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Comparing version 0.41.0 to 0.42.0



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// Type definitions for Mapbox GL JS v0.41.0
// Type definitions for Mapbox GL JS v0.42.2
// Project:

@@ -10,1078 +10,1108 @@ // Definitions by: Dominik Bruderer <>, Patrick Reames <>

declare namespace mapboxgl {
let accessToken: string;
let version: string;
export function supported(options?: {failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean}): boolean;
export function setRTLTextPlugin(pluginURL: string, callback: Function): void;
let accessToken: string;
let version: string;
type LngLatLike = number[] | LngLat;
type LngLatBoundsLike = number[][] | LngLatLike[] | LngLatBounds;
type PointLike = number[] | Point;
export function supported(options?: { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean }): boolean;
* Map
export class Map extends Evented {
constructor(options?: MapboxOptions);
export function setRTLTextPlugin(pluginURL: string, callback: Function): void;
addControl(control: Control, position?: 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left'): this;
type LngLatLike = number[] | LngLat;
type LngLatBoundsLike = number[][] | LngLatLike[] | LngLatBounds;
type PointLike = number[] | Point;
type Expression = any[];
removeControl(control: Control): this;
* Map
export class Map extends Evented {
constructor(options?: MapboxOptions);
addClass(klass: string, options?: mapboxgl.StyleOptions): this;
addControl(control: Control, position?: 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left'): this;
removeClass(klass: string, options?: mapboxgl.StyleOptions): this;
removeControl(control: Control): this;
setClasses(klasses: string[], options?: mapboxgl.StyleOptions): this;
addClass(klass: string, options?: mapboxgl.StyleOptions): this;
hasClass(klass: string): boolean;
removeClass(klass: string, options?: mapboxgl.StyleOptions): this;
getClasses(): string[];
setClasses(klasses: string[], options?: mapboxgl.StyleOptions): this;
resize(): this;
hasClass(klass: string): boolean;
getBounds(): mapboxgl.LngLatBounds;
getClasses(): string[];
setMaxBounds(lnglatbounds?: LngLatBoundsLike): this;
resize(): this;
setMinZoom(minZoom?: number): this;
getBounds(): mapboxgl.LngLatBounds;
getMinZoom(): number;
setMaxBounds(lnglatbounds?: LngLatBoundsLike): this;
setMaxZoom(maxZoom?: number): this;
setMinZoom(minZoom?: number): this;
getMaxZoom(): number;
getMinZoom(): number;
project(lnglat: LngLatLike): mapboxgl.Point;
setMaxZoom(maxZoom?: number): this;
unproject(point: PointLike): mapboxgl.LngLat;
getMaxZoom(): number;
queryRenderedFeatures(pointOrBox?: PointLike | PointLike[], parameters?: {layers?: string[], filter?: any[]}): GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject>[];
project(lnglat: LngLatLike): mapboxgl.Point;
querySourceFeatures(sourceID: string, parameters?: {sourceLayer?: string, filter?: any[]}): GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject>[];
unproject(point: PointLike): mapboxgl.LngLat;
setStyle(style: mapboxgl.Style | string): this;
queryRenderedFeatures(pointOrBox?: PointLike | PointLike[], parameters?: { layers?: string[], filter?: any[] }): GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject>[];
getStyle(): mapboxgl.Style;
querySourceFeatures(sourceID: string, parameters?: { sourceLayer?: string, filter?: any[] }): GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject>[];
isStyleLoaded(): boolean;
setStyle(style: mapboxgl.Style | string): this;
addSource(id: string, source: VectorSource | RasterSource | GeoJSONSource | ImageSource | VideoSource | GeoJSONSourceRaw): this;
getStyle(): mapboxgl.Style;
isSourceLoaded(id: string): boolean;
isStyleLoaded(): boolean;
areTilesLoaded(): boolean;
addSource(id: string, source: VectorSource | RasterSource | GeoJSONSource | ImageSource | VideoSource | GeoJSONSourceRaw): this;
removeSource(id: string): this;
isSourceLoaded(id: string): boolean;
getSource(id: string): VectorSource | RasterSource | GeoJSONSource | ImageSource | VideoSource;
areTilesLoaded(): boolean;
addImage(name: string, image: HTMLImageElement | ArrayBufferView, options?: {width?: number, height?: number, pixelRatio?: number}): this;
removeSource(id: string): this;
removeImage(name: string): this;
getSource(id: string): VectorSource | RasterSource | GeoJSONSource | ImageSource | VideoSource;
loadImage(url: string, callback: Function): this;
addImage(name: string, image: HTMLImageElement | ArrayBufferView, options?: { width?: number, height?: number, pixelRatio?: number }): this;
addLayer(layer: mapboxgl.Layer, before?: string): this;
removeImage(name: string): this;
moveLayer(id: string, beforeId?: string): this;
loadImage(url: string, callback: Function): this;
removeLayer(id: string): this;
addLayer(layer: mapboxgl.Layer, before?: string): this;
getLayer(id: string): mapboxgl.Layer;
moveLayer(id: string, beforeId?: string): this;
setFilter(layer: string, filter?: any[]): this;
removeLayer(id: string): this;
setLayerZoomRange(layerId: string, minzoom: number, maxzoom: number): this;
getLayer(id: string): mapboxgl.Layer;
getFilter(layer: string): any[];
setFilter(layer: string, filter?: any[]): this;
setPaintProperty(layer: string, name: string, value: any, klass?: string): this;
setLayerZoomRange(layerId: string, minzoom: number, maxzoom: number): this;
getPaintProperty(layer: string, name: string, klass?: string): any;
getFilter(layer: string): any[];
setLayoutProperty(layer: string, name: string, value: any): this;
setPaintProperty(layer: string, name: string, value: any, klass?: string): this;
getLayoutProperty(layer: string, name: string, klass?: string): any;
getPaintProperty(layer: string, name: string, klass?: string): any;
setLight(options: mapboxgl.Light, lightOptions: any): this;
setLayoutProperty(layer: string, name: string, value: any): this;
getLight(): mapboxgl.Light;
getLayoutProperty(layer: string, name: string, klass?: string): any;
getContainer(): HTMLElement;
setLight(options: mapboxgl.Light, lightOptions: any): this;
getCanvasContainer(): HTMLElement;
getLight(): mapboxgl.Light;
getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
getContainer(): HTMLElement;
loaded(): boolean;
