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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies



It will collect dependencies (package names) by analyze `import`, `import()`, `require()` and `require.resolve()` of JS and TS source codes of a directory.

Version published


It will collect dependencies (package names) by analyze import, import(), require() and require.resolve() of JS and TS source codes of a directory.

import { collectDependencies, collectScripts, PackageInfo } from '@ssen/collect-dependencies';
import { PackageJson } from 'type-fest';

const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({
  rootDir: '/project/src',
  externalPackages: require('project/package.json').dependencies,
  internalPackages: new Map<string, PackageInfo>([
        name: '@ssen/tmp-directory',
        version: '0.1.0',



import { collectDependencies, collectScripts, PackageInfo } from '@ssen/collect-dependencies';
import { PackageJson } from 'type-fest';

async function collectDependencies(params: {
  // source directory
  rootDir: string;
  // dependency references
  internalPackages?: Map<string, PackageInfo>;
  externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency;
  // typescript configs
  extensions?: string[];
  excludes?: string[];
  includes?: string[];
  compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions;
  // if you want to do not collect some dependencies like this `import {} from 'self-package-name'`
  // you can pass this like { selfNames: new Set(['self-package-name']) }
  selfNames?: Set<string>;
  fixImportPath?: (args: { importPath: string; filePath: string }) => string;
  // if you set this to 'pass'
  // when find the undefined package name
  // it does not throw a error
  checkUndefinedPackage?: 'error' | 'pass';
}): Promise<PackageJson.Dependency>

Test Codes

import {
} from '@ssen/collect-dependencies';
import { rewriteSrcPath } from '@ssen/rewrite-src-path';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path';
import process from 'process';
import { PackageJson } from 'type-fest';

describe('collectDependencies()', () => {
  test('should get all dependencies from typescript sources', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/ts');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map([
          name: '@ssen/tmp-directory',
          version: '0.1.0',
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = require(path.join(rootDir, 'package.json')).dependencies;

    // Act
    const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({

    // Assert
    // imported from externalPackages
    expect('react' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('rimraf' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('tmp' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('semver' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('glob' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    // imported from internalPackages
    expect('@ssen/tmp-directory' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();

  test('should work with default config', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/ts');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map<string, PackageInfo>([
          name: '@ssen/tmp-directory',
          version: '0.1.0',
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = require(path.join(rootDir, 'package.json')).dependencies;

    // Act
    const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({

    // Assert
    // imported from externalPackages
    expect('react' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('rimraf' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('tmp' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('semver' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('glob' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    // imported from internalPackages
    expect('@ssen/tmp-directory' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();

  test('should get all dependencies from javascript sources', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/js');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map<string, PackageInfo>([
          name: '@ssen/tmp-directory',
          version: '0.1.0',
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = require(path.join(rootDir, 'package.json')).dependencies;

    // Act
    const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({

    // Assert
    // imported from externalPackages
    expect('react' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('rimraf' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('tmp' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('semver' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('glob' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    // imported from internalPackages
    expect('@ssen/tmp-directory' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();

  test('should get all dependencies without self name', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/self-name');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map<string, PackageInfo>([
          name: '@ssen/tmp-directory',
          version: '0.1.0',
          name: 'imports',
          version: '0.1.0',
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = require(path.join(rootDir, 'package.json')).dependencies;
    const selfNames: Set<string> = new Set<string>(['imports']);

    // Act
    const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({

    // Assert
    // imported from externalPackages
    expect('react' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('rimraf' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('tmp' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('semver' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    expect('glob' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();
    // `imports` is self name when the build of `imports`
    // `import {} from 'imports'` would be ignored
    expect('imports' in dependencies).toBeFalsy();
    // imported from internalPackages
    expect('@ssen/tmp-directory' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();

  test('should can not get unspecified internal dependency', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/ts');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map<string, PackageInfo>();
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = require(path.join(rootDir, 'package.json')).dependencies;
    const checkUndefinedPackage: 'pass' | 'error' = 'pass';

    // Act
    const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({

    // Assert
    // missing dependency will not throw an error just will be ignored
    expect('@ssen/tmp-directory' in dependencies).toBeFalsy();

  test('should throw error with unspecified internal dependency', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/ts');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map<string, PackageInfo>();
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = require(path.join(rootDir, 'package.json')).dependencies;
    const checkUndefinedPackage: 'pass' | 'error' = 'error';

    // Act
    // it will not find '@ssen/tmp-directory' package
    // because of the internalPackages does not have that package.
    // "checkUndefinedPackge: error" option will throw error when find undefined package.
    await expect(() =>

  test('should fix import paths', async () => {
    // Arrange : create temporary fixture
    const rootDir: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test/fixtures/collect-dependencies/fix-import-path');

    // Arrange : create test data
    const internalPackages: Map<string, PackageInfo> = new Map<string, PackageInfo>(
      ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e'].map((name) => [
          version: '0.1.0',
    const externalPackages: PackageJson.Dependency = {};
    const fixImportPath = ({ importPath, filePath }: { importPath: string; filePath: string }) => {
      return rewriteSrcPath({

