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@@ -1,300 +0,1 @@

import r, { useEffect as e, useLayoutEffect as t, useRef as n, useState as o, isValidElement as a, forwardRef as i, useMemo as s, useCallback as c, Fragment as l } from "react";
const u = (r2) => {
}, f = "undefined" == typeof window ? e : t, d = (r2) => "number" == typeof r2 && r2 > 0, m = (r2) => d(r2) ? r2 : 0, h = (r2) => Math.round(100 * r2) / 100, p = (r2) => Math.round(2 * r2) / 2, g = (r2) => 0 === r2 ? 0 : -1 * h(r2);
const b = {};
const y = "rr--group", v = "rr--box", x = "rr--svg", S = "rr--reset", $ = "rr--focus-reset", C = "rr--svg-stop-1", w = "rr--svg-stop-2", B = "rr--on", k = "rr--off", A = "rr--fx-zoom", E = "rr--fx-position", N = "rr--fx-opacity", M = "rr--fx-colors", W = "rr--rx-sm", I = "rr--rx-md", L = "rr--rx-lg", R = "rr--rx-full", D = "rr--gap-sm", F = "rr--gap-md", O = "rr--gap-lg", H = "rr--space-sm", V = "rr--space-md", Z = "rr--space-lg", j = "rr--pointer", P = "rr--disabled", z = "rr--dir-y", T = "rr--dir-x", q = "rr--has-stroke", _ = "rr--has-border", G = "rr--hf-box-on", J = "rr--hf-box-int", K = "rr--hf-box-off", U = "rr--hf-svg-on", X = "rr--hf-svg-off", Y = "--rr--fill-on-color", Q = "--rr--box-on-color", rr = "--rr--border-on-color", er = "--rr--stroke-on-color", tr = "--rr--fill-off-color", nr = "--rr--box-off-color", or = "--rr--border-off-color", ar = "--rr--stroke-off-color", ir = "--rr--border-width", sr = "horizontal", cr = "vertical", lr = "svg", ur = "box", fr = "none", dr = "small", mr = "medium", hr = "large", pr = "full", gr = "none", br = "zoom", yr = "position", vr = "opacity", xr = "colors", Sr = "activeFillColor", $r = "activeBoxColor", Cr = "activeBoxBorderColor", wr = "activeStrokeColor", Br = "inactiveFillColor", kr = "inactiveBoxColor", Ar = "inactiveBoxBorderColor", Er = "inactiveStrokeColor";
function Nr({ itemShapes: e2, testId: t2, itemStrokeWidth: a2 = 0, orientation: i2 = sr, hasHF: s2 = false }) {
const c2 = a2 > 0 ? -a2 / 2 : 0, l2 = a2 > 0 ? `${c2} ${c2}` : "0 0", u2 = n(null), d2 = n(null), [m2, p2] = o(null);
return f(() => {
if (s2 && !d2.current && (d2.current = `rr_hf_${(Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7)}`), u2.current) {
const { width: r2, height: e3, x: t3, y: n2 } = u2.current.getBBox();
if (((...r3) => r3.every((r4) => "number" == typeof r4))(r2, e3, t3, n2)) {
const o2 = `${l2} ${h(r2 + a2)} ${h(e3 + a2)}`, i3 = `${g(t3)} ${g(n2)}`;
p2({ viewBox: o2, translateData: i3 });
}, [e2, a2, s2]), r.createElement("svg", { "aria-hidden": "true", className: x, xmlns: "", viewBox: m2 ? m2.viewBox : "0 0 0 0", preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet", ...a2 > 0 ? { strokeWidth: a2 } : {}, ...t2 }, s2 && d2.current && r.createElement("defs", {}, r.createElement("linearGradient", { id: d2.current, ...i2 === cr ? { gradientTransform: "rotate(90)" } : {} }, r.createElement("stop", { className: C, offset: "50%" }), r.createElement("stop", { className: w, offset: "50%" }))), r.createElement("g", { ref: u2, shapeRendering: "geometricPrecision", ...function() {
if (m2) {
const r2 = `translate(${m2 == null ? void 0 : m2.translateData})`;
return "translate(0 0)" === r2 ? {} : { transform: r2 };
return { transform: void 0 };
}(), ...s2 ? { fill: `url('#${d2.current}')` } : {} }, e2));
function Mr(r2, e2, t2) {
switch (e2) {
case Sr:
return r2[Y] = t2, true;
case $r:
return r2[Q] = t2, true;
case Cr:
return r2[rr] = t2, true;
case wr:
return r2[er] = t2, true;
return false;
function Wr(r2, e2, t2) {
if (!Mr(r2, e2, t2))
switch (e2) {
case Br:
r2[tr] = t2;
case kr:
r2[nr] = t2;
case Ar:
r2[or] = t2;
case Er:
r2[ar] = t2;
function Ir(r2, e2, t2) {
const n2 = {};
let o2;
for (const [t3, o3] of Object.entries(r2))
Mr(n2, t3, o3[e2]);
return t2 ? (o2 = Array(e2).fill({}), o2.push(n2)) : o2 = Array(e2 + 1).fill(n2), o2;
const Lr = (r2) => `${r2} ${M}`;
function Rr({ className: r2, radius: e2, readOnly: t2, isDisabled: n2, isDynamic: o2, transition: a2, orientation: i2, absoluteBoxBorderWidth: s2, absoluteStrokeWidth: c2, spaceBetween: l2, spaceInside: u2 }) {
const f2 = o2 ? j : "", d2 = function(r3) {
switch (r3) {
case dr:
return D;
case mr:
return F;
case hr:
return O;
return "";
}(l2), m2 = function(r3) {
switch (r3) {
case dr:
return H;
case mr:
return V;
case hr:
return Z;
return "";
}(u2), h2 = !t2 && n2 ? P : "", p2 = o2 && a2 !== gr ? function(r3) {
switch (r3) {
case br:
return Lr(A);
case yr:
return Lr(E);
case vr:
return Lr(N);
case xr:
return M;
return "";
}(a2) : "", g2 = i2 === cr ? z : T, b2 = function(r3) {
switch (r3) {
case dr:
return W;
case mr:
return I;
case hr:
return L;
case pr:
return R;
return "";
return `${y} ${g2} ${c2 > 0 ? q : ""} ${s2 > 0 ? _ : ""}
${p2} ${b2} ${f2} ${h2} ${d2}
${m2} ${r2}`.replace(/ +/g, " ").trimEnd();
function Dr(r2, e2, t2) {
return Array.from({ length: e2 }, (e3, n2) => r2 ? n2 === t2 ? B : k : n2 <= t2 ? B : k);
function Fr(r2, e2, t2) {
const n2 = Math.floor(p(r2));
return Array.from({ length: e2 }, (r3, e3) => "box" === t2 ? e3 > n2 ? K : e3 === n2 ? J : G : e3 > n2 ? X : U);
