Simple tool for text internationalization in Node.js. Based on the same concept as SAP UI5, this module works with UTF-8 encoded properties files.
Language defaulting is also borrowed from SAP UI5 with the idea the UI and server-side code
use the same text internationalization approach.
Assuming you have these files in directory ./test/properties:
greeting = Hello {0}, you are {1} years old.
greeting = Hallo {0}, Sie sind {1} Jahre alt.
Single quote inconsistency
When there is a single quote in a resource, then several cases must be kept in mind:
- whether there is one or more placeholders in the resources
- whether the textbundle user is passing an array for the placeholders to
The result is summarized in the following table, where N/A
means that no parameters were provided (not even an empty array of parameters):
Resource (example) | Parameters | getText() result | Counter intuitive |
It's me | N/A | It's me | |
It's me | [] | Its me | :x: |
It's {0} | N/A | It's {0} | |
It's {0} | [] or ['Bryan'] | Its {0} | :x: :x: |
It''s really {0} | N/A | It''s really {0} | :x: |
It''s really {0} | [] | It's really undefined | |
It''s really {0} | ['Bryan'] | It's really Bryan | |
Creating a TextBundle
var TextBundle = require('@sap/textbundle').TextBundle;
var bundle = new TextBundle({path: 'test/properties/i18n', locale: 'en_EN' } );
var TextBundle = require('@sap/textbundle').TextBundle;
var bundle = new TextBundle('test/properties/i18n', 'en_EN');
Constructing localized messages
var TextBundle = require('@sap/textbundle').TextBundle;
var bundle = new TextBundle(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/properties/i18n'), 'en_EN');
bundle.getText('greeting', ['Stefan']);
bundle.getText('greeting', ['Stefan', '21']);
var bundle = new TextBundle(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/properties/i18n'), 'de');
bundle.getText('greeting', ['Stefan', '21']);
Loading bundles
Bundles can be loaded by providing the absolute path to the resource bundle or relative path. If relative a path is used it will be resolved with respect to your JavaScript file. Absolute path to the resource bundle should be favored for TextBundles.
Default file extension is .properties
. If your file has a different extension, you just need to append it to the path you provide.
The format of the file still has to be UTF-8, and the structure has to be properties-like.
var TextBundle = require('@sap/textbundle');
var txtBundle = new TextBundle({path: './test/txt/i18n.txt'});
Getting texts and language defaulting
Getting text is straight forward - shown on the examples above already.
Message retrieval from properties files is done using fall-back mechanism that searches for the provided key
in a hierarchical order and returns the text associated with this key from the first occurrence in some of the files.
Following order is applied when text is retrieved for specific locale:
language -> country -> en -> root -> 'not-found, return the key'
A simple example: locale is 'de_DE', bundle name is 'i18n', the order in which properties files are checked for key existence is following:
// if not found, the key is returned back
Locale fallback
The static function TextBundle.fallbackLocale
returns the fallback of a given locale (e.g. 'fr_FR' => 'fr' => 'en' => '').
This lets you set up a locale fallback chain for your own purpose.
var TextBundle = require('@sap/textbundle').TextBundle;
var parent = TextBundle.fallbackLocale('en_US');
ResourceManager class allows managing resources for your module by caching the various TextBundle in order to avoid repeatedly loading them.
var ResourceManager = require('@sap/textbundle').ResourceManager;
var rm = new ResourceManager(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/properties/i18n'));
var bundle = rm.getTextBundle('en_EN');
Asynchronous resource loading
In order to improve server scalability, resources should be loaded through asynchronous file system operations.
var ResourceManager = require('@sap/textbundle').ResourceManager;
var rm = new ResourceManager(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/properties/i18n'));
.then(function (bundle) {
Resource loading middleware
var ResourceManager = require('@sap/textbundle').ResourceManager;
var rm = new ResourceManager(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test/properties/i18n'));
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
function requestLocale(req) {
var locale = req.locale = req.acceptsLanguages(['en-US', 'en', 'de-DE', 'de', 'fr-FR', 'fr']) || 'en';
return locale;
app.use('/', rm.getMiddleware(requestLocale));
app.use('/myHandler', function (req, res, next) {
var bundle = rm.getTextBundle(req.locale);