    // Act
    const dependencies: PackageJson.Dependency = await collectDependencies({
      rootDir: path.join(rootDir, 'a'),

    // Assert
    // `import {} from '../b'` is fixed to `import {} from 'b'` by fixImportPath option
    expect('b' in dependencies).toBeTruthy();

import { PackageJson } from 'type-fest';
import { getPackagesOrder } from '../getPackagesOrder';

describe('getPackagesOrder()', () => {
  test('should get the ordered names array', () => {
    // Arrange : get test condition and test result from function args
    function test(packageJsonContents: PackageJson[], matchOrderedNames: string[]) {
      // Act
      const orderedNames: string[] = getPackagesOrder({ packageJsonContents });

      // Assert
      // result should be equal with expected result

      // Assert
      // verification result
      orderedNames.reverse().forEach((a: string, i: number) => {
        // sorted.slice(0, i) does not have a
        for (const b of orderedNames.slice(0, i)) {
          const aFile: PackageJson | undefined = packageJsonContents.find(({ name }) => name === a);
          if (aFile) {
            expect(Object.keys(aFile.dependencies || {})).not.toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([b]));

          name: '@lunit/insight-viewer',
          dependencies: {
            react: '>=16.8.0',
            'cornerstone-core': '^2.3.0',
            'cornerstone-wado-image-loader': '^2.2.3',
            'dicom-parser': '^1.8.3',
            rxjs: '^6.5.2',
            polylabel: '^1.0.2',
            'point-in-polygon': '^1.0.1',
            'styled-components': '>=4.3.2',
            '@material-ui/core': '^4.3.1',
            '@lunit/heatmap': '^1.0.0',
            '@lunit/is-complex-polygon': '^1.0.0',
            '@lunit/is-polygon-area-greater-than-area': '^1.0.0',
            csstype: '^2.6.7',
            '@storybook/addons': '^5.2.8',
          name: '@lunit/heatmap',
          dependencies: {
            react: '>=16.8.0',
      // Assert
      // @lunit/heatmap is higher order
      // because of @lunit/insight-viewer includes @lunit/heatmap
      ['@lunit/heatmap', '@lunit/insight-viewer'],

          name: 'a',
          dependencies: {
            c: '0.0.0',
          name: 'b',
          dependencies: {
            a: '0.0.0',
            c: '0.0.0',
          name: 'c',
          name: 'd',
          dependencies: {
            e: '0.0.0',
            b: '0.0.0',
          name: 'e',
      // Assert
      // c
      // a { c }
      // b { a, c }
      // e
      // d { e, b: { a, c } }
      ['c', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'd'],

          name: '@ssen/test-module1',
          dependencies: {
            react: '0',
          name: '@ssen/test-module2',
          dependencies: {
            react: '0',
            'test-module3': '0',
          name: 'router-store',
          dependencies: {
            react: '0',
            'react-router': '0',
          name: 'test-module3',
          dependencies: {
            react: '0',
            '@ssen/test-module1': '0',
          name: 'use-react-intl',
          dependencies: {
            react: '0',
            'react-intl': '0',
      // Assert
      // order by package name - @ssen/test-module1, @router-store
      // test-module3 { @ssen/test-module1 }
      // @ssen/test-module2 { test-module3 }
      // does not have any reason to order - use-react-intl
      ['@ssen/test-module1', 'router-store', 'test-module3', '@ssen/test-module2', 'use-react-intl'],

  test('should cause error if does not have name field in the package.json', () => {
    // Arrange
    const packageJsonContents: PackageJson[] = [
        name: '@ssen/test-module1',
        dependencies: {
          react: '0',
        dependencies: {
          react: '0',

    // Act
    // second package has not name field
    // so it will throw an error
    expect(() => getPackagesOrder({ packageJsonContents })).toThrow();

  test('should cause error if the dependencies are circular references', () => {
    // Arrange
    const packageJsonContents: PackageJson[] = [
        name: '@ssen/test-module1',
        dependencies: {
          '@ssen/test-module2': '0',
        name: '@ssen/test-module2',
        dependencies: {
          '@ssen/test-module1': '0',

    // Act
    // @ssen/test-module1 { @ssen/test-module2 }
    // @ssen/test-module2 { @ssen/test-module1 }
    // they have circular references
    // so it will throw an error
    expect(() => getPackagesOrder({ packageJsonContents })).toThrow();

  test('should guide detailed circular references error', () => {
    // Arrange
    const packageJsonContents: PackageJson[] = [
        name: '@ssen/test-module1',
        dependencies: {
          '@ssen/test-module2': '0',
        name: '@ssen/test-module2',
        dependencies: {
          '@ssen/test-module3': '0',
        name: '@ssen/test-module3',
        dependencies: {
          '@ssen/test-module4': '0',
        name: '@ssen/test-module4',
        dependencies: {
          '@ssen/test-module1': '0',

