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Comparing version 3.0.0-rc45 to 3.0.0-rc46




@@ -22,2 +22,3 @@ "use strict";

__exportStar(require("./model-signals-factory"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./optional-lens"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./signals-factory"), exports);

@@ -24,0 +25,0 @@ __exportStar(require("./store"), exports);


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.toGetter = exports.fromLens = exports.fromLensAndValue = exports.fromValueAndLens = exports.getLens = exports.isOptionalLens = exports.pick = exports.isValidModelValidationResult = exports.patchModelValidationResult = exports.isResultWithInput = exports.merge = void 0;
exports.isValidModelValidationResult = exports.patchModelValidationResult = exports.isResultWithInput = exports.merge = void 0;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */

@@ -105,137 +105,2 @@ const store_utils_1 = require("./store-utils");

exports.isValidModelValidationResult = isValidModelValidationResult;
* Takes a value `T` and a key `K`.
* If value is an `Array<A>` (`K` is enforced as number in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `A | undefined`.
* If value is a `Record<any, any>` (`K` is enforced as `keyof T` in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `T[K] | undefined`.
* Else it returns undefined.
const pick = (value, key) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value[key];
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
return value[key];
return undefined;
exports.pick = pick;
const optionalLensKind = '$OptionalLens$';
* Typeguard to check, if the given value is an {@link OptionalLens}
const isOptionalLens = (value) => (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.kind) === optionalLensKind;
exports.isOptionalLens = isOptionalLens;
const _toLens = (get, key) => {
const newGet = (v) => (0, exports.pick)(get(v), key);
return {
kind: optionalLensKind,
get: newGet,
k: (k) => _toLens(newGet, k),
* Get an `OptionalLens<T, T>` for type-safe access on arbitrarily nested properties of type `T`,
* where `T` might be a union of arbitrary types.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* a:
* | string
* | Array<
* | boolean
* | {
* x: number | Array<number>;
* }
* >;
* };
* const t1: Test = 42;
* const t2: Test = { a: 'Test3' };
* const t3: Test = { a: [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] };
* ```
* you could get the following results with optional-lenses:
* ```ts
* const lensA = getLens<Test>().k('a');
* const a1 = lensA.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a2 = lensA.get(t2); // => 'Test3' (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a3 = lensA.get(t3); // => [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const lensA2X1 = lensA.k(2).k('x').k(1);
* const n1 = lensA2X1.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n2 = lensA2X1.get(t2); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n3 = lensA2X1.get(t3); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
const getLens = () => {
const get = (value) => value;
return {
k: (key) => _toLens(get, key),
exports.getLens = getLens;
* Utility function to apply an `OptionalLens<T, P>` to a `T`
const fromValueAndLens = (value) => (lens) => lens.get(value);
exports.fromValueAndLens = fromValueAndLens;
* Utility function to apply a `T` to an `OptionalLens<T, P>`
const fromLensAndValue = (lens) => (value) => lens.get(value);
exports.fromLensAndValue = fromLensAndValue;
* If the first argument is an `OptionalLens`, this function behaves like `fromLensAndValue`,
* else it behaves like `fromValueAndLens`
const fromLens = (valueOrLens1) => (valueOrLens2) => (0, exports.isOptionalLens)(valueOrLens1)
? valueOrLens1.get(valueOrLens2)
: valueOrLens2.get(valueOrLens1);
exports.fromLens = fromLens;
const _toGetter = (g) => ({
get: () => g(),
k: (key) => _toGetter(() => (0, exports.pick)(g(), key)),
* Wraps the given value of type T in a `Getter<T>`.
* A `Getter<T>` can be used like a one-time ad-hoc version of an {@link OptionalLens}.
* In most cases however, using an {@link OptionalLens} is the better choice.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* x: Array<number>;
* a: {
* b: number;
* };
* | {
* a: {
* b: string;
* }
* }
* };
* let t1: Test = 42;
* let t2: Test = { x: [1, 2, 3] };
* let t3: Test = { a: { b: 'Test' } };
* ```
* you could get the following results with toGetter:
* ```ts
* const b1 = toGetter(t1).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b2 = toGetter(t2).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b3 = toGetter(t3).k('a').k('b').get(); // => 'Test' (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const x1 = toGetter(t1).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x2 = toGetter(t2).k('x').k(1).get(); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x3 = toGetter(t3).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
const toGetter = (value) => _toGetter(() => value);
exports.toGetter = toGetter;

