Sign inDemoInstall


Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 6.9.0 to 6.9.1




@@ -46,3 +46,9 @@ "use strict";

error.statusMessage = response.statusText;
error.headers = response.headers;
const nonNullHeaders = {};
Object.keys(response.headers).forEach((k) => {
if (k && response.headers[k]) {
nonNullHeaders[k] = response.headers[k];
error.headers = nonNullHeaders;
error.body =;

@@ -49,0 +55,0 @@ return error;

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ "use strict";

function bindApiCall(self, method) {
// We have to "assert" that the bound method does indeed return the more specific `Result` type instead of just
// We have to 'assert' that the bound method does indeed return the more specific `Result` type instead of just
// `WebAPICallResult`

@@ -65,2 +65,5 @@ return self.apiCall.bind(self, method);

uninstall: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.apps.uninstall'),
activities: {
list: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.apps.activities.list'),

@@ -118,2 +121,9 @@ auth: {

functions: {
list: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.functions.list'),
permissions: {
lookup: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.functions.permissions.lookup'),
set: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.functions.permissions.set'),
inviteRequests: {

@@ -181,2 +191,13 @@ approve: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.inviteRequests.approve'),

workflows: {
search: bindApiCall(this, ''),
unpublish: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.workflows.unpublish'),
collaborators: {
add: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.workflows.collaborators.add'),
remove: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.workflows.collaborators.remove'),
permissions: {
lookup: bindApiCall(this, 'admin.workflows.permissions.lookup'),

@@ -477,2 +498,3 @@ this.api = {


@@ -495,2 +517,3 @@ exports.cursorPaginationEnabledMethods.add('admin.barriers.list');


@@ -497,0 +520,0 @@ exports.cursorPaginationEnabledMethods.add('auth.teams.list');

@@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

provided?: string;
response_metadata?: ResponseMetadata;
export interface ResponseMetadata {
messages?: string[];

@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

provided?: string;
response_metadata?: ResponseMetadata;
total_count?: number;
export interface Conversation {
canvas?: Canvas;
channel_email_addresses?: string[];
channel_email_addresses?: ChannelEmailAddress[];
channel_manager_count?: number;
connected_limited_team_ids?: string[];
connected_team_ids?: string[];
context_team_id?: string;
conversation_host_id?: string;

@@ -50,2 +53,19 @@ created?: number;

export interface ChannelEmailAddress {
address?: string;
conversation_id?: string;
date_created?: number;
icons?: Icons;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Icons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface ResponseMetadata {
messages?: string[];



@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

errors?: string[];
message?: Message;
message?: ChatPostMessageResponseMessage;
needed?: string;

@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ ok?: boolean;

export interface Message {
export interface ChatPostMessageResponseMessage {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: PurpleBlock[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
icons?: MessageIcons;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
icons?: FluffyIcons;
metadata?: FluffyMetadata;
parent_user_id?: string;
root?: Root;
room?: Room;
root?: FluffyRoot;
subtype?: string;

@@ -44,3 +45,3 @@ team?: string;

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -69,2 +70,3 @@ callback_id?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;

@@ -123,6 +125,5 @@ mimetype?: string;

export interface Block {
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -134,15 +135,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -153,14 +147,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -199,6 +196,6 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;

@@ -208,16 +205,21 @@ type?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -229,4 +231,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -242,3 +243,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -256,10 +257,28 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -269,52 +288,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -331,2 +336,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -353,2 +359,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -358,4 +365,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -370,2 +379,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -384,3 +394,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -395,2 +407,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -442,2 +455,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -448,2 +462,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -459,2 +474,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -515,16 +534,126 @@ date?: string;

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: MessageBlockMessage;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface MessageBlockMessage {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: MessageFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: PurpleIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: PurpleMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: PurpleRoot;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface FileElement {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -536,2 +665,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -546,4 +676,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -557,4 +687,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -564,4 +695,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -576,2 +709,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -582,3 +716,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -591,7 +725,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: EventPayload;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -602,2 +738,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -649,3 +786,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -655,2 +793,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -661,2 +800,73 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface EventPayload {
export interface PurpleIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface PurpleMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: string[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: string[];
participants?: string[];
participants_camera_off?: string[];
participants_camera_on?: string[];
participants_screenshare_off?: string[];
participants_screenshare_on?: string[];
pending_invitees?: EventPayload;
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface PurpleRoot {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: PurpleIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {

@@ -678,33 +888,108 @@ extension?: string;

icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;
export interface BotProfile {
export interface PurpleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: MessageFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface MessageIcons {
export interface FluffyIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_64?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
export interface FluffyMetadata {
event_payload?: EventPayload;
event_type?: string;
export interface EventPayload {
export interface Root {
export interface FluffyRoot {
bot_id?: string;
icons?: MessageIcons;
icons?: FluffyIcons;
latest_reply?: string;

@@ -711,0 +996,0 @@ parent_user_id?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,39 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BlockType = exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

metadata?: Metadata;
room?: Room;
team?: string;

@@ -38,2 +39,3 @@ text?: string;

description?: Description;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;

@@ -56,4 +58,7 @@ element?: Accessory;

optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;

@@ -64,5 +69,8 @@ text?: Description;

title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -109,2 +117,3 @@ export interface Accessory {

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;

@@ -121,5 +130,9 @@ export interface Confirm {

text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -142,3 +155,3 @@ border?: number;

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -156,6 +169,18 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];

@@ -172,2 +197,13 @@ export interface Option {

export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Call {

@@ -217,10 +253,13 @@ media_backend_type?: string;

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -232,2 +271,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -242,4 +282,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -253,4 +293,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -260,4 +301,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -272,2 +315,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -278,3 +322,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -287,7 +331,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: EventPayload;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -298,2 +344,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -345,3 +392,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -351,2 +399,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -357,7 +406,2 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Cc {
address?: string;
name?: string;
original?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -383,8 +427,2 @@ date?: string;

export interface Reaction {
count?: number;
name?: string;
url?: string;
users?: string[];
export interface Saved {

@@ -396,21 +434,4 @@ date_completed?: number;

export interface Shares {
private?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
public?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
export interface EventPayload {
export interface Private {
channel_name?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: string[];
reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -438,3 +459,34 @@ locale?: string;

export interface EventPayload {
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: string[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: string[];
participants?: string[];
participants_camera_off?: string[];
participants_camera_on?: string[];
participants_screenshare_off?: string[];
participants_screenshare_on?: string[];
pending_invitees?: EventPayload;
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;

@@ -441,0 +493,0 @@ export interface ResponseMetadata {

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -22,2 +22,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

metadata?: Metadata;
room?: Room;
team?: string;

@@ -42,3 +43,4 @@ text?: string;

call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;

@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ element?: Accessory;

fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -60,14 +62,20 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -106,6 +114,6 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;

@@ -115,16 +123,21 @@ type?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -136,3 +149,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -148,3 +161,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -162,10 +175,28 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -175,5 +206,16 @@ value?: string;

export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Call {

@@ -223,10 +265,13 @@ media_backend_type?: string;

export interface BlockFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -238,2 +283,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -248,4 +294,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -259,4 +305,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -266,4 +313,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -278,2 +327,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -284,3 +334,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -293,7 +343,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: EventPayload;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -304,2 +356,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -351,3 +404,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -357,2 +411,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -363,7 +418,2 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Cc {
address?: string;
name?: string;
original?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -389,8 +439,2 @@ date?: string;

export interface Reaction {
count?: number;
name?: string;
url?: string;
users?: string[];
export interface Saved {

@@ -402,21 +446,4 @@ date_completed?: number;

export interface Shares {
private?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
public?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
export interface EventPayload {
export interface Private {
channel_name?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: string[];
reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -445,2 +472,3 @@ locale?: string;

export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -460,2 +488,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -482,2 +511,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -487,4 +517,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -499,2 +531,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -513,3 +546,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -524,2 +559,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -571,2 +607,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -577,2 +614,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -583,2 +621,72 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Cc {
address?: string;
name?: string;
original?: string;
export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Reaction {
count?: number;
name?: string;
url?: string;
users?: string[];
export interface Shares {
private?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
public?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
export interface Private {
channel_name?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: string[];
reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Metadata {

@@ -588,3 +696,34 @@ event_payload?: EventPayload;

export interface EventPayload {
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: string[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: string[];
participants?: string[];
participants_camera_off?: string[];
participants_camera_on?: string[];
participants_screenshare_off?: string[];
participants_screenshare_on?: string[];
pending_invitees?: EventPayload;
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;

@@ -591,0 +730,0 @@ export interface ResponseMetadata {

@@ -12,2 +12,28 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

has_more?: boolean;
messages?: Message[];
messages?: MessageElement[];
needed?: string;

