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Comparing version 3.30.0 to 3.30.1-cds-unstable.30




@@ -23,4 +23,14 @@ import {KeyedSegment} from '@sanity/types'

* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to values of all types
export declare type AnyOp = SetOp<unknown> | SetIfMissingOp<unknown> | UnsetOp
* API configuration for the migration runner
* @internal
* @hidden
export declare interface APIConfig {

@@ -37,5 +47,12 @@ projectId: string

* @param items - The items to append.
* @returns An `insert` operation at the end of the array.
* @returns An `insert` operation for adding a value to the end of an array.
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const appendFoo = append('foo')
* const appendObject = append({name: 'foo'})
* const appendObjects = append([{name: 'foo'}, [{name: 'bar'}]])
* ```

@@ -48,13 +65,12 @@ export declare function append<const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>>(

* @public
* Represents ann operation that can be applied to an array
export declare type ArrayOp =
| InsertOp<AnyArray, RelativePosition, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| UpsertOp<AnyArray, RelativePosition, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| ReplaceOp<AnyArray, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| TruncateOp
export declare type AssignOp<T extends object = object> = {
type: 'assign'
value: T
export declare type AsyncIterableMigration = (

@@ -66,3 +82,3 @@ documents: () => AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument_2>,

* Creates a node patch at a specific path.
* Creates a {@link NodePatch} at a specific path.
* @param path - The path where the operation should be applied.

@@ -87,3 +103,3 @@ * @param operation - The operation to be applied.

* @param document - The document to be created.
* @returns The mutation operation to create the document.
* @returns The mutation to create the document.
* @beta

@@ -105,2 +121,7 @@ */

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can create a new document in the Sanity Content Lake if its ID does not exist.
export declare type CreateIfNotExistsMutation<Doc extends SanityDocument> = {

@@ -111,2 +132,7 @@ type: 'createIfNotExists'

* @public
* Represents a mutation that creates a new document in the Sanity Content Lake. This mutation will fail if the ID already exist.
export declare type CreateMutation<Doc extends Optional<SanityDocument, '_id'>> = {

@@ -127,2 +153,7 @@ type: 'create'

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can create or replace a document in the Sanity Content Lake given its ID.
export declare type CreateOrReplaceMutation<Doc extends SanityDocument> = {

@@ -139,2 +170,8 @@ type: 'createOrReplace'

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const decBy1 = dec()
* const decBy10 = dec(10)
* ```

@@ -147,2 +184,7 @@ export declare const dec: <const N extends number = 1>(amount?: N) => DecOp<N>

* @public
* Represents a decrement-operation that can be applied to a number
export declare type DecOp<Amount extends number> = {

@@ -155,6 +197,32 @@ type: 'dec'

* @public
* Helper function for defining a Sanity content migration. This function does not do anything on its own;
* it exists to check that your schema definition is correct, and help autocompletion in your IDE.
* {@link}
* @example Basic usage
* ```ts
* export default defineMigration({
* title: 'Make sure all strings with “acme” is uppercased to “ACME”',
* migrate: {
* string(node, path, context) {
* if (node === "acme") {
* return set(node.toUpperCase())
* }
* },
* },
* })
* ```
* @param migration - The migration definition
* See {@link Migration}
export declare function defineMigration<T extends Migration>(migration: T): T
* Alias for delete_
* Alias for delete

@@ -176,2 +244,7 @@ export declare const del: typeof delete_

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can delete a document in the Sanity Content Lake.
export declare type DeleteMutation = {

@@ -187,6 +260,12 @@ type: 'delete'

* {@link}
* @beta
* @public
export declare const diffMatchPatch: (value: string) => DiffMatchPatchOp
* @public
* Represents a diff-match-patch operation that can be applied to a string
* {@link}
export declare type DiffMatchPatchOp = {

@@ -197,2 +276,8 @@ type: 'diffMatchPatch'