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ export * from './effect-result';

export * from './model-signals-factory';
export * from './optional-lens';
export * from './signals-factory';

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ export * from './store';

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ export * from './effect-result';

export * from './model-signals-factory';
export * from './optional-lens';
export * from './signals-factory';

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ export * from './store';

@@ -192,198 +192,1 @@ import { NoValueType } from './store-utils';

export declare const isValidModelValidationResult: <T>(modelValidationResult: ModelValidationResult<T, any>) => boolean;
* Returns number in case `T` is an `Array`,
* else if `T extends Record<any, any>`, it returns the keys of it,
* else it returns never.
export type ToKeys<T> = T extends Array<any> ? number : T extends Record<any, any> ? {
[K in keyof T]: K;
}[keyof T] : never;
* Return type of the pick function.
export type PickReturn<T, K extends ToKeys<T>> = T extends Array<infer A> ? A | undefined : T extends Record<any, any> ? K extends keyof T ? T[K] | undefined : never : undefined;
* Takes a value `T` and a key `K`.
* If value is an `Array<A>` (`K` is enforced as number in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `A | undefined`.
* If value is a `Record<any, any>` (`K` is enforced as `keyof T` in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `T[K] | undefined`.
* Else it returns undefined.
export declare const pick: <T, K extends ToKeys<T>>(value: T, key: K) => PickReturn<T, K>;
* An `OptionalLens<T, P>` grants type-safe access on potential `P`, hence it can be used to
* get `P | undefined` from an arbitrary `T`, where `T` might be a union of arbitrary types.
* From an `OptionalLens<T, P>`, you can also retrieve a new `OptionalLens<P, P[K]>`, where K is a potential key of P.
* Use `getLens<T>()` to get an initial `OptionalLens<T, T>`.
* You can see `OptionalLens` as "universal optional chaining". While normal optional chaining only works on a `T | null | undefined`,
* the `OptionalLens` allows the type-safe access on arbitrary unions.
* E.g. given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* a:
* | string
* | Array<
* | boolean
* | {
* x: number | Array<number>;
* }
* >;
* };
* const t1: Test = 42;
* const t2: Test = { a: 'Test3' };
* const t3: Test = { a: [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] };
* ```
* you could get the following results with optional-lenses:
* ```ts
* const lensA = getLens<Test>().k('a');
* const a1 = lensA.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a2 = lensA.get(t2); // => 'Test3' (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a3 = lensA.get(t3); // => [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const lensA2X1 = lensA.k(2).k('x').k(1);
* const n1 = lensA2X1.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n2 = lensA2X1.get(t2); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n3 = lensA2X1.get(t3); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export type OptionalLens<T, P> = {
get: (value: T) => P | undefined;
k: <K extends ToKeys<P>>(key: K) => OptionalLens<T, PickReturn<P, K>>;
* Typeguard to check, if the given value is an {@link OptionalLens}
export declare const isOptionalLens: <T, P>(value: any) => value is OptionalLens<T, P>;
* Get an `OptionalLens<T, T>` for type-safe access on arbitrarily nested properties of type `T`,
* where `T` might be a union of arbitrary types.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* a:
* | string
* | Array<
* | boolean
* | {
* x: number | Array<number>;
* }
* >;
* };
* const t1: Test = 42;
* const t2: Test = { a: 'Test3' };
* const t3: Test = { a: [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] };
* ```
* you could get the following results with optional-lenses:
* ```ts
* const lensA = getLens<Test>().k('a');