getCanvasContainer(): HTMLElement;
remove(): void;
getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
onError(): void;
loaded(): boolean;
showTileBoundaries: boolean;
remove(): void;
showCollisionBoxes: boolean;
onError(): void;
repaint: boolean;
showTileBoundaries: boolean;
getCenter(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
showCollisionBoxes: boolean;
setCenter(center: LngLatLike, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
repaint: boolean;
panBy(offset: number[], options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
getCenter(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
panTo(lnglat: LngLatLike, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventdata?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setCenter(center: LngLatLike, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
getZoom(): number;
panBy(offset: number[], options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setZoom(zoom: number, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
panTo(lnglat: LngLatLike, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventdata?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
zoomTo(zoom: number, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
getZoom(): number;
zoomIn(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setZoom(zoom: number, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
zoomOut(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
zoomTo(zoom: number, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
getBearing(): number;
zoomIn(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setBearing(bearing: number, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
zoomOut(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
rotateTo(bearing: number, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: EventData): this;
getBearing(): number;
resetNorth(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setBearing(bearing: number, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
snapToNorth(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
rotateTo(bearing: number, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: EventData): this;
getPitch(): number;
resetNorth(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setPitch(pitch: number, eventData?: EventData): this;
snapToNorth(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
fitBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike, options?: { linear?: boolean, easing?: Function, padding?: number | mapboxgl.PaddingOptions, offset?: PointLike, maxZoom?: number }, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
getPitch(): number;
jumpTo(options: mapboxgl.CameraOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
setPitch(pitch: number, eventData?: EventData): this;
easeTo(options: mapboxgl.CameraOptions | mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
fitBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike, options?: { linear?: boolean, easing?: Function, padding?: number | mapboxgl.PaddingOptions, offset?: PointLike, maxZoom?: number }, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
flyTo(options: mapboxgl.FlyToOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
jumpTo(options: mapboxgl.CameraOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
isMoving(): boolean;
easeTo(options: mapboxgl.CameraOptions | mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
stop(): this;
flyTo(options: mapboxgl.FlyToOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
scrollZoom: ScrollZoomHandler;
isMoving(): boolean;
boxZoom: BoxZoomHandler;
stop(): this;
dragRotate: DragRotateHandler;
scrollZoom: ScrollZoomHandler;
dragPan: DragPanHandler;
boxZoom: BoxZoomHandler;
keyboard: KeyboardHandler;
dragRotate: DragRotateHandler;
doubleClickZoom: DoubleClickZoomHandler;
dragPan: DragPanHandler;
touchZoomRotate: TouchZoomRotateHandler;
keyboard: KeyboardHandler;
export interface MapboxOptions {
/** If true, an attribution control will be added to the map. */
attributionControl?: boolean;
doubleClickZoom: DoubleClickZoomHandler;
bearing?: number;
touchZoomRotate: TouchZoomRotateHandler;
/** Snap to north threshold in degrees. */
bearingSnap?: number;
export interface MapboxOptions {
/** If true, an attribution control will be added to the map. */
attributionControl?: boolean;
/** If true, enable the "box zoom" interaction (see BoxZoomHandler) */
boxZoom?: boolean;
bearing?: number;
/** initial map center */
center?: LngLatLike;
/** Snap to north threshold in degrees. */
bearingSnap?: number;
/** Style class names with which to initialize the map */
classes?: string[];
/** If true, enable the "box zoom" interaction (see BoxZoomHandler) */
boxZoom?: boolean;
/** ID of the container element */
container?: string | Element;
/** initial map center */
center?: LngLatLike;
/** If true, enable the "drag to pan" interaction (see DragPanHandler). */
dragPan?: boolean;
/** Style class names with which to initialize the map */
classes?: string[];
/** If true, enable the "drag to rotate" interaction (see DragRotateHandler). */
dragRotate?: boolean;
/** ID of the container element */
container?: string | Element;
/** If true, enable the "double click to zoom" interaction (see DoubleClickZoomHandler). */
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
/** If true, enable the "drag to pan" interaction (see DragPanHandler). */
dragPan?: boolean;
/** If true, the map will track and update the page URL according to map position */
hash?: boolean;
/** If true, enable the "drag to rotate" interaction (see DragRotateHandler). */
dragRotate?: boolean;
/** If true, map creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than expected. */
failIfMayorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
/** If true, enable the "double click to zoom" interaction (see DoubleClickZoomHandler). */
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
/** If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input */
interactive?: boolean;
/** If true, the map will track and update the page URL according to map position */
hash?: boolean;
/** If true, enable keyboard shortcuts (see KeyboardHandler). */
keyboard?: boolean;