* @public
* Possible return values from a migration helper that runs on a document as a whole
* Currently, this is only applies to {@link NodeMigration.document}
export declare type DocumentMigrationReturnValue =

@@ -211,2 +296,7 @@ | Mutation

* API configuration for exports
* @internal
* @hidden
export declare interface ExportAPIConfig extends APIConfig {

@@ -239,8 +329,19 @@ documentTypes?: string[]

* @param amount - The amount to increment by.
* @returns An `inc` operation.
* @returns An incrementation operation for numeric values
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const incBy1 = inc()
* const incBy5 = inc(5)
* ```
export declare const inc: <const N extends number = 1>(amount?: N) => IncOp<N>
* @public
* Represents an increment-operation that can be applied to a number
export declare type IncOp<Amount extends number> = {

@@ -251,2 +352,7 @@ type: 'inc'

* @public
* Represents an indexed segment in a document.
export declare type IndexedSegment = number

@@ -259,5 +365,12 @@

* @param indexOrReferenceItem - The index or reference item to insert before or after.
* @returns An `insert` operation.
* @returns An `insert` operation for adding values to arrays
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const prependFoo = insert(['foo'], 'before')
* const appendFooAndBar = insert(['foo', 'bar'], 'after')
* const insertObjAfterXYZ = insert({name: 'foo'}, 'after', {_key: 'xyz'}])
* ```