function Or(r2, e2) {
const t2 = {};
d(e2) && (t2[ir] = `${e2}px`);
const n2 = Object.entries(r2);
if (n2.length > 0)
for (const [r3, e3] of n2)
Wr(t2, r3, e3);
return t2;
const Hr = [Sr, $r, wr, Cr];
function Vr(r2, e2, t2 = false) {
return Array.from({ length: r2 }, (n2, o2) => t2 && e2 < 0 ? o2 === r2 - 1 ? 0 : -1 : e2 <= 0 ? 0 === o2 ? 0 : -1 : e2 > 0 ? o2 === e2 ? 0 : -1 : void 0);
const Zr = "@smastrom/react-rating";
function jr(r2, e2) {
return r2.shouldRender = false, r2.reason = ((r3) => `[${Zr}] - Nothing's returned from rendering. Reason: ${r3}.`)(e2), r2;
const Pr = "itemShapes is not a valid JSX element";
const zr = r.createElement("polygon", { points: "25 9.02 16.4 7.75 12.46 0 8.59 7.79 0 9.14 6.21 15.23 4.85 23.81 12.55 19.79 20.3 23.74 18.85 15.17 25 9.02" }), Tr = r.createElement("path", { d: "M12.5,18.16l-7.73,5.61,2.95-9.08L0,9.07H9.55S12.5,0,12.5,0l2.95,9.07h9.55l-7.73,5.62,2.95,9.08-7.73-5.61Z" }), qr = r.createElement("path", { d: "M112.46,57.88c-.23-.72-.88-1.22-1.63-1.27l-6.63-.46-2.45-6.19c-.27-.7-.95-1.16-1.7-1.16h0c-.75,0-1.42,.46-1.7,1.16l-2.5,6.23-6.58,.42c-.75,.05-1.4,.55-1.63,1.27-.24,.73,0,1.53,.58,2.02l5.07,4.28-1.51,5.92c-.21,.82,.1,1.69,.78,2.19,.66,.48,1.55,.5,2.24,.07l5.23-3.31h.02l5.63,3.56c.29,.19,.63,.29,.97,.29,1.02,0,1.83-.84,1.83-1.86,0-.16-.02-.31-.06-.47l-1.6-6.48,5.04-4.2c.59-.49,.82-1.29,.58-2.02Z" }), _r = r.createElement("path", { d: "M22.72,8.24h-6.68L13.97,1.88c-.81-2.51-2.13-2.51-2.95,0l-2.07,6.36H2.28c-2.63,0-3.04,1.25-.91,2.8l5.41,3.93-2.06,6.36c-.81,2.51,.25,3.28,2.39,1.73l5.41-3.93,5.41,3.93c2.13,1.55,3.2,.77,2.39-1.73l-2.07-6.36,5.41-3.93c2.13-1.55,1.72-2.8-.91-2.8Z" }), Gr = r.createElement("path", { d: "M11.58,.77c.51-1.02,1.33-1.02,1.84,0l2.34,4.73c.5,1.02,1.84,2,2.98,2.16l5.22,.76c1.13,.17,1.39,.95,.57,1.75l-3.78,3.68c-.82,.8-1.33,2.37-1.14,3.5l.89,5.2c.19,1.13-.48,1.61-1.49,1.08l-4.67-2.45c-1.01-.53-2.67-.53-3.68,0l-4.67,2.46c-1.01,.53-1.68,.05-1.49-1.08l.89-5.2c.19-1.13-.32-2.7-1.14-3.5L.48,10.17c-.82-.8-.56-1.58,.57-1.75l5.22-.76c1.13-.16,2.47-1.14,2.98-2.16L11.58,.77h0Z" }), Jr = r.createElement("path", { d: "M19.29,1.61c-2.15-2.15-5.63-2.15-7.78,0,0,0,0,0,0,0l-1.06,1.06-1.06-1.06C7.24-.54,3.76-.54,1.61,1.61-.54,3.76-.54,7.24,1.61,9.39l1.06,1.06,7.78,7.78,7.78-7.78,1.06-1.06c2.15-2.15,2.15-5.63,0-7.78,0,0,0,0,0,0Z" }), Kr = { itemShapes: zr, itemStrokeWidth: 2, activeFillColor: "#ffb23f", inactiveFillColor: "#fff7ed", activeStrokeColor: "#e17b21", inactiveStrokeColor: "#eda76a" }, Ur = i(({ value: t2, items: i2 = 5, readOnly: d2 = false, onChange: h2 = u, onHoverChange: g2 = u, onFocus: y2 = u, onBlur: x2 = u, isDisabled: C2 = false, highlightOnlySelected: w2 = false, orientation: B2 = sr, spaceBetween: k2 = fr, spaceInside: A2 = dr, radius: E2 = fr, transition: N2 = xr, itemStyles: M2 = Kr, isRequired: W2 = false, halfFillMode: I2 = lr, visibleLabelId: L2, visibleItemLabelIds: R2, invisibleLabel: D2 = d2 ? `Rated ${t2} on ${i2}` : "Rating", invisibleItemLabels: F2, resetLabel: O2 = "No rating", id: H2, className: V2, style: Z2 }, j2) => {
const P2 = Array.from({ length: i2 }, (r2, e2) => e2 + 1), z2 = d2 && !Number.isInteger(t2), T2 = z2 && !w2, q2 = z2 && w2 ? Math.round(t2) : t2, _2 = !d2 && !C2, G2 = q2 >= 0.25, J2 = "string" == typeof V2 ? V2 : "", K2 = I2 === ur ? ur : lr, U2 = T2 && !((r2) => Number.isInteger(p(r2)))(q2), X2 = !W2 && !d2, Y2 = W2 ? i2 : i2 + 1, Q2 = T2 ? function(r2, e2) {
const t3 = p(e2);
return Number.isInteger(t3) ? r2.indexOf(t3) : Math.floor(t3);
}(P2, q2) : P2.indexOf(q2), { staticColors: rr2, arrayColors: er2, itemShapes: tr2, absoluteStrokeWidth: nr2, absoluteBoxBorderWidth: or2 } = s(() => {
const { itemShapes: r2, itemStrokeWidth: e2, boxBorderWidth: t3, ...n2 } = M2, o2 = function(r3) {
const e3 = { ...r3 }, t4 = {}, n3 = Object.entries(e3);
if (n3.length > 0)
for (const [r4, o3] of n3)
if (Array.isArray(o3) || "string" == typeof o3) {
if (Array.isArray(o3))
for (const n4 of Hr)
if (n4 === r4) {
const n5 = o3.filter((r5) => "string" == typeof r5);
n5.length > 0 && (t4[r4] = n5, delete e3[r4]);
} else
delete e3[r4];
} else
delete e3[r4];
return { arrayColors: t4, staticColors: e3 };
return { itemShapes: r2, absoluteStrokeWidth: m(e2), absoluteBoxBorderWidth: m(t3), ...o2 };
}, [M2]), ar2 = Object.keys(er2).length > 0, ir2 = c((r2, e2) => ({ dynamicClassNames: U2 ? Fr(q2, i2, K2) : Dr(w2, i2, r2), dynamicCssVars: e2 && ar2 ? Ir(er2, r2, w2) : [] }), [er2, ar2, w2, K2, U2, i2, q2]), cr2 = c(() => $r2(Vr(Y2, Q2, !W2)), [Q2, Y2, W2]), mr2 = n(true), hr2 = n(true), pr2 = n(null), gr2 = n([]), br2 = n(false), [yr2, vr2] = o({ staticCssVars: Or(rr2, or2), ...ir2(Q2, G2) }), [Sr2, $r2] = o(() => _2 ? Vr(Y2, Q2, !W2) : []);
f(() => {
_2 && gr2.current && (br2.current = function(r2) {
if (r2)
return "rtl" === getComputedStyle(r2).getPropertyValue("direction");
return false;
}, [_2]), e(() => {
if (!mr2.current)
return vr2({ staticCssVars: Or(rr2, or2), ...ir2(Q2, G2) });
mr2.current = false;
}, [rr2, ir2, or2, Q2, G2]), e(() => {
if (!hr2.current && _2)
return cr2();
