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Data encrypting and signing library with small sized data outputs.

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864 kB




Data encryption and signing library used by the TubitID to sign and encrypt badges. Aims to create the lowest size output with the given data and encryption/signature methods. Can encrypt(aes/3des) and box the data with a variable sized hmac signature(truncated) or a fixed size ECDSA signature.

For symmetric key signatures, HMAC-SHA512 is used. For asymmetric(prrivate/public key) signatures, ECDSA with different curve options is used. The encryption can be done by either using AES or 3DES. Libraries used are meant to be cross-platform and this package is aimed to be used on react-native, web and node platforms.

This package can be used with any kind of arbitrary data, since it works with Buffers/Uint8Arrays. For TubitID, it is used to add protection and signature capabilities to our qr code badges.

Libraries used

For signing, encryption and cross platform buffer support, below libraries are used.


Run npm install --save @tubitid/cryptbox to install this package.


The package follows the es module exports convention.

const assert = require('assert');
const { Cryptbox, EncryptionAlgorithm, ECDSACurve } = require('@tubitid/cryptbox');
// or
// import { Cryptbox, EncryptionAlgorithm, ECDSACurve } from '@tubitid/cryptbox';

const cryptbox = Cryptbox.builder()
  // the created instance will use p192 curve with the given pub and priv keys
  // if the priv key isn't given, you can still use the cryptbox for verifying, but not for signing.
  .withECDSASignature(ECDSACurve.p192, 'base64 or uint8 arr pub key', 'optional priv key')
  // the instance will encrypt the data with AES/CBC and the given key.
  .withEncryption('encryption key as string', EncryptionAlgorithm.AES)
  // will use hmac, instead of ecdsa. this makes the withECDSASignature obsolote.
  // the second arguments tells the cryptbox to truncate the signature to 8 bytes.
  .withHMACSignature('hmac signature key', 8)
  // builds a cryptbox instance

// Note: you don't have to use an encryption nor signature algorithm. both are optional.

async function example(){
  const data = Uint8Array.from([1, 2, 3]);
  // Our cryptbox instance has AES encryption and HMAC signature.
  // So our data will first be encrypted, the iv and salt will be added to the output.
  // Then the hmac signature will be calculated, truncated to 8 bytes, and prepended to the start of the resulting bytes
  // The resulting bytes of data will be encoded to base64.
  const resultBase64 = await cryptbox.protect(data);
  const resultBytes = await cryptbox.protectBinary(data);
  // first checks the signature of the data, if the signature algorithm is enabled
  // then decrypts the data if encryption is enabled
  const unprotected = await cryptbox.unprotect(resultBase64);
  const unprotected2 = await cryptbox.unprotectBinary(resultBytes);
  assert(data.toString() === unprotected.toString() && data.toString() === unprotected2.toString());

example().then(console.log, console.log);



Last updated on 20 May 2018

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