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Comparing version 1.0.22 to 15.4.17



@@ -113,4 +113,6 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

Calendar.prototype.validateDate = function () {
this.setProperties({ value: new Date('' + this.value) }, true);
this.currentDate = this.currentDate ? this.currentDate : new Date();
this.setProperties({ value: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.value)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ min: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.min)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ max: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.max)) }, true);
this.currentDate = this.currentDate ? this.currentDate : new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.value) && this.min <= this.max && this.value >= this.min && this.value <= this.max) {

@@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ this.currentDate = new Date('' + this.value);

case 'moveLeft':
this.KeyboardNavigate(-1, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(-1, view, e, this.max, this.min);
case 'moveRight':
this.KeyboardNavigate(1, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(1, view, e, this.max, this.min);

@@ -318,6 +320,6 @@ break;

if (view === 0) {
this.KeyboardNavigate(-7, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(-7, view, e, this.max, this.min);
else {
this.KeyboardNavigate(-4, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(-4, view, e, this.max, this.min);

@@ -328,6 +330,6 @@ e.preventDefault();

if (view === 0) {
this.KeyboardNavigate(7, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(7, view, e, this.max, this.min);
else {
this.KeyboardNavigate(4, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(4, view, e, this.max, this.min);

@@ -337,9 +339,10 @@ e.preventDefault();

case 'select':
if (!isNullOrUndefined(focusedDate) || !isNullOrUndefined(selectedDate)) {
var element = !isNullOrUndefined(focusedDate) ? focusedDate : selectedDate;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(element) && !element.classList.contains(DISABLED)) {
if (levelRestrict) {
var d = new Date(parseInt('' + (focusedDate || selectedDate).id, 0));
this.selectDate(e, d, (focusedDate || selectedDate));
var d = new Date(parseInt('' + (element).id, 0));
this.selectDate(e, d, (element));
else {
this.contentClick(null, --view, (focusedDate || selectedDate));
this.contentClick(null, --view, (element));

@@ -399,4 +402,7 @@ }

if (this.getModuleName() === 'calendar') {
Calendar.prototype.KeyboardNavigate = function (number, currentView, e) {
Calendar.prototype.KeyboardNavigate = function (number, currentView, e, max, min) {
var date = new Date('' + this.currentDate);

@@ -425,3 +431,3 @@ switch (currentView) {

case 0:
this.addDay(this.currentDate, number);
this.addDay(this.currentDate, number, e, max, min);
if (this.isMinMaxRange(this.currentDate)) {

@@ -449,9 +455,30 @@ detach(this.tableBodyElement);

Calendar.prototype.minMaxDate = function (localDate) {
var currentDate = new Date(new Date(+localDate).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
var minDate = new Date(new Date(+this.min).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
var maxDate = new Date(new Date(+this.max).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (+currentDate === +minDate || +currentDate === +maxDate) {
if (+localDate < +this.min) {
localDate = new Date(+this.min);
if (+localDate > +this.max) {
localDate = new Date(+this.max);
return localDate;
Calendar.prototype.renderMonths = function (e) {
var numCells = this.weekNumber ? 8 : 7;
var tdEles = this.renderDays(this.currentDate, e);
this.renderTemplate(tdEles, numCells, MONTH, e);
Calendar.prototype.renderDays = function (currentDate, e) {
var tdEles = [];
var cellsCount = 42;
var localDate = new Date('' + this.currentDate);
var localDate = new Date('' + currentDate);
var minMaxDate;
var numCells = this.weekNumber ? 8 : 7;
var currentMonth = localDate.getMonth();
this.titleUpdate(this.currentDate, 'days');
this.titleUpdate(currentDate, 'days');
var d = localDate;

@@ -471,2 +498,4 @@ localDate = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 0, d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds());

minMaxDate = new Date(+localDate);
localDate = this.minMaxDate(localDate);
var dateFormatOptions = { type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'full' };

@@ -521,10 +550,10 @@ var date = this.globalize.parseDate(this.globalize.formatDate(localDate, dateFormatOptions), dateFormatOptions);

else {
if (this.currentDate.getDate() === localDate.getDate() && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
if (currentDate.getDate() === localDate.getDate() && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
addClass([tdEle], FOCUSEDDATE);
else {
if (this.currentDate >= this.max && parseInt(, 0) === +this.max && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
if (currentDate >= this.max && parseInt(, 0) === +this.max && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
addClass([tdEle], FOCUSEDDATE);
if (this.currentDate <= this.min && parseInt(, 0) === +this.min && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
if (currentDate <= this.min && parseInt(, 0) === +this.min && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
addClass([tdEle], FOCUSEDDATE);

@@ -541,6 +570,6 @@ }

this.addDay(localDate, 1);
localDate = new Date(+minMaxDate);
this.addDay(localDate, 1, null, this.max, this.min);
this.renderTemplate(tdEles, numCells, MONTH, e);
return tdEles;

@@ -645,3 +674,12 @@ Calendar.prototype.renderYears = function (e) {

Calendar.prototype.firstDay = function (date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth());
var collection = this.tableBodyElement.querySelectorAll('td' + ':not(.' + OTHERMONTH + '');
if (collection.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
if (!collection[i].classList.contains(DISABLED)) {
date = new Date(parseInt(collection[i].id, 0));
return date;

@@ -654,5 +692,20 @@ Calendar.prototype.lastDay = function (date) {

return lastDate;
return this.findlastDay(lastDate);
Calendar.prototype.checkDateValue = function (value) {
return (!isNullOrUndefined(value) && value instanceof Date && !isNaN(+value)) ? value : null;
Calendar.prototype.findlastDay = function (date) {
var collection = this.tableBodyElement.querySelectorAll('td' + ':not(.' + OTHERMONTH + '');
if (collection.length) {
for (var i = collection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!collection[i].classList.contains(DISABLED)) {
date = new Date(parseInt(collection[i].id, 0));
return date;
Calendar.prototype.removeTheadEle = function () {