hr2.current = false;
}, [_2, cr2]);
const { shouldRender: Cr2, reason: wr2 } = function({ items: r2, itemShapes: e2 }) {
const t3 = { shouldRender: true, reason: "" };
if ("number" != typeof r2 || r2 < 1 || r2 > 10)
return jr(t3, "items is invalid");
if (!e2)
return jr(t3, "itemStyles needs at least the property itemShapes set");
if (!Array.isArray(e2) && !a(e2))
return jr(t3, Pr);
if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
if (e2.length !== r2)
return jr(t3, "itemShapes length mismatch");
if (!e2.every((r3) => a(r3)))
return jr(t3, Pr);
return t3;
}({ items: i2, itemShapes: tr2 });
if (!Cr2)
return console.error(wr2), null;
function Br2(r2, e2, t3 = () => {
}) {
gr2.current.some((e3) => e3 === r2.relatedTarget) ? t3() : e2();
function kr2() {
g2(0), cr2();
function Ar2(r2) {
Br2(r2, () => {
}), vr2({ ...yr2, ...ir2(Q2, G2) });
function Er2(r2) {
Br2(r2, () => {
kr2(), x2();
function Mr2(r2, e2) {
const t3 = !W2 && e2 === P2.length ? 0 : e2 + 1;
Br2(r2, () => {
y2(), g2(t3);
}, () => {
function Wr2(r2) {
$r2(Vr(Y2, r2, !W2)), gr2.current[r2].focus();
const Lr2 = Rr({ className: J2, radius: E2, readOnly: d2, isDisabled: C2, isDynamic: _2, transition: N2, orientation: B2, absoluteBoxBorderWidth: or2, absoluteStrokeWidth: nr2, spaceBetween: k2, spaceInside: A2 });
function Zr2(r2) {
return { ref: (e2) => gr2.current[r2] = e2 };
function zr2(r2) {
return { tabIndex: Sr2[r2], onKeyDown: (e2) => function(r3, e3) {
let t3 = 0;
const n2 = W2 ? P2.length - 1 : P2.length, o2 = e3 - 1, a2 = e3 + 1, i3 = !W2 && e3 === P2.length, s2 = 0 === e3 ? n2 : o2, c2 = n2 === e3 ? 0 : a2;
switch (r3.code) {
case "Shift":
case "Tab":
return true;
case "ArrowDown":
case "ArrowRight":
return t3 = br2.current ? s2 : c2, Wr2(t3);
case "ArrowUp":
case "ArrowLeft":
return t3 = br2.current ? c2 : s2, Wr2(t3);
case "Enter":
case "Space":
return r3.preventDefault(), h2(i3 ? 0 : e3 + 1);
r3.preventDefault(), r3.stopPropagation();
}(e2, r2) };
function Tr2(r2) {
return { onClick: (e2) => function(r3, e3) {
r3.stopPropagation(), h2(W2 || Q2 !== e3 ? e3 + 1 : 0);
}(e2, r2), onMouseEnter: () => function(r3) {
g2(r3 + 1), vr2({ ...yr2, ...ir2(r3, true) });
}(r2), onMouseLeave: Ar2 };
function qr2(r2) {
if (d2)
return {};
const e2 = {};
if (Array.isArray(R2))
e2["aria-labelledby"] = R2[r2];
else {
const t3 = Array.isArray(F2) ? F2 :, e3) => `Rate ${e3 + 1}`);
e2["aria-label"] = t3[r2];
return C2 && (e2["aria-disabled"] = "true"), { role: "radio", "aria-checked": r2 + 1 === q2, ...e2 };
function _r2(r2) {
const e2 = { itemShapes: Array.isArray(tr2) ? tr2[r2] : tr2, itemStrokeWidth: nr2, orientation: B2, hasHF: false, testId: {} };
return U2 && K2 === lr && (e2.hasHF = r2 === Q2), e2;
return r.createElement("div", { id: H2, className: Lr2, style: { ...Z2, ...yr2.staticCssVars }, ref: function(r2) {
_2 && !W2 && (pr2.current = r2), j2 && (j2.current = r2);
}, ...function() {
if (!d2) {
const r2 = W2 && !C2, e2 = { role: "radiogroup", "aria-required": r2 };
return r2 && (e2["aria-invalid"] = q2 <= 0), "string" == typeof L2 && L2.length > 0 ? e2["aria-labelledby"] = L2 : e2["aria-label"] = D2, e2;
return { role: "img", "aria-label": D2 };
}(), ...b },, t3) => {
return r.createElement(l, { key: e2 }, r.createElement("div", { className: `${v} ${yr2.dynamicClassNames[t3]}`, style: yr2.dynamicCssVars[t3], ...qr2(t3), ...(o2 = t3, _2 ? { ...Zr2(o2), ...zr2(o2), ...Tr2(o2), onFocus: (r2) => Mr2(r2, o2), onBlur: (r2) => Er2(r2) } : {}) }, r.createElement(Nr, { ..._r2(t3) })), X2 && t3 === P2.length - 1 && r.createElement("div", { ...(n2 = t3 + 1, { className: S, role: "radio", "aria-label": O2, "aria-checked": 0 === q2, onClick: () => h2(0), onFocus: (r2) => {
var _a;
Mr2(r2, n2), (_a = pr2.current) == null ? void 0 : _a.classList.add($);
}, onBlur: (r2) => {
var _a;
Er2(r2), (_a = pr2.current) == null ? void 0 : _a.classList.remove($);
}, ...zr2(n2), ...Zr2(n2), ...C2 ? { "aria-disabled": "true" } : {} }) }));
var n2, o2;
Ur.displayName = "Rating";
export {
Jr as Heart,
Ur as Rating,
qr as RoundedStar,
zr as Star,
Gr as StickerStar,
_r as ThinRoundedStar,
Tr as ThinStar
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${o} on ${a}`:"Not rated":"Rating Selection"),resetLabel:hr="Reset rating",id:mr,className:pr,style:gr},br)=>{const xr=Array.from({length:a},((r,e)=>e+1)),yr=c&&!Number.isInteger(o),Rr=yr&&!V,Sr=yr&&V?Math.round(o):o,vr=!c&&!P,Br=Sr>=.25,Or="string"==typeof pr?pr:"",Er="box"===ir?"box":A,Lr=Rr&&(Ur=Sr,!Number.isInteger(i(Ur))),Cr=!ar&&!c,$r=ar?a:a+1,wr=Rr?function(r,e){const t=i(e);return Number.isInteger(t)?r.indexOf(t):Math.floor(t)}(xr,Sr):xr.indexOf(Sr),{staticColors:kr,arrayColors:Ar,itemShapes:Fr,absoluteStrokeWidth:Dr,absoluteBoxBorderWidth:jr}=e.useMemo((()=>{const{itemShapes:r,itemStrokeWidth:e,boxBorderWidth:t,...n}=sr,o=function(r){const e={...r},t={},n=Object.entries(e);if(n.length>0)for(const[o,s]of n)if(Array.isArray(s)||"string"==typeof s){if(Array.isArray(s))for(const r of Y)if(r===o){const r=s.filter((r=>"string"==typeof r));r.length>0&&(t[o]=r,delete e[o])}else delete e[o]}else