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@@ -1,840 +0,32 @@

import { UserPreferences, KeyValue } from "@rr0/common";
import { Translation } from "@rr0/lang";
import { DictionaryMessages } from "./Translator";
export class User extends People {
readonly preferences: UserPreferences;
readonly firstName?: string | undefined;
readonly lastName?: string | undefined;
readonly middleName?: string | undefined;
constructor(preferences: UserPreferences, gender: Gender, firstName?: string | undefined, lastName?: string | undefined, middleName?: string | undefined);
export enum CountryCode {
* France
fr = "fr",
* United States of america
us = "us",
* Czechoslovakia.
* @deprecated Was divided into Czechia (#cz) and Slovakia (#sk)
cs = "cs",
* Czechia
cz = "cz",
* Slovakia
sk = "sk"
interface TimeMessages {
before: string;
interface WithTimeMessages {
time: TimeMessages;
interface ChildMessage {
male: string;
female: string;
interface BirthMessage {
label: string;
child: ChildMessage;
father: BornFromParentMessage;
mother: BornFromParentMessage;
parents: BornFromParentsMessage;
interface BornFromAnonymousParentMessage {
nationality: string;
interface BornFromParentMessage {
anonymous: BornFromAnonymousParentMessage;
interface BornFromAnonymousParentsMessage {
nationality: string;
nationalities: string;
interface BornFromParentsMessage {
and: string;
anonymous: BornFromAnonymousParentsMessage;
declare abstract class Renderer<M = any> {
protected readonly translation: Translation<M>;
protected constructor(translation: Translation<M>);
protected sentence(str: string): string;
type HTML = string;
declare class HTMLRenderer<M = any> extends Renderer<M> {
protected paragraph(content: HTML): HTML;
protected heading(content: HTML, level: number): HTML;
protected h1(content: HTML): HTML;
export class Army extends Organization {
constructor(longName?: string, shortName?: string);
render<R>(renderer: OrganizationRenderer<R>, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
export enum NameCase {
none = "none",
unchanged = "unchanged",
camelCase = "camelCase",
upperCase = "upperCase",
initials = "initials"
export class PeopleNameFormat {
static readonly none: PeopleRenderOptions;
static readonly pronoun: PeopleRenderOptions;
static readonly full: PeopleRenderOptions;
static readonly middleAbbreviated: PeopleRenderOptions;
static readonly lastName: PeopleRenderOptions;
export interface PeopleNameRenderOptions {
first: NameCase;
middle: NameCase;
last: NameCase;
export interface PeopleRenderOptions {
pronoun: boolean;
name: PeopleNameRenderOptions;
export class HTMLPeopleRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements PeopleRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<any>);
render(people: People, options: PeopleRenderOptions): HTML;
* Unknown time before a date.
export class BeforeTime extends RR0Time {
readonly aboveTime: DateTime;
* @param aboveTime A date which is guaranteed to be after the unknown date.
constructor(aboveTime: DateTime);
render<R>(renderer: TimeRenderer<R>, options: TimeRenderOptions): R;
isBefore(when?: RR0Time): Boolean | null;
isAfter(when?: RR0Time): Boolean | null;
isBeforeDate(when: DateTime): Boolean;
isAfterDate(when: DateTime): false | null;
isAfterBefore(when: BeforeTime): Boolean | null;
isBeforeBefore(when: BeforeTime): Boolean | null;
* Time as a date.
