What is @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json?
@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json is a parser adapter for the ApiDOM library that allows you to parse and manipulate JSON documents. It is particularly useful for working with API specifications and other structured data formats.
What are @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json's main functionalities?
Parsing JSON
This feature allows you to parse a JSON string into an ApiDOM structure. The code sample demonstrates how to use the `parse` function to convert a JSON string into a parsed object.
const { parse } = require('@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json');
const jsonString = '{"key": "value"}';
const parsed = parse(jsonString);
Serializing JSON
This feature allows you to serialize an ApiDOM structure back into a JSON string. The code sample demonstrates how to use the `serialize` function to convert an ApiDOM object into a JSON string.
const { serialize } = require('@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json');
const apiDomObject = { key: 'value' };
const jsonString = serialize(apiDomObject);
Other packages similar to @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json
The `json5` package provides a JSON parser and serializer that is more lenient than the standard JSON. It allows for comments, trailing commas, and other features not supported by standard JSON. Compared to @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json, `json5` focuses on providing a more flexible JSON format rather than integrating with ApiDOM.
The `fast-json-stringify` package is a fast and efficient JSON stringifier that uses JSON schema to optimize the serialization process. It is designed for performance and can be significantly faster than the standard `JSON.stringify` method. Unlike @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json, it does not provide parsing capabilities and is focused solely on serialization.
The `ajv` package is a JSON schema validator that can be used to validate JSON data against a schema. It is highly performant and supports a wide range of JSON schema features. While it does not provide parsing or serialization capabilities like @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json, it is useful for ensuring that JSON data conforms to a specified schema.
is a parser adapter for the JSON format.
CST produced by lexical analysis is syntactically analyzed and
ApiDOM structure using base ApiDOM namespace is produced.
After prerequisites for installing this package are satisfied, you can install it
via npm CLI by running the following command:
$ npm install @swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json
Parse phases
The parse stage takes JSON string and produces ApiDOM structure using base ApiDOM namespace.
There are two phases of parsing: Lexical Analysis and Syntactic Analysis.
Lexical Analysis
Lexical Analysis will take a JSON string and turn it into a stream of tokens.
tree-sitter / web-tree-sitter is used as an underlying lexical analyzer.
Syntactic Analysis
Syntactic Analysis will take a stream of tokens and turn it into an ApiDOM representation.
CST produced by lexical analysis is syntactically analyzed
and ApiDOM structure using base ApiDOM namespace is produced.
This analysis directly turns tree-sitter CST into ApiDOM. Single traversal is required which makes
it super performant, and it's the default analysis used.
import { parse } from '@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json';
const parseResult = await parse('{"prop": "value"}', {
syntacticAnalysis: 'direct',
This analysis turns trees-sitter CST into JSON AST representation.
Then JSON AST is turned into ApiDOM. Two traversals are required, which makes indirect analysis less performant than direct one.
Thought less performant, having JSON AST representation allows us to do further complex analysis.
import { parse } from '@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json';
const parseResult = await parse('{"prop": "value"}', {
syntacticAnalysis: 'indirect',
Parser adapter API
This parser adapter is fully compatible with parser adapter interface required by @swagger-api/apidom-parser
and implements all required properties.
Defines list of media types that this parser adapter recognizes.
Detection is based on using JSON.parse to indicate whether the provided source string is or isn't JSON string.
This adapter exposes an instance of base ApiDOM namespace.
function consumes various options as a second argument. Here is a list of these options:
sourceMap | Boolean | false | Indicate whether to generate source maps. |
syntacticAnalysis | String | direct | Indicate type of syntactic analysis |
All unrecognized arbitrary options will be ignored.
This parser adapter can be used directly or indirectly via @swagger-api/apidom-parser.
Direct usage
During direct usage you don't need to provide mediaType
as the parse
function is already pre-bound
with supported media types.
import { parse, detect } from '@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json';
await detect('{"prop": "value"}');
await detect('test');
const parseResult = await parse('{"prop": "value"}', { sourceMap: true });
Indirect usage
You can omit the mediaType
option here, but please read Word on detect vs mediaTypes before you do so.
import ApiDOMParser from '@swagger-api/apidom-parser';
import * as jsonParserAdapter from '@swagger-api/apidom-parser-adapter-json';
const parser = new ApiDOMParser();
const parseResult = await parser.parse('{"prop", "value"}', { mediaType: jsonParserAdapter.mediaTypes.latest('json') });