delete e[o];return{arrayColors:t,staticColors:e}}(n);return{itemShapes:r,absoluteStrokeWidth:s(e),absoluteBoxBorderWidth:s(t),...o}}),[sr]),Ir=Object.keys(Ar).length>0,Tr=e.useCallback(((r,e)=>({dynamicClassNames:Lr?z(Sr,a,Er):q(V,a,r),dynamicCssVars:e&&Ir?U(Ar,r,V):[]})),[Ar,Ir,V,Er,Lr,a,Sr]),Mr=e.useCallback((()=>Hr(Q($r,wr,!ar))),[wr,$r,ar]),Nr=e.useRef(!0),Wr=e.useRef(!0),Xr=e.useRef(null),Kr=e.useRef([]),Pr=e.useRef(!1),[Vr,_r]=e.useState({staticCssVars:J(kr,jr),...Tr(wr,Br)}),[Gr,Hr]=e.useState((()=>vr?Q($r,wr,!ar):[]));var Ur;n((()=>{vr&&Kr.current&&(Pr.current=function(r){return!!r&&"rtl"===getComputedStyle(r).getPropertyValue("direction")}(Kr.current[0]))}),[vr]),e.useEffect((()=>{if(!Nr.current)return _r({staticCssVars:J(kr,jr),...Tr(wr,Br)});Nr.current=!1}),[kr,Tr,jr,wr,Br]),e.useEffect((()=>{if(!Wr.current&&vr)return Mr();Wr.current=!1}),[vr,Mr]);const{shouldRender:Zr,reason:qr}=function({items:r,itemShapes:t}){const n={shouldRender:!0,reason:""};if("number"!=typeof r||r<1||r>10)return rr(n,"items is invalid");if(!t)return rr(n,"itemStyles needs at least the property itemShapes set");if(!Array.isArray(t)&&!e.isValidElement(t))return rr(n,er);if(Array.isArray(t)){if(t.length!==r)return rr(n,"itemShapes length mismatch");if(!t.every((r=>e.isValidElement(r))))return rr(n,er)}return n}({items:a,itemShapes:Fr});if(!Zr)return console.error(qr),null;function zr(r,e,t=(()=>{})){Kr.current.some((e=>e===r.relatedTarget))?t():e()}function Jr(){d(0),Mr()}function Yr(r){zr(r,(()=>{Jr()})),_r({...Vr,...Tr(wr,Br)})}function Qr(r){zr(r,(()=>{Jr(),$()}))}function re(r,e){const t=ar||e!==xr.length?e+1:0;zr(r,(()=>{C(),d(t)}),(()=>{d(t)}))}function ee(r){Hr(Q($r,r,!ar)),Kr.current[r].focus()}const te=function({className:r,radius:e,readOnly:t,isDisabled:n,isDynamic:o,transition:s,orientation:a,absoluteBoxBorderWidth:i,absoluteStrokeWidth:c,spaceBetween:l,spaceInside:f}){const d=o?"rr--pointer":"",C=function(r){switch(r){case D:return S;case j:return v;case I:return B;default:return""}}(l),$=function(r){switch(r){case D:return O;case j:return E;case I:return L;default:return""}}(f),w=!t&&n?"rr--disabled":"",A=o&&s!==M?function(r){switch(r){case N:return Z(h);case W:return Z(m);case X:return Z(p);case K:return g;default:return""}}(s):"",F=a===k?"rr--dir-y":"rr--dir-x",P=function(r){switch(r){case D:return b;case j:return x;case I:return y;case T:return R;default:return""}}(e),V=i>0?"rr--has-border":"",_=c>0?"rr--has-stroke":"";return`${u.GROUP} ${F} ${_} ${V}\n${A} ${P} ${d} ${w} ${C}\n${$} ${r}`.replace(/ +/g," ").trimEnd()}({className:Or,radius:nr,readOnly:c,isDisabled:P,isDynamic:vr,transition:or,orientation:G,absoluteBoxBorderWidth:jr,absoluteStrokeWidth:Dr,spaceBetween:H,spaceInside:tr});function ne(r){return{ref:e=>Kr.current[r]=e}}function oe(r){return{tabIndex:Gr[r],onKeyDown:e=>function(r,e){let t=0;const n=ar?xr.length-1:xr.length,o=e-1,s=e+1,a=!ar&&e===xr.length,i=0===e?n:o,c=n===e?0:s;switch(r.code){case"Shift":case"Tab":return!0;case"ArrowDown":case"ArrowRight":return t=Pr.current?i:c,ee(t);case"ArrowUp":case"ArrowLeft":return t=Pr.current?c:i,ee(t);case"Enter":case"Space":return r.preventDefault(),f(a?0:e+1)}r.preventDefault(),r.stopPropagation()}(e,r)}}function se(r){return{onClick:e=>{return t=r,e.stopPropagation(),void f(ar||wr!==t?t+1:0);var t},onMouseEnter:()=>{return d((e=r)+1),void _r({...Vr,...Tr(e,!0)});var e},onMouseLeave:Yr}}function ae(r){if(c)return{};const e={};if(Array.isArray(ur))e["aria-labelledby"]=ur[r];else{const t=Array.isArray(fr)?,e)=>`Rate ${e+1}`));e["aria-label"]=t[r]}return P&&(e["aria-disabled"]="true"),{role:"radio","aria-checked":r+1===Sr,...e}}function ie(r){const e={itemShapes:Array.isArray(Fr)?Fr[r]:Fr,itemStrokeWidth:Dr,orientation:G,hasHF:!1,testId:{}};return Lr&&Er===A&&(e.hasHF=r===wr),e}return r.jsx("div",{id:mr,className:te,style:{,...Vr.staticCssVars},ref:function(r){vr&&!ar&&(Xr.current=r),br&&(br.current=r)},...function(){if(!c){const r=ar&&!P,e={role:"radiogroup","aria-required":r};return r&&(e["aria-invalid"]=Sr<=0),"string"==typeof lr&&lr.length>0?e["aria-labelledby"]=lr:e["aria-label"]=dr,e}return{role:"img","aria-label":dr}}(),...l,,n)=>{return r.jsxs(e.Fragment,{children:[r.jsx("div",{className:`${u.BOX} ${Vr.dynamicClassNames[n]}`,style:Vr.dynamicCssVars[n],,...(s=n,vr?{,...oe(s),,onFocus:r=>re(r,s),onBlur:r=>Qr(r)}:{}),children:r.jsx(_,{})}),Cr&&n===xr.length-1&&r.jsx("div",{...(o=n+1,{className:u.RESET,role:"radio","aria-label":hr,"aria-checked":0===Sr,onClick:()=>f(0),onFocus:r=>{var e;re(r,o),null==(e=Xr.current)||e.classList.add(u.GROUP_RESET)},onBlur:r=>{var e;Qr(r),null==(e=Xr.current)||e.classList.remove(u.GROUP_RESET)},...oe(o),,...P?{"aria-disabled":"true"}:{}})})]},t);var o,s}))})}));lr.displayName="Rating",exports.Heart=ir,exports.Rating=lr,exports.RoundedStar=or,exports.Star=tr,exports.StickerStar=ar,exports.ThinRoundedStar=sr,exports.ThinStar=nr;
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@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ ![react-rating-version]( ![react-rating-build-workflow](

