yarn add @strapi/provider-email-amazon-ses
npm install @strapi/provider-email-amazon-ses --save
provider | string | The name of the provider you use | yes | |
providerOptions | object | Will be directly given to createClient function. Please refer to node-ses doc. | yes | |
settings | object | Settings | no | {} |
settings.defaultFrom | string | Default sender mail address | no | undefined |
settings.defaultReplyTo | string | array | Default address or addresses the receiver is asked to reply to | no | undefined |
:warning: The Shipper Email (or defaultfrom) may also need to be changed in the Email Templates
tab on the admin panel for emails to send properly
Path - ./config/plugins.js
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
email: {
config: {
provider: 'amazon-ses',
providerOptions: {
key: env('AWS_SES_KEY'),
secret: env('AWS_SES_SECRET'),
amazon: 'https://email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com',
settings: {
defaultFrom: 'myemail@protonmail.com',
defaultReplyTo: 'myemail@protonmail.com',