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Important Changes

  • feat(sveltekit): Auto-wrap load functions with proxy module (#7994)

@sentry/sveltekit now auto-wraps load functions in

  • +(page|layout).(ts|js) files (universal loads)
  • +(page|layout).server.(ts|js) files (server-only loads)

This means that you don't have to manually add the wrapLoadWithSentry and wrapServerLoadWithSentry functions around your load functions. The SDK will not interfere with already wrapped load functions.

For more details, take a look at the Readme

  • chore(angular): Upgrade peerDependencies to Angular 16 (#8035)

We now officially support Angular 16 in @sentry/angular-ivy. Note that @sentry/angular does not support Angular 16.

  • feat(node): Add ability to send cron monitor check ins (#8039)

Note: This release contains a bug with generating cron monitors. We recommend you upgrade the JS SDK to 7.51.1 or above to use cron monitoring functionality

This release adds Sentry cron monitoring support to the Node SDK.

Check-in monitoring allows you to track a job's progress by completing two check-ins: one at the start of your job and another at the end of your job. This two-step process allows Sentry to notify you if your job didn't start when expected (missed) or if it exceeded its maximum runtime (failed).

const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');

// 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running:
const checkInId = Sentry.captureCheckIn({
  monitorSlug: '<monitor-slug>',
  status: 'in_progress',

// Execute your scheduled task here...

// 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully:
  // make sure you pass in the checkInId generated by the first call to captureCheckIn
  monitorSlug: '<monitor-slug>',
  status: 'ok',

If your job execution fails, you can notify Sentry about the failure:

// 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed:
  monitorSlug: '<monitor-slug>',
  status: 'error',

Additional Features and Fixes

  • feat(browser): Export makeMultiplexedTransport from browser SDK (#8012)
  • feat(node): Add http.method to node http spans (#7991)
  • feat(tracing): add body size for fetch requests (#7935)
  • feat(tracing): Use http.method for span data (#7990)
  • fix(integrations): Handle windows paths with no prefix or backslash prefix in RewriteFrames (#7995)
  • fix(node): Mark stack frames with url protocol as in-app frames (#8008)
  • fix(remix): Export Integration type declaration as union type (#8016)
  • fix(replay): Do not add replay_id to DSC while buffering (#8020)
  • fix(tracing): Don't set method multiple times (#8014)
  • fix(utils): Normalize undefined to undefined instead of "[undefined]" (#8017)

Work in this release contributed by @srubin and @arjenbrandenburgh. Thank you for your contributions!

published 7.50.0 •

published 7.49.0 •




Important Changes

  • feat(sveltekit): Read adapter output directory from svelte.config.js (#7863)

Our source maps upload plugin is now able to read svelte.config.js. This is necessary to automatically find the output directory that users can specify when setting up the Node adapter.

  • fix(replay): Ensure we normalize scope breadcrumbs to max. depth to avoid circular ref (#7915)

This release fixes a potential problem with how Replay captures console logs. Any objects logged will now be cut off after a maximum depth of 10, as well as cutting off any properties after the 1000th. This should ensure we do not accidentally capture massive console logs, where a stringified object could reach 100MB or more.

  • fix(utils): Normalize HTML elements as string (#7916)

We used to normalize references to HTML elements as POJOs. This is both not very easily understandable, as well as potentially large, as HTML elements may have properties attached to them. With this change, we now normalize them to e.g. [HTMLElement: HTMLInputElement].

Additional Features and Fixes

  • feat(browser): Simplify stack parsers (#7897)
  • feat(node): Add monitor upsert types (#7914)
  • feat(replay): Truncate network bodies to max size (#7875)
  • fix(gatsby): Don't crash build when auth token is missing (#7858)
  • fix(gatsby): Use import for gatsby-browser.js instead of require (#7889)
  • fix(nextjs): Handle braces in stack frame URLs (#7900)
  • fix(nextjs): Mark value injection loader result as uncacheable (#7870)
  • fix(node): Correct typo in trpc integration transaciton name (#7871)
  • fix(node): reduce deepReadDirSync runtime complexity (#7910)
  • fix(sveltekit): Avoid capturing "Not Found" errors in server handleError wrapper (#7898)
  • fix(sveltekit): Detect sentry release before creating the Vite plugins (#7902)
  • fix(sveltekit): Use file when uploading source maps (#7890)
  • fix(tracing): Ensure we use s instead of ms for startTimestamp (#7877)
  • ref(deprecate): Deprecate timestampWithMs (#7878)
  • ref(nextjs): Don't use Sentry Webpack Plugin in dev mode (#7901)
published 7.48.0 •

published 7.47.0 •

published 7.46.0 •

published 7.45.0 •




  • build(cdn): Ensure ES5 bundles do not use non-ES5 code (#7550)
  • feat(core): Add trace function (#7556)
  • feat(hub): Make scope always defined on the hub (#7551)
  • feat(replay): Add replay_id to transaction DSC (#7571)
  • feat(replay): Capture fetch body size for replay events (#7524)
  • feat(sveltekit): Add performance monitoring for client load (#7537)
  • feat(sveltekit): Add performance monitoring for server load (#7536)
  • feat(sveltekit): Add performance monitoring to Sveltekit server handle (#7532)
  • feat(sveltekit): Add SvelteKit routing instrumentation (#7565)
  • fix(browser): Ensure keepalive flag is correctly set for parallel requests (#7553)
  • fix(core): Ensure ignoreErrors only applies to error events (#7573)
  • fix(node): Consider tracing error handler for process exit (#7558)
  • fix(otel): Make sure we use correct hub on finish (#7577)
  • fix(react): Handle case where error.cause already defined (#7557)
published 7.44.2 •

published 7.44.1 •

published 7.44.0 •

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