@@ -281,2 +394,8 @@ export declare function insert<

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const insertFooAfterIndex3 = insertAfter('foo', 3)
* const insertObjectAfterKey = insertAfter({name: 'foo'}, {_key: 'xyz'}]
* ```

@@ -297,2 +416,9 @@ export declare const insertAfter: <

* {@link}
* @public
* @example
* ```ts
* const insertFooBeforeIndex3 = insertBefore('foo', 3)
* const insertObjectBeforeKey = insertBefore({name: 'foo'}, {_key: 'xyz'}]
* ```

@@ -307,2 +433,7 @@ export declare function insertBefore<

* @public
* Represents an insert-operation that can be applied to an array
export declare type InsertOp<

@@ -346,20 +477,41 @@ Items extends AnyArray,

* @public
* Interface for `Migration['migrate']`. Either a NodeMigration or an AsyncIterableMigration
* {@link NodeMigration}
* {@link AsyncIterableMigration}
export declare type MigrateDefinition = NodeMigration | AsyncIterableMigration
* @public
* Main interface for a content migration definition
* {@link}
export declare interface Migration<Def extends MigrateDefinition = MigrateDefinition> {
* The title of the migration
* A reader-friendly description of what the content migration does
title: string
* What document types to use in the migration
* An array of document types to run the content migration on. If you don’t define this, the migration type will target all document types.
* Note: This reflects the document types your migration will be based on, not necessarily the documents you will modify.
documentTypes?: string[]
* What document types to use in the migration
* A simple GROQ-filter (doesn’t support joins) for documents you want to run the content migration on.
* Note: instead of adding `_type == 'yourType'` to the filter, it's better to add its `_type` to `documentTypes`.
* Note: `documentTypes` and `filter` are combined with AND. This means a document will only be included in the
* migration if its `_type` matches any of the provided `documentTypes` AND it also matches the `filter` (if provided).
filter?: string
* The actual migration. This can be either a function that returns an async iterable, or an object with hooks for different node types.
* Currently only "json"-type hooks are supported
* An object of named helper functions corresponding to the primary schema type of the content you want to migrate.
* You can also run these functions as async and return the migration instructions as promises if you need to fetch data from elsewhere.
* If you want more control, `migrate` can also be an async iterable function that yields mutations or transactions.
* {@link NodeMigration}
* {@link AsyncIterableMigration}

@@ -369,2 +521,7 @@ migrate: Def

* @public
* Migration context. This will be passed to both async iterable migrations and node migration helper functions
export declare interface MigrationContext {

@@ -378,2 +535,7 @@ client: RestrictedClient

* Migration progress, only used internally (for now)
* @internal
* @hidden
export declare type MigrationProgress = {

@@ -400,2 +562,7 @@ documents: number

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can be applied to a document in the Sanity Content Lake.
export declare type Mutation<Doc extends SanityDocument = any> =

@@ -408,3 +575,13 @@ | CreateMutation<Doc>

* @public
* Node migration helper functions. As the migration is processing a document, it will visit each node in the document, depth-first, call the appropriate helper function for the node type and collect any mutations returned from it.
export declare interface NodeMigration {
* Helper function for migrating a document as a whole
* @param doc - The document currently being processed
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
document?: <Doc extends SanityDocument_2>(

@@ -418,2 +595,8 @@ doc: Doc,

| Promise<DocumentMigrationReturnValue | Transaction>
* Helper function that will be called for each node in each document included in the migration
* @param node - The node currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
node?: <Node extends JsonValue>(

@@ -424,2 +607,8 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each object in each document included in the migration
* @param object - The object value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
object?: <Node extends JsonObject>(

@@ -430,2 +619,8 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each array in each document included in the migration
* @param object - The object value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
array?: <Node extends JsonArray>(

@@ -436,2 +631,8 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each string in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
string?: <Node extends string>(

@@ -442,2 +643,8 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each number in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
number?: <Node extends number>(

@@ -448,2 +655,8 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each boolean value in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
boolean?: <Node extends boolean>(

@@ -454,2 +667,8 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each `null` value in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
null?: <Node extends null>(

@@ -462,2 +681,7 @@ node: Node,

* @public
* Possible return values from a migration helper that runs on nodes within a document
export declare type NodeMigrationReturnValue =

@@ -468,2 +692,7 @@ | DocumentMigrationReturnValue

* @public
* A NodePatch represents a single operation that can be applied at a node at a specific path in a Sanity document.
export declare type NodePatch<P extends Path = Path, O extends Operation = Operation> = {

@@ -474,2 +703,7 @@ path: P

* @public
* A list of {@link NodePatch} objects.
export declare type NodePatchList =

@@ -487,8 +721,16 @@ | [NodePatch, ...NodePatch[]]

* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to a number
export declare type NumberOp = IncOp<number> | DecOp<number>
export declare type ObjectOp = AssignOp | UnassignOp
* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to values of all types
export declare type Operation = PrimitiveOp | ArrayOp
export declare type Operation = PrimitiveOp | ArrayOp | ObjectOp
declare type Optional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & Partial<Pick<T, K>>

@@ -508,6 +750,6 @@

* Applies a patch to a document.
* @param id - The id of the document to be patched.
* @param id - The ID of the document to be patched.
* @param patches - The patches to be applied.
* @param options - Optional patch options.
* @returns The mutation operation to patch the document.
* @returns The mutation to patch the document.
* @beta

@@ -521,2 +763,7 @@ */

* @public
* Represents a patch mutation that can change a value for a document in the Sanity Content Lake.
export declare type PatchMutation<Patches extends NodePatchList = NodePatchList> = {

@@ -529,3 +776,11 @@ type: 'patch'

* @public
* Options for a patch operation.
export declare type PatchOptions = {
* {@link}
ifRevision?: string

@@ -539,5 +794,12 @@ }

* @param items - The items to prepend.
* @returns An `insert` operation at the beginning of the array.
* @returns An `insert` operation for adding a value to the start of an array.
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const prependFoo = prepend('foo')
* const prependObject = prepend({name: 'foo'})
* const prependObjects = prepend([{name: 'foo'}, [{name: 'bar'}]])
* ```

@@ -548,4 +810,14 @@ export declare function prepend<const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>>(

* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to any primitive value
export declare type PrimitiveOp = AnyOp | StringOp | NumberOp
* @public
* Represents a relative position in a document.
export declare type RelativePosition = 'before' | 'after'