export class DateTime extends RR0Time {
readonly date: Date;
constructor(date: Date);
isBefore(when?: RR0Time): Boolean | null;
isAfter(when?: RR0Time): Boolean | null;
render<R>(renderer: TimeRenderer<R>, options: TimeRenderOptions): R;
isBeforeDate(when: DateTime): Boolean;
isAfterDate(when: DateTime): boolean;
isAfterBefore(when: BeforeTime): Boolean | null;
isBeforeBefore(when: BeforeTime): Boolean | null;
export enum TimeWeekdayRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "Thursday"
long = "long",
* "Thu"
short = "short",
* "T"
narrow = "narrow"
export enum TimeEraRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "Anno Domini"
long = "long",
* "AD"
short = "short",
* "A"
narrow = "narrow"
export enum TimeYearRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "2022"
numeric = "numeric",
* "22"
twoDigits = "2-digit"
export enum TimeMonthRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "2"
numeric = "long",
* "02"
twoDigits = "2-digit",
* "March"
long = "long",
* "Mar"
short = "short",
* "M"
narrow = "narrow"
export enum TimeDayRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "1"
numeric = "numeric",
* "01"
twoDigits = "2-digit"
export enum TimeHourRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "1"
numeric = "numeric",
* "01"
twoDigits = "2-digit"
export enum TimeMinuteRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "1"
numeric = "numeric",
* "01"
twoDigits = "2-digit"
export enum TimeSecondRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "1"
numeric = "numeric",
* "01"
twoDigits = "2-digit"
export enum TimeZoneRenderOptions {
* ""
none = "none",
* "British Summer Time"
numeric = "numeric",
* "GMT+1"
twoDigits = "short"
export interface TimeRenderOptions {
weekday: TimeWeekdayRenderOptions;
month: TimeMonthRenderOptions;
day: TimeDayRenderOptions;
year: TimeYearRenderOptions;
export class TimeRenderFormat {
static readonly none: TimeRenderOptions;
static readonly fullDate: TimeRenderOptions;
export interface TimeRenderer<R> {
render(time: RR0Time, options: TimeRenderOptions): R;
renderDate(time: DateTime, options: TimeRenderOptions): R;
renderBefore(time: BeforeTime, options: TimeRenderOptions): R;
export abstract class RR0Time {
render<R>(renderer: TimeRenderer<R>, options: TimeRenderOptions): R;
abstract isBefore(when?: RR0Time): Boolean | null;
abstract isBeforeDate(when: DateTime): Boolean;
abstract isAfter(when?: RR0Time): Boolean | null;
abstract isAfterDate(when: DateTime): Boolean | null;
abstract isAfterBefore(when: BeforeTime): Boolean | null;
abstract isBeforeBefore(when: BeforeTime): Boolean | null;
* Something that occurred about some people.
declare abstract class PeopleEvent extends RR0Event {
readonly who: People;
protected constructor(type: RR0EventType, who: People, when?: RR0Time, where?: Place);
export interface OccupationRenderOptions extends EventRenderOptions {
type: boolean;
org: OrganizationRenderOptions;
role: boolean;
* An Occupation event rendering algorithm.
export interface OccupationEventRenderer<R> {
renderOccupation(event: OccupationEvent, options: OccupationRenderOptions): R;
export enum MilitaryOccupation {
export enum OccupationRole {
worker = "worker",
general = "general"
* A occupation event.
export class OccupationEvent extends PeopleEvent {
readonly role: OccupationRole;
readonly organization: Organization;
* Creates a occupation event.
* @param who Who was occupation.
* @param role
* @param organization The organisation to work for.
* @param when? When (s)he was occupation.
* @param where? Where (s)he was occupation.
constructor(who: People, role: OccupationRole, organization: Organization, when?: RR0Time, where?: Place);
* Render that occupation event.
* @param renderer The rendering algorithm.
* @param options
render<R>(renderer: OccupationEventRenderer<R>, options: OccupationRenderOptions): R;
export class OccupationFormat {
static none: OccupationRenderOptions;
export interface BirthParentRenderOptions {
occupation: OccupationRenderOptions;
people: PeopleRenderOptions;
export interface BirthEventRenderOptions extends EventRenderOptions {
people: PeopleRenderOptions;
parent: BirthParentRenderOptions;
* A birth event rendering algorithm.
export interface BirthEventRenderer<R> {
renderBirth(event: BirthEvent, options: BirthEventRenderOptions): R;
* A birth event.
export class BirthEvent extends PeopleEvent {
readonly father?: People | undefined;
readonly mother?: People | undefined;
* Creates a birth event.
* @param who Who was born.
* @param when When (s)he was born.
* @param where Where (s)he was born.