@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ ok?: boolean;

export interface Message {
export interface MessageElement {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: PurpleBlock[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ bot_profile?: BotProfile;

latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
metadata?: FluffyMetadata;
parent_user_id?: string;

@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ purpose?: string;

reply_users_count?: number;
root?: Root;
root?: FluffyRoot;
subscribed?: boolean;

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ subtype?: string;

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -88,2 +88,3 @@ callback_id?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;

@@ -142,6 +143,5 @@ mimetype?: string;

export interface Block {
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -153,15 +153,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -172,14 +165,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -218,6 +214,6 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;

@@ -227,16 +223,21 @@ type?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -248,3 +249,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -260,3 +261,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -274,10 +275,28 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -287,52 +306,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -349,2 +354,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -371,2 +377,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -376,4 +383,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -388,2 +397,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -402,3 +412,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -413,2 +425,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -460,2 +473,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -466,2 +480,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -477,2 +492,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -533,16 +552,126 @@ date?: string;

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: MessageBlockMessage;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface MessageBlockMessage {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: BlockFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: MessageIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: PurpleMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: PurpleRoot;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface FileElement {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -554,2 +683,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -564,4 +694,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -575,4 +705,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -582,4 +713,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -594,2 +727,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -600,3 +734,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -609,7 +743,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: EventPayload;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -620,2 +756,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -667,3 +804,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -673,2 +811,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -679,2 +818,72 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface EventPayload {
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface PurpleMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: any[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: any[];
participants?: any[];
participants_camera_off?: any[];
participants_camera_on?: any[];
participants_screenshare_off?: any[];
participants_screenshare_on?: any[];
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface PurpleRoot {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: MessageIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {

@@ -696,40 +905,104 @@ extension?: string;

icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;
export interface BotProfile {
export interface PurpleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
export interface FluffyMetadata {
event_payload?: EventPayload;
event_type?: string;
export interface EventPayload {
export interface Root {
export interface FluffyRoot {
bot_id?: string;
icons?: RootIcons;
icons?: PurpleIcons;
latest_reply?: string;

@@ -748,3 +1021,3 @@ parent_user_id?: string;

export interface RootIcons {
export interface PurpleIcons {
emoji?: string;

@@ -751,0 +1024,0 @@ image_64?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,39 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BlockType = exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -38,2 +38,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

priority?: number;
properties?: Properties;
purpose?: Purpose;

@@ -45,2 +46,10 @@ shared_team_ids?: string[];

export interface Properties {
canvas?: Canvas;
export interface Canvas {
file_id?: string;
is_empty?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
export interface Purpose {

@@ -47,0 +56,0 @@ creator?: string;

@@ -52,2 +52,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

description?: Description;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;

@@ -70,4 +71,7 @@ element?: Accessory;

optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;

@@ -78,5 +82,8 @@ text?: Description;

title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -123,2 +130,3 @@ export interface Accessory {

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;

@@ -135,5 +143,9 @@ export interface Confirm {

text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -156,3 +168,3 @@ border?: number;

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -170,6 +182,18 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];

@@ -186,2 +210,13 @@ export interface Option {

export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Call {

@@ -231,10 +266,13 @@ media_backend_type?: string;

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -246,2 +284,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -256,4 +295,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -267,4 +306,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -274,4 +314,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -286,2 +328,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -292,3 +335,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -301,4 +344,6 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;

@@ -312,2 +357,3 @@ sent_to_self?: boolean;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -359,3 +405,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -365,2 +412,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -371,7 +419,2 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Cc {
address?: string;
name?: string;
original?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -397,8 +440,2 @@ date?: string;

export interface Reaction {
count?: number;
name?: string;
url?: string;
users?: string[];
export interface Saved {

@@ -411,20 +448,3 @@ date_completed?: number;

export interface Shares {
private?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
public?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
export interface Private {
channel_name?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: string[];
reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -431,0 +451,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

has_more?: boolean;
messages?: Message[];
messages?: MessageElement[];
needed?: string;

@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ ok?: boolean;

export interface Message {
export interface MessageElement {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: PurpleBlock[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ bot_profile?: BotProfile;

latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
metadata?: FluffyMetadata;
parent_user_id?: string;

@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ reactions?: Reaction[];

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -76,2 +76,3 @@ callback_id?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;

@@ -130,6 +131,5 @@ mimetype?: string;

export interface Block {
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -141,15 +141,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -160,14 +153,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -206,6 +202,6 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;

@@ -215,16 +211,21 @@ type?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -236,3 +237,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -248,3 +249,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -262,10 +263,28 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -275,52 +294,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -337,2 +342,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -359,2 +365,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -364,4 +371,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -376,2 +385,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -390,3 +400,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -401,2 +413,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -448,2 +461,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -454,2 +468,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -465,2 +480,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -521,16 +540,126 @@ date?: string;

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: MessageBlockMessage;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface MessageBlockMessage {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: BlockFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: MessageIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: PurpleMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: Root;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface FileElement {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -542,2 +671,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -552,4 +682,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -563,4 +693,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -570,4 +701,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -582,2 +715,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -588,3 +722,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -597,7 +731,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: EventPayload;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -608,2 +744,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -655,3 +792,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -661,2 +799,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -667,2 +806,72 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface EventPayload {
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface PurpleMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: any[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: any[];
participants?: any[];
participants_camera_off?: any[];
participants_camera_on?: any[];
participants_screenshare_off?: any[];
participants_screenshare_on?: any[];
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Root {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: MessageIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {

@@ -684,30 +893,101 @@ extension?: string;

icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;
export interface BotProfile {
export interface PurpleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: Icons;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Icons {
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
export interface FluffyMetadata {
event_payload?: EventPayload;
event_type?: string;
export interface EventPayload {
export interface ResponseMetadata {

@@ -714,0 +994,0 @@ next_cursor?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,39 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BlockType = exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -10,5 +10,56 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
channels?: string[];
comments_count?: number;
created?: number;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
file_access?: string;
filetype?: string;
groups?: string[];
has_more_shares?: boolean;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
ims?: string[];
is_external?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: string;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
size?: number;
timestamp?: number;
title?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: string;
user?: string;
user_team?: string;
username?: string;
export interface Shares {
public?: {
[key: string]: Public[];
export interface Public {
channel_name?: string;
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: string[];
reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
ts?: string;

@@ -25,2 +25,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -40,2 +41,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -62,2 +64,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: Comment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -67,4 +70,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -79,2 +84,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -93,3 +99,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -104,2 +112,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -151,2 +160,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -157,2 +167,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -168,2 +179,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -211,2 +226,158 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -213,0 +384,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));
import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';
export type FilesListResponse = WebAPICallResult & {
error?: string;
files?: File[];
files?: FileElement[];
needed?: string;

@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ ok?: boolean;

export interface File {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -26,2 +27,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -48,2 +50,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -53,4 +56,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -65,2 +70,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -79,3 +85,5 @@ original_h?: number;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -90,2 +98,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: string[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -137,2 +146,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: PurpleTitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -143,2 +153,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -154,2 +165,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -206,2 +221,392 @@ date?: string;

export interface PurpleTitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: TitleBlockFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Empty = "",
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: FluffyType;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Empty = "",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
Empty = "",
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
export interface Option {
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface TitleBlockFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
comments_count?: number;
converted_pdf?: string;
created?: number;
deanimate?: string;
deanimate_gif?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
editor?: string;
external_id?: string;
external_type?: string;
external_url?: string;
file_access?: string;
filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
has_more?: boolean;
has_more_shares?: boolean;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
headers?: Headers;
hls?: string;
hls_embed?: string;
id?: string;
image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;
media_progress?: MediaProgress;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
mp4?: string;
mp4_low?: string;
name?: string;
non_owner_editable?: boolean;
num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;
original_h?: string;
original_w?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pjpeg?: string;
plain_text?: string;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
simplified_html?: string;
size?: number;
source_team?: string;
subject?: string;
subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;
thumb_1024_gif?: string;
thumb_1024_h?: string;
thumb_1024_w?: string;
thumb_160?: string;
thumb_160_gif?: string;
thumb_160_h?: string;
thumb_160_w?: string;
thumb_360?: string;
thumb_360_gif?: string;
thumb_360_h?: string;
thumb_360_w?: string;
thumb_480?: string;
thumb_480_gif?: string;
thumb_480_h?: string;
thumb_480_w?: string;
thumb_64?: string;
thumb_64_gif?: string;
thumb_64_h?: string;
thumb_64_w?: string;
thumb_720?: string;
thumb_720_gif?: string;
thumb_720_h?: string;
thumb_720_w?: string;
thumb_80?: string;
thumb_800?: string;
thumb_800_gif?: string;
thumb_800_h?: string;
thumb_800_w?: string;
thumb_80_gif?: string;
thumb_80_h?: string;
thumb_80_w?: string;
thumb_960?: string;
thumb_960_gif?: string;
thumb_960_h?: string;
thumb_960_w?: string;
thumb_gif?: string;
thumb_pdf?: string;
thumb_pdf_h?: string;
thumb_pdf_w?: string;
thumb_tiny?: string;
thumb_video?: string;
thumb_video_h?: number;
thumb_video_w?: number;
timestamp?: number;
title?: string;
title_blocks?: FluffyTitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];
transcription?: Transcription;
updated?: number;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;
user_team?: string;
username?: string;
vtt?: string;
export interface FluffyTitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -208,0 +613,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,31 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Empty"] = "";
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Empty"] = "";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["Empty"] = "";
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));
import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';
export type FilesRemoteListResponse = WebAPICallResult & {
error?: string;
files?: File[];
files?: FileElement[];
needed?: string;