@@ -561,2 +833,9 @@

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const replaceItem3WithFoo = replace('foo', 3)
* const replaceItem3WithFooAndBar = replace(['foo', 'bar'], 3)
* const replaceObject = replace({name: 'bar'}, {_key: 'xyz'})
* ```

@@ -568,2 +847,7 @@ export declare function replace<

* @public
* Represents a replace-operation that can be applied to an array
export declare type ReplaceOp<

@@ -592,2 +876,7 @@ Items extends AnyArray,

* @public
* A Sanity Content Lake document
export declare type SanityDocument = {

@@ -607,2 +896,8 @@ _id?: string

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const setFoo = set('foo')
* const setEmptyArray = set([])
* ```

@@ -617,5 +912,15 @@ export declare const set: <const T>(value: T) => SetOp<T>

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const setFooIfMissing = setIfMissing('foo')
* const setEmptyArrayIfMissing = setIfMissing([])
* ```
export declare const setIfMissing: <const T>(value: T) => SetIfMissingOp<T>
* @public
* Represents a setIfMissing operation that can be applied to any value
export declare type SetIfMissingOp<T> = {

@@ -626,2 +931,7 @@ type: 'setIfMissing'

* @public
* Represents a set-operation that can be applied to any value
export declare type SetOp<T> = {

@@ -645,2 +955,7 @@ type: 'set'

* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to a string
export declare type StringOp = DiffMatchPatchOp

@@ -666,3 +981,14 @@

export declare function transaction(id: string, mutations: Mutation[]): Transaction
* @public
* Wraps a set of mutations in a transaction.
* Note: use with caution. Transactions cannot be optimized and will be submitted one-by-one, which means they will make
* your migration run slower and produce more API requests.
* @param transactionId - The transaction ID. This is optional and should usually be omitted, as it will be auto-generated by the server if not provided.
* @param mutations - The mutations to include in the transaction.
* {@link}
export declare function transaction(transactionId: string, mutations: Mutation[]): Transaction

@@ -684,5 +1010,17 @@ export declare function transaction(mutations: Mutation[]): Transaction

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const clearArray = truncate(0)
* const removeItems = truncate(3, 5) // Removes items at index 3, 4, and 5
* const truncate200 = truncate(200) // Removes all items after index 200
* ```
export declare function truncate(startIndex: number, endIndex?: number): TruncateOp
* @public
* Represents a truncate-operation that can be applied to an array
export declare type TruncateOp = {

@@ -700,7 +1038,2 @@ type: 'truncate'

export declare type UnassignOp<K extends readonly string[] = readonly string[]> = {
type: 'unassign'
keys: K

@@ -711,5 +1044,15 @@ * Creates an `unset` operation.