* @param father The father of that born child.
* @param mother The mother of that born child.
constructor(who: People, when?: RR0Time, where?: Place, father?: People | undefined, mother?: People | undefined);
* Render that birth event.
* @param renderer The rendering algorithm.
* @param options
render<R>(renderer: BirthEventRenderer<R>, options: BirthEventRenderOptions): R;
* Something that occurred about some organization.
declare abstract class OrganizationEvent extends RR0Event {
readonly org: Organization;
protected constructor(type: RR0EventType, org: Organization, when?: RR0Time, where?: Place);
interface FoundationParentRenderOptions {
occupation: OccupationRenderOptions;
people: PeopleRenderOptions;
organization: OrganizationRenderOptions;
interface FoundationEventRenderOptions extends EventRenderOptions {
organization: OrganizationRenderOptions;
founders: FoundationParentRenderOptions;
* A foundation event rendering algorithm.
interface FoundationEventRenderer<R> {
renderFoundation(event: FoundationEvent, options: FoundationEventRenderOptions): R;
* A foundation event.
declare class FoundationEvent extends OrganizationEvent {
readonly founders?: (People | Organization)[] | undefined;
* Creates a foundation event.
* @param org Which organization was founded.
* @param when When it was founded.
* @param where Where it was founded.
* @param founders
constructor(org: Organization, when?: RR0Time, where?: Place, founders?: (People | Organization)[] | undefined);
* Render that foundation event.
* @param renderer The rendering algorithm.
* @param options
render<R>(renderer: FoundationEventRenderer<R>, options: FoundationEventRenderOptions): R;
export enum SchoolType {
primary = "primarySchool",
highSchool = "highSchool",
university = "university"
export class School extends Organization {
readonly schoolType: SchoolType;
constructor(schoolType: SchoolType, longName?: string, shortName?: string);
render<R>(renderer: OrganizationRenderer<R>, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
export interface StudyRenderOptions extends EventRenderOptions {
verb: boolean;
type: boolean;
org: OrganizationRenderOptions;
role: boolean;
* An Study event rendering algorithm.
export interface StudyEventRenderer<R> {
renderStudy(event: StudyEvent, options: StudyRenderOptions): R;
* A occupation event.
export class StudyEvent extends PeopleEvent {
readonly school: School;
* Creates a occupation event.
* @param who Who was occupation.
* @param school The organisation to work for.
* @param when??? When (s)he was occupation.
* @param where??? Where (s)he was occupation.
constructor(who: People, school: School, when?: RR0Time, where?: Place);
* Render that occupation event.
* @param renderer The rendering algorithm.
* @param options
render<R>(renderer: StudyEventRenderer<R>, options: StudyRenderOptions): R;
export enum RR0EventType {
birth = "birth",
occupation = "occupation",
foundation = "foundation",
study = "study"
export interface EventRenderer<R> extends BirthEventRenderer<R>, OccupationEventRenderer<R>, FoundationEventRenderer<R>, StudyEventRenderer<R> {
* Render an event.
render(event: RR0Event, options: EventRenderOptions): R;
export interface EventRenderOptions {
who: PeopleRenderOptions;
time: TimeRenderOptions;
verb: boolean;
* Something that occurred.
export abstract class RR0Event {
readonly type: RR0EventType;
readonly when?: RR0Time | undefined;
readonly where?: Place | undefined;
protected constructor(type: RR0EventType, when?: RR0Time | undefined, where?: Place | undefined);
abstract render<R>(renderer: EventRenderer<R>, options: EventRenderOptions): R;
* If an event is chronologically before another.