@@ -803,2 +856,3 @@ if (this.getModuleName() === 'calendar') {

case 'value':
this.setProperties({ value: new Date('' + newProp.value) }, true);
if (isNaN(+this.value)) {

@@ -836,2 +890,4 @@ this.setProperties({ value: oldProp.value }, true);

case 'max':
prop === 'min' ? this.setProperties({ min: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + newProp.min)) }, true) :
this.setProperties({ max: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + newProp.max)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ start: this.currentView() }, true);

@@ -1040,3 +1096,4 @@ detach(this.tableBodyElement);

var date = this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateFormatOptions);
return this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateFormatOptions);
var value = date.valueOf() - date.valueOf() % 1000;
return new Date(value);

@@ -1157,5 +1214,39 @@ Calendar.prototype.selectDate = function (e, date, element) {

Calendar.prototype.addDay = function (date, i) {
date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
Calendar.prototype.addDay = function (date, i, e, max, min) {
var column = i;
var value = new Date(+date);
if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.tableBodyElement) && !isNullOrUndefined(e)) {
while (this.findNextTD(new Date(+date), column, max, min)) {
column += i;
var rangeValue = new Date(value.setDate(value.getDate() + column));
column = (+rangeValue > +max || +rangeValue < +min) ? column === i ? i - i : i : column;
date.setDate(date.getDate() + column);
Calendar.prototype.findNextTD = function (date, column, max, min) {
var value = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + column));
var collection = [];
var isDisabled = false;
if ((!isNullOrUndefined(value) && value.getMonth()) !== (!isNullOrUndefined(this.currentDate) && this.currentDate.getMonth())) {
var tdEles = this.renderDays(value, null);
collection = tdEles.filter(function (ele) {
return ele.classList.contains(DISABLED);
else {
collection = this.tableBodyElement.querySelectorAll('td.' + DISABLED);
if (+value <= (+(max)) && +value >= (+(min))) {
if (collection.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
isDisabled = (+value === +new Date(parseInt(collection[i].id, 0))) ? true : false;
if (isDisabled) {
return isDisabled;
Calendar.prototype.getMaxDays = function (d) {

@@ -1162,0 +1253,0 @@ var date;



@@ -128,5 +128,8 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

if (+new Date('' + this.value)) {
var dateOptions = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var dateString = this.globalize.formatDate(this.value, dateOptions);
this.setProperties({ value: this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateOptions) }, true);
if (typeof this.value === 'string') {
this.value = this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.value));
var dateOptions = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var dateString = this.globalize.formatDate(this.value, dateOptions);
this.setProperties({ value: this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateOptions) }, true);

@@ -304,10 +307,21 @@ if (this.strictMode) {

DatePicker.prototype.strictModeUpdate = function () {
var dateOptions = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var format = isNullOrUndefined(this.format) ? this.format : this.format.replace('dd', 'd');
if (!isNullOrUndefined(format)) {
var len = format.split('M').length - 1;
if (len < 3) {
format = format.replace('MM', 'M');
var dateOptions = { format: format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var date = this.globalize.parseDate(this.inputEle.value, dateOptions);
if (this.strictMode && date) {
Input.setValue(this.globalize.formatDate(date, dateOptions), this.inputEle, this.floatLabelType, false);
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);
if (this.inputEle.value !== this.previousEleValue) {
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);
else if (!this.strictMode) {
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);
if (this.inputEle.value !== this.previousEleValue) {
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);

@@ -320,2 +334,5 @@ if (this.strictMode && !date && this.inputEle.value === '') {

if (isNullOrUndefined(this.value)) {
this.currentDate = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

@@ -353,3 +370,2 @@ DatePicker.prototype.createCalendar = function () {

EventHandler.add(document, 'mousedown touchstart', _this.documentHandler, _this);
}, close: function () {

@@ -365,3 +381,2 @@ if (!Browser.isDevice) {

EventHandler.remove(document, 'mousedown touchstart', _this.documentHandler);
if (_this.value) {

@@ -381,2 +396,3 @@ _this.disabledDates();

document.body.className += ' ' + OVERFLOW; = 'block';

@@ -445,5 +461,2 @@ }; = function () {
var args = {
popupElement: this.popupObj
var prevent = true;

@@ -459,2 +472,5 @@ if (!this.isCalendar()) {

var args = {
popupElement: this.popupObj
merge(args, this.preventArgs);

@@ -472,5 +488,2 @@ this.trigger('open', args);

if (Browser.isDevice) { = 'block';

@@ -482,2 +495,3 @@ else {

EventHandler.add(document, 'mousedown touchstart', this.documentHandler, this);

@@ -514,2 +528,3 @@ DatePicker.prototype.hide = function () {

EventHandler.remove(document, 'mousedown touchstart', this.documentHandler);

@@ -586,2 +601,3 @@ DatePicker.prototype.focusIn = function () {

this.globalize = new Internationalization(this.locale);
var options = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var attributes = ['value', 'min', 'max', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'style', 'name', 'placeholder'];

@@ -619,3 +635,4 @@ for (var _i = 0, attributes_1 = attributes; _i < attributes_1.length; _i++) {

if (!this.value) {
this.setProperties(setValue(prop, this.globalize.parseDate(this.inputEle.getAttribute(prop)), {}), true);
var value = this.inputEle.getAttribute(prop);
this.setProperties(setValue(prop, this.globalize.parseDate(value, options), {}), true);

@@ -652,3 +669,6 @@ break;

if (this.calendarElement.querySelectorAll(dateIdString)[0].classList.contains('e-disabled')) {
this.setProperties({ 'value': null }, true);
if (!this.strictMode) {
this.setProperties({ 'value': null }, true);
this.currentDate = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

@@ -682,2 +702,3 @@ }

DatePicker.prototype.onPropertyChanged = function (newProp, oldProp) {
var options = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(newProp); _i < _a.length; _i++) {

@@ -687,2 +708,6 @@ var prop = _a[_i];

case 'value':
if (typeof newProp.value === 'string') {
newProp.value = this.globalize.parseDate(newProp.value, options);
this.setProperties({ value: newProp.value }, true);
this.previousEleValue = this.inputEle.value;