- **Use any SVG**: No headaches, icon fonts or packages to install in order to use your favorite shapes.
- Endless possibilities of customization
- Most common rating shapes included
- Zero-config smart half-fill
- Dead simple per-active-item styling
- Built with accessibility in mind
- Truly responsive and mobile-first
- Controllable with React Hook Form
- Simple DOM structure
- Zero-config RTL support
- Works with SSR
- **Use any SVG**: No headaches, icon fonts or packages to install in order to use your favorite shapes.
- Endless possibilities of customization
- Most common rating shapes included
- Zero-config smart half-fill
- Dead simple per-active-item styling
- Built with accessibility in mind
- Truly responsive and mobile-first
- Controllable with React Hook Form
- Simple DOM structure
- Zero-config RTL support
- Works with SSR

@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ <br/>

pnpm add @smastrom/react-rating
yarn add @smastrom/react-rating
npm i @smastrom/react-rating
<br />

@@ -52,3 +60,3 @@

> Importing the CSS **only once** (usually _main.js_ or _App.jsx_) is enough to use Rating in any component of your App.
> Importing the CSS **only once** (most likely _main.js_ or _App.jsx_) is enough to use Rating in any other component of your App.

@@ -177,5 +185,5 @@ <details><summary><strong>Remix</strong></summary>

function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0) // Initial value
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0) // Initial value
return <Rating style={{ maxWidth: 250 }} value={rating} onChange={setRating} />
return <Rating style={{ maxWidth: 250 }} value={rating} onChange={setRating} />

@@ -191,3 +199,3 @@ ```

.my-rating-class {
max-width: 600px;
max-width: 600px;

@@ -202,5 +210,5 @@ ```

function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
return <Rating className="my-rating-class" value={rating} onChange={setRating} />
return <Rating className="my-rating-class" value={rating} onChange={setRating} />

@@ -230,4 +238,4 @@ ```

| :green_circle: | `value` | An integer from 0 to `items`. It can be a float if `readOnly` is **true**. | number | undefined | :white_check_mark: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `onChange` | Setter or custom function to update the rating. | RatingChange | undefined | Only if `readOnly` is **false** |
| :large_blue_circle: | `onHoverChange` | Callback to execute while navigating the rating items. | (hoveredValue: number) => void | noop | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `onChange` | Setter or custom function to update the rating. | RatingChange | () => {} | Only if `readOnly` is **false** |
| :large_blue_circle: | `onHoverChange` | Callback to execute while navigating the rating items. | (hoveredValue: number) => void | () => {} | :x: |
| :green_circle: | `items` | Rating items to display. | 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 | 5 | :x: |

@@ -259,9 +267,9 @@ | :green_circle: | `readOnly` | Whether to render an accessible image element or not. | boolean | false | :x: |

| :thinking: | Prop | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| ------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| :green_circle: | `invisibleLabel` | Accessible label of the rating group / image. | string | `Rating` or `Rated <value> on <items>` if `readOnly` is **true** | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `invisibleItemLabels` | Accessible labels of each each rating item. | string[] | `Rate 1`, `Rate 2`... | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `visibleLabelId` | DOM ID of the element used as rating group label. If set, takes precedence over `invisibleLabel`. | string | undefined | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `visibleItemLabelIds` | DOM IDs of the elements used as labels for each rating item. If set, takes precedence over `invisibleItemLabels`. | string[] | undefined | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `resetLabel` | Accessible label of the reset radio button. | string | `No Rating` | :x: |
| :thinking: | Prop | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| ------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| :green_circle: | `invisibleLabel` | Accessible label of the rating group / image. | string | • `Rating Selection` (radioGroup) <br /> • `Rated {value} on {items}` (readOnly) | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `invisibleItemLabels` | Accessible labels of each rating item. | string[] | `Rate 1`, `Rate 2`... | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `visibleLabelId` | DOM ID of the element used as rating group label. If set, takes precedence over `invisibleLabel`. | string | undefined | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `visibleItemLabelIds` | DOM IDs of the elements used as labels for each rating item. If set, takes precedence over `invisibleItemLabels`. | string[] | undefined | :x: |
| :large_blue_circle: | `resetLabel` | Accessible label of the reset radio button. | string | `Reset Rating` | :x: |

@@ -277,4 +285,4 @@ <br />

type RatingChange =
| React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>
| ((selectedValue: number) => void | Promise<void>)
| React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>
| ((selectedValue: number) => void | Promise<void>)