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const unsetAnyValue = unset()
* ```
export declare const unset: () => UnsetOp
* @public
* Represents an unset operation that can be applied to any value
export declare type UnsetOp = {

@@ -719,13 +1062,2 @@ type: 'unset'

export declare type UpsertOp<
Items extends AnyArray,
Pos extends RelativePosition,
ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
> = {
type: 'upsert'
items: Items
referenceItem: ReferenceItem
position: Pos
export {}


"name": "@sanity/migrate",
"version": "3.30.0",
"version": "3.30.1-cds-unstable.30+f3a9c9bb4c",
"description": "Tooling for running data migrations on projects",

@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ "keywords": [

"@sanity/client": "^6.13.3",
"@sanity/types": "3.30.0",
"@sanity/util": "3.30.0",
"@sanity/types": "3.30.1-cds-unstable.30+f3a9c9bb4c",
"@sanity/util": "3.30.1-cds-unstable.30+f3a9c9bb4c",
"arrify": "^2.0.1",

@@ -86,3 +86,3 @@ "debug": "^4.3.4",

"gitHead": "c29014a64236b29cc4fbcf5e2c57ca66083bdc43"
"gitHead": "f3a9c9bb4cb283f3bd7f8682c9f279a4f6c03648"
import {type Migration} from './types'
* @public
* Helper function for defining a Sanity content migration. This function does not do anything on its own;
* it exists to check that your schema definition is correct, and help autocompletion in your IDE.
* {@link}
* @example Basic usage
* ```ts
* export default defineMigration({
* title: 'Make sure all strings with “acme” is uppercased to “ACME”',
* migrate: {
* string(node, path, context) {
* if (node === "acme") {
* return set(node.toUpperCase())
* }
* },
* },
* })
* ```
* @param migration - The migration definition
* See {@link Migration}
export function defineMigration<T extends Migration>(migration: T): T {
return migration

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ import {type Path} from '@sanity/types'

* @param document - The document to be created.
* @returns The mutation operation to create the document.
* @returns The mutation to create the document.
* @beta

@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ */

* Applies a patch to a document.
* @param id - The id of the document to be patched.
* @param id - The ID of the document to be patched.
* @param patches - The patches to be applied.
* @param options - Optional patch options.
* @returns The mutation operation to patch the document.
* @returns The mutation to patch the document.
* @beta

@@ -55,3 +55,3 @@ */

* Creates a node patch at a specific path.
* Creates a {@link NodePatch} at a specific path.
* @param path - The path where the operation should be applied.

@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ * @param operation - The operation to be applied.

* Alias for delete_
* Alias for delete
export const del = delete_

@@ -25,2 +25,8 @@ import arrify from 'arrify'

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const setFoo = set('foo')
* const setEmptyArray = set([])
* ```

@@ -35,2 +41,7 @@ export const set = <const T>(value: T): SetOp<T> => ({type: 'set', value})

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const setFooIfMissing = setIfMissing('foo')
* const setEmptyArrayIfMissing = setIfMissing([])
* ```

@@ -47,2 +58,7 @@ export const setIfMissing = <const T>(value: T): SetIfMissingOp<T> => ({

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const unsetAnyValue = unset()
* ```

@@ -54,5 +70,11 @@ export const unset = (): UnsetOp => ({type: 'unset'})

* @param amount - The amount to increment by.
* @returns An `inc` operation.
* @returns An incrementation operation for numeric values
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const incBy1 = inc()
* const incBy5 = inc(5)
* ```

@@ -70,2 +92,8 @@ export const inc = <const N extends number = 1>(amount: N = 1 as N): IncOp<N> => ({

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const decBy1 = dec()
* const decBy10 = dec(10)
* ```

@@ -82,3 +110,3 @@ export const dec = <const N extends number = 1>(amount: N = 1 as N): DecOp<N> => ({

* {@link}
* @beta
* @public

@@ -95,5 +123,12 @@ export const diffMatchPatch = (value: string): DiffMatchPatchOp => ({

* @param indexOrReferenceItem - The index or reference item to insert before or after.
* @returns An `insert` operation.
* @returns An `insert` operation for adding values to arrays
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const prependFoo = insert(['foo'], 'before')
* const appendFooAndBar = insert(['foo', 'bar'], 'after')
* const insertObjAfterXYZ = insert({name: 'foo'}, 'after', {_key: 'xyz'}])
* ```

@@ -120,5 +155,12 @@ export function insert<

* @param items - The items to append.
* @returns An `insert` operation at the end of the array.
* @returns An `insert` operation for adding a value to the end of an array.
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const appendFoo = append('foo')
* const appendObject = append({name: 'foo'})
* const appendObjects = append([{name: 'foo'}, [{name: 'bar'}]])
* ```

@@ -132,5 +174,12 @@ export function append<const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>>(items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>) {

