What is @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu?
The @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu package is a precompiled version of SWC (Speedy Web Compiler) specifically for Linux x64 systems using the GNU libc. SWC is a super-fast compiler written in Rust that allows for transforming ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backward-compatible version of JavaScript that can be run in older browsers. It's designed for high-speed JavaScript compilation but also includes features for minification, bundling, and testing.
What are @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu's main functionalities?
JavaScript/TypeScript Compilation
Compiles modern JavaScript or TypeScript code down to ES5 for compatibility with older browsers.
require('@swc/core-linux-x64-gnu').transformSync('const x = 1;', { jsc: { target: 'es5' } });
Code Minification
Minifies JavaScript code to reduce file size, which is beneficial for production environments.
require('@swc/core-linux-x64-gnu').transformSync('const x = 1;', { minify: true });
Source Maps
Generates source maps for the transformed code, aiding in debugging by mapping the compiled code back to the original source code.
require('@swc/core-linux-x64-gnu').transformFileSync('input.js', { sourceMaps: true });
Other packages similar to @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu
Babel is a widely used JavaScript compiler that transforms your JavaScript ES6+ code into backwards compatible JavaScript code for current and older browsers or environments. Compared to @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu, Babel is more plugin-driven, allowing for a highly customizable build process but typically operates at a slower compilation speed.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript. It provides optional static typing, classes, and interfaces. While TypeScript focuses more on type safety and is primarily used for development in large codebases, @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu focuses on speed and efficiency in compiling modern JavaScript and TypeScript code.
esbuild is an extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier. It compiles JavaScript and TypeScript code much like @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu but emphasizes on bundling and minification speed. esbuild uses Go instead of Rust, and its primary advantage is its speed, especially for bundling, which makes it a strong alternative for development builds and production bundling.
This is the x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu binary for @swc/core