* const a1 = lensA.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a2 = lensA.get(t2); // => 'Test3' (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a3 = lensA.get(t3); // => [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const lensA2X1 = lensA.k(2).k('x').k(1);
* const n1 = lensA2X1.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n2 = lensA2X1.get(t2); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n3 = lensA2X1.get(t3); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export declare const getLens: <T>() => OptionalLens<T, T>;
* Get a concrete `OptionalLens<T, P>` from an `OptionalLens<any, any>` (or never, if L is no `OptionalLens<any, any>`)
export type ToLensType<L> = [L] extends [OptionalLens<infer T, infer P>] ? OptionalLens<T, P> : never;
* Get a concrete `T` from an `OptionalLens<T, any>` (or never, if L is no `OptionalLens<any, any>`)
export type ToLensInputType<L> = [L] extends [OptionalLens<infer T, any>] ? T : never;
* Get a concrete `T` from an `OptionalLens<any, T>` (or never, if L is no `OptionalLens<any, any>`)
export type ToLensOutputType<L> = [L] extends [OptionalLens<any, infer T>] ? T : never;
* Get `T`, if `VL` is an `OptionalLens<T, any>`, else get `OptionalLens<VL, any>`
export type ValueOrLens<VL> = [VL] extends [OptionalLens<any, any>] ? ToLensInputType<VL> : OptionalLens<VL, any>;
* Get return type of `OptionalLens<T, PX>::get(T)`, if `X` is an `OptionalLens<any, any>`,
* else get the return type of `OptionalLens<T, PY>::get(T)`, if `Y` is an `OptionalLens<any, any>`,
* else never.
export type FromLensReturn<X, Y> = [X] extends [OptionalLens<any, any>] ? ToLensOutputType<X> | undefined : [Y] extends [OptionalLens<any, any>] ? ToLensOutputType<Y> | undefined : never;
* Utility function to apply an `OptionalLens<T, P>` to a `T`
export declare const fromValueAndLens: <T>(value: T) => <L extends OptionalLens<T, any>>(lens: L) => ToLensOutputType<L> | undefined;
* Utility function to apply a `T` to an `OptionalLens<T, P>`
export declare const fromLensAndValue: <L extends OptionalLens<any, any>>(lens: L) => <T extends ToLensInputType<L>>(value: T) => ToLensOutputType<L> | undefined;
* If the first argument is an `OptionalLens`, this function behaves like `fromLensAndValue`,
* else it behaves like `fromValueAndLens`
export declare const fromLens: <X>(valueOrLens1: X) => <Y extends ValueOrLens<X>>(valueOrLens2: Y) => FromLensReturn<X, Y>;
* Return type of the toGetter function.
* Like {@link OptionalLens}, a `Getter<T>` can be used for optional chaining on arbitrary union types.
* In contrast to {@link OptionalLens}, the initial `Getter<T>` must be obtained from a value of type `T`.
* You can thus use it as kind of ad-hoc lens for a one-time access. In most cases however,
* using an {@link OptionalLens} is the better choice.
* See `toGetter` documentation for example usage.
export type Getter<T> = {
get: () => T;
k: <K extends ToKeys<T>>(key: K) => Getter<PickReturn<T, K>>;
* Helper type to infer the concrete value type `T` wrapped by a `Getter<T>`
export type ToGetterValue<T> = T extends Getter<infer V> ? V : never;
* Wraps the given value of type T in a `Getter<T>`.
* A `Getter<T>` can be used like a one-time ad-hoc version of an {@link OptionalLens}.
* In most cases however, using an {@link OptionalLens} is the better choice.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* x: Array<number>;
* a: {
* b: number;
* };
* | {
* a: {
* b: string;
* }
* }
* };
* let t1: Test = 42;
* let t2: Test = { x: [1, 2, 3] };
* let t3: Test = { a: { b: 'Test' } };
* ```
* you could get the following results with toGetter:
* ```ts
* const b1 = toGetter(t1).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b2 = toGetter(t2).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b3 = toGetter(t3).k('a').k('b').get(); // => 'Test' (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const x1 = toGetter(t1).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x2 = toGetter(t2).k('x').k(1).get(); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x3 = toGetter(t3).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export declare const toGetter: <T>(value: T) => Getter<T>;

