit/align-deps can ensure your dependencies are aligned without a configuration, you can only get the more advanced features, such as dependencies section re-ordering (dependencies vs peerDependencies) and transitive dependency detection (A -> B -> C), by adding a configuration. Your configuration must be in an "rnx-kit" section of your package.json, and have the following shapes depending on the package type:

export type AppConfig = {
  kitType: "app";
  alignDeps: {
     * Presets to use for aligning dependencies.
     * @default ["microsoft/react-native"]
    presets?: string[];

     * Requirements for this package, e.g.
     * `react-native@>=0.70`.
    requirements: string[];

     * Capabilities used by the kit.
    capabilities: Capability[];

export type LibraryConfig = {
  kitType: "library";
  alignDeps: {
     * Presets to use for aligning dependencies.
     * @default ["microsoft/react-native"]
    presets?: string[];

     * Requirements for this package, e.g.
     * `react-native@>=0.70`. `development` is for
     * package authors, and `production` is for
     * consumers.
    requirements: { development: string[]; production: string[] };

     * Capabilities used by the kit.
    capabilities: Capability[];

For example, this is a config for a library that supports react-native 0.69 and 0.70, and uses 0.70 internally:

  "name": "useful-library",
  "version": "1.0",
  "rnx-kit": {
    "kitType": "library",
    "alignDeps": {
      "requirements": {
        "development": ["react-native@0.70"],
        "production": ["react-native@0.69 || 0.70"]
      "capabilities": [


The following table contains the currently supported capabilities and what they resolve to:

Capabilities Table
core/testingMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-rendererMeta package for installing core, jest, react-test-renderer

To add new capabilities, first add it to packages/config/src/kitConfig.ts, then update the preset. For an example, have a look at how the hermes capability was added.

If you're looking to update capabilities to a more recent version, run yarn update-profile to help determine whether we need to bump any packages.


A profile is a list of capabilities that map to specific versions of packages. A preset is a collection of such profiles. It can be a JSON file, or a JS file that default exports it. Presets are consumed via the presets key in your configuration, or the --presets flag.

Extending Built-in Presets

The built-in preset, microsoft/react-native, contains a profile for every supported version of react-native. The profiles are named after every minor release, e.g. 0.69 or 0.70.

To add a new capability, e.g. my-capability, to the built-in profiles 0.69 and 0.70, create a custom preset like below:

// my-preset/index.js
module.exports = {
  0.69: {
    "my-capability": {
      name: "my-module",
      version: "1.0.0",
  "0.70": {
    "my-capability": {
      name: "my-module",
      version: "1.1.0",

Then add it to your configuration:

   "name": "my-package",
   "rnx-kit": {
     "alignDeps": {
       "presets": [
+        "my-preset"
       "requirements": ["react-native@0.70"],
       "capabilities": [

Or if you need to align unconfigured packages, specify --presets microsoft/react-native,my-preset.

Make sure that microsoft/react-native is declared before your custom preset. This will tell align-deps to append capabilities when the profile names match.

You can also use this feature to override capabilities. For instance:

// my-preset/index.js
module.exports = {
  "0.70": {
    core: {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.70.3-myCustomFork.1",

With this preset, core will be resolved to your custom fork of react-native instead of the official version.

Note that profile names are only needed when you want to extend or override presets. Otherwise, you can name your profiles whatever you want.

For a complete example of a preset, have a look at microsoft/react-native.

Custom Capabilities

Normally, a capability resolves to a version of a package. For instance, core is a capability that resolves to react-native:

  "core": {
    name: "react-native",
    version: "0.0.0",

A capability can depend on other capabilities. For example, we can ensure that react-native gets installed along with react-native-windows by declaring that core-windows depends on core:

  "core-windows": {
    name: "react-native-windows",
    version: "0.0.0",
    capabilities: ["core"],

You can also create capabilities that don't resolve to a package, but to a list of capabilities instead:

  "core/all": {
    name: "#meta",
    capabilities: [

We call these meta capabilities. To make it easier to identify them (both for humans and machines), the name field must be set to #meta, and the capabilities field must be a non-empty array of other capabilities. The version field is no longer used and can be dropped. To use a meta capability in your rnx-kit configuration, there's nothing specific to be done — for instance:

   "name": "my-package",
   "rnx-kit": {
     "alignDeps": {
       "presets": ["microsoft/react-native", "my-preset"],
       "requirements": ["react-native@0.70"],
       "capabilities": [
+        "core/all"


Requirements are what determines which profiles should be used. This is how it roughly works:

  • The list of presets are loaded and merged into a giant preset
  • For each profile in the merged preset, check whether they fulfill the requirements
    • Profiles that do not fulfill the requirements are discarded
  • Use the remaining profiles to align the target package

For example, given the following configuration:

  "name": "useful-library",
  "version": "1.0",
  "rnx-kit": {
    "kitType": "library",
    "alignDeps": {
      "requirements": {
        "development": ["react-native@0.70"],
        "production": ["react-native@0.69 || 0.70"]
      "capabilities": [
        "core-android",  // `core-android` resolves to `react-native`
        "core-ios"       // `core-ios` also resolves to `react-native`

microsoft/react-native/0.70 will be used for development since it is the only profile that fulfills the requirement, react-native@0.70. align-deps ensures that react-native is correctly declared under devDependencies.

   "name": "useful-library",
   "version": "1.0",
+  "devDependencies" {
+    "react-native": "^0.70.0"
+  }

For production, there are two profiles that fulfill the requirements, microsoft/react-native/0.69 and microsoft/react-native/0.70. Since this package is a library, align-deps ensures that react-native is correctly declared under peerDependencies:

   "name": "useful-library",
   "version": "1.0",
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react-native": "^0.69.0 || ^0.70.0"
+  },
   "devDependencies" {
     "react-native": "^0.70.0"

If the package was an app, align-deps would've ensured that react-native is only declared under dependencies.

You can read more about the usage of the different dependencies sections in Dependency Management.

One important thing to note here is that if there are multiple capabilities resolving to the same package, only the first occurrence of the package is checked. To illustrate this scenario, consider the following:

const builtInPreset = {
  "0.69": {
    core: {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.69.0",
  "0.70": {
    core: {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.70.0",

const customPreset = {
  "0.69": {
    "custom-capability": {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.70.0-fork.1",

const megaPreset = mergePresets([builtInPreset, customPreset]);
  "0.69": {
    core: {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.69.0",
    "custom-capability": {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.70.0-fork.1",
  "0.70": {
    core: {
      name: "react-native",
      version: "^0.70.0",

const filteredPreset = filterPreset(megaPreset, ["react-native@0.70"]);
/* ??? */

If filterPreset checked all capabilities in the profiles, it would return both 0.69 and 0.70 here because custom-capability would satisfy react-native@0.70. This is unexpected behaviour. Instead, align-deps looks for the first package matching the name and then checks whether it fulfills the requirement. With this algorithm, only 0.70 is returned.

Migrating From dep-check

Changes from dep-check to align-deps mostly surrounds the configuration schema, and renaming of a couple of flags:

  • In most cases, your old configuration will still work as before. align-deps will tell you how to convert the old config, but you can also specify --migrate-config to let align-deps do it for you.

  • The following flags were renamed:

    --exclude-packagesno change
    --initno change
    --set-versionno change
    --writeno change
  • Because the new config schema no longer relies on profile names to determine a profile, we had to drop support for declaring capabilities at the root level because we cannot reliably detect whether an entry is a package or a profile. You will have to add those capabilities to all the profiles you want them added to.


TerminologyDefinition (as used in align-deps's context)
capabilityA capability is in essence a feature that the kit uses. A capability is usually mapped to an npm package. Which versions of the package is determined by a profile (see below).
package manifestThis normally refers to a package's package.json.
presetA collection of profiles.
profileA profile is a mapping of capabilities to npm packages at a specific version or version range.


Updating an Existing Profile

Updating an existing profile is unfortunately a manual process.

We have a script that fetches the latest version of all capabilities and presents them in a table together with the current versions.

yarn update-profile

Outputs something like:

| Capability   | Name          | Version   | Latest | Homepage                                        |
| ------------ | ------------- | --------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
| core         | react-native  | ^0.68.0-0 | 0.68.2 | |
| core-android | react-native  | ^0.68.0-0 | 0.68.2 | |
| core-ios     | react-native  | ^0.68.0-0 | 0.68.2 | |
| hermes       | hermes-engine | ~0.11.0   | =      |                                                 |
| react        | react         | 17.0.2    | 18.1.0 |                            |
| ...                                                                                                 |

With this information, we can see which packages have been updated since the last profile, and scan their change logs for interesting changes that may affect compatibility.

Adding a Profile for a New Version of react-native

The update-profile script can also be used to add a profile. For instance, to add a profile for react-native 0.69, run:

yarn update-profile 0.69

The script will try to figure out what version of react, metro, etc. should be set to, and write to src/presets/microsoft/react-native/profile-0.69.ts. Please verify that this profile looks correct before checking it in.


Package last updated on 14 Nov 2023

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