@@ -290,5 +298,5 @@

function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
return <Rating value={rating} onChange={setRating} />
return <Rating value={rating} onChange={setRating} />

@@ -303,21 +311,21 @@ ```

function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState({
review: '',
rating: 0 // Initial value
const [state, setState] = useState({
review: '',
rating: 0 // Initial value
function handleChange(selectedValue) {
// 1. Logs the selected rating (1, 2, 3...)
function handleChange(selectedValue) {
// 1. Logs the selected rating (1, 2, 3...)
// 2. Do something with or without the value...
// 2. Do something with or without the value...
// 3. Update Rating UI
setState((prevState) => ({
rating: selectedValue
// 3. Update Rating UI
setState((prevState) => ({
rating: selectedValue
return <Rating onChange={handleChange} value={state.rating} />
return <Rating onChange={handleChange} value={state.rating} />

@@ -339,2 +347,4 @@ ```

> :bulb: Don't like the default focus style? Check [here](#troubleshooting) how to customize it.
### 2. Rating without reset

@@ -352,8 +362,10 @@

- It is not possible to reset by clicking again on the selected rating or by using the invisible radio.
- It is not possible to reset by clicking again on the selected rating or by using the invisible radio.
- It is announced by screen readers that rating **is required**.
- It is announced by screen readers that rating **is required**.
- If value equals to 0, it is announced by screen readers that rating **is invalid** .
- If value equals to 0, it is announced by screen readers that rating **is invalid** .
> :bulb: Don't like the default focus style? Check [here](#troubleshooting) how to customize it.

@@ -381,18 +393,13 @@

const myStyles = {
itemShapes: ThinStar,
activeFillColor: '#ffb700',
inactiveFillColor: '#fbf1a9'
itemShapes: ThinStar,
activeFillColor: '#ffb700',
inactiveFillColor: '#fbf1a9'
function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 300 }}
return (
<Rating style={{ maxWidth: 300 }} value={rating} onChange={setRating} itemStyles={myStyles} />

@@ -409,16 +416,16 @@ ```

type ItemStyles = {
itemShapes: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]
itemShapes: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]
itemStrokeWidth?: number
boxBorderWidth?: number
itemStrokeWidth?: number
boxBorderWidth?: number
activeFillColor?: string | string[]
activeStrokeColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxBorderColor?: string | string[]
activeFillColor?: string | string[]
activeStrokeColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxBorderColor?: string | string[]
inactiveFillColor?: string
inactiveStrokeColor?: string
inactiveBoxColor?: string
inactiveBoxBorderColor?: string
inactiveFillColor?: string
inactiveStrokeColor?: string
inactiveBoxColor?: string
inactiveBoxBorderColor?: string

@@ -433,22 +440,17 @@ ```

const CustomStar = (
<polygon points="478.53 189 318.53 152.69 239.26 0 160 152.69 0 189 111.02 303.45 84 478.53 239.26 396.63 394.53 478.53 367.51 303.45 478.53 189" />
<polygon points="478.53 189 318.53 152.69 239.26 0 160 152.69 0 189 111.02 303.45 84 478.53 239.26 396.63 394.53 478.53 367.51 303.45 478.53 189" />
const myStyles = {
itemShapes: CustomStar,
activeFillColor: '#22C55E',
inactiveFillColor: '#BBF7D0'
itemShapes: CustomStar,
activeFillColor: '#22C55E',
inactiveFillColor: '#BBF7D0'
function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(4)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(4)
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 300 }}
return (
<Rating style={{ maxWidth: 300 }} value={rating} onChange={setRating} itemStyles={myStyles} />

@@ -469,9 +471,9 @@ ```

<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z"
d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z"

@@ -484,25 +486,20 @@ ```

const CustomStar = (
<path d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z" />
<path d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z" />
const myStyles = {
itemShapes: CustomStar,
itemStrokeWidth: 2,
activeFillColor: 'LightSeaGreen',
activeStrokeColor: '#99F6E4',
inactiveFillColor: '#99F6E4',
inactiveStrokeColor: 'LightSeaGreen'
itemShapes: CustomStar,
itemStrokeWidth: 2,
activeFillColor: 'LightSeaGreen',
activeStrokeColor: '#99F6E4',
inactiveFillColor: '#99F6E4',
inactiveStrokeColor: 'LightSeaGreen'
function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(4)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(4)
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 300 }}
return (
<Rating style={{ maxWidth: 300 }} value={rating} onChange={setRating} itemStyles={myStyles} />

@@ -521,16 +518,16 @@ ```

type ItemStyles = {
itemShapes: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]
itemShapes: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]
itemStrokeWidth?: number
boxBorderWidth?: number
itemStrokeWidth?: number
boxBorderWidth?: number
activeFillColor?: string | string[]
activeStrokeColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxBorderColor?: string | string[]
activeFillColor?: string | string[]
activeStrokeColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxColor?: string | string[]
activeBoxBorderColor?: string | string[]
inactiveFillColor?: string
inactiveStrokeColor?: string
inactiveBoxColor?: string
inactiveBoxBorderColor?: string
inactiveFillColor?: string
inactiveStrokeColor?: string
inactiveBoxColor?: string
inactiveBoxBorderColor?: string

@@ -545,22 +542,17 @@ ```

const CustomStar = (
<polygon points="478.53 189 318.53 152.69 239.26 0 160 152.69 0 189 111.02 303.45 84 478.53 239.26 396.63 394.53 478.53 367.51 303.45 478.53 189" />
<polygon points="478.53 189 318.53 152.69 239.26 0 160 152.69 0 189 111.02 303.45 84 478.53 239.26 396.63 394.53 478.53 367.51 303.45 478.53 189" />
const myStyles = {
itemShapes: CustomStar,
activeFillColor: '#22C55E',
inactiveFillColor: '#BBF7D0'
itemShapes: CustomStar,
activeFillColor: '#22C55E',
inactiveFillColor: '#BBF7D0'
function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(4)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(4)
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 300 }}
return (
<Rating style={{ maxWidth: 300 }} value={rating} onChange={setRating} itemStyles={myStyles} />

@@ -578,8 +570,8 @@ ```

const defaultItemStyles = {
itemShapes: Star,
itemStrokeWidth: 2,
activeFillColor: '#ffb23f',
activeStrokeColor: '#e17b21',
inactiveFillColor: '#fff7ed',
inactiveStrokeColor: '#e17b21'
itemShapes: Star,
itemStrokeWidth: 2,
activeFillColor: '#ffb23f',
activeStrokeColor: '#e17b21',
inactiveFillColor: '#fff7ed',
inactiveStrokeColor: '#e17b21'