@@ -98,130 +98,2 @@ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */

* Takes a value `T` and a key `K`.
* If value is an `Array<A>` (`K` is enforced as number in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `A | undefined`.
* If value is a `Record<any, any>` (`K` is enforced as `keyof T` in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `T[K] | undefined`.
* Else it returns undefined.
export const pick = (value, key) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value[key];
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
return value[key];
return undefined;
const optionalLensKind = '$OptionalLens$';
* Typeguard to check, if the given value is an {@link OptionalLens}
export const isOptionalLens = (value) => (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.kind) === optionalLensKind;
const _toLens = (get, key) => {
const newGet = (v) => pick(get(v), key);
return {
kind: optionalLensKind,
get: newGet,
k: (k) => _toLens(newGet, k),
* Get an `OptionalLens<T, T>` for type-safe access on arbitrarily nested properties of type `T`,
* where `T` might be a union of arbitrary types.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* a:
* | string
* | Array<
* | boolean
* | {
* x: number | Array<number>;
* }
* >;
* };
* const t1: Test = 42;
* const t2: Test = { a: 'Test3' };
* const t3: Test = { a: [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] };
* ```
* you could get the following results with optional-lenses:
* ```ts
* const lensA = getLens<Test>().k('a');
* const a1 = lensA.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a2 = lensA.get(t2); // => 'Test3' (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a3 = lensA.get(t3); // => [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const lensA2X1 = lensA.k(2).k('x').k(1);
* const n1 = lensA2X1.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n2 = lensA2X1.get(t2); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n3 = lensA2X1.get(t3); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export const getLens = () => {
const get = (value) => value;
return {
k: (key) => _toLens(get, key),
* Utility function to apply an `OptionalLens<T, P>` to a `T`
export const fromValueAndLens = (value) => (lens) => lens.get(value);
* Utility function to apply a `T` to an `OptionalLens<T, P>`
export const fromLensAndValue = (lens) => (value) => lens.get(value);
* If the first argument is an `OptionalLens`, this function behaves like `fromLensAndValue`,
* else it behaves like `fromValueAndLens`
export const fromLens = (valueOrLens1) => (valueOrLens2) => isOptionalLens(valueOrLens1)
? valueOrLens1.get(valueOrLens2)
: valueOrLens2.get(valueOrLens1);
const _toGetter = (g) => ({
get: () => g(),
k: (key) => _toGetter(() => pick(g(), key)),
* Wraps the given value of type T in a `Getter<T>`.
* A `Getter<T>` can be used like a one-time ad-hoc version of an {@link OptionalLens}.
* In most cases however, using an {@link OptionalLens} is the better choice.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* x: Array<number>;
* a: {
* b: number;
* };
* | {
* a: {
* b: string;
* }
* }
* };
* let t1: Test = 42;
* let t2: Test = { x: [1, 2, 3] };
* let t3: Test = { a: { b: 'Test' } };
* ```
* you could get the following results with toGetter:
* ```ts
* const b1 = toGetter(t1).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b2 = toGetter(t2).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b3 = toGetter(t3).k('a').k('b').get(); // => 'Test' (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const x1 = toGetter(t1).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x2 = toGetter(t2).k('x').k(1).get(); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x3 = toGetter(t3).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export const toGetter = (value) => _toGetter(() => value);
"name": "@rx-signals/store",
"version": "3.0.0-rc45",
"version": "3.0.0-rc46",
"description": "Reactive state- and effects-management with behaviors and event streams",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Gerd Neudert",

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ # _@rx-signals/store_

:warning: This documentation is work in progress for the upcoming 3.0.0 version.
There is however NO good reason to use 2.x over 3.0.0-rc45, so please start with the rc-version (3.0.0 will be the first version I'm going to advertise publicly, so it's more like a 1.0 in reality.).
There is however NO good reason to use 2.x over 3.0.0-rc46, so please start with the rc-version (3.0.0 will be the first version I'm going to advertise publicly, so it's more like a 1.0 in reality.).
2.x is deprecated and will NOT be maintained in any way.

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@

**`npm install --save @rx-signals/store@3.0.0-rc45`**
**`npm install --save @rx-signals/store@3.0.0-rc46`**

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ ## Dependencies

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ export * from './effect-result';

export * from './model-signals-factory';
export * from './optional-lens';
export * from './signals-factory';

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ export * from './store';