@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ ok?: boolean;

export interface File {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -26,2 +27,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -48,2 +50,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -53,4 +56,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -65,5 +70,6 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;
original_h?: string;
original_w?: string;
original_h?: number;
original_w?: number;
permalink?: string;

@@ -79,3 +85,5 @@ permalink_public?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -90,6 +98,7 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: string[];
thumb_1024?: string;
thumb_1024_gif?: string;
thumb_1024_h?: string;
thumb_1024_w?: string;
thumb_1024_h?: number;
thumb_1024_w?: number;
thumb_160?: string;

@@ -101,8 +110,8 @@ thumb_160_gif?: string;

thumb_360_gif?: string;
thumb_360_h?: string;
thumb_360_w?: string;
thumb_360_h?: number;
thumb_360_w?: number;
thumb_480?: string;
thumb_480_gif?: string;
thumb_480_h?: string;
thumb_480_w?: string;
thumb_480_h?: number;
thumb_480_w?: number;
thumb_64?: string;

@@ -114,9 +123,9 @@ thumb_64_gif?: string;

thumb_720_gif?: string;
thumb_720_h?: string;
thumb_720_w?: string;
thumb_720_h?: number;
thumb_720_w?: number;
thumb_80?: string;
thumb_800?: string;
thumb_800_gif?: string;
thumb_800_h?: string;
thumb_800_w?: string;
thumb_800_h?: number;
thumb_800_w?: number;
thumb_80_gif?: string;

@@ -127,4 +136,4 @@ thumb_80_h?: string;

thumb_960_gif?: string;
thumb_960_h?: string;
thumb_960_w?: string;
thumb_960_h?: number;
thumb_960_w?: number;
thumb_gif?: string;

@@ -140,2 +149,3 @@ thumb_pdf?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: PurpleTitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -146,2 +156,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -157,2 +168,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -209,2 +224,317 @@ date?: string;

export interface PurpleTitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: TitleBlockFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Empty = "",
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: FluffyType;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Empty = "",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
Empty = "",
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
export interface Option {
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface TitleBlockFile {
access?: string;
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
comments_count?: number;
converted_pdf?: string;
deanimate?: string;
deanimate_gif?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
edit_link?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
has_more?: boolean;
has_more_shares?: boolean;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
headers?: Headers;
image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;
media_progress?: MediaProgress;
num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_h?: string;
original_w?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pjpeg?: string;
plain_text?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
simplified_html?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024_gif?: string;
thumb_1024_h?: string;
thumb_1024_w?: string;
thumb_gif?: string;
thumb_pdf?: string;
thumb_pdf_h?: string;
thumb_pdf_w?: string;
thumb_tiny?: string;
thumb_video?: string;
title_blocks?: FluffyTitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];
export interface FluffyTitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -211,0 +541,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,31 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Empty"] = "";
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Empty"] = "";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["Empty"] = "";
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -25,2 +26,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -47,2 +49,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -52,4 +55,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -64,2 +69,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -78,3 +84,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -89,2 +97,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -136,2 +145,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -142,2 +152,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -153,2 +164,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -205,2 +220,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -207,0 +385,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));
export { AdminAnalyticsGetFileResponse, AdminAnalyticsMemberDetails, AdminAnalyticsPublicChannelDetails, AdminAnalyticsPublicChannelMetadataDetails } from './AdminAnalyticsGetFileResponse';
export { AdminAppsActivitiesListResponse } from './AdminAppsActivitiesListResponse';
export { AdminAppsApproveResponse } from './AdminAppsApproveResponse';
export { AdminAppsApprovedListResponse } from './AdminAppsApprovedListResponse';
export { AdminAppsClearResolutionResponse } from './AdminAppsClearResolutionResponse';
export { AdminAppsConfigLookupResponse } from './AdminAppsConfigLookupResponse';
export { AdminAppsConfigSetResponse } from './AdminAppsConfigSetResponse';
export { AdminAppsRequestsCancelResponse } from './AdminAppsRequestsCancelResponse';

@@ -50,2 +53,5 @@ export { AdminAppsRequestsListResponse } from './AdminAppsRequestsListResponse';

export { AdminEmojiRenameResponse } from './AdminEmojiRenameResponse';
export { AdminFunctionsListResponse } from './AdminFunctionsListResponse';
export { AdminFunctionsPermissionsLookupResponse } from './AdminFunctionsPermissionsLookupResponse';
export { AdminFunctionsPermissionsSetResponse } from './AdminFunctionsPermissionsSetResponse';
export { AdminInviteRequestsApproveResponse } from './AdminInviteRequestsApproveResponse';

@@ -89,2 +95,7 @@ export { AdminInviteRequestsApprovedListResponse } from './AdminInviteRequestsApprovedListResponse';

export { AdminUsersUnsupportedVersionsExportResponse } from './AdminUsersUnsupportedVersionsExportResponse';
export { AdminWorkflowsCollaboratorsAddResponse } from './AdminWorkflowsCollaboratorsAddResponse';
export { AdminWorkflowsCollaboratorsRemoveResponse } from './AdminWorkflowsCollaboratorsRemoveResponse';
export { AdminWorkflowsPermissionsLookupResponse } from './AdminWorkflowsPermissionsLookupResponse';
export { AdminWorkflowsSearchResponse } from './AdminWorkflowsSearchResponse';
export { AdminWorkflowsUnpublishResponse } from './AdminWorkflowsUnpublishResponse';
export { ApiTestResponse } from './ApiTestResponse';

@@ -91,0 +102,0 @@ export { AppsConnectionsOpenResponse } from './AppsConnectionsOpenResponse';

@@ -17,2 +17,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;

@@ -32,2 +33,3 @@ app_id?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -54,2 +56,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -59,4 +62,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -71,2 +76,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -85,3 +91,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -96,2 +104,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -143,2 +152,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlock[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -149,2 +159,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -160,2 +171,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -212,2 +227,165 @@ date?: string;

export interface TitleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
description?: Text | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
fallback?: string;
fields?: Text[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Text;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Text | string;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Accessory {
accessibility_label?: string;
action_id?: string;
alt_text?: string;
border?: number;
confirm?: Confirm;
default_to_current_conversation?: boolean;
elements?: AccessoryElement[];
fallback?: string;
filter?: Filter;
focus_on_load?: boolean;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
indent?: number;
initial_channel?: string;
initial_channels?: string[];
initial_conversation?: string;
initial_conversations?: string[];
initial_date?: string;
initial_date_time?: number;
initial_option?: Option;
initial_options?: Option[];
initial_time?: string;
initial_user?: string;
initial_users?: string[];
max_selected_items?: number;
min_query_length?: number;
offset?: number;
option_groups?: OptionGroup[];
options?: Option[];
placeholder?: Text;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Confirm {
confirm?: Text;
deny?: Text;
style?: string;
text?: Text;
title?: Text;
export interface Text {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: TextType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum TextType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {
border?: number;
elements?: PurpleElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface PurpleElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: any[];
export interface Option {
description?: Text;
text?: Text;
url?: string;
value?: string;
export interface OptionGroup {
label?: Text;
options?: Option[];
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -214,0 +392,0 @@ locale?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.TextType = void 0;
var TextType;
(function (TextType) {
TextType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
TextType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(TextType = exports.TextType || (exports.TextType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

reactions?: Reaction[];
room?: Room;
team?: string;

@@ -38,2 +39,3 @@ text?: string;

description?: Description;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;

@@ -56,4 +58,7 @@ element?: Accessory;

optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;

@@ -64,5 +69,8 @@ text?: Description;

title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -109,2 +117,3 @@ export interface Accessory {

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;