    // Act
    // throwed message should has detailed paths
    expect(() => getPackagesOrder({ packageJsonContents })).toThrow(
      'package.json files have circularly referenced dependencies : "@ssen/test-module1" in "@ssen/test-module1 < @ssen/test-module2 < @ssen/test-module3 < @ssen/test-module4 < @ssen/test-module1"',

  test('should sort by names if they have not some dependencies each other', () => {
    // Arrange
    const packageJsonContents: PackageJson[] = [
        name: '@ssen/test-module1',
        name: '@ssen/test-module2',

    // Act
    // Assert
    // there is no dependencies each other
    // so they will be ordered by names
    expect(getPackagesOrder({ packageJsonContents })).toEqual(['@ssen/test-module1', '@ssen/test-module2']);

  // ---------------------------------------------
  // error cases
  // ---------------------------------------------
  test('frontend-components failed', () => {
    const packageJsonContents: PackageJson[] = [
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@ssen/snackbar',
        version: '2.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@material-ui/core': '^4.9.13',
          '@material-ui/icons': '^4.5.1',
          '@storybook/react': '^5.3.17',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          'styled-components': '^5.0.0',
          'event-target-shim': '^5.0.1',
          'react-dom': '^16.13.1',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/handbook',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@handbook/components': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/insight-viewer': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/opt-components': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@ssen/snackbar': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          'styled-components': '^5.0.0',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/heatmap',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@handbook/components': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/insight-draw',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          csstype: '^2.6.10',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/insight-ui',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {},
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/insight-viewer',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@handbook/components': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          'styled-components': '^5.0.0',
          rxjs: '^6.5.4',
          'd3-color': '^1.4.0',
          '@material-ui/core': '^4.9.13',
          '@lunit/insight-draw': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/is-touch-device': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          polylabel: '^1.0.2',
          '@lunit/heatmap': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/use-opt-control': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          'd3-ease': '^1.0.6',
          'd3-timer': '^1.0.10',
          'point-in-polygon': '^1.0.1',
          '@lunit/is-complex-polygon': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/is-polygon-area-greater-than-area': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          csstype: '^2.6.10',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/is-complex-polygon',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@lunit/is-intersection': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/insight-viewer': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/is-intersection',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/is-polygon-area-greater-than-area',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@lunit/insight-viewer': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/is-touch-device',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {},
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/new-window',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { react: '^16.13.1', '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/opt-components',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@lunit/insight-viewer': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/opt-control-icons': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@storybook/react': '^5.3.17',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          'styled-components': '^5.0.0',
          '@material-ui/core': '^4.9.13',
          '@material-ui/icons': '^4.5.1',
          '@ssen/snackbar': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          history: '^4.10.1',
          'react-router-dom': '^5.1.2',
          'use-resize-observer': '^6.0.0',
          '@lunit/is-touch-device': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          'resize-observer-polyfill': '^1.5.1',
          '@material-ui/styles': '^4.9.13',
          '@lunit/use-dialog': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          csstype: '^2.6.10',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/opt-control-icons',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@material-ui/core': '^4.9.13',
          '@material-ui/icons': '^4.5.1',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1',
          'styled-components': '^5.0.0',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/opt-login-components',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
          '@lunit/insight-viewer': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@lunit/opt-components': '^5.0.0-alpha.1',
          '@storybook/react': '^5.3.17',
          react: '^16.13.1',
          '@material-ui/core': '^4.9.13',
          'styled-components': '^5.0.0',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/screenshot',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { 'fs-extra': '^9.0.0', puppeteer: '^3.0.3' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/timeout',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {},
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/use-control-log',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { react: '^16.13.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
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        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
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        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/use-dialog',
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        dependencies: {
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        author: 'SSen <>',
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        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
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        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/use-opt-control',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { react: '^16.13.1', '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/use-reset-time',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { react: '^16.13.1', '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@lunit/use-shortcut',
        version: '5.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { react: '^16.13.1', '@handbook/source': '^2.0.0-alpha.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@handbook/code-block',
        version: '2.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
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          react: '^16.13.1',
          '@mdx-js/react': '^1.6.1',
          'react-live': '^2.2.2',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@handbook/components',
        version: '2.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: {
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          slugify: '^1.4.0',
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',
        author: 'SSen <>',
        license: 'MIT',
        repository: 'github:lunit/frontend-components',
        bugs: '',
        homepage: '',
        engines: { node: '>=10' },
        publishConfig: { access: 'public' },
        name: '@handbook/source',
        version: '2.0.0-alpha.1',
        dependencies: { react: '^16.13.1', '@handbook/code-block': '^2.0.0-alpha.1' },
        main: 'index.js',
        typings: 'index.d.ts',

    // it error throwed by not filtered dependencies
    // and it solved by fix collectTypeScript() and collectScript()
    expect(() => getPackagesOrder({ packageJsonContents })).toThrow();


Package last updated on 22 Aug 2020

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