* @param items - The items to prepend.
* @returns An `insert` operation at the beginning of the array.
* @returns An `insert` operation for adding a value to the start of an array.
* {@link}
* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const prependFoo = prepend('foo')
* const prependObject = prepend({name: 'foo'})
* const prependObjects = prepend([{name: 'foo'}, [{name: 'bar'}]])
* ```

@@ -147,2 +196,9 @@ export function prepend<const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>>(items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>) {

* {@link}
* @public
* @example
* ```ts
* const insertFooBeforeIndex3 = insertBefore('foo', 3)
* const insertObjectBeforeKey = insertBefore({name: 'foo'}, {_key: 'xyz'}]
* ```

@@ -163,2 +219,8 @@ export function insertBefore<

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const insertFooAfterIndex3 = insertAfter('foo', 3)
* const insertObjectAfterKey = insertAfter({name: 'foo'}, {_key: 'xyz'}]
* ```

@@ -183,2 +245,9 @@ export const insertAfter = <

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const clearArray = truncate(0)
* const removeItems = truncate(3, 5) // Removes items at index 3, 4, and 5
* const truncate200 = truncate(200) // Removes all items after index 200
* ```

@@ -201,2 +270,9 @@ export function truncate(startIndex: number, endIndex?: number): TruncateOp {

* @beta
* @example
* ```ts
* const replaceItem3WithFoo = replace('foo', 3)
* const replaceItem3WithFooAndBar = replace(['foo', 'bar'], 3)
* const replaceObject = replace({name: 'bar'}, {_key: 'xyz'})
* ```

@@ -203,0 +279,0 @@ export function replace<Items extends any[], ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>(

@@ -5,2 +5,7 @@ import {type KeyedSegment} from '@sanity/types'

* @public
* Represents an indexed segment in a document.
type IndexedSegment = number

@@ -10,2 +15,7 @@

* @public
* Represents a set-operation that can be applied to any value
export type SetOp<T> = {

@@ -16,2 +26,7 @@ type: 'set'

* @public
* Represents an unset operation that can be applied to any value
export type UnsetOp = {

@@ -21,2 +36,7 @@ type: 'unset'

* @public
* Represents a setIfMissing operation that can be applied to any value
export type SetIfMissingOp<T> = {

@@ -27,2 +47,7 @@ type: 'setIfMissing'

* @public
* Represents an increment-operation that can be applied to a number
export type IncOp<Amount extends number> = {

@@ -33,2 +58,7 @@ type: 'inc'

* @public
* Represents a decrement-operation that can be applied to a number
export type DecOp<Amount extends number> = {

@@ -39,4 +69,14 @@ type: 'dec'

* @public
* Represents a relative position in a document.
export type RelativePosition = 'before' | 'after'
* @public
* Represents an insert-operation that can be applied to an array
export type InsertOp<

@@ -53,2 +93,7 @@ Items extends AnyArray,

* @public
* Represents a truncate-operation that can be applied to an array
export type TruncateOp = {

@@ -59,2 +104,8 @@ type: 'truncate'

* @public
* Represents a replace-operation that can be applied to an array
export type ReplaceOp<

@@ -68,23 +119,9 @@ Items extends AnyArray,

export type UpsertOp<
Items extends AnyArray,
Pos extends RelativePosition,
ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
> = {
type: 'upsert'
items: Items
referenceItem: ReferenceItem
position: Pos
export type AssignOp<T extends object = object> = {
type: 'assign'
value: T
export type UnassignOp<K extends readonly string[] = readonly string[]> = {
type: 'unassign'
keys: K
* @public
* Represents a diff-match-patch operation that can be applied to a string
* {@link}
export type DiffMatchPatchOp = {

@@ -95,14 +132,45 @@ type: 'diffMatchPatch'

export type Operation = PrimitiveOp | ArrayOp | ObjectOp
* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to values of all types
export type Operation = PrimitiveOp | ArrayOp
* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to values of all types
export type AnyOp = SetOp<unknown> | SetIfMissingOp<unknown> | UnsetOp
* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to a number
export type NumberOp = IncOp<number> | DecOp<number>
* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to a string
export type StringOp = DiffMatchPatchOp
export type ObjectOp = AssignOp | UnassignOp
* @public
* Represents ann operation that can be applied to an array
export type ArrayOp =
| InsertOp<AnyArray, RelativePosition, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| UpsertOp<AnyArray, RelativePosition, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| ReplaceOp<AnyArray, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| TruncateOp