@@ -121,5 +130,9 @@ export interface Confirm {

text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -131,3 +144,2 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
text?: string;
type?: string;

@@ -144,3 +156,3 @@ }

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -158,6 +170,18 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];

@@ -174,2 +198,13 @@ export interface Option {

export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Call {

@@ -219,10 +254,13 @@ media_backend_type?: string;

export interface File {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -234,2 +272,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -244,4 +283,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -255,4 +294,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -262,4 +302,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -274,2 +316,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -280,3 +323,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -289,7 +332,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: PendingInvitees;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -300,2 +345,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -347,3 +393,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -353,2 +400,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -359,7 +407,2 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Cc {
address?: string;
name?: string;
original?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -385,8 +428,2 @@ date?: string;

export interface Reaction {
count?: number;
name?: string;
url?: string;
users?: string[];
export interface Saved {

@@ -398,21 +435,4 @@ date_completed?: number;

export interface Shares {
private?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
public?: {
[key: string]: Private[];
export interface PendingInvitees {
export interface Private {
channel_name?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: string[];
reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Transcription {

@@ -436,2 +456,40 @@ locale?: string;

export interface Reaction {
count?: number;
name?: string;
users?: string[];
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: string[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: string[];
participants?: string[];
participants_camera_off?: string[];
participants_camera_on?: string[];
participants_screenshare_off?: string[];
participants_screenshare_on?: string[];
pending_invitees?: PendingInvitees;
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;

@@ -12,2 +12,21 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ElementType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

channel?: string;
message?: Message;
message?: ItemMessage;
type?: string;
export interface Message {
export interface ItemMessage {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: PurpleBlock[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
files?: FileElement[];
icons?: Icons;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_locked?: boolean;
latest_reply?: string;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;

@@ -36,2 +39,3 @@ permalink?: string;

reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;

@@ -57,3 +61,3 @@ subtype?: string;

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -82,3 +86,4 @@ callback_id?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
metadata?: Metadata;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;
mimetype?: string;

@@ -136,6 +141,5 @@ mrkdwn_in?: string[];

export interface Block {
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -147,15 +151,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -166,14 +163,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -212,6 +212,6 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;

@@ -221,16 +221,21 @@ type?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -242,3 +247,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -254,3 +259,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -268,10 +273,28 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -281,52 +304,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -343,2 +352,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -365,2 +375,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -370,4 +381,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -382,2 +395,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -396,3 +410,5 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];

@@ -407,2 +423,3 @@ saved?: Saved;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -454,2 +471,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -460,2 +478,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -471,2 +490,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -527,16 +550,126 @@ date?: string;

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: MessageBlockMessage;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface MessageBlockMessage {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: BlockFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: RootIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: Root;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface FileElement {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -548,2 +681,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -558,4 +692,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -569,4 +703,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -576,4 +711,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -588,2 +725,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -594,3 +732,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -603,7 +741,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: PendingInvitees;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -614,2 +754,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -661,3 +802,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -667,2 +809,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -673,3 +816,74 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Metadata {
export interface PendingInvitees {
export interface RootIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: string[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: string[];
participants?: string[];
participants_camera_off?: string[];
participants_camera_on?: string[];
participants_screenshare_off?: string[];
participants_screenshare_on?: string[];
pending_invitees?: PendingInvitees;
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Root {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: RootIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {
extension?: string;

@@ -690,19 +904,96 @@ format?: string;

icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;
export interface BotProfile {
export interface PurpleBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: Icons;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Icons {
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;

@@ -709,0 +1000,0 @@ export interface Paging {

@@ -12,2 +12,39 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BlockType = exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -115,3 +115,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: LatestBlock[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -124,3 +124,3 @@ bot_link?: string;

files?: FileElement[];
icons?: LatestIcons;
icons?: MessageIcons;
parent_user_id?: string;

@@ -150,3 +150,3 @@ reactions?: string[];

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -175,3 +175,4 @@ callback_id?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
metadata?: Metadata;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;
mimetype?: string;

@@ -229,6 +230,5 @@ mrkdwn_in?: string[];

export interface Block {
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -240,15 +240,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -259,14 +252,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -305,6 +301,6 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;

@@ -314,16 +310,21 @@ type?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -335,3 +336,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -347,3 +348,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -361,10 +362,28 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -374,52 +393,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -436,2 +441,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -458,2 +464,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -463,4 +470,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -475,2 +484,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -489,7 +499,9 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: PurpleShares;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -500,2 +512,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -547,2 +560,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -553,2 +567,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -564,2 +579,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -597,3 +616,3 @@ date?: string;

export interface Shares {
export interface PurpleShares {
private?: {

@@ -621,16 +640,112 @@ [key: string]: Private[];

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: Message;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Message {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: Bot;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: MessageFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: MessageIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: Root;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface FileElement {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -642,2 +757,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -652,4 +768,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -663,4 +779,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -670,4 +787,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -682,2 +801,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -688,3 +808,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -697,7 +817,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: FluffyShares;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -708,2 +830,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -755,3 +878,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -761,2 +885,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -767,27 +892,5 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Metadata {
extension?: string;
format?: string;
original_h?: number;
original_w?: number;
rotation?: number;
thumb_160?: boolean;
thumb_360_h?: number;
thumb_360_w?: number;
thumb_64?: boolean;
thumb_80?: boolean;
thumb_tiny?: string;
export interface FluffyShares {
export interface Preview {
can_remove?: boolean;
icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
type?: string;
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface LatestIcons {
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;

@@ -799,2 +902,37 @@ image_36?: string;

export interface MessageMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: any[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: any[];
participants?: any[];
participants_camera_off?: any[];
participants_camera_on?: any[];
participants_screenshare_off?: any[];
participants_screenshare_on?: any[];
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Root {

@@ -804,6 +942,7 @@ bot_id?: string;

edited?: Edited;
icons?: LatestIcons;
icons?: MessageIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;

@@ -814,2 +953,3 @@ replies?: Edited[];

reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;

@@ -826,2 +966,113 @@ subtype?: string;

export interface AttachmentMetadata {
extension?: string;
format?: string;
original_h?: number;
original_w?: number;
rotation?: number;
thumb_160?: boolean;
thumb_360_h?: number;
thumb_360_w?: number;
thumb_64?: boolean;
thumb_80?: boolean;
thumb_tiny?: string;
export interface Preview {
can_remove?: boolean;
icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;
export interface LatestBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: MessageFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Im {

@@ -828,0 +1079,0 @@ context_team_id?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,39 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BlockType = exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = void 0;
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

editable?: boolean;
editors?: string[];
external_id?: string;

@@ -116,3 +117,3 @@ external_type?: string;

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -127,3 +128,3 @@ callback_id?: string;

filename?: string;
files?: File[];
files?: FileElement[];
footer?: string;

@@ -142,3 +143,4 @@ footer_icon?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
metadata?: Metadata;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;
mimetype?: string;

@@ -178,3 +180,3 @@ mrkdwn_in?: string[];

text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ActionType;
url?: string;

@@ -197,6 +199,30 @@ value?: string;

export interface Block {
export declare enum ActionType {
Button = "button",
ChannelsSelect = "channels_select",
Checkboxes = "checkboxes",
ConversationsSelect = "conversations_select",
Datepicker = "datepicker",
Datetimepicker = "datetimepicker",
ExternalSelect = "external_select",
Image = "image",
MultiChannelsSelect = "multi_channels_select",
MultiConversationsSelect = "multi_conversations_select",
MultiExternalSelect = "multi_external_select",
MultiStaticSelect = "multi_static_select",
MultiUsersSelect = "multi_users_select",
Overflow = "overflow",
RadioButtons = "radio_buttons",
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section",
StaticSelect = "static_select",
Timepicker = "timepicker",
UsersSelect = "users_select",
WorkflowButton = "workflow_button"
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -208,15 +234,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: File;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -227,14 +246,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -273,24 +295,29 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ActionType;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -302,3 +329,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ActionType;

@@ -314,3 +341,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -328,10 +355,22 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -341,52 +380,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface File {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -403,2 +428,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -425,2 +451,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -430,4 +457,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -442,2 +471,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -456,7 +486,9 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: FileShares;
shares?: PurpleShares;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -467,2 +499,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -514,2 +547,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -520,2 +554,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -531,2 +566,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface FileHeaders {

@@ -564,3 +603,3 @@ date?: string;

export interface FileShares {
export interface PurpleShares {
private?: {

@@ -600,8 +639,328 @@ [key: string]: Public[];

