This package contains the base command class for Salesforce CLI, SfdxCommand
. Extend this class for convenient access to common Salesforce CLI parameters, a logger, CLI output formatting, scratch orgs, and Dev Hubs. This class extends @oclif/command and is available within a plug-in generated by Salesforce Plug-In Generator.
Check Your Salesforce CLI Version
Commands that extend SfdxCommand
can only be used with Salesforce CLI version 6.8.2 or later. To check your Salesforce CLI version:
$ sfdx version
sfdx-cli/6.42.0-ae478b3cb8 (darwin-x64) node-v8.9.4
To learn more about the features of the Command Library see the Salesforce CLI Plug-In Developer Guide.
If you are interested in contributing, please take a look at the CONTRIBUTING guide.
If you are interested in building this package locally, please take a look at the DEVELOPING doc.
Related Docs and Repositories
Please report any issues here: https://github.com/forcedotcom/cli/issues