@@ -615,9 +607,9 @@ ```

const Star = (
<polygon points="478.53 189 318.53 152.69 239.26 0 160 152.69 0 189 111.02 303.45 84 478.53 239.26 396.63 394.53 478.53 367.51 303.45 478.53 189" />
<polygon points="478.53 189 318.53 152.69 239.26 0 160 152.69 0 189 111.02 303.45 84 478.53 239.26 396.63 394.53 478.53 367.51 303.45 478.53 189" />
const myStyles: ItemStyles = {
itemShapes: Star,
activeFillColor: 'green',
inactiveFillColor: 'gray'
itemShapes: Star,
activeFillColor: 'green',
inactiveFillColor: 'gray'

@@ -652,28 +644,28 @@ ```

const SadFace = (
<path d="M12.0000002,1.99896738 C17.523704,1.99896738 22.0015507,6.47681407 22.0015507,12.0005179 C22.0015507,17.5242217 17.523704,22.0020684 12.0000002,22.0020684 C6.47629639,22.0020684 1.99844971,17.5242217 1.99844971,12.0005179 C1.99844971,6.47681407 6.47629639,1.99896738 12.0000002,1.99896738 Z M12.0000002,3.49896738 C7.30472352,3.49896738 3.49844971,7.30524119 3.49844971,12.0005179 C3.49844971,16.6957946 7.30472352,20.5020684 12.0000002,20.5020684 C16.6952769,20.5020684 20.5015507,16.6957946 20.5015507,12.0005179 C20.5015507,7.30524119 16.6952769,3.49896738 12.0000002,3.49896738 Z M12.0000001,13.4979816 C13.6312483,13.4979816 15.1603686,14.1528953 16.2810488,15.2934358 C16.5713583,15.5888901 16.5671876,16.0637455 16.2717333,16.354055 C15.976279,16.6443646 15.5014236,16.6401939 15.211114,16.3447396 C14.3696444,15.4883577 13.2246935,14.9979816 12.0000001,14.9979816 C10.7726114,14.9979816 9.62535029,15.4905359 8.78347552,16.3502555 C8.49366985,16.6462041 8.01882223,16.6511839 7.72287367,16.3613782 C7.4269251,16.0715726 7.4219453,15.5967249 7.71175097,15.3007764 C8.83296242,14.155799 10.3651558,13.4979816 12.0000001,13.4979816 Z M9.00044779,8.75115873 C9.69041108,8.75115873 10.2497368,9.3104845 10.2497368,10.0004478 C10.2497368,10.6904111 9.69041108,11.2497368 9.00044779,11.2497368 C8.3104845,11.2497368 7.75115873,10.6904111 7.75115873,10.0004478 C7.75115873,9.3104845 8.3104845,8.75115873 9.00044779,8.75115873 Z M15.0004478,8.75115873 C15.6904111,8.75115873 16.2497368,9.3104845 16.2497368,10.0004478 C16.2497368,10.6904111 15.6904111,11.2497368 15.0004478,11.2497368 C14.3104845,11.2497368 13.7511587,10.6904111 13.7511587,10.0004478 C13.7511587,9.3104845 14.3104845,8.75115873 15.0004478,8.75115873 Z" />
<path d="M12.0000002,1.99896738 C17.523704,1.99896738 22.0015507,6.47681407 22.0015507,12.0005179 C22.0015507,17.5242217 17.523704,22.0020684 12.0000002,22.0020684 C6.47629639,22.0020684 1.99844971,17.5242217 1.99844971,12.0005179 C1.99844971,6.47681407 6.47629639,1.99896738 12.0000002,1.99896738 Z M12.0000002,3.49896738 C7.30472352,3.49896738 3.49844971,7.30524119 3.49844971,12.0005179 C3.49844971,16.6957946 7.30472352,20.5020684 12.0000002,20.5020684 C16.6952769,20.5020684 20.5015507,16.6957946 20.5015507,12.0005179 C20.5015507,7.30524119 16.6952769,3.49896738 12.0000002,3.49896738 Z M12.0000001,13.4979816 C13.6312483,13.4979816 15.1603686,14.1528953 16.2810488,15.2934358 C16.5713583,15.5888901 16.5671876,16.0637455 16.2717333,16.354055 C15.976279,16.6443646 15.5014236,16.6401939 15.211114,16.3447396 C14.3696444,15.4883577 13.2246935,14.9979816 12.0000001,14.9979816 C10.7726114,14.9979816 9.62535029,15.4905359 8.78347552,16.3502555 C8.49366985,16.6462041 8.01882223,16.6511839 7.72287367,16.3613782 C7.4269251,16.0715726 7.4219453,15.5967249 7.71175097,15.3007764 C8.83296242,14.155799 10.3651558,13.4979816 12.0000001,13.4979816 Z M9.00044779,8.75115873 C9.69041108,8.75115873 10.2497368,9.3104845 10.2497368,10.0004478 C10.2497368,10.6904111 9.69041108,11.2497368 9.00044779,11.2497368 C8.3104845,11.2497368 7.75115873,10.6904111 7.75115873,10.0004478 C7.75115873,9.3104845 8.3104845,8.75115873 9.00044779,8.75115873 Z M15.0004478,8.75115873 C15.6904111,8.75115873 16.2497368,9.3104845 16.2497368,10.0004478 C16.2497368,10.6904111 15.6904111,11.2497368 15.0004478,11.2497368 C14.3104845,11.2497368 13.7511587,10.6904111 13.7511587,10.0004478 C13.7511587,9.3104845 14.3104845,8.75115873 15.0004478,8.75115873 Z" />
const SmilingFace = (
<path d="M12.0000002,1.99896738 C17.523704,1.99896738 22.0015507,6.47681407 22.0015507,12.0005179 C22.0015507,17.5242217 17.523704,22.0020684 12.0000002,22.0020684 C6.47629639,22.0020684 1.99844971,17.5242217 1.99844971,12.0005179 C1.99844971,6.47681407 6.47629639,1.99896738 12.0000002,1.99896738 Z M12.0000002,3.49896738 C7.30472352,3.49896738 3.49844971,7.30524119 3.49844971,12.0005179 C3.49844971,16.6957946 7.30472352,20.5020684 12.0000002,20.5020684 C16.6952769,20.5020684 20.5015507,16.6957946 20.5015507,12.0005179 C20.5015507,7.30524119 16.6952769,3.49896738 12.0000002,3.49896738 Z M8.46174078,14.7838355 C9.31087697,15.8615555 10.6018926,16.5020843 11.9999849,16.5020843 C13.396209,16.5020843 14.6856803,15.8632816 15.5349376,14.7880078 C15.7916692,14.4629512 16.2633016,14.4075628 16.5883582,14.6642944 C16.9134148,14.9210259 16.9688032,15.3926584 16.7120717,15.717715 C15.5813083,17.1494133 13.8601276,18.0020843 11.9999849,18.0020843 C10.1373487,18.0020843 8.41411759,17.1471146 7.28351576,15.7121597 C7.02716611,15.3868018 7.08310832,14.9152347 7.40846617,14.6588851 C7.73382403,14.4025354 8.20539113,14.4584777 8.46174078,14.7838355 Z M9.00044779,8.75115873 C9.69041108,8.75115873 10.2497368,9.3104845 10.2497368,10.0004478 C10.2497368,10.6904111 9.69041108,11.2497368 9.00044779,11.2497368 C8.3104845,11.2497368 7.75115873,10.6904111 7.75115873,10.0004478 C7.75115873,9.3104845 8.3104845,8.75115873 9.00044779,8.75115873 Z M15.0004478,8.75115873 C15.6904111,8.75115873 16.2497368,9.3104845 16.2497368,10.0004478 C16.2497368,10.6904111 15.6904111,11.2497368 15.0004478,11.2497368 C14.3104845,11.2497368 13.7511587,10.6904111 13.7511587,10.0004478 C13.7511587,9.3104845 14.3104845,8.75115873 15.0004478,8.75115873 Z" />
<path d="M12.0000002,1.99896738 C17.523704,1.99896738 22.0015507,6.47681407 22.0015507,12.0005179 C22.0015507,17.5242217 17.523704,22.0020684 12.0000002,22.0020684 C6.47629639,22.0020684 1.99844971,17.5242217 1.99844971,12.0005179 C1.99844971,6.47681407 6.47629639,1.99896738 12.0000002,1.99896738 Z M12.0000002,3.49896738 C7.30472352,3.49896738 3.49844971,7.30524119 3.49844971,12.0005179 C3.49844971,16.6957946 7.30472352,20.5020684 12.0000002,20.5020684 C16.6952769,20.5020684 20.5015507,16.6957946 20.5015507,12.0005179 C20.5015507,7.30524119 16.6952769,3.49896738 12.0000002,3.49896738 Z M8.46174078,14.7838355 C9.31087697,15.8615555 10.6018926,16.5020843 11.9999849,16.5020843 C13.396209,16.5020843 14.6856803,15.8632816 15.5349376,14.7880078 C15.7916692,14.4629512 16.2633016,14.4075628 16.5883582,14.6642944 C16.9134148,14.9210259 16.9688032,15.3926584 16.7120717,15.717715 C15.5813083,17.1494133 13.8601276,18.0020843 11.9999849,18.0020843 C10.1373487,18.0020843 8.41411759,17.1471146 7.28351576,15.7121597 C7.02716611,15.3868018 7.08310832,14.9152347 7.40846617,14.6588851 C7.73382403,14.4025354 8.20539113,14.4584777 8.46174078,14.7838355 Z M9.00044779,8.75115873 C9.69041108,8.75115873 10.2497368,9.3104845 10.2497368,10.0004478 C10.2497368,10.6904111 9.69041108,11.2497368 9.00044779,11.2497368 C8.3104845,11.2497368 7.75115873,10.6904111 7.75115873,10.0004478 C7.75115873,9.3104845 8.3104845,8.75115873 9.00044779,8.75115873 Z M15.0004478,8.75115873 C15.6904111,8.75115873 16.2497368,9.3104845 16.2497368,10.0004478 C16.2497368,10.6904111 15.6904111,11.2497368 15.0004478,11.2497368 C14.3104845,11.2497368 13.7511587,10.6904111 13.7511587,10.0004478 C13.7511587,9.3104845 14.3104845,8.75115873 15.0004478,8.75115873 Z" />
const myStyles = {
itemShapes: [SadFace, SmilingFace],
activeFillColor: ['#da1600', '#61bb00'],
inactiveFillColor: '#a8a8a8'
itemShapes: [SadFace, SmilingFace],
activeFillColor: ['#da1600', '#61bb00'],
inactiveFillColor: '#a8a8a8'
function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 200 }}
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 200 }}