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: Message;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Message {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: MessageFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: MessageIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: Root;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface Metadata {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;
converted_pdf?: string;
created?: number;
deanimate?: string;
deanimate_gif?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
editor?: string;
external_id?: string;
external_type?: string;
external_url?: string;
file_access?: string;
filetype?: string;
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;
has_more_shares?: boolean;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
headers?: FileHeaders;
hls?: string;
hls_embed?: string;
id?: string;
image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;
media_progress?: MediaProgress;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
mp4?: string;
mp4_low?: string;
name?: string;
non_owner_editable?: boolean;
num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;
original_h?: string;
original_w?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;
plain_text?: string;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: FluffyShares;
simplified_html?: string;
size?: number;
source_team?: string;
subject?: string;
subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;
thumb_1024_gif?: string;
thumb_1024_h?: string;
thumb_1024_w?: string;
thumb_160?: string;
thumb_160_gif?: string;
thumb_160_h?: string;
thumb_160_w?: string;
thumb_360?: string;
thumb_360_gif?: string;
thumb_360_h?: string;
thumb_360_w?: string;
thumb_480?: string;
thumb_480_gif?: string;
thumb_480_h?: string;
thumb_480_w?: string;
thumb_64?: string;
thumb_64_gif?: string;
thumb_64_h?: string;
thumb_64_w?: string;
thumb_720?: string;
thumb_720_gif?: string;
thumb_720_h?: string;
thumb_720_w?: string;
thumb_80?: string;
thumb_800?: string;
thumb_800_gif?: string;
thumb_800_h?: string;
thumb_800_w?: string;
thumb_80_gif?: string;
thumb_80_h?: string;
thumb_80_w?: string;
thumb_960?: string;
thumb_960_gif?: string;
thumb_960_h?: string;
thumb_960_w?: string;
thumb_gif?: string;
thumb_pdf?: string;
thumb_pdf_h?: string;
thumb_pdf_w?: string;
thumb_tiny?: string;
thumb_video?: string;
thumb_video_h?: number;
thumb_video_w?: number;
timestamp?: number;
title?: string;
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;
updated?: number;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;
user_team?: string;
username?: string;
vtt?: string;
export interface FluffyShares {
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: any[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: any[];
participants?: any[];
participants_camera_off?: any[];
participants_camera_on?: any[];
participants_screenshare_off?: any[];
participants_screenshare_on?: any[];
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Root {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: MessageIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {
extension?: string;

@@ -622,4 +981,4 @@ format?: string;

icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;

@@ -657,5 +1016,5 @@ }

attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: MatchBlock[];
channel?: Channel;
files?: File[];
files?: FileElement[];
iid?: string;

@@ -675,2 +1034,93 @@ is_mpim?: boolean;

export interface MatchBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: MessageFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Channel {

@@ -680,2 +1130,3 @@ id?: string;

is_ext_shared?: boolean;
is_file?: boolean;
is_group?: boolean;

@@ -695,3 +1146,3 @@ is_im?: boolean;

attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: MatchBlock[];
iid?: string;

@@ -698,0 +1149,0 @@ permalink?: string;

@@ -12,3 +12,58 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Ts = exports.UserTeam = exports.LastEditor = void 0;
exports.Ts = exports.UserTeam = exports.LastEditor = exports.BlockType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = exports.ActionType = void 0;
var ActionType;
(function (ActionType) {
ActionType["Button"] = "button";
ActionType["ChannelsSelect"] = "channels_select";
ActionType["Checkboxes"] = "checkboxes";
ActionType["ConversationsSelect"] = "conversations_select";
ActionType["Datepicker"] = "datepicker";
ActionType["Datetimepicker"] = "datetimepicker";
ActionType["ExternalSelect"] = "external_select";
ActionType["Image"] = "image";
ActionType["MultiChannelsSelect"] = "multi_channels_select";
ActionType["MultiConversationsSelect"] = "multi_conversations_select";
ActionType["MultiExternalSelect"] = "multi_external_select";
ActionType["MultiStaticSelect"] = "multi_static_select";
ActionType["MultiUsersSelect"] = "multi_users_select";
ActionType["Overflow"] = "overflow";
ActionType["RadioButtons"] = "radio_buttons";
ActionType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
ActionType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
ActionType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
ActionType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
ActionType["StaticSelect"] = "static_select";
ActionType["Timepicker"] = "timepicker";
ActionType["UsersSelect"] = "users_select";
ActionType["WorkflowButton"] = "workflow_button";
})(ActionType = exports.ActionType || (exports.ActionType = {}));
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));
var LastEditor;

@@ -15,0 +70,0 @@ (function (LastEditor) {

@@ -27,2 +27,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

editable?: boolean;
editors?: string[];
external_id?: string;

@@ -45,3 +46,3 @@ external_type?: string;

is_starred?: boolean;
last_editor?: LastEditor;
last_editor?: string;
lines?: number;

@@ -102,4 +103,4 @@ lines_more?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
user?: LastEditor;
user_team?: UserTeam;
user?: string;
user_team?: string;
username?: string;

@@ -126,3 +127,3 @@ }

filename?: string;
files?: File[];
files?: FileElement[];
footer?: string;

@@ -141,3 +142,4 @@ footer_icon?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
metadata?: Metadata;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;
mimetype?: string;

@@ -198,3 +200,2 @@ mrkdwn_in?: string[];

alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -206,15 +207,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Subtitle;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: Subtitle | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Subtitle[];
file?: File;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Subtitle;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -225,14 +219,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Subtitle;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: Subtitle;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Subtitle;
title?: Subtitle | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -279,2 +276,3 @@ export interface Accessory {

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;

@@ -291,5 +289,9 @@ export interface AccessoryConfirm {

text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: SubtitleType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum SubtitleType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -301,3 +303,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: FluffyType;

@@ -313,3 +315,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -327,6 +329,24 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export declare enum FluffyType {
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];

@@ -343,49 +363,35 @@ export interface InitialOptionElement {

export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface File {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: Block[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -402,2 +408,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -424,2 +431,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -429,4 +437,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -441,2 +451,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -455,7 +466,9 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: FileShares;
shares?: PurpleShares;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -466,2 +479,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -513,2 +527,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: Block[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -519,2 +534,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -530,2 +546,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface FileHeaders {

@@ -563,3 +583,3 @@ date?: string;

export interface FileShares {
export interface PurpleShares {
private?: {

@@ -578,19 +598,7 @@ [key: string]: Public[];

reply_users_count?: number;
share_user_id?: LastEditor;
team_id?: UserTeam;
share_user_id?: string;
team_id?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: Ts;
ts?: string;
export declare enum LastEditor {
Empty = "",
U00000000 = "U00000000"
export declare enum UserTeam {
Empty = "",
T00000000 = "T00000000"
export declare enum Ts {
Empty = "",
The0000000000000000 = "0000000000.000000"
export interface Transcription {

@@ -600,8 +608,328 @@ locale?: string;

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: Message;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Message {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: Block[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: MessageFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: MessageIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: Root;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface Metadata {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;
converted_pdf?: string;
created?: number;
deanimate?: string;
deanimate_gif?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
editor?: string;
external_id?: string;
external_type?: string;
external_url?: string;
file_access?: string;
filetype?: string;
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;
has_more_shares?: boolean;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
headers?: FileHeaders;
hls?: string;
hls_embed?: string;
id?: string;
image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;
media_progress?: MediaProgress;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
mp4?: string;
mp4_low?: string;
name?: string;
non_owner_editable?: boolean;
num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;
original_h?: string;
original_w?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;
plain_text?: string;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: FluffyShares;
simplified_html?: string;
size?: number;
source_team?: string;
subject?: string;
subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;
thumb_1024_gif?: string;
thumb_1024_h?: string;
thumb_1024_w?: string;
thumb_160?: string;
thumb_160_gif?: string;
thumb_160_h?: string;
thumb_160_w?: string;
thumb_360?: string;
thumb_360_gif?: string;
thumb_360_h?: string;
thumb_360_w?: string;
thumb_480?: string;
thumb_480_gif?: string;
thumb_480_h?: string;
thumb_480_w?: string;
thumb_64?: string;
thumb_64_gif?: string;
thumb_64_h?: string;
thumb_64_w?: string;
thumb_720?: string;
thumb_720_gif?: string;
thumb_720_h?: string;
thumb_720_w?: string;
thumb_80?: string;
thumb_800?: string;
thumb_800_gif?: string;
thumb_800_h?: string;
thumb_800_w?: string;
thumb_80_gif?: string;
thumb_80_h?: string;
thumb_80_w?: string;
thumb_960?: string;
thumb_960_gif?: string;
thumb_960_h?: string;
thumb_960_w?: string;
thumb_gif?: string;
thumb_pdf?: string;
thumb_pdf_h?: string;
thumb_pdf_w?: string;
thumb_tiny?: string;
thumb_video?: string;
thumb_video_h?: number;
thumb_video_w?: number;
timestamp?: number;
title?: string;
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;
updated?: number;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;
user_team?: string;
username?: string;
vtt?: string;
export interface FluffyShares {
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: any[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: any[];
participants?: any[];
participants_camera_off?: any[];
participants_camera_on?: any[];
participants_screenshare_off?: any[];
participants_screenshare_on?: any[];
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Root {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: MessageIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {
extension?: string;