@@ -689,0 +714,0 @@ if (isNullOrUndefined(this.value)) {

@@ -93,2 +93,4 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

this.setProperties({ value: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.value)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ min: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.min)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ max: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.max)) }, true);

@@ -101,3 +103,3 @@ var localeText = { placeholder: this.placeholder };

this.initMax = this.checkDateValue(this.max);
this.isNavigate = this.isPreventBlur = false;
this.isNavigate = this.isPreventBlur = this.isTextSelected = false;
this.activeIndex = this.valueWithMinutes = this.prevDate = null;

@@ -278,30 +280,2 @@ if (this.element.getAttribute('id')) {

TimePicker.prototype.getSelectionDetails = function () {
var parts = (this.input).value.split(' ');
var meridianValue = this.getMeridianText();
var partLength = 0;
var curPos = this.getCursorSelection();
var valLength;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] !== && parts[i] !== {
var strVal = parts[i].split(this.getSeparator());
for (var j = 0; j < strVal.length; j++) {
valLength = partLength + strVal[j].length;
if (curPos.start <= valLength) {
return { start: partLength, end: valLength };
else {
partLength += strVal[j].length + 1;
else {
if (curPos.start <= partLength + parts[i].length) {
valLength = parts[i].length + partLength;
return { start: partLength, end: valLength };
return { start: partLength, end: valLength };
TimePicker.prototype.getMeridianText = function () {

@@ -357,26 +331,6 @@ var meridian;

TimePicker.prototype.currentTimeElement = function (value) {
var element = undefined;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.popupWrapper)) {
var items = this.popupWrapper.querySelectorAll('.' + LISTCLASS);
if (items.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (this.timeCollections[i] >= +this.getDateObject(value)) {
element = items[i];
return element;
TimePicker.prototype.setScrollPosition = function () {
var listHeight = this.getPopupHeight();
var element;
if (isNullOrUndefined(this.value) && true) {
element = this.currentTimeElement(new Date());
else {
element = this.selectedElement;
element = this.selectedElement;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(element)) {

@@ -480,5 +434,3 @@ var nextEle = element.nextElementSibling;

var curPos = this.getCursorSelection();
if (curPos.start === 0 && curPos.end === this.input.value.length) {
this.input.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
this.input.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
EventHandler.add(this.input, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler, this);

@@ -493,3 +445,5 @@ }

if (!(curPos.start === 0 && curPos.end === this.input.value.length)) {
this.cursorDetails = this.getSelectionDetails();
if (this.input.value.length > 0) {
this.cursorDetails = this.focusSelection();
this.input.setSelectionRange(this.cursorDetails.start, this.cursorDetails.end);

@@ -499,2 +453,36 @@ }

TimePicker.prototype.focusSelection = function () {
var regex = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$');
var split = this.input.value.split('');
split.push(' ');
var curPos = this.getCursorSelection();
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
var isSeparator = false;
if (!this.isTextSelected) {
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (!regex.test(split[i])) {
end = i;
isSeparator = true;
if (isSeparator) {
if (curPos.start >= start && curPos.end <= end) {
end = end;
this.isTextSelected = true;
else {
start = i + 1;
isSeparator = false;
else {
start = curPos.start;
end = curPos.end;
this.isTextSelected = false;
return { start: start, end: end };
TimePicker.prototype.inputHandler = function (event) {

@@ -522,2 +510,3 @@ if (!this.readonly && this.enabled) {

addClass([this.inputWrapper.container], FOCUS);
this.isNavigate = false;

@@ -548,2 +537,5 @@ break;

if (!Browser.isDevice) {
addClass([this.inputWrapper.container], FOCUS);

@@ -1200,7 +1192,7 @@ };

if (val === 'min') {
this.initMin = date.min;
this.initMin = this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + date.min));
this.setProperties({ min: this.initMin }, true);
else {
this.initMax = date.max;
this.initMax = this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + date.max));
this.setProperties({ max: this.initMax }, true);

@@ -1321,2 +1313,3 @@ }

case 'value':
newProp.value = this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + newProp.value));
this.initValue = newProp.value;

@@ -1323,0 +1316,0 @@ this.checkValue(newProp.value);

"name": "@syncfusion/ej2-calendars",
"version": "1.0.22",
"version": "15.4.17",
"description": "Essential JS 2 Calendar Components",

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "author": "Syncfusion Inc.",

"dependencies": {
"@syncfusion/ej2-base": "^1.0.22",
"@syncfusion/ej2-popups": "^1.0.22",
"@syncfusion/ej2-inputs": "^1.0.22",
"@syncfusion/ej2-lists": "^1.0.19",
"@syncfusion/ej2-buttons": "^1.0.22",
"@syncfusion/ej2-base": "^15.4.17",
"@syncfusion/ej2-popups": "^15.4.17",
"@syncfusion/ej2-inputs": "^15.4.17",
"@syncfusion/ej2-lists": "^15.4.17",
"@syncfusion/ej2-buttons": "^15.4.17",
"intl": "^1.2.5"

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ },

@@ -133,3 +133,3 @@ import { Component, Internationalization, EmitType } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

protected keyActionHandle(e: KeyboardEventArgs): void;
protected KeyboardNavigate(number: number, currentView: number, e: KeyboardEvent): void;
protected KeyboardNavigate(number: number, currentView: number, e: KeyboardEvent, max: Date, min: Date): void;

@@ -140,3 +140,5 @@ * Initialize the event handler

protected preRender(): void;
private minMaxDate(localDate);
protected renderMonths(e?: Event): void;
private renderDays(currentDate, e?);
private renderYears(e?);

@@ -147,2 +149,4 @@ private renderDecades(e?);

protected lastDay(date: Date): Date;
protected checkDateValue(value: Date): Date;
private findlastDay(date);
private removeTheadEle();