* @public
* Represents an operation that can be applied to any primitive value
export type PrimitiveOp = AnyOp | StringOp | NumberOp

@@ -8,3 +8,15 @@ import {type Mutation} from './types'

export function transaction(id: string, mutations: Mutation[]): Transaction
* @public
* Wraps a set of mutations in a transaction.
* Note: use with caution. Transactions cannot be optimized and will be submitted one-by-one, which means they will make
* your migration run slower and produce more API requests.
* @param transactionId - The transaction ID. This is optional and should usually be omitted, as it will be auto-generated by the server if not provided.
* @param mutations - The mutations to include in the transaction.
* {@link}
export function transaction(transactionId: string, mutations: Mutation[]): Transaction
export function transaction(mutations: Mutation[]): Transaction

@@ -11,0 +23,0 @@ export function transaction(

@@ -6,2 +6,7 @@ import {type Path} from '@sanity/types'

* @public
* A list of {@link NodePatch} objects.
export type NodePatchList =

@@ -13,2 +18,7 @@ | [NodePatch, ...NodePatch[]]

* @public
* A Sanity Content Lake document
export type SanityDocument = {

@@ -22,2 +32,7 @@ _id?: string

* @public
* Represents a mutation that creates a new document in the Sanity Content Lake. This mutation will fail if the ID already exist.
export type CreateMutation<Doc extends Optional<SanityDocument, '_id'>> = {

@@ -28,2 +43,7 @@ type: 'create'

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can create a new document in the Sanity Content Lake if its ID does not exist.
export type CreateIfNotExistsMutation<Doc extends SanityDocument> = {

@@ -34,2 +54,7 @@ type: 'createIfNotExists'

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can create or replace a document in the Sanity Content Lake given its ID.
export type CreateOrReplaceMutation<Doc extends SanityDocument> = {

@@ -40,2 +65,7 @@ type: 'createOrReplace'

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can delete a document in the Sanity Content Lake.
export type DeleteMutation = {

@@ -46,2 +76,7 @@ type: 'delete'

* @public
* Represents a patch mutation that can change a value for a document in the Sanity Content Lake.
export type PatchMutation<Patches extends NodePatchList = NodePatchList> = {

@@ -54,2 +89,7 @@ type: 'patch'

* @public
* Represents a mutation that can be applied to a document in the Sanity Content Lake.
export type Mutation<Doc extends SanityDocument = any> =

@@ -62,2 +102,7 @@ | CreateMutation<Doc>

* @public
* A NodePatch represents a single operation that can be applied at a node at a specific path in a Sanity document.
export type NodePatch<P extends Path = Path, O extends Operation = Operation> = {

@@ -68,4 +113,12 @@ path: P

* @public
* Options for a patch operation.
export type PatchOptions = {
* {@link}
ifRevision?: string

@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ import {type Mutation as SanityMutation} from '@sanity/client'

* @param maxBatchSize - Max batch size in bytes
* Todo: add support for transaction ids too
* @public

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ export async function* batchMutations(

@@ -16,5 +16,11 @@ import {type MultipleMutationResult, type Mutation as RawMutation} from '@sanity/client'

* @public
* Main interface for a content migration definition
* {@link}
export interface Migration<Def extends MigrateDefinition = MigrateDefinition> {
* The title of the migration
* A reader-friendly description of what the content migration does

@@ -24,3 +30,4 @@ title: string

* What document types to use in the migration
* An array of document types to run the content migration on. If you don’t define this, the migration type will target all document types.
* Note: This reflects the document types your migration will be based on, not necessarily the documents you will modify.

@@ -30,3 +37,6 @@ documentTypes?: string[]

* What document types to use in the migration
* A simple GROQ-filter (doesn’t support joins) for documents you want to run the content migration on.
* Note: instead of adding `_type == 'yourType'` to the filter, it's better to add its `_type` to `documentTypes`.
* Note: `documentTypes` and `filter` are combined with AND. This means a document will only be included in the
* migration if its `_type` matches any of the provided `documentTypes` AND it also matches the `filter` (if provided).

@@ -36,4 +46,8 @@ filter?: string

* The actual migration. This can be either a function that returns an async iterable, or an object with hooks for different node types.