@@ -608,0 +936,0 @@ format?: string;

@@ -12,18 +12,39 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Ts = exports.UserTeam = exports.LastEditor = void 0;
var LastEditor;
(function (LastEditor) {
LastEditor["Empty"] = "";
LastEditor["U00000000"] = "U00000000";
})(LastEditor = exports.LastEditor || (exports.LastEditor = {}));
var UserTeam;
(function (UserTeam) {
UserTeam["Empty"] = "";
UserTeam["T00000000"] = "T00000000";
})(UserTeam = exports.UserTeam || (exports.UserTeam = {}));
var Ts;
(function (Ts) {
Ts["Empty"] = "";
Ts["The0000000000000000"] = "0000000000.000000";
})(Ts = exports.Ts || (exports.Ts = {}));
exports.BlockType = exports.FluffyType = exports.PurpleType = exports.SubtitleType = void 0;
var SubtitleType;
(function (SubtitleType) {
SubtitleType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
SubtitleType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(SubtitleType = exports.SubtitleType || (exports.SubtitleType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var FluffyType;
(function (FluffyType) {
FluffyType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
FluffyType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
FluffyType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
FluffyType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
})(FluffyType = exports.FluffyType || (exports.FluffyType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: MatchBlock[];
channel?: Channel;

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ files?: FileElement[];

author_subname?: string;
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -70,3 +70,4 @@ callback_id?: string;

is_thread_root_unfurl?: boolean;
metadata?: Metadata;
message_blocks?: MessageBlock[];
metadata?: AttachmentMetadata;
mimetype?: string;

@@ -106,3 +107,3 @@ mrkdwn_in?: string[];

text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ActionType;
url?: string;

@@ -125,6 +126,30 @@ value?: string;

export interface Block {
export declare enum ActionType {
Button = "button",
ChannelsSelect = "channels_select",
Checkboxes = "checkboxes",
ConversationsSelect = "conversations_select",
Datepicker = "datepicker",
Datetimepicker = "datetimepicker",
ExternalSelect = "external_select",
Image = "image",
MultiChannelsSelect = "multi_channels_select",
MultiConversationsSelect = "multi_conversations_select",
MultiExternalSelect = "multi_external_select",
MultiStaticSelect = "multi_static_select",
MultiUsersSelect = "multi_users_select",
Overflow = "overflow",
RadioButtons = "radio_buttons",
RichTextList = "rich_text_list",
RichTextPreformatted = "rich_text_preformatted",
RichTextQuote = "rich_text_quote",
RichTextSection = "rich_text_section",
StaticSelect = "static_select",
Timepicker = "timepicker",
UsersSelect = "users_select",
WorkflowButton = "workflow_button"
export interface TitleBlockElement {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];

@@ -136,15 +161,8 @@ app_id?: string;

button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: Description;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
description?: DescriptionElement | string;
developer_trace_id?: string;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: Description[];
file?: BlockFile;
file_id?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: Description;
image_bytes?: number;

@@ -155,14 +173,17 @@ image_height?: number;

is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: Description;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
source?: string;
text?: Description;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: Description;
title?: DescriptionElement | string;
title_url?: string;
type?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;

@@ -201,24 +222,29 @@ export interface Accessory {

options?: InitialOptionElement[];
placeholder?: Description;
placeholder?: DescriptionElement;
response_url_enabled?: boolean;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
timezone?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ActionType;
url?: string;
value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface AccessoryConfirm {
confirm?: Description;
deny?: Description;
confirm?: DescriptionElement;
deny?: DescriptionElement;
style?: string;
text?: Description;
title?: Description;
text?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
export interface Description {
export interface DescriptionElement {
emoji?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: string;
type?: DescriptionType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum DescriptionType {
Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",
PlainText = "plain_text"
export interface AccessoryElement {

@@ -230,3 +256,3 @@ border?: number;

style?: string;
type?: string;
type?: ActionType;

@@ -242,3 +268,3 @@ export interface PurpleElement {

timestamp?: string;
type?: string;
type?: PurpleType;
unicode?: string;

@@ -256,10 +282,22 @@ url?: string;

export declare enum PurpleType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface Filter {
exclude_bot_users?: boolean;
exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean;
include?: string[];
include?: any[];
export interface InitialOptionElement {
description?: Description;
text?: Description;
description?: DescriptionElement;
text?: DescriptionElement;
url?: string;

@@ -269,52 +307,38 @@ value?: string;

export interface AccessoryOptionGroup {
label?: Description;
label?: DescriptionElement;
options?: InitialOptionElement[];
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export declare enum BlockType {
Actions = "actions",
Context = "context",
Divider = "divider",
Image = "image",
RichText = "rich_text",
Section = "section",
ShareShortcut = "share_shortcut",
Video = "video"
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
title?: string;
value?: string;
export interface BlockFile {
export interface FileElement {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;

@@ -331,2 +355,3 @@ cc?: Cc[];

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -353,2 +378,3 @@ edit_link?: string;

initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -358,4 +384,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -370,2 +398,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -384,7 +413,9 @@ original_h?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: Reaction[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: PurpleShares;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -395,2 +426,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -442,2 +474,3 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
title_blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
to?: Cc[];

@@ -448,2 +481,3 @@ transcription?: Transcription;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -459,2 +493,6 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface DmMpdmUsersWithFileAccess {
access?: string;
user_id?: string;
export interface Headers {

@@ -492,3 +530,3 @@ date?: string;

export interface Shares {
export interface PurpleShares {
private?: {

@@ -516,16 +554,126 @@ [key: string]: Private[];

export interface Field {
short?: boolean;
export interface MessageBlock {
channel?: string;
message?: Message;
team?: string;
ts?: string;
export interface Message {
app_id?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: TitleBlockElement[];
bot_id?: string;
bot_link?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
channel?: string;
client_msg_id?: string;
comment?: Comment;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edited?: Edited;
file?: MessageFile;
files?: any[];
hidden?: boolean;
icons?: MessageIcons;
inviter?: string;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_locked?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
is_thread_broadcast?: boolean;
item?: Comment;
item_type?: string;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
metadata?: MessageMetadata;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
pinned_to?: any[];
purpose?: string;
reactions?: any[];
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
root?: Root;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
topic?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unfurl_links?: boolean;
unfurl_media?: boolean;
upload?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
wibblr?: boolean;
x_files?: any[];
export interface BotProfile {
app_id?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
icons?: BotProfileIcons;
id?: string;
name?: string;
team_id?: string;
updated?: number;
export interface BotProfileIcons {
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface Comment {
comment?: string;
created?: string;
display_as_bot?: boolean;
edit_link?: string;
editable?: boolean;
external_type?: string;
filetype?: string;
has_rich_preview?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_external?: boolean;
is_intro?: boolean;
is_public?: boolean;
is_starred?: boolean;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
media_display_type?: string;
mimetype?: string;
mode?: string;
name?: string;
permalink?: string;
permalink_public?: boolean;
pretty_type?: string;
preview?: string;
preview_highlight?: string;
preview_is_truncated?: boolean;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
size?: number;
timestamp?: string;
title?: string;
value?: string;
url_private?: string;
url_private_download?: boolean;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface FileElement {
export interface Edited {
ts?: string;
user?: string;
export interface MessageFile {
access?: string;
alt_txt?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_name?: string;
attachments?: any[];
blocks?: any[];
bot_id?: string;
cc?: Cc[];
cc?: any[];
channel_actions_count?: number;
channel_actions_ts?: string;
channels?: string[];
channels?: any[];
comments_count?: number;

@@ -537,2 +685,3 @@ converted_pdf?: string;

display_as_bot?: boolean;
dm_mpdm_users_with_file_access?: any[];
duration_ms?: number;

@@ -547,4 +696,4 @@ edit_link?: string;

filetype?: string;
from?: Cc[];
groups?: string[];
from?: any[];
groups?: any[];
has_more?: boolean;

@@ -558,4 +707,5 @@ has_more_shares?: boolean;

image_exif_rotation?: number;
ims?: string[];
ims?: any[];
initial_comment?: InitialComment;
is_channel_space?: boolean;
is_external?: boolean;