/** If true, map creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than expected. */
failIfMayorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
logoPosition?: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
/** If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input */
interactive?: boolean;
/** If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds. */
maxBounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** If true, enable keyboard shortcuts (see KeyboardHandler). */
keyboard?: boolean;
/** Maximum zoom of the map */
maxZoom?: number;
logoPosition?: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
/** Minimum zoom of the map */
minZoom?: number;
/** If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds. */
maxBounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** If true, The maps canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL();. This is false by default as a performance optimization. */
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
/** Maximum zoom of the map */
maxZoom?: number;
pitch?: number;
/** Minimum zoom of the map */
minZoom?: number;
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
/** If true, The maps canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL();. This is false by default as a performance optimization. */
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
pitch?: number;
/** If true, enable the "scroll to zoom" interaction */
scrollZoom?: boolean;
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
/** stylesheet location */
style?: mapboxgl.Style | string;
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
/** If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes */
trackResize?: boolean;
/** If true, enable the "scroll to zoom" interaction */
scrollZoom?: boolean;
/** If true, enable the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction (see TouchZoomRotateHandler). */
touchZoomRotate?: boolean;
/** stylesheet location */
style?: mapboxgl.Style | string;
/** Initial zoom level */
zoom?: number;
/** If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes */
trackResize?: boolean;
/** Maximum tile cache size for each layer. */
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
/** If true, enable the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction (see TouchZoomRotateHandler). */
touchZoomRotate?: boolean;
export interface PaddingOptions {
top: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
right: number;
/** Initial zoom level */
zoom?: number;
* BoxZoomHandler
export class BoxZoomHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
/** Maximum tile cache size for each layer. */
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
isEnabled(): boolean;
export interface PaddingOptions {
top: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
right: number;
isActive(): boolean;
* BoxZoomHandler
export class BoxZoomHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
isActive(): boolean;
* ScrollZoomHandler
export class ScrollZoomHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
enable(): void;
* ScrollZoomHandler
export class ScrollZoomHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
disable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
* DragPenHandler
export class DragPanHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
isActive(): boolean;
* DragPenHandler
export class DragPanHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
isActive(): boolean;
* DragRotateHandler
export class DragRotateHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map, options?: {bearingSnap?: number, pitchWithRotate?: boolean});
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
isActive(): boolean;
* DragRotateHandler
export class DragRotateHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map, options?: { bearingSnap?: number, pitchWithRotate?: boolean });
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
isActive(): boolean;
* KeyboardHandler
export class KeyboardHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
enable(): void;
* KeyboardHandler
export class KeyboardHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
disable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
* DoubleClickZoomHandler
export class DoubleClickZoomHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
enable(): void;
* DoubleClickZoomHandler
export class DoubleClickZoomHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
disable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
* TouchZoomRotateHandler
export class TouchZoomRotateHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
enable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disable(): void;
enable(): void;
* TouchZoomRotateHandler
export class TouchZoomRotateHandler {
constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
disable(): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
disableRotation(): void;
enable(): void;
enableRotation(): void;
disable(): void;
export interface IControl {
onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement;
onRemove(map: Map): any;
getDefaultPosition(): string;
disableRotation(): void;
* Control
export class Control extends Evented {
enableRotation(): void;
* Navigation
export class NavigationControl extends Control {
export interface IControl {
onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement;
export class PositionOptions {
enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
maximumAge?: number;
onRemove(map: Map): any;
export class FitBoundsOptions {
maxZoom?: number;
getDefaultPosition(): string;
* Geolocate
export class GeolocateControl extends Control {
constructor(options?: {positionOptions?: PositionOptions, fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions, trackUserLocation?: boolean, showUserLocation?: boolean});
* Control
export class Control extends Evented {
* Attribution
export class AttributionControl extends Control {
constructor(options?: {compact?: boolean});
* Navigation
export class NavigationControl extends Control {
* Scale
export class ScaleControl extends Control {
constructor(options?: {maxWidth?: number, unit?: string})
export class PositionOptions {
enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
maximumAge?: number;