@@ -686,31 +678,31 @@ ```

const Star = (
<path d="M62 25.154H39.082L32 3l-7.082 22.154H2l18.541 13.693L13.459 61L32 47.309L50.541 61l-7.082-22.152L62 25.154z" />
<path d="M62 25.154H39.082L32 3l-7.082 22.154H2l18.541 13.693L13.459 61L32 47.309L50.541 61l-7.082-22.152L62 25.154z" />
const myStyles = {
itemShapes: Star,
boxBorderWidth: 3,
itemShapes: Star,
boxBorderWidth: 3,
activeFillColor: ['#FEE2E2', '#FFEDD5', '#FEF9C3', '#ECFCCB', '#D1FAE5'],
activeBoxColor: ['#da1600', '#db711a', '#dcb000', '#61bb00', '#009664'],
activeBoxBorderColor: ['#c41400', '#d05e00', '#cca300', '#498d00', '#00724c'],
activeFillColor: ['#FEE2E2', '#FFEDD5', '#FEF9C3', '#ECFCCB', '#D1FAE5'],
activeBoxColor: ['#da1600', '#db711a', '#dcb000', '#61bb00', '#009664'],
activeBoxBorderColor: ['#c41400', '#d05e00', '#cca300', '#498d00', '#00724c'],
inactiveFillColor: 'white',
inactiveBoxColor: '#dddddd',
inactiveBoxBorderColor: '#a8a8a8'
inactiveFillColor: 'white',
inactiveBoxColor: '#dddddd',
inactiveBoxBorderColor: '#a8a8a8'
function App() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 500 }}
return (
style={{ maxWidth: 500 }}

@@ -770,7 +762,7 @@ ```

- Rating must be confirmed with `Enter/Space` keys and cannot be set directly with arrows like native radios.
- Rating must be confirmed with `Enter/Space` keys and cannot be set directly with arrows like native radios.
- `onChange` is called on both `Enter/Space` keys and click.
- `onChange` is called on both `Enter/Space` keys and click.
- `onHoverChange` is called on `← → ↑ ↓` navigation, mouse hovering, focus-from / blur-to a _non-react-rating_ element.
- `onHoverChange` is called on `← → ↑ ↓` navigation, mouse hovering, focus-from / blur-to a _non-react-rating_ element.

@@ -823,3 +815,3 @@ ### Disabled state

.rr--box:focus-visible .rr--svg {
/* Your styles */
/* Your styles */

@@ -832,3 +824,3 @@ ```

.rr--focus-reset {
/* Your styles */
/* Your styles */

@@ -841,7 +833,7 @@ ```

.rr--focus-reset {
outline: 6px double #0079ff;
outline: 6px double #0079ff;
.rr--box:focus-visible .rr--svg {
outline: 6px double #0079ff;
outline: 6px double #0079ff;

@@ -856,2 +848,2 @@ ```

MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Simone Mastromattei 2022.
MIT — Copyright (c) 2022 - Present, Simone Mastromattei
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