@@ -565,4 +715,6 @@ is_public?: boolean;

last_editor?: string;
last_read?: number;
lines?: number;
lines_more?: number;
linked_channel_id?: string;
media_display_type?: string;

@@ -577,2 +729,3 @@ media_progress?: MediaProgress;

num_stars?: number;
org_or_workspace_access?: string;
original_attachment_count?: number;

@@ -583,3 +736,3 @@ original_h?: string;

permalink_public?: string;
pinned_to?: string[];
pinned_to?: any[];
pjpeg?: string;

@@ -592,7 +745,9 @@ plain_text?: string;

preview_plain_text?: string;
private_channels_with_file_access_count?: number;
public_url_shared?: boolean;
reactions?: Reaction[];
quip_thread_id?: string;
reactions?: any[];
saved?: Saved;
sent_to_self?: boolean;
shares?: Shares;
shares?: FluffyShares;
simplified_html?: string;

@@ -603,2 +758,3 @@ size?: number;

subtype?: string;
teams_shared_with?: any[];
thumb_1024?: string;

@@ -650,3 +806,4 @@ thumb_1024_gif?: string;

title?: string;
to?: Cc[];
title_blocks?: any[];
to?: any[];
transcription?: Transcription;

@@ -656,2 +813,3 @@ updated?: number;

url_private_download?: string;
url_static_preview?: string;
user?: string;

@@ -662,3 +820,73 @@ user_team?: string;

export interface Metadata {
export interface FluffyShares {
export interface MessageIcons {
emoji?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
export interface MessageMetadata {
event_type?: string;
export interface Room {
app_id?: string;
attached_file_ids?: any[];
background_id?: string;
call_family?: string;
canvas_background?: string;
canvas_thread_ts?: string;
channels?: any[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
display_id?: string;
external_unique_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
is_prewarmed?: boolean;
is_scheduled?: boolean;
media_backend_type?: string;
media_server?: string;
name?: string;
participant_history?: any[];
participants?: any[];
participants_camera_off?: any[];
participants_camera_on?: any[];
participants_screenshare_off?: any[];
participants_screenshare_on?: any[];
thread_root_ts?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Root {
bot_id?: string;
bot_profile?: BotProfile;
edited?: Edited;
icons?: MessageIcons;
last_read?: string;
latest_reply?: string;
mrkdwn?: boolean;
no_notifications?: boolean;
parent_user_id?: string;
replies?: any[];
reply_count?: number;
reply_users?: any[];
reply_users_count?: number;
room?: Room;
subscribed?: boolean;
subtype?: string;
team?: string;
text?: string;
thread_ts?: string;
ts?: string;
type?: string;
unread_count?: number;
user?: string;
username?: string;
export interface AttachmentMetadata {
extension?: string;

@@ -679,6 +907,97 @@ format?: string;

icon_url?: string;
subtitle?: Description;
title?: Description;
subtitle?: DescriptionElement;
title?: DescriptionElement;
type?: string;
export interface MatchBlock {
accessory?: Accessory;
alt_text?: string;
api_decoration_available?: boolean;
app_collaborators?: string[];
app_id?: string;
author_name?: string;
block_id?: string;
bot_user_id?: string;
button_label?: string;
call?: Call;
call_id?: string;
description?: DescriptionElement;
developer_trace_id?: string;
dispatch_action?: boolean;
element?: Accessory;
elements?: Accessory[];
external_id?: string;
fallback?: string;
fields?: DescriptionElement[];
file?: MessageFile;
file_id?: string;
function_trigger_id?: string;
hint?: DescriptionElement;
image_bytes?: number;
image_height?: number;
image_url?: string;
image_width?: number;
is_workflow_app?: boolean;
label?: DescriptionElement;
optional?: boolean;
owning_team_id?: string;
provider_icon_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
sales_home_workflow_app_type?: number;
share_url?: string;
source?: string;
text?: DescriptionElement;
thumbnail_url?: string;
title?: DescriptionElement;
title_url?: string;
trigger_subtype?: string;
trigger_type?: string;
type?: BlockType;
url?: string;
video_url?: string;
workflow_id?: string;
export interface Call {
media_backend_type?: string;
v1?: V1;
export interface V1 {
active_participants?: Participant[];
all_participants?: Participant[];
app_icon_urls?: AppIconUrls;
app_id?: string;
channels?: string[];
created_by?: string;
date_end?: number;
date_start?: number;
desktop_app_join_url?: string;
display_id?: string;
has_ended?: boolean;
id?: string;
is_dm_call?: boolean;
join_url?: string;
name?: string;
was_accepted?: boolean;
was_missed?: boolean;
was_rejected?: boolean;
export interface Participant {
avatar_url?: string;
display_name?: string;
external_id?: string;
slack_id?: string;
export interface AppIconUrls {
image_1024?: string;
image_128?: string;
image_192?: string;
image_32?: string;
image_36?: string;
image_48?: string;
image_512?: string;
image_64?: string;
image_72?: string;
image_96?: string;
image_original?: string;
export interface Channel {

@@ -688,2 +1007,3 @@ id?: string;

is_ext_shared?: boolean;
is_file?: boolean;
is_group?: boolean;

@@ -703,3 +1023,3 @@ is_im?: boolean;

attachments?: Attachment[];
blocks?: Block[];
blocks?: MatchBlock[];
iid?: string;

@@ -706,0 +1026,0 @@ permalink?: string;

@@ -12,2 +12,58 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BlockType = exports.PurpleType = exports.DescriptionType = exports.ActionType = void 0;
var ActionType;
(function (ActionType) {
ActionType["Button"] = "button";
ActionType["ChannelsSelect"] = "channels_select";
ActionType["Checkboxes"] = "checkboxes";
ActionType["ConversationsSelect"] = "conversations_select";
ActionType["Datepicker"] = "datepicker";
ActionType["Datetimepicker"] = "datetimepicker";
ActionType["ExternalSelect"] = "external_select";
ActionType["Image"] = "image";
ActionType["MultiChannelsSelect"] = "multi_channels_select";
ActionType["MultiConversationsSelect"] = "multi_conversations_select";
ActionType["MultiExternalSelect"] = "multi_external_select";
ActionType["MultiStaticSelect"] = "multi_static_select";
ActionType["MultiUsersSelect"] = "multi_users_select";
ActionType["Overflow"] = "overflow";
ActionType["RadioButtons"] = "radio_buttons";
ActionType["RichTextList"] = "rich_text_list";
ActionType["RichTextPreformatted"] = "rich_text_preformatted";
ActionType["RichTextQuote"] = "rich_text_quote";
ActionType["RichTextSection"] = "rich_text_section";
ActionType["StaticSelect"] = "static_select";
ActionType["Timepicker"] = "timepicker";
ActionType["UsersSelect"] = "users_select";
ActionType["WorkflowButton"] = "workflow_button";
})(ActionType = exports.ActionType || (exports.ActionType = {}));
var DescriptionType;
(function (DescriptionType) {
DescriptionType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
DescriptionType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(DescriptionType = exports.DescriptionType || (exports.DescriptionType = {}));
var PurpleType;
(function (PurpleType) {
PurpleType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
PurpleType["Channel"] = "channel";
PurpleType["Color"] = "color";
PurpleType["Date"] = "date";
PurpleType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
PurpleType["Link"] = "link";
PurpleType["Team"] = "team";
PurpleType["Text"] = "text";
PurpleType["User"] = "user";
PurpleType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(PurpleType = exports.PurpleType || (exports.PurpleType = {}));
var BlockType;
(function (BlockType) {
BlockType["Actions"] = "actions";
BlockType["Context"] = "context";
BlockType["Divider"] = "divider";
BlockType["Image"] = "image";
BlockType["RichText"] = "rich_text";
BlockType["Section"] = "section";
BlockType["ShareShortcut"] = "share_shortcut";
BlockType["Video"] = "video";
})(BlockType = exports.BlockType || (exports.BlockType = {}));

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

is_bot?: boolean;
is_connector_bot?: boolean;
is_email_confirmed?: boolean;

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ is_invited_user?: boolean;

import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';
export type UsersListResponse = WebAPICallResult & {
arg?: string;
cache_ts?: number;

@@ -21,2 +22,3 @@ error?: string;

is_bot?: boolean;
is_connector_bot?: boolean;
is_email_confirmed?: boolean;

@@ -23,0 +25,0 @@ is_invited_user?: boolean;

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

element?: PurpleElement;
elements?: ElementElement[];
elements?: StickyElement[];
fallback?: string;

@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ fields?: Close[];

text?: string;
type?: Type;
type?: CloseType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum Type {
export declare enum CloseType {
Empty = "",

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@ Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",

initial_user?: string;
initial_value?: string;
initial_value?: InitialValueClass | string;
max_length?: number;