* @return null if not known.
isBefore(otherEvent: RR0Event): Boolean | null;
isAfter(otherEvent: RR0Event): Boolean | null;
export interface TimelineRenderOptions {
[RR0EventType.birth]: BirthEventRenderOptions;
[RR0EventType.occupation]: OccupationRenderOptions;
[]: FoundationEventRenderOptions;
[]: StudyRenderOptions;
export interface TimelineRenderer<R> {
render(timeline: Timeline, options: TimelineRenderOptions): R;
export class Timeline implements Iterable<RR0Event> {
constructor(events?: RR0Event[]);
get length(): number;
get(index: number): RR0Event;
add(event: RR0Event): void;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<RR0Event>;
render<R>(renderer: TimelineRenderer<R>, options: TimelineRenderOptions): R;
findOfType(type: any): Timeline;
export enum Gender {
neutral = "neutral",
male = "male",
female = "female"
export interface PeopleRenderer<R> {
render(people: People, options: PeopleRenderOptions): R;
export class People {
readonly gender: Gender;
readonly firstName?: string | undefined;
readonly lastName?: string | undefined;
readonly middleName?: string | undefined;
readonly events: Timeline;
constructor(gender: Gender, firstName?: string | undefined, lastName?: string | undefined, middleName?: string | undefined);
render<R>(renderer: PeopleRenderer<R>, options: PeopleRenderOptions): R;
get birthCountry(): Country | undefined;
export interface CountryRenderer<R> {
* Render a country.
renderCountry(country: Country): R;
* Render the nationality of a country.
renderNationality(country: Country, gender: Gender): R;
export class Country extends Place {
constructor(name: CountryCode);
get country(): this;
render<R>(renderer: CountryRenderer<R>): R;
renderNationality<R>(renderer: CountryRenderer<R>, gender: Gender): R;
export interface StateRenderer<R> {
renderState(State: State): R;
export class State extends Place {
readonly _country: Country;
constructor(name: string, _country: Country);
get country(): Country;
render<R>(renderer: StateRenderer<R>): R;
export interface CityRenderer<R> {
renderCity(city: City): R;
export class City extends Place {
readonly state: State;
constructor(name: string, state: State);
render<R>(renderer: CityRenderer<R>): R;
interface PlaceRenderer<R> extends CityRenderer<R>, StateRenderer<R>, CountryRenderer<R> {
render(place: Place): R;
declare class Place {
readonly name: string;
constructor(name: string);
render<R>(renderer: PlaceRenderer<R>): R;
get country(): Country | undefined;
export interface OrganizationNameOptions {
short: boolean;
long: boolean;
export enum OrganizationDescriptionOptions {
none = "none",
inline = "inline",
tooltip = "tooltip"
export interface OrganizationRenderOptions {
name: OrganizationNameOptions;
description: OrganizationDescriptionOptions;
origin: boolean;
types: {
[]: {
products: boolean;
[]: {};
export class HTMLOrganizationRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements OrganizationRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithOrgMessages>, placeRenderer: PlaceRenderer<HTML>);
render(org: Organization, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): HTML;
renderArmy(army: Army, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): HTML;
renderCompany(company: Company, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): HTML;
renderSchool(school: School, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): HTML;
export class Company extends Organization {
readonly products: string[];
constructor(longName?: string, shortName?: string, products?: string[]);
render<R>(renderer: OrganizationRenderer<R>, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
export interface OrganizationRenderer<R> {
render(org: Organization, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
renderCompany(company: Company, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
renderArmy(army: Army, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
renderSchool(school: School, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
export enum OrganizationType {
company = "company",
army = "army",
school = "school"
export abstract class Organization {
readonly type: OrganizationType;
readonly longName?: string | undefined;
readonly shortName?: string | undefined;
readonly events: Timeline;
protected constructor(type: OrganizationType, longName?: string | undefined, shortName?: string | undefined);