* Currently only "json"-type hooks are supported
* An object of named helper functions corresponding to the primary schema type of the content you want to migrate.
* You can also run these functions as async and return the migration instructions as promises if you need to fetch data from elsewhere.
* If you want more control, `migrate` can also be an async iterable function that yields mutations or transactions.
* {@link NodeMigration}
* {@link AsyncIterableMigration}

@@ -43,4 +57,29 @@ migrate: Def

* @public
* Migration context. This will be passed to both async iterable migrations and node migration helper functions
export interface MigrationContext {
client: RestrictedClient
filtered: {
getDocument<T extends SanityDocument>(id: string): Promise<T | undefined>
getDocuments<T extends SanityDocument>(ids: string[]): Promise<T[]>
* @public
* Interface for `Migration['migrate']`. Either a NodeMigration or an AsyncIterableMigration
* {@link NodeMigration}
* {@link AsyncIterableMigration}
export type MigrateDefinition = NodeMigration | AsyncIterableMigration
* Migration progress, only used internally (for now)
* @internal
* @hidden
export type MigrationProgress = {

@@ -56,10 +95,7 @@ documents: number

export interface MigrationContext {
client: RestrictedClient
filtered: {
getDocument<T extends SanityDocument>(id: string): Promise<T | undefined>
getDocuments<T extends SanityDocument>(ids: string[]): Promise<T[]>
* API configuration for the migration runner
* @internal
* @hidden
export interface APIConfig {

@@ -73,2 +109,7 @@ projectId: string

* API configuration for exports
* @internal
* @hidden
export interface ExportAPIConfig extends APIConfig {

@@ -78,2 +119,8 @@ documentTypes?: string[]

* @public
* Possible return values from a migration helper that runs on a document as a whole
* Currently, this is only applies to {@link NodeMigration.document}
export type DocumentMigrationReturnValue =

@@ -87,5 +134,20 @@ | Mutation

* @public
* Possible return values from a migration helper that runs on nodes within a document
export type NodeMigrationReturnValue = DocumentMigrationReturnValue | Operation | Operation[]
* @public
* Node migration helper functions. As the migration is processing a document, it will visit each node in the document, depth-first, call the appropriate helper function for the node type and collect any mutations returned from it.
export interface NodeMigration {
* Helper function for migrating a document as a whole
* @param doc - The document currently being processed
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
document?: <Doc extends SanityDocument>(

@@ -99,2 +161,9 @@ doc: Doc,

| Promise<DocumentMigrationReturnValue | Transaction>
* Helper function that will be called for each node in each document included in the migration
* @param node - The node currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
node?: <Node extends JsonValue>(

@@ -105,2 +174,9 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each object in each document included in the migration
* @param object - The object value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
object?: <Node extends JsonObject>(

@@ -111,2 +187,9 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each array in each document included in the migration
* @param object - The object value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
array?: <Node extends JsonArray>(

@@ -117,2 +200,9 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each string in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
string?: <Node extends string>(

@@ -123,2 +213,9 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each number in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
number?: <Node extends number>(

@@ -129,2 +226,9 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each boolean value in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
boolean?: <Node extends boolean>(

@@ -135,2 +239,9 @@ node: Node,

) => void | NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<void | NodeMigrationReturnValue>
* Helper function that will be called for each `null` value in each document included in the migration
* @param string - The string value currently being visited
* @param path - The path to the node within the document. See {@link Path}
* @param context - The {@link MigrationContext} instance
null?: <Node extends null>(

@@ -137,0 +248,0 @@ node: Node,

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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