What is @types/js-cookie?
The @types/js-cookie package provides TypeScript type definitions for the js-cookie library, which is a simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies. It allows developers to use js-cookie in TypeScript projects with type checking and IntelliSense support.
What are @types/js-cookie's main functionalities?
Create a cookie
This code creates a cookie named 'name' with the value 'value'.
Cookies.set('name', 'value');
Read a cookie
This code reads the value of the cookie named 'name'.
let myCookie = Cookies.get('name');
Delete a cookie
This code deletes the cookie named 'name'.
Create a cookie with options
This code creates a cookie with additional options like expiration and path.
Cookies.set('name', 'value', { expires: 7, path: '' });
Other packages similar to @types/js-cookie
universal-cookie is similar to js-cookie but it works on both client-side and server-side, making it a good choice for universal apps.
The cookie package is an HTTP server cookie parsing and serialization utility that can be used in Node.js environments, contrasting with js-cookie which is primarily for browser environments.
tough-cookie is a robust server-side cookie handling library for Node.js that includes RFC compliance and cookie jar implementation, offering more advanced features compared to js-cookie.
npm install --save @types/js-cookie
This package contains type definitions for js-cookie (https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/js-cookie.
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 03:09:37 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by Theodore Brown, BendingBender, Antoine Lépée, Yuto Doi, Nicolas Reynis, and Piotr Błażejewicz.