get firstCountry(): Country | undefined;
abstract render<R>(renderer: OrganizationRenderer<R>, options: OrganizationRenderOptions): R;
interface OrgMessages {
short: string;
long: string;
short_long: string;
company_products: string;
company_nationality: string;
company_nationality_products: string;
school: string;
long_school: string;
[]: string;
interface WithOrgMessages {
org: OrgMessages;
interface FoundationMessage {
label: string;
org: OrgMessages;
founder: FoundedFromParentMessage;
founders: FoundedFromParentsMessage;
interface FoundedFromAnonymousParentMessage {
nationality: string;
interface FoundedFromParentMessage {
anonymous: FoundedFromAnonymousParentMessage;
interface FoundedFromAnonymousParentsMessage {
nationality: string;
nationalities: string;
interface FoundedFromParentsMessage {
and: string;
anonymous: FoundedFromAnonymousParentsMessage;
interface OccupationMessage {
org_role_verb: string;
org_verb: string;
org_verb_who: string;
org_role: string;
org_role_who: string;
interface StudyMessage {
at_school_verb: string;
at_school_verb_who: string;
interface EventMessages {
default: string;
people: {
born: BirthMessage;
occupation: OccupationMessage;
study: StudyMessage;
org: {
foundation: FoundationMessage;
interface WithEventMessages {
event: EventMessages;
interface StateMessage {
short: string;
long: string;
interface StatesMessages {
[stateKey: string]: StateMessage;
interface CountryMessage {
name: string;
nationality: {
male: string;
female: string;
state: StatesMessages;
interface CountriesMessage {
[countryCode: string]: CountryMessage;
interface PlaceMessages {
country: CountriesMessage;
interface WithPlaceMessages {
place: PlaceMessages;
export interface PeopleMessages {
pronoun: {
male: string;
female: string;
neutral: string;
export interface WithPeopleMessages {
people: PeopleMessages;
interface Messages extends WithPeopleMessages, WithTimeMessages, WithEventMessages, WithPlaceMessages, WithOrgMessages {
dict: DictionaryMessages;
declare class FrenchMessages implements Messages {
people: PeopleMessages;
org: OrgMessages;
place: PlaceMessages;
event: EventMessages;
time: TimeMessages;
dict: KeyValue;
export const messages_fr: FrenchMessages;
declare class EnglishMessages implements Messages {
people: PeopleMessages;
org: OrgMessages;
place: PlaceMessages;
event: EventMessages;
time: TimeMessages;
dict: KeyValue;
export const messages_en: EnglishMessages;
export class Countries {
* United States of America (USA).
static readonly us: Country;
* Czechoslovakia.
* @deprecated Was divided into Czechia (#cz) and Slovakia (#sk)
static readonly cs: Country;
export class States {
static readonly illinois: State;
export class HTMLTimeRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements TimeRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithTimeMessages>);
render(time: RR0Time, options: TimeRenderOptions): HTML;
renderDate(time: DateTime, options: TimeRenderOptions): HTML;
renderBefore(time: BeforeTime, options: TimeRenderOptions): HTML;
* Renders events as HTML.
export class HTMLEventRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements EventRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithEventMessages>, placeRenderer: PlaceRenderer<HTML>, timeRenderer: TimeRenderer<HTML>, occupationRenderer: OccupationEventRenderer<HTML>, birthEventRenderer: BirthEventRenderer<HTML>, foundationRenderer: FoundationEventRenderer<HTML>, studyRenderer: StudyEventRenderer<HTML>);
render(event: RR0Event, options: EventRenderOptions): HTML;
renderBirth(birth: BirthEvent, options: BirthEventRenderOptions): HTML;
renderOccupation(event: OccupationEvent, options: OccupationRenderOptions): HTML;
renderFoundation(event: FoundationEvent, options: FoundationEventRenderOptions): HTML;
renderStudy(event: StudyEvent, options: StudyRenderOptions): HTML;
export class HTMLOccupationRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements OccupationEventRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithEventMessages>, orgRenderer: OrganizationRenderer<HTML>, peopleRenderer: HTMLPeopleRenderer);
renderOccupation(occupation: OccupationEvent, options: OccupationRenderOptions): HTML;
export class HTMLBirthEventRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements BirthEventRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithEventMessages>, peopleRenderer: PeopleRenderer<HTML>, timeRenderer: TimeRenderer<HTML>, placeRenderer: PlaceRenderer<HTML>, occupationRenderer: OccupationEventRenderer<HTML>);