@@ -325,286 +325,1 @@ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */

* Returns number in case `T` is an `Array`,
* else if `T extends Record<any, any>`, it returns the keys of it,
* else it returns never.
export type ToKeys<T> = T extends Array<any>
? number
: T extends Record<any, any>
? {
[K in keyof T]: K;
}[keyof T]
: never;
* Return type of the pick function.
export type PickReturn<T, K extends ToKeys<T>> = T extends Array<infer A>
? A | undefined
: T extends Record<any, any>
? K extends keyof T
? T[K] | undefined
: never
: undefined;
* Takes a value `T` and a key `K`.
* If value is an `Array<A>` (`K` is enforced as number in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `A | undefined`.
* If value is a `Record<any, any>` (`K` is enforced as `keyof T` in this case), it returns `value[key]` as `T[K] | undefined`.
* Else it returns undefined.
export const pick = <T, K extends ToKeys<T>>(value: T, key: K): PickReturn<T, K> => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value[key];
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
return (<Record<K, any>>value)[key] as PickReturn<T, K>;
return undefined as PickReturn<T, K>;
* An `OptionalLens<T, P>` grants type-safe access on potential `P`, hence it can be used to
* get `P | undefined` from an arbitrary `T`, where `T` might be a union of arbitrary types.
* From an `OptionalLens<T, P>`, you can also retrieve a new `OptionalLens<P, P[K]>`, where K is a potential key of P.
* Use `getLens<T>()` to get an initial `OptionalLens<T, T>`.
* You can see `OptionalLens` as "universal optional chaining". While normal optional chaining only works on a `T | null | undefined`,
* the `OptionalLens` allows the type-safe access on arbitrary unions.
* E.g. given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* a:
* | string
* | Array<
* | boolean
* | {
* x: number | Array<number>;
* }
* >;
* };
* const t1: Test = 42;
* const t2: Test = { a: 'Test3' };
* const t3: Test = { a: [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] };
* ```
* you could get the following results with optional-lenses:
* ```ts
* const lensA = getLens<Test>().k('a');
* const a1 = lensA.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a2 = lensA.get(t2); // => 'Test3' (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a3 = lensA.get(t3); // => [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const lensA2X1 = lensA.k(2).k('x').k(1);
* const n1 = lensA2X1.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n2 = lensA2X1.get(t2); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n3 = lensA2X1.get(t3); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export type OptionalLens<T, P> = {
get: (value: T) => P | undefined;
k: <K extends ToKeys<P>>(key: K) => OptionalLens<T, PickReturn<P, K>>;
const optionalLensKind = '$OptionalLens$';
type KindedOptionalLens<T, P> = OptionalLens<T, P> & {
kind: typeof optionalLensKind;
* Typeguard to check, if the given value is an {@link OptionalLens}
export const isOptionalLens = <T, P>(
value: OptionalLens<T, P> | any,
): value is OptionalLens<T, P> => value?.kind === optionalLensKind;
const _toLens = <T, P, K extends ToKeys<P>>(
get: (value: T) => P,
key: K,
): KindedOptionalLens<T, PickReturn<P, K>> => {
const newGet = (v: T): PickReturn<P, K> => pick(get(v), key);
return {
kind: optionalLensKind,
get: newGet,
k: <NK extends ToKeys<PickReturn<P, K>>>(
k: NK,
): KindedOptionalLens<T, PickReturn<PickReturn<P, K>, NK>> =>
_toLens<T, PickReturn<P, K>, NK>(newGet, k),
* Get an `OptionalLens<T, T>` for type-safe access on arbitrarily nested properties of type `T`,
* where `T` might be a union of arbitrary types.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* a:
* | string
* | Array<
* | boolean
* | {
* x: number | Array<number>;
* }
* >;
* };
* const t1: Test = 42;
* const t2: Test = { a: 'Test3' };
* const t3: Test = { a: [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] };
* ```
* you could get the following results with optional-lenses:
* ```ts
* const lensA = getLens<Test>().k('a');
* const a1 = lensA.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a2 = lensA.get(t2); // => 'Test3' (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const a3 = lensA.get(t3); // => [true, { x: 7 }, { x: [1, 2, 3] }] (inferred as undefined | string | Array<boolean | { x: number | Array<number>}>)
* const lensA2X1 = lensA.k(2).k('x').k(1);