@@ -218,3 +222,4 @@ private renderTemplate(elements, numCells, classNm, e?);

private shiftArray(array, i);
protected addDay(date: Date, i: number): void;
protected addDay(date: Date, i: number, e: KeyboardEvent, max: Date, min: Date): void;
private findNextTD(date, column, max, min);
private getMaxDays(d);

@@ -221,0 +226,0 @@ private setDateDecade(date, year);

@@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

Calendar.prototype.validateDate = function () {
this.setProperties({ value: new Date('' + this.value) }, true);
this.currentDate = this.currentDate ? this.currentDate : new Date();
this.setProperties({ value: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.value)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ min: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.min)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ max: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.max)) }, true);
this.currentDate = this.currentDate ? this.currentDate : new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(this.value) && this.min <= this.max && this.value >= this.min && this.value <= this.max) {

@@ -306,7 +308,7 @@ this.currentDate = new Date('' + this.value);

case 'moveLeft':
this.KeyboardNavigate(-1, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(-1, view, e, this.max, this.min);
case 'moveRight':
this.KeyboardNavigate(1, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(1, view, e, this.max, this.min);

@@ -316,6 +318,6 @@ break;

if (view === 0) {
this.KeyboardNavigate(-7, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(-7, view, e, this.max, this.min);
else {
this.KeyboardNavigate(-4, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(-4, view, e, this.max, this.min);

@@ -326,6 +328,6 @@ e.preventDefault();

if (view === 0) {
this.KeyboardNavigate(7, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(7, view, e, this.max, this.min);
else {
this.KeyboardNavigate(4, view, e);
this.KeyboardNavigate(4, view, e, this.max, this.min);

@@ -335,9 +337,10 @@ e.preventDefault();

case 'select':
if (!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(focusedDate) || !ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(selectedDate)) {
var element = !ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(focusedDate) ? focusedDate : selectedDate;
if (!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(element) && !element.classList.contains(DISABLED)) {
if (levelRestrict) {
var d = new Date(parseInt('' + (focusedDate || selectedDate).id, 0));
this.selectDate(e, d, (focusedDate || selectedDate));
var d = new Date(parseInt('' + (element).id, 0));
this.selectDate(e, d, (element));
else {
this.contentClick(null, --view, (focusedDate || selectedDate));
this.contentClick(null, --view, (element));

@@ -397,4 +400,7 @@ }

if (this.getModuleName() === 'calendar') {
Calendar.prototype.KeyboardNavigate = function (number, currentView, e) {
Calendar.prototype.KeyboardNavigate = function (number, currentView, e, max, min) {
var date = new Date('' + this.currentDate);

@@ -423,3 +429,3 @@ switch (currentView) {

case 0:
this.addDay(this.currentDate, number);
this.addDay(this.currentDate, number, e, max, min);
if (this.isMinMaxRange(this.currentDate)) {

@@ -447,9 +453,30 @@ ej2_base_4.detach(this.tableBodyElement);

Calendar.prototype.minMaxDate = function (localDate) {
var currentDate = new Date(new Date(+localDate).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
var minDate = new Date(new Date(+this.min).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
var maxDate = new Date(new Date(+this.max).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (+currentDate === +minDate || +currentDate === +maxDate) {
if (+localDate < +this.min) {
localDate = new Date(+this.min);
if (+localDate > +this.max) {
localDate = new Date(+this.max);
return localDate;
Calendar.prototype.renderMonths = function (e) {
var numCells = this.weekNumber ? 8 : 7;
var tdEles = this.renderDays(this.currentDate, e);
this.renderTemplate(tdEles, numCells, MONTH, e);
Calendar.prototype.renderDays = function (currentDate, e) {
var tdEles = [];
var cellsCount = 42;
var localDate = new Date('' + this.currentDate);
var localDate = new Date('' + currentDate);
var minMaxDate;
var numCells = this.weekNumber ? 8 : 7;
var currentMonth = localDate.getMonth();
this.titleUpdate(this.currentDate, 'days');
this.titleUpdate(currentDate, 'days');
var d = localDate;

@@ -469,2 +496,4 @@ localDate = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 0, d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds());

minMaxDate = new Date(+localDate);
localDate = this.minMaxDate(localDate);
var dateFormatOptions = { type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'full' };

@@ -519,10 +548,10 @@ var date = this.globalize.parseDate(this.globalize.formatDate(localDate, dateFormatOptions), dateFormatOptions);

else {
if (this.currentDate.getDate() === localDate.getDate() && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
if (currentDate.getDate() === localDate.getDate() && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
ej2_base_4.addClass([tdEle], FOCUSEDDATE);
else {
if (this.currentDate >= this.max && parseInt(, 0) === +this.max && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
if (currentDate >= this.max && parseInt(, 0) === +this.max && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
ej2_base_4.addClass([tdEle], FOCUSEDDATE);
if (this.currentDate <= this.min && parseInt(, 0) === +this.min && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
if (currentDate <= this.min && parseInt(, 0) === +this.min && !otherMnthBool && !disabledCls) {
ej2_base_4.addClass([tdEle], FOCUSEDDATE);

@@ -539,6 +568,6 @@ }

this.addDay(localDate, 1);
localDate = new Date(+minMaxDate);
this.addDay(localDate, 1, null, this.max, this.min);
this.renderTemplate(tdEles, numCells, MONTH, e);
return tdEles;

@@ -643,3 +672,12 @@ Calendar.prototype.renderYears = function (e) {

Calendar.prototype.firstDay = function (date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth());
var collection = this.tableBodyElement.querySelectorAll('td' + ':not(.' + OTHERMONTH + '');
if (collection.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
if (!collection[i].classList.contains(DISABLED)) {
date = new Date(parseInt(collection[i].id, 0));
return date;

@@ -652,5 +690,20 @@ Calendar.prototype.lastDay = function (date) {

return lastDate;
return this.findlastDay(lastDate);
Calendar.prototype.checkDateValue = function (value) {
return (!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(value) && value instanceof Date && !isNaN(+value)) ? value : null;
Calendar.prototype.findlastDay = function (date) {
var collection = this.tableBodyElement.querySelectorAll('td' + ':not(.' + OTHERMONTH + '');
if (collection.length) {
for (var i = collection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!collection[i].classList.contains(DISABLED)) {
date = new Date(parseInt(collection[i].id, 0));
return date;
Calendar.prototype.removeTheadEle = function () {