@@ -144,2 +144,57 @@ min_length?: number;

export interface InitialValueClass {
block_id?: string;
elements?: InitialValueElement[];
type?: string;
export interface InitialValueElement {
border?: number;
elements?: FluffyElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface FluffyElement {
border?: number;
elements?: TentacledElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface TentacledElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface OptionGroup {

@@ -149,3 +204,3 @@ label?: Close;

export interface ElementElement {
export interface StickyElement {
accessibility_label?: string;

@@ -186,5 +241,17 @@ action_id?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface State {

@@ -12,9 +12,22 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Type = void 0;
var Type;
(function (Type) {
Type["Empty"] = "";
Type["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
Type["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(Type = exports.Type || (exports.Type = {}));
exports.ElementType = exports.CloseType = void 0;
var CloseType;
(function (CloseType) {
CloseType["Empty"] = "";
CloseType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
CloseType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(CloseType = exports.CloseType || (exports.CloseType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

element?: PurpleElement;
elements?: ElementElement[];
elements?: StickyElement[];
fallback?: string;

@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ fields?: Close[];

text?: string;
type?: Type;
type?: CloseType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum Type {
export declare enum CloseType {
Empty = "",

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@ Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",

initial_user?: string;
initial_value?: string;
initial_value?: InitialValueClass | string;
max_length?: number;

@@ -144,2 +144,57 @@ min_length?: number;

export interface InitialValueClass {
block_id?: string;
elements?: InitialValueElement[];
type?: string;
export interface InitialValueElement {
border?: number;
elements?: FluffyElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface FluffyElement {
border?: number;
elements?: TentacledElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface TentacledElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface OptionGroup {

@@ -149,3 +204,3 @@ label?: Close;

export interface ElementElement {
export interface StickyElement {
accessibility_label?: string;

@@ -186,5 +241,17 @@ action_id?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface State {

@@ -12,9 +12,22 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Type = void 0;
var Type;
(function (Type) {
Type["Empty"] = "";
Type["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
Type["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(Type = exports.Type || (exports.Type = {}));
exports.ElementType = exports.CloseType = void 0;
var CloseType;
(function (CloseType) {
CloseType["Empty"] = "";
CloseType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
CloseType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(CloseType = exports.CloseType || (exports.CloseType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

element?: PurpleElement;
elements?: ElementElement[];
elements?: StickyElement[];
fallback?: string;

@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ fields?: Close[];

text?: string;
type?: Type;
type?: CloseType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum Type {
export declare enum CloseType {
Empty = "",

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@ Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",

initial_user?: string;
initial_value?: string;
initial_value?: InitialValueClass | string;
max_length?: number;

@@ -144,2 +144,57 @@ min_length?: number;

export interface InitialValueClass {
block_id?: string;
elements?: InitialValueElement[];
type?: string;
export interface InitialValueElement {
border?: number;
elements?: FluffyElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface FluffyElement {
border?: number;
elements?: TentacledElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface TentacledElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface OptionGroup {

@@ -149,3 +204,3 @@ label?: Close;

export interface ElementElement {
export interface StickyElement {
accessibility_label?: string;

@@ -186,5 +241,17 @@ action_id?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface State {

@@ -12,9 +12,22 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Type = void 0;
var Type;
(function (Type) {
Type["Empty"] = "";
Type["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
Type["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(Type = exports.Type || (exports.Type = {}));
exports.ElementType = exports.CloseType = void 0;
var CloseType;
(function (CloseType) {
CloseType["Empty"] = "";
CloseType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
CloseType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(CloseType = exports.CloseType || (exports.CloseType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient';

element?: PurpleElement;
elements?: ElementElement[];
elements?: StickyElement[];
fallback?: string;

@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ fields?: Close[];

text?: string;
type?: Type;
type?: CloseType;
verbatim?: boolean;
export declare enum Type {
export declare enum CloseType {
Empty = "",

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@ Mrkdwn = "mrkdwn",

initial_user?: string;
initial_value?: string;
initial_value?: InitialValueClass | string;
max_length?: number;

@@ -144,2 +144,57 @@ min_length?: number;

export interface InitialValueClass {
block_id?: string;
elements?: InitialValueElement[];
type?: string;
export interface InitialValueElement {
border?: number;
elements?: FluffyElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface FluffyElement {
border?: number;
elements?: TentacledElement[];
indent?: number;
offset?: number;
style?: string;
type?: string;
export interface TentacledElement {
channel_id?: string;
name?: string;
range?: string;
skin_tone?: number;
style?: Style;
team_id?: string;
text?: string;
timestamp?: string;
type?: ElementType;
unicode?: string;
url?: string;
user_id?: string;
usergroup_id?: string;
value?: string;
export interface Style {
bold?: boolean;
code?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
export declare enum ElementType {
Broadcast = "broadcast",
Channel = "channel",
Color = "color",
Date = "date",
Emoji = "emoji",
Link = "link",
Team = "team",
Text = "text",
User = "user",
Usergroup = "usergroup"
export interface OptionGroup {

@@ -149,3 +204,3 @@ label?: Close;

export interface ElementElement {
export interface StickyElement {
accessibility_label?: string;

@@ -186,5 +241,17 @@ action_id?: string;

value?: string;
workflow?: Workflow;
export interface Workflow {
trigger?: Trigger;
export interface Trigger {
customizable_input_parameters?: CustomizableInputParameter[];
url?: string;
export interface CustomizableInputParameter {
name?: string;
value?: string;
export interface State {

@@ -12,9 +12,22 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Type = void 0;
var Type;
(function (Type) {
Type["Empty"] = "";
Type["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
Type["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(Type = exports.Type || (exports.Type = {}));
exports.ElementType = exports.CloseType = void 0;
var CloseType;
(function (CloseType) {
CloseType["Empty"] = "";
CloseType["Mrkdwn"] = "mrkdwn";
CloseType["PlainText"] = "plain_text";
})(CloseType = exports.CloseType || (exports.CloseType = {}));
var ElementType;
(function (ElementType) {
ElementType["Broadcast"] = "broadcast";
ElementType["Channel"] = "channel";
ElementType["Color"] = "color";
ElementType["Date"] = "date";
ElementType["Emoji"] = "emoji";
ElementType["Link"] = "link";
ElementType["Team"] = "team";
ElementType["Text"] = "text";
ElementType["User"] = "user";
ElementType["Usergroup"] = "usergroup";
})(ElementType = exports.ElementType || (exports.ElementType = {}));

@@ -142,4 +142,2 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

* **#4**: Unless `request_file_info` set to false, call {@link} for
* each file uploaded and returns that data. Requires that your app have `files:read` scope.
* @param options

@@ -162,10 +160,2 @@ */

* Call {@link} for
* each file uploaded and returns relevant data. Requires that your app have `files:read` scope, to
* turn off, set `request_file_info` set to false.
* @param fileUploads
* @returns
private getFileInfo;
* for each returned file upload URL, upload corresponding file

@@ -172,0 +162,0 @@ * @param fileUploads

@@ -285,8 +285,5 @@ "use strict";

* **#4**: Unless `request_file_info` set to false, call {@link} for
* each file uploaded and returns that data. Requires that your app have `files:read` scope.
* @param options
async filesUploadV2(options) {
var _a;
this.logger.debug('files.uploadV2() start');

@@ -305,8 +302,3 @@ // 1

const completion = await this.completeFileUploads(fileUploads);
// 4
let res = completion;
if ((_a = options.request_file_info) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true) {
res = await this.getFileInfo(fileUploads);
return { ok: true, files: res };
return { ok: true, files: completion };

@@ -341,13 +333,2 @@ /**

* Call {@link} for
* each file uploaded and returns relevant data. Requires that your app have `files:read` scope, to
* turn off, set `request_file_info` set to false.
* @param fileUploads
* @returns
async getFileInfo(fileUploads) {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */
return Promise.all( =>{ file: job.file_id })));
* for each returned file upload URL, upload corresponding file

@@ -354,0 +335,0 @@ * @param fileUploads

"name": "@slack/web-api",
"version": "6.9.0",
"version": "6.9.1",
"description": "Official library for using the Slack Platform's Web API",

@@ -53,3 +53,3 @@ "author": "Slack Technologies, LLC",

"@types/node": ">=12.0.0",
"axios": "^0.27.2",
"axios": "^1.6.0",
"eventemitter3": "^3.1.0",

@@ -87,3 +87,3 @@ "form-data": "^2.5.0",

"ts-node": "^10.8.1",
"tsd": "0.23.0",
"tsd": "0.29.0",
"typescript": "^4.1"

@@ -90,0 +90,0 @@ },

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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