shopware/frontends - api-client

Dynamic and fully typed API Client for Shopware 6. Usable in any JavaScript an TypeScript project.
You can use types generated from your custom API instance to have autocompletion and type safety.
Install npm package:
pnpm add @shopware/api-client
yarn add @shopware/api-client
npm i @shopware/api-client
Recommended practice is to create separate module file. For example src/apiClient.ts
, and import it whenever you need to use API Client.
import { createAPIClient } from "@shopware/api-client";
import {
} from "@shopware/api-client/api-types";
import {
} from "@shopware/api-client/api-types/apiTypes-";
import { operationPaths, operations, components } from "./apiTypes";
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
export const apiClient = createAPIClient<operations, operationPaths>({
baseURL: "",
contextToken: Cookies.get("sw-context-token"),
apiType: "store-api",
onContextChanged(newContextToken) {
Cookies.set("sw-context-token", newContextToken, {
expires: 365,
path: "/",
sameSite: "lax",
export type ApiSchemas = components["schemas"];
export type ApiRequestParams<OPERATION_NAME extends keyof operations> =
RequestParameters<OPERATION_NAME, operations>;
export type ApiReturnType<OPERATION_NAME extends keyof operations> =
RequestReturnType<OPERATION_NAME, operations>;
Basic usage
Take a look at example project using API Client.
Simple invocation
import { apiClient, ApiReturnType } from "./apiClient";
let productsResponse: ApiReturnType<"readProduct">;
async function loadProducts() {
productsResponse = await apiClient.invoke("readProduct post /product", {
limit: 2,
Predefining methods
If you prefer to add another layer of abstraction you can use created previously types to define your own concept of methods.
const readNavigation = (params: ApiRequestParams<"readNavigation">) =>
"readNavigation post /navigation/{activeId}/{rootId} sw-include-seo-urls",
depth: 2,
import { readNavigation } from "./apiClient";
async function loadMainNavigation() {
const navigation = await readNavigation({
activeId: "main-navigation",
rootId: "main-navigation",
Error handling
Client is throwing ApiClientError
with detailed information returned from the API. It will display clear message in the console or you can access details
property to get raw information from the response.
import { ApiClientError } from "@shopware/api-client";
try {
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ApiClientError) {
console.error("Details:", error.details);
} else {
console.error("==>", error);
Full changelog for stable version is available here
Latest changes: 0.0.0-canary-20230725064840
Patch Changes
#339 b2fe2bc
Thanks @patzick! - Query param arrays. This fixes the way how query params are serialized. Previously, array query params were serialized as ?ids=1&ids=2
, now they are serialized as ?ids[]=1&ids[]=2
. This is the proper way of serialization in the Shopware API.
The definition of the endpoints hasn't changed, so you don't need to change anything in your code.
#320 8e499e3
Thanks @mkucmus! - Prevent setting "null" or "undefined" as token on session init