@@ -801,2 +854,3 @@ if (this.getModuleName() === 'calendar') {

case 'value':
this.setProperties({ value: new Date('' + newProp.value) }, true);
if (isNaN(+this.value)) {

@@ -834,2 +888,4 @@ this.setProperties({ value: oldProp.value }, true);

case 'max':
prop === 'min' ? this.setProperties({ min: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + newProp.min)) }, true) :
this.setProperties({ max: this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + newProp.max)) }, true);
this.setProperties({ start: this.currentView() }, true);

@@ -1038,3 +1094,4 @@ ej2_base_4.detach(this.tableBodyElement);

var date = this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateFormatOptions);
return this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateFormatOptions);
var value = date.valueOf() - date.valueOf() % 1000;
return new Date(value);

@@ -1155,5 +1212,39 @@ Calendar.prototype.selectDate = function (e, date, element) {

Calendar.prototype.addDay = function (date, i) {
date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
Calendar.prototype.addDay = function (date, i, e, max, min) {
var column = i;
var value = new Date(+date);
if (!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(this.tableBodyElement) && !ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(e)) {
while (this.findNextTD(new Date(+date), column, max, min)) {
column += i;
var rangeValue = new Date(value.setDate(value.getDate() + column));
column = (+rangeValue > +max || +rangeValue < +min) ? column === i ? i - i : i : column;
date.setDate(date.getDate() + column);
Calendar.prototype.findNextTD = function (date, column, max, min) {
var value = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + column));
var collection = [];
var isDisabled = false;
if ((!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(value) && value.getMonth()) !== (!ej2_base_5.isNullOrUndefined(this.currentDate) && this.currentDate.getMonth())) {
var tdEles = this.renderDays(value, null);
collection = tdEles.filter(function (ele) {
return ele.classList.contains(DISABLED);
else {
collection = this.tableBodyElement.querySelectorAll('td.' + DISABLED);
if (+value <= (+(max)) && +value >= (+(min))) {
if (collection.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
isDisabled = (+value === +new Date(parseInt(collection[i].id, 0))) ? true : false;
if (isDisabled) {
return isDisabled;
Calendar.prototype.getMaxDays = function (d) {

@@ -1160,0 +1251,0 @@ var date;

@@ -124,5 +124,8 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

if (+new Date('' + this.value)) {
var dateOptions = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var dateString = this.globalize.formatDate(this.value, dateOptions);
this.setProperties({ value: this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateOptions) }, true);
if (typeof this.value === 'string') {
this.value = this.checkDateValue(new Date('' + this.value));
var dateOptions = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var dateString = this.globalize.formatDate(this.value, dateOptions);
this.setProperties({ value: this.globalize.parseDate(dateString, dateOptions) }, true);

@@ -300,10 +303,21 @@ if (this.strictMode) {

DatePicker.prototype.strictModeUpdate = function () {
var dateOptions = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var format = ej2_base_4.isNullOrUndefined(this.format) ? this.format : this.format.replace('dd', 'd');
if (!ej2_base_4.isNullOrUndefined(format)) {
var len = format.split('M').length - 1;
if (len < 3) {
format = format.replace('MM', 'M');
var dateOptions = { format: format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var date = this.globalize.parseDate(this.inputEle.value, dateOptions);
if (this.strictMode && date) {
ej2_inputs_1.Input.setValue(this.globalize.formatDate(date, dateOptions), this.inputEle, this.floatLabelType, false);
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);
if (this.inputEle.value !== this.previousEleValue) {
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);
else if (!this.strictMode) {
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);
if (this.inputEle.value !== this.previousEleValue) {
this.setProperties({ value: date }, true);

@@ -316,2 +330,5 @@ if (this.strictMode && !date && this.inputEle.value === '') {

if (ej2_base_4.isNullOrUndefined(this.value)) {
this.currentDate = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

@@ -349,3 +366,2 @@ DatePicker.prototype.createCalendar = function () {

ej2_base_1.EventHandler.add(document, 'mousedown touchstart', _this.documentHandler, _this);
}, close: function () {

@@ -361,3 +377,2 @@ if (!ej2_base_2.Browser.isDevice) {

ej2_base_1.EventHandler.remove(document, 'mousedown touchstart', _this.documentHandler);
if (_this.value) {

@@ -377,2 +392,3 @@ _this.disabledDates();

document.body.className += ' ' + OVERFLOW; = 'block';

@@ -441,5 +457,2 @@ }; = function () {
var args = {
popupElement: this.popupObj
var prevent = true;

@@ -455,2 +468,5 @@ if (!this.isCalendar()) {

var args = {
popupElement: this.popupObj
ej2_base_4.merge(args, this.preventArgs);

@@ -468,5 +484,2 @@ this.trigger('open', args);

if (ej2_base_2.Browser.isDevice) { = 'block';

@@ -478,2 +491,3 @@ else {

ej2_base_1.EventHandler.add(document, 'mousedown touchstart', this.documentHandler, this);

@@ -510,2 +524,3 @@ DatePicker.prototype.hide = function () {

ej2_base_1.EventHandler.remove(document, 'mousedown touchstart', this.documentHandler);

@@ -582,2 +597,3 @@ DatePicker.prototype.focusIn = function () {

this.globalize = new ej2_base_1.Internationalization(this.locale);
var options = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
var attributes = ['value', 'min', 'max', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'style', 'name', 'placeholder'];

@@ -615,3 +631,4 @@ for (var _i = 0, attributes_1 = attributes; _i < attributes_1.length; _i++) {

if (!this.value) {
this.setProperties(ej2_base_4.setValue(prop, this.globalize.parseDate(this.inputEle.getAttribute(prop)), {}), true);
var value = this.inputEle.getAttribute(prop);
this.setProperties(ej2_base_4.setValue(prop, this.globalize.parseDate(value, options), {}), true);