renderBirth(birth: BirthEvent, options: BirthEventRenderOptions): HTML;
export class HTMLStudyRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements StudyEventRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithEventMessages>, orgRenderer: OrganizationRenderer<HTML>, peopleRenderer: HTMLPeopleRenderer);
renderStudy(study: StudyEvent, options: StudyRenderOptions): HTML;
declare class HTMLPlaceRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements PlaceRenderer<HTML>, CityRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithPlaceMessages>);
render(place: Place): HTML;
renderCity(city: City): HTML;
renderCountry(country: Country): HTML;
renderNationality(country: Country, gender: Gender): HTML;
renderState(state: State): HTML;
declare class HTMLFoundationEventRenderer extends HTMLRenderer implements FoundationEventRenderer<HTML> {
constructor(translation: Translation<WithEventMessages>, peopleRenderer: PeopleRenderer<HTML>, orgRenderer: OrganizationRenderer<HTML>, timeRenderer: TimeRenderer<HTML>, placeRenderer: PlaceRenderer<HTML>, occupationRenderer: OccupationEventRenderer<HTML>);
renderFoundation(foundation: FoundationEvent, options: FoundationEventRenderOptions): HTML;
export interface HTMLDocRenderOptions {
title: {
name: PeopleNameRenderOptions;
events: TimelineRenderOptions;
export class HTMLDocRenderer extends HTMLRenderer {
readonly placeRenderer: HTMLPlaceRenderer;
readonly peopleRenderer: HTMLPeopleRenderer;
readonly timeRenderer: HTMLTimeRenderer;
readonly orgRenderer: HTMLOrganizationRenderer;
readonly occupationRenderer: HTMLOccupationRenderer;
readonly birthEventRenderer: HTMLBirthEventRenderer;
readonly studyRenderer: HTMLStudyRenderer;
readonly foundationRenderer: HTMLFoundationEventRenderer;
readonly eventRenderer: HTMLEventRenderer;
constructor(translation: Translation<any>);
render(people: People, options: HTMLDocRenderOptions): HTML;
export * from "user/User";
export * from "lang/Messages_fr";
export * from "lang/Messages_en";
export * from "people/People";
export * from "people/PeopleMessages";
export * from "people/render/HTMLPeopleRenderer";
export * from "org/Army";
export * from "org/School";
export * from "org/Company";
export * from "org/Organization";
export * from "org/render/HTMLOrganizationRenderer";
export * from "place/City";
export * from "place/state/State";
export * from "place/state/States";
export * from "place/country/CountryCode";
export * from "place/country/Country";
export * from "place/country/Countries";
export * from "time/Event";
export * from "time/DateTime";
export * from "time/BeforeTime";
export * from "time/Time";
export * from "time/Timeline";
export * from "time/render/HTMLTimeRenderer";
export * from "time/render/HTMLEventRenderer";
export * from "time/people/occupation/OccupationEvent";
export * from "time/people/occupation/HTMLOccupationRenderer";
export * from "time/people/birth/BirthEvent";
export * from "time/people/birth/HTMLBirthEventRenderer";
export * from "time/people/study/StudyEvent";
export * from "time/people/study/HTMLStudyRenderer";
export * from "HTMLDocRenderer";
export { EventRenderer } from "time/EventRenderer";
"name": "@rr0/facts",
"author": "Jérôme Beau",
"version": "0.1.7",
"version": "0.1.9",
"description": "Facts representation API",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "homepage": "",

"scripts": {
"build": "parcel build src/index.ts --no-scope-hoist",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"prepublishOnly": "npm test",
"clean": "rm -Rf dist & rm -Rf node_modules",
"prebuild": "npm install",
"build": "tsc",
"prepublishOnly": "npm test && npm run build",
"test": "jest"
"dependencies": {
"@rr0/common": "^0.1.4",
"@rr0/lang": "^0.1.4"
"@rr0/common": "~0.1.9",
"@rr0/lang": "~0.1.10"
"devDependencies": {
"parcel": "2.0.0-beta.1",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.14",

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ "jest": "^26.4.2",

"compilerOptions": {
"declaration": true,
"strict": true,
"module": "esnext",
"jsx": "preserve",
"declaration": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"allowJs": true,
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"target": "ES2018",
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