* const n1 = lensA2X1.get(t1); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n2 = lensA2X1.get(t2); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const n3 = lensA2X1.get(t3); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export const getLens = <T>(): OptionalLens<T, T> => {
const get = (value: T) => value;
return {
k: <K extends ToKeys<T>>(key: K): OptionalLens<T, PickReturn<T, K>> =>
_toLens<T, T, K>(get, key),
* Get a concrete `OptionalLens<T, P>` from an `OptionalLens<any, any>` (or never, if L is no `OptionalLens<any, any>`)
export type ToLensType<L> = [L] extends [OptionalLens<infer T, infer P>]
? OptionalLens<T, P>
: never;
* Get a concrete `T` from an `OptionalLens<T, any>` (or never, if L is no `OptionalLens<any, any>`)
export type ToLensInputType<L> = [L] extends [OptionalLens<infer T, any>] ? T : never;
* Get a concrete `T` from an `OptionalLens<any, T>` (or never, if L is no `OptionalLens<any, any>`)
export type ToLensOutputType<L> = [L] extends [OptionalLens<any, infer T>] ? T : never;
* Get `T`, if `VL` is an `OptionalLens<T, any>`, else get `OptionalLens<VL, any>`
export type ValueOrLens<VL> = [VL] extends [OptionalLens<any, any>]
? ToLensInputType<VL>
: OptionalLens<VL, any>;
* Get return type of `OptionalLens<T, PX>::get(T)`, if `X` is an `OptionalLens<any, any>`,
* else get the return type of `OptionalLens<T, PY>::get(T)`, if `Y` is an `OptionalLens<any, any>`,
* else never.
export type FromLensReturn<X, Y> = [X] extends [OptionalLens<any, any>]
? ToLensOutputType<X> | undefined
: [Y] extends [OptionalLens<any, any>]
? ToLensOutputType<Y> | undefined
: never;
* Utility function to apply an `OptionalLens<T, P>` to a `T`
export const fromValueAndLens =
<T>(value: T) =>
<L extends OptionalLens<T, any>>(lens: L): ToLensOutputType<L> | undefined =>
* Utility function to apply a `T` to an `OptionalLens<T, P>`
export const fromLensAndValue =
<L extends OptionalLens<any, any>>(lens: L) =>
<T extends ToLensInputType<L>>(value: T): ToLensOutputType<L> | undefined =>
* If the first argument is an `OptionalLens`, this function behaves like `fromLensAndValue`,
* else it behaves like `fromValueAndLens`
export const fromLens =
<X>(valueOrLens1: X) =>
<Y extends ValueOrLens<X>>(valueOrLens2: Y): FromLensReturn<X, Y> =>
? valueOrLens1.get(valueOrLens2)
: (<OptionalLens<X, any>>valueOrLens2).get(valueOrLens1);
* Return type of the toGetter function.
* Like {@link OptionalLens}, a `Getter<T>` can be used for optional chaining on arbitrary union types.
* In contrast to {@link OptionalLens}, the initial `Getter<T>` must be obtained from a value of type `T`.
* You can thus use it as kind of ad-hoc lens for a one-time access. In most cases however,
* using an {@link OptionalLens} is the better choice.
* See `toGetter` documentation for example usage.
export type Getter<T> = {
get: () => T;
k: <K extends ToKeys<T>>(key: K) => Getter<PickReturn<T, K>>;
* Helper type to infer the concrete value type `T` wrapped by a `Getter<T>`
export type ToGetterValue<T> = T extends Getter<infer V> ? V : never;
const _toGetter = <T>(g: () => T): Getter<T> => ({
get: () => g(),
k: <K extends ToKeys<T>>(key: K): Getter<PickReturn<T, K>> => _toGetter(() => pick(g(), key)),
* Wraps the given value of type T in a `Getter<T>`.
* A `Getter<T>` can be used like a one-time ad-hoc version of an {@link OptionalLens}.
* In most cases however, using an {@link OptionalLens} is the better choice.
* Given the following type and values:
* ```ts
* type Test =
* | number
* | {
* x: Array<number>;
* a: {
* b: number;
* };
* | {
* a: {
* b: string;
* }
* }
* };
* let t1: Test = 42;
* let t2: Test = { x: [1, 2, 3] };
* let t3: Test = { a: { b: 'Test' } };
* ```
* you could get the following results with toGetter:
* ```ts
* const b1 = toGetter(t1).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b2 = toGetter(t2).k('a').k('b').get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const b3 = toGetter(t3).k('a').k('b').get(); // => 'Test' (inferred as number | string | undefined)
* const x1 = toGetter(t1).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x2 = toGetter(t2).k('x').k(1).get(); // => 2 (inferred as number | undefined)
* const x3 = toGetter(t3).k('x').k(1).get(); // => undefined (inferred as number | undefined)
* ```
export const toGetter = <T>(value: T): Getter<T> => _toGetter<T>(() => value);

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