@@ -648,3 +665,6 @@ break;

if (this.calendarElement.querySelectorAll(dateIdString)[0].classList.contains('e-disabled')) {
this.setProperties({ 'value': null }, true);
if (!this.strictMode) {
this.setProperties({ 'value': null }, true);
this.currentDate = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

@@ -678,2 +698,3 @@ }

DatePicker.prototype.onPropertyChanged = function (newProp, oldProp) {
var options = { format: this.format, type: 'dateTime', skeleton: 'yMd' };
for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(newProp); _i < _a.length; _i++) {

@@ -683,2 +704,6 @@ var prop = _a[_i];

case 'value':
if (typeof newProp.value === 'string') {
newProp.value = this.globalize.parseDate(newProp.value, options);
this.setProperties({ value: newProp.value }, true);
this.previousEleValue = this.inputEle.value;

@@ -685,0 +710,0 @@ if (ej2_base_4.isNullOrUndefined(this.value)) {

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ import{DateRangePicker} from "./daterangepicker";

* Triggers when the date range value is changed.
* Triggers when the date range value is changed in DateRangePicker.

@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ change(value:Function): BuilderProperties;

* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is created
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is created.
created(value:Function): BuilderProperties;
* Triggers when the Component is destroyed.
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is destroyed.
destroyed(value:Function): BuilderProperties;
* Triggers when the popup is opened.
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is opened.

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ open(value:Function): BuilderProperties;

* Triggers when the date range is selected.
* Triggers when the date range is selected successfully in DateRangePicker.
select(value:Function): BuilderProperties;
* Specifies the root CSS class that need to be added in the root element which allows you to customize the UI appearance.
* Sets the root CSS class to the DateRangePicker that allows you to customize the appearance.

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ cssClass(value:string): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the component to be inactive and prevents the DateRangePicker from user interactions.
* Specifies the component to be disabled that prevents the DateRangePicker from user interactions.
enabled(value:boolean): BuilderProperties;
* Gets or sets the end date of the range.
* Gets or sets the end date of the date range selection.

@@ -68,3 +68,3 @@ endDate(value:Date): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the date format to the start and end date strings.
* Sets or gets the required date format to the start and end date string.

@@ -82,3 +82,3 @@ format(value:string): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the maximum span that can be allowed in a range selection.
* Specifies the maximum span that can be allowed in a date range selection.

@@ -91,23 +91,23 @@ maxDays(value:number): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the minimum span that can be allowed in a range selection.
* Specifies the minimum span that can be allowed in a date range selection.
minDays(value:number): BuilderProperties;
* Specifies the placeholder text that need to be displayed in the textbox.
* Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in the DateRangePicker component.
placeholder(value:string): BuilderProperties;
* Denies the manual edit to the ranges.
* Denies editing the ranges in the DateRangePicker component.
readonly(value:boolean): BuilderProperties;
* Specifies the string value between the start and end date string in the range value.
* Gets or sets the string that is used between the start and end date string.
separator(value:string): BuilderProperties;
* Gets or sets the start date of the range.
* Gets or sets the start date of the date range selection.
startDate(value:Date): BuilderProperties;
* Lets the component to act as strict which allows entering only a valid date range in a DateRangePicker.
* Specifies the component to act as strict that allows to enter only a valid date range in a DateRangePicker.

@@ -121,5 +121,5 @@ strictMode(value:boolean): BuilderProperties;

* Gets or sets the width of the textbox.
* Specifies the width of the DateRangePicker component.
width(value:number|string): BuilderProperties;

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ import { Property, EventHandler, CreateBuilder, Internationalization, NotifyPropertyChanges } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { KeyboardEvents, BaseEventArgs, KeyboardEventArgs, Event, EmitType, Browser, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { addClass, createElement, remove, closest, select, prepend, removeClass, attributes } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { isNullOrUndefined, formatUnit, setValue, rippleEffect, getValue, merge, extend } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { CalendarView, Calendar, NavigatedEventArgs, RenderDayCellEventArgs } from '../calendar/calendar';import { Popup } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';import { Button } from '@syncfusion/ej2-buttons';import { Input, InputObject } from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';import { ListBase, cssClass as ListBaseClasses } from '@syncfusion/ej2-lists';import { DateRangePickerHelper } from './daterangepicker-builder';

* Gets or sets the start date of the range.
* Gets or sets the start date of the date range selection.
* @default null

@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ */

* Gets or sets the end date of the range.
* @default null
* Gets or sets the end date of the date range selection.
* @default null.

@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ endDate?: Date;

* Provides an option to set the predefined ranges in a popup container.
* @default null
* Sets the predefined ranges to pick the required range easily in a component.
* @default null.

@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ presets?: PresetsArgs[];

* Gets or sets the width of the textbox.
* @default ''
* Specifies the width of the DateRangePicker component.
* @default ''.

@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ width?: number | string;

* Specifies the root CSS class that need to be added in the root element which allows you to customize the UI appearance.
* @default ''
* Sets the root CSS class to the DateRangePicker that allows you to customize the appearance.
* @default ''.

@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ cssClass?: string;

* Specifies the string value between the start and end date string in the range value.
* @default '-'
* Gets or sets the string that is used between the start and end date string.
* @default '-'.

@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ separator?: string;

* Specifies the minimum span that can be allowed in a range selection.
* @default null
* Specifies the minimum span that can be allowed in a date range selection.
* @default null.

@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ minDays?: number;

* Specifies the maximum span that can be allowed in a range selection.
* @default null
* Specifies the maximum span that can be allowed in a date range selection.
* @default null.

@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ maxDays?: number;

* Lets the component to act as strict which allows entering only a valid date range in a DateRangePicker.
* @default false
* Specifies the component to act as strict that allows to enter only a valid date range in a DateRangePicker.
* @default false.

@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ strictMode?: boolean;

* Specifies the date format to the start and end date strings.
* @default null
* Sets or gets the required date format to the start and end date string.
* @default null.

