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Important Changes

  • feat(browser): Add INP support for v8 (#11650)

INP web vital support was now forward-ported to version 8. Recording of INP data is enabled by default.

  • feat(core): Increase default transport buffer size from 30 to 64 (#11764)

The default limit of queued events to be sent was increased from 30 to 64 events. You may observe a higher memory footprint of the SDK. You can override this limit by setting the transportOptions.bufferSize option in Sentry.init().

  • feat(replay): Add "maxCanvasSize" option for replay canvases (#11617)

A maxCanvasSize option was added to the replayCanvasIntegration to disallow capturing of canvases larger than a certain size. This value defaults to 1280 which will not capture canvases bigger than 1280x1280 pixels.

Other Changes

  • deps: Downgrade @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http to 0.48.0 (#11745)
  • deps(nextjs): Remove unnecessary and faulty @opentelemetry/api dependency from Next.js package (#11717)
  • feat(aws): Add OTEL based integrations (#11548)
  • feat(core): Ensure trace context only includes relevant data (#11713)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-fastify from 0.33.0 to 0.35.0 (#11690)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-graphql from 0.37.0 to 0.39.0 (#11692)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http from 0.48.0 to 0.50.0 (#11725)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-mongoose from 0.35.0 to 0.37.0 (#11693)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-mysql2 from 0.35.0 to 0.37.0 (#11726)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-nestjs-core from 0.34.0 to 0.36.0 (#11727)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/sdk-metrics from 1.21.0 to 1.23.0 (#11695)
  • feat(deps): Bump @prisma/instrumentation from 5.9.0 to 5.12.1 (#11724)
  • feat(feedback): Create async bundles and code to resolve helper integrations (#11621)
  • feat(nextjs): Sample out low-quality spans on older Next.js versions (#11722)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Support new http method attribute (#11756)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Use rest args for addOpenTelemetryInstrumentation (#11721)
  • feat(replay): Upgrade rrweb packages to 2.15.0 (#11736)
  • fix(browser): Ensure lazyLoadIntegration works in NPM mode (#11673)
  • fix(browser): Set custom sentry source correctly (#11735)
  • fix(ember): Do not create rendering spans without transaction (#11749)
  • fix(serverless): Check if cloud event callback is a function (#9044) (#11701)
  • ref(nextjs): Remove unnecessary logic to filter symbolification/sentry spans (#11714)
published 7.112.2 •

published 7.112.1 •

published 7.112.0 •

published 8.0.0-beta.3 •




Important Changes

  • feat(opentelemetry): Add addOpenTelemetryInstrumentation (#11667)

A utility function addOpenTelemetryInstrumentation was added that allows for the registration of instrumentations that conform to the OpenTelemetry JS API without having to specify @opentelemetry/instrumentation as a dependency.

  • ref(core): Don't start transaction for trpc middleware (#11697)

Going forward, the Sentry trpcMiddleware will only create spans. Previously it used to always create a transaction. This change was made to integrate more nicely with the HTTP instrumentation added in earlier versions to avoid creating unnecessary transactions.

Other Changes

  • feat(nextjs): Instrument outgoing http requests (#11685)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Remove setupGlobalHub (#11668)
  • fix: Missing ErrorEvent export are added to node, browser, bun, deno, vercel-edge sub-packages (#11649)
  • fix(nextjs): Do not sample next spans if they have remote parent (#11680)
  • fix(nextjs): Re-enable OTEL fetch instrumentation and disable Next.js fetch instrumentation (#11686)
  • fix(node): Ensure DSC on envelope header uses root span (#11683)
  • ref(browser): Streamline pageload span creation and scope handling (#11679)
  • ref(core): Directly use endSession (#11669)
published 7.111.0 •

published 8.0.0-beta.2 •




Important Changes

  • feat(browser): Update propagationContext on spanEnd to keep trace consistent

To ensure consistency throughout a route's duration, we update the scope's propagation context when the initial page load or navigation span ends. This keeps span-specific attributes like the sampled decision and dynamic sampling context on the scope, even after the transaction has ended.

  • fix(browser): Don't assume window.document is available (#11602)

We won't assume window.dodument is available in the browser SDKs anymore. This should prevent errors in environments where window.document is not available (such as web workers).

Other changes

  • feat(core): Add server.address to browser http.client spans (#11634)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Update OTEL packages & relax some version ranges (#11580)
  • feat(deps): bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-hapi from 0.34.0 to 0.36.0 (#11496)
  • feat(deps): bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-koa from 0.37.0 to 0.39.0 (#11495)
  • feat(deps): bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-pg from 0.38.0 to 0.40.0 (#11494)
  • feat(nextjs): Skip OTEL root spans emitted by Next.js (#11623)
  • feat(node): Collect Local Variables via a worker (#11586)
  • fix(nextjs): Escape Next.js' OpenTelemetry instrumentation (#11625)
  • fix(feedback): Fix timeout on feedback submission (#11619)
  • fix(node): Allow use of NodeClient without calling init (#11585)
  • fix(node): Ensure DSC is correctly set in envelope headers (#11628)
published 8.0.0-beta.1 •




This is the first beta release of Sentry JavaScript SDK v8. With this release, there are no more planned breaking changes for the v8 cycle.

Read the in-depth migration guide to find out how to address any breaking changes in your code. All deprecations from the v7 cycle, with the exception of getCurrentHub(), have been removed and can no longer be used in v8.

Version Support

The Sentry JavaScript SDK v8 now supports Node.js 14.8.0 or higher. This applies to @sentry/node and all of our node-based server-side sdks (@sentry/nextjs, @sentry/remix, etc.).

The browser SDKs now require ES2018+ compatible browsers. New minimum browser versions:

  • Chrome 63
  • Edge 79
  • Safari/iOS Safari 12
  • Firefox 58
  • Opera 50
  • Samsung Internet 8.2

For more details, please see the version support section in migration guide.

Package removal

The following packages will no longer be published

published 7.110.1 •

published 7.110.0 •




Important Changes

  • feat(tracing): Add interactions sample rate to browser tracing integrations (#11382)

You can now use a interactionsSampleRate to control the sample rate of INP spans. interactionsSampleRate is applied on top of the global tracesSampleRate. Therefore if interactionsSampleRate is 0.5 and tracesSampleRate is 0.1, then the actual sample rate for interactions is 0.05.

  tracesSampleRate: 0.1,
  integrations: [
      interactionsSampleRate: 0.5,
  • Deprecations

This release deprecates the Hub class, as well as the addRequestDataToTransaction method. The trpcMiddleware method is no longer on the Handlers export, but instead is a standalone export.

Please see the detailed Migration docs on how to migrate to the new APIs.

  • feat: Deprecate and relocate trpcMiddleware (#11389)
  • feat(core): Deprecate Hub class (#11528)
  • feat(types): Deprecate Hub interface (#11530)
  • ref: Deprecate addRequestDataToTransaction (#11368)

Other Changes

  • feat(core): Update metric normalization (#11519)
  • feat(feedback): Customize feedback placeholder text color (#11521)
  • feat(remix): Skip span creation for OPTIONS and HEAD request. (#11485)
  • feat(utils): Add metric buckets rate limit (#11506)
  • fix(core): unref timer to not block node exit (#11483)
  • fix(metrics): Map statsd to metric_bucket (#11505)
  • fix(spans): Allow zero exclusive time for INP spans (#11408)
  • ref(feedback): Configure feedback fonts (#11520)
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