
is a collection of supplemental react-native
functions and types.
You can import the entire package, or, to save space, import individual
import * as tools from "@rnx-kit/tools-react-native";
import * as metroTools from "@rnx-kit/tools-react-native/metro";
import * as platformTools from "@rnx-kit/tools-react-native/platform";
platform | AllPlatforms | List of supported react-native platforms. |
context | loadContext(projectRoot) | Equivalent to calling loadConfig() from @react-native-community/cli , but the result is cached for faster subsequent accesses. |
context | loadContextAsync(projectRoot) | Equivalent to calling loadConfigAsync() (with fallback to loadConfig() ) from @react-native-community/cli , but the result is cached for faster subsequent accesses. |
context | resolveCommunityCLI(root, reactNativePath) | Finds path to @react-native-community/cli . |
metro | findMetroPath(projectRoot) | Finds the installation path of Metro. |
metro | getMetroVersion(projectRoot) | Returns Metro version number. |
metro | requireModuleFromMetro(moduleName, fromDir) | Imports specified module starting from the installation directory of the currently used metro version. |
platform | expandPlatformExtensions(platform, extensions) | Returns a list of extensions that should be tried for the target platform in prioritized order. |
platform | getAvailablePlatforms(startDir) | Returns a map of available React Native platforms. The result is cached. |
platform | getAvailablePlatformsUncached(startDir, platformMap) | Returns a map of available React Native platforms. The result is NOT cached. |
platform | getModuleSuffixes(platform, appendEmpty) | Get the module suffixes array for a given platform, suitable for use with TypeScript's moduleSuffixes setting in the form of ['.ios', '.native', ''] or ['.windows', '.win', '.native', ''] or similar |
platform | parsePlatform(val) | Parse a string to ensure it maps to a valid react-native platform. |
platform | platformExtensions(platform) | Returns file extensions that can be mapped to the target platform. |
platform | platformValues() | |
platform | tryParsePlatform(val) | |