@@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ format?: string;

* Specifies the component to be inactive and prevents the DateRangePicker from user interactions.
* @default true
* Specifies the component to be disabled that prevents the DateRangePicker from user interactions.
* @default true.

@@ -88,4 +88,4 @@ enabled?: boolean;

* Denies the manual edit to the ranges.
* @default false
* Denies editing the ranges in the DateRangePicker component.
* @default false.

@@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ readonly?: boolean;

* Specifies the placeholder text that need to be displayed in the textbox.
* @default ''
* Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in the DateRangePicker component.
* @default ''.

@@ -104,3 +104,3 @@ placeholder?: string;

* With the help of this property, initial view can be changed to year or decade view.
* @default month
* @default month.
* @hidden

@@ -113,3 +113,3 @@ */

* Depth view should be smaller than the start view to restrict its view navigation.
* @default month
* @default month.
* @hidden

@@ -121,3 +121,3 @@ */

* Gets or sets the selected date of the Calendar
* @default null
* @default null.
* @hidden

@@ -128,3 +128,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is created
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is created.
* @event

@@ -135,3 +135,3 @@ */

     * Triggers when the Component is destroyed.
     * Triggers when the DateRangePicker is destroyed.
     * @event

@@ -142,3 +142,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the popup is opened.
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is opened.
* @event

@@ -155,3 +155,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the date range value is changed.
* Triggers when the date range value is changed in DateRangePicker.
* @event

@@ -169,3 +169,3 @@ */

     * Triggers when the date range is selected.
     * Triggers when the date range is selected successfully in DateRangePicker.
     * @event

@@ -172,0 +172,0 @@ */

@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ /// <reference path="../calendar/calendar-model.d.ts" />

* Represents the DateRangePicker component that allows user to select the date range from the calendar
* or entering the range through the input element.
* Represents the DateRangePicker component that allows to select the date range from the calendar
* or entering range through the input element.
* ```html

@@ -90,2 +90,3 @@ * <input id="daterangepicker"/>

private isRangeIconClicked;
private isMaxDaysClicked;
private popupKeyboardModule;

@@ -100,3 +101,3 @@ private presetKeyboardModule;

* Gets or sets the start date of the range.
* Gets or sets the start date of the date range selection.
* @default null

@@ -106,59 +107,59 @@ */

* Gets or sets the end date of the range.
* @default null
* Gets or sets the end date of the date range selection.
* @default null.
endDate: Date;
* Provides an option to set the predefined ranges in a popup container.
* @default null
* Sets the predefined ranges to pick the required range easily in a component.
* @default null.
presets: PresetsArgs[];
* Gets or sets the width of the textbox.
* @default ''
* Specifies the width of the DateRangePicker component.
* @default ''.
width: number | string;
* Specifies the root CSS class that need to be added in the root element which allows you to customize the UI appearance.
* @default ''
* Sets the root CSS class to the DateRangePicker that allows you to customize the appearance.
* @default ''.
cssClass: string;
* Specifies the string value between the start and end date string in the range value.
* @default '-'
* Gets or sets the string that is used between the start and end date string.
* @default '-'.
separator: string;
* Specifies the minimum span that can be allowed in a range selection.
* @default null
* Specifies the minimum span that can be allowed in a date range selection.
* @default null.
minDays: number;
* Specifies the maximum span that can be allowed in a range selection.
* @default null
* Specifies the maximum span that can be allowed in a date range selection.
* @default null.
maxDays: number;
* Lets the component to act as strict which allows entering only a valid date range in a DateRangePicker.
* @default false
* Specifies the component to act as strict that allows to enter only a valid date range in a DateRangePicker.
* @default false.
strictMode: boolean;
* Specifies the date format to the start and end date strings.
* @default null
* Sets or gets the required date format to the start and end date string.
* @default null.
format: string;
* Specifies the component to be inactive and prevents the DateRangePicker from user interactions.
* @default true
* Specifies the component to be disabled that prevents the DateRangePicker from user interactions.
* @default true.
enabled: boolean;
* Denies the manual edit to the ranges.
* @default false
* Denies editing the ranges in the DateRangePicker component.
* @default false.
readonly: boolean;
* Specifies the placeholder text that need to be displayed in the textbox.
* @default ''
* Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in the DateRangePicker component.
* @default ''.

@@ -169,3 +170,3 @@ placeholder: string;

* With the help of this property, initial view can be changed to year or decade view.
* @default month
* @default month.
* @hidden

@@ -177,3 +178,3 @@ */

* Depth view should be smaller than the start view to restrict its view navigation.
* @default month
* @default month.
* @hidden

@@ -184,3 +185,3 @@ */

* Gets or sets the selected date of the Calendar
* @default null
* @default null.
* @hidden

@@ -190,3 +191,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is created
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is created.
* @event

@@ -196,3 +197,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the Component is destroyed.
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is destroyed.
* @event

@@ -202,3 +203,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the popup is opened.
* Triggers when the DateRangePicker is opened.
* @event

@@ -213,3 +214,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the date range value is changed.
* Triggers when the date range value is changed in DateRangePicker.
* @event

@@ -225,3 +226,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the date range is selected.
* Triggers when the date range is selected successfully in DateRangePicker.
* @event

@@ -353,3 +354,3 @@ */

* To destroy the widget.
* Destroys the widget.
* @returns void

@@ -360,3 +361,3 @@ */

* To get component name
* @returns string
* @returns string.
* @private

@@ -366,13 +367,13 @@ */

* Return the properties that are maintained upon browser refresh.
* @returns string
* Returns the properties that are maintained upon browser refresh.
* @returns string.
getPersistData(): string;
* Return the selected range and day span in the DateRangePicker.
* @returns Object
* Returns the selected range and day span in the DateRangePicker.
* @returns Object.
getSelectedRange(): Object;
* To open the Popup.
* Opens the Popup container in the DateRangePicker component.
* @returns void

@@ -382,3 +383,3 @@ */

* To close the Popup.
* Closes the Popup container in the DateRangePicker component.
* @returns void

@@ -385,0 +386,0 @@ */

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ import{TimePicker} from "./timepicker";

* Triggers when the popup gets close.
* Triggers when the popup is closed.

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ close(value:Function): BuilderProperties;

* Triggers when the control gets focus.
* Triggers when the control gets focused.
focus(value:Function): BuilderProperties;
* Triggers when the popup gets open.
* Triggers when the popup is opened.

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ open(value:Function): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the component to be rendered in right to left direction.
* Specifies the component to be rendered in right-to-left direction.
enableRtl(value:boolean): BuilderProperties;
* Specifies the component to be disabled or not.
* Specifies whether the component to be disabled or not.

@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ enabled(value:boolean): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the format of the value that to be displayed in component. By default, the format is
* Specifies the format of value that is to be displayed in component. By default, the format is
based on the culture.

@@ -83,3 +83,3 @@ */

* Specifies the placeholder text that displayed in textbox.
* Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in textbox.

@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ placeholder(value:string): BuilderProperties;

* Specifies the component to act as strict. So that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else it
will resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false.
* Specifies the component to act as strict so that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else
resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false.
strictMode(value:boolean): BuilderProperties;
* Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on format.
* Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on the format.

@@ -104,0 +104,0 @@ value(value:Date): BuilderProperties;

@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ import { EventHandler, Property, Internationalization, NotifyPropertyChanges } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { KeyboardEvents, KeyboardEventArgs, Animation, AnimationModel, Browser } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { EmitType, Event, cldrData, L10n, Component, getDefaultDateObject, rippleEffect, RippleOptions } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { createElement, remove, addClass, removeClass, closest, append, attributes, setStyleAttribute } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { isNullOrUndefined, formatUnit, getValue, setValue, getUniqueID } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { Popup } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';import { Input, InputObject, IInput, FloatLabelType } from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';import { ListBase, cssClass as ListBaseClasses } from '@syncfusion/ej2-lists';

* Specifies the component to act as strict. So that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else it
* will resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false.
* Specifies the component to act as strict so that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else
* resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false.
* @default false

@@ -32,3 +32,3 @@ */

* Specifies the format of the value that to be displayed in component. By default, the format is
* Specifies the format of value that is to be displayed in component. By default, the format is
* based on the culture.

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ * @default null

* Specifies the component to be disabled or not.
* Specifies whether the component to be disabled or not.
* @default true

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ */

* Specifies the placeholder text that displayed in textbox.
* Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in textbox.
* @default null

@@ -71,3 +71,3 @@ */

* Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on format.
* Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on the format.
* @default null

@@ -90,3 +90,3 @@ */

* Specifies the component to be rendered in right to left direction.
* Specifies the component to be rendered in right-to-left direction.
* @default false

@@ -115,3 +115,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the popup gets open.
* Triggers when the popup is opened.
* @event

@@ -122,3 +122,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the popup gets close.
* Triggers when the popup is closed.
* @event

@@ -135,3 +135,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the control gets focus.
* Triggers when the control gets focused.
* @event

@@ -138,0 +138,0 @@ */

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

export interface ChangeEventArgs {
/** Defines the boolean which returns true when the value changed by user interaction otherwise returns false */
/** Defines the boolean that returns true when the value is changed by user interaction, otherwise returns false. */
isInteracted: boolean;

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ /** Defines the selected time value of the TimePicker. */

* TimePicker is an intuitive interface control which provides an options to select a time value
* from popup list or set a desired time value.
* from popup list or to set a desired time value.
* ```

