⚠️ This project is under development ⚠️
🔎 A Nx plugin for developing performance-first Shopify themes 🚀
Getting Started
Learn about how to develop Shopify themes with Nx-Shopify on the docs site 👀
Nx-Shopify comes packed with a set of features that aim to provide the best development experience and build Shopify themes with performance in mind 🚀
- 👉 Code generators for theme, layouts, templates, snippets & sections
- 👉 Component based project structure
- 👉 Organize theme assets in subfolders
- 👉 TypeScript
- 👉 Multiple entrypoints for layouts & templates
- Load minimum required code for a given layout + template location
- 👉 Split vendor and theme code
- 👉 Source mappings
- 👉 Production builds
- Optimized and minified code
- Tree shaking
- Extract CSS media queries as separate bundles
- 👉 Code formating + linting (ESLint + Prettier)
- 👉 Scripts & Styles resources prefetching
- 👉 SCSS & PostCSS + Autoprefixer
- 👉 Bundles analysis
- 👉 Extensible webpack configuration
- 👉 Easy code sharing
- 👉 Computation caching + all benefits of Nx workspaces
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!