@@ -67,2 +67,3 @@ * <input id='timepicker' type='text'/>

protected isPreventBlur: boolean;
private isTextSelected;
private prevValue;

@@ -91,4 +92,4 @@ private inputStyle;

* Specifies the component to act as strict. So that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else it
* will resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false.
* Specifies the component to act as strict so that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else
* resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false.
* @default false

@@ -98,3 +99,3 @@ */

* Specifies the format of the value that to be displayed in component. By default, the format is
* Specifies the format of value that is to be displayed in component. By default, the format is
* based on the culture.

@@ -105,3 +106,3 @@ * @default null

* Specifies the component to be disabled or not.
* Specifies whether the component to be disabled or not.
* @default true

@@ -120,3 +121,3 @@ */

* Specifies the placeholder text that displayed in textbox.
* Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in textbox.
* @default null

@@ -131,3 +132,3 @@ */

* Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on format.
* Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on the format.
* @default null

@@ -147,3 +148,3 @@ */

* Specifies the component to be rendered in right to left direction.
* Specifies the component to be rendered in right-to-left direction.
* @default false

@@ -168,3 +169,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the popup gets open.
* Triggers when the popup is opened.
* @event

@@ -174,3 +175,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the popup gets close.
* Triggers when the popup is closed.
* @event

@@ -185,3 +186,3 @@ */

* Triggers when the control gets focus.
* Triggers when the control gets focused.
* @event

@@ -218,3 +219,2 @@ */

private selectInputText();
private getSelectionDetails();
private getMeridianText();

@@ -225,3 +225,2 @@ private getCursorSelection();

private setWidth();
private currentTimeElement(value);
private setScrollPosition();

@@ -239,2 +238,3 @@ private getText();

private mouseUpHandler(event);
private focusSelection();
private inputHandler(event);

@@ -290,3 +290,3 @@ private onMouseClick(event);

* To focus out the TimePicker textbox element.
* Focuses out the TimePicker textbox element.
* @returns void

@@ -297,3 +297,3 @@ */

* To focus the TimePicker textbox element.
* Focused the TimePicker textbox element.
* @returns void

@@ -303,3 +303,3 @@ */

* Hide the TimePicker popup.
* Hides the TimePicker popup.
* @returns void

@@ -309,3 +309,3 @@ */

* To open the popup for show the list items.
* Opens the popup to show the list items.
* @returns void

@@ -315,3 +315,3 @@ */

* To get the properties to be maintained upon browser refresh.
* Gets the properties to be maintained upon browser refresh.
* @returns string

@@ -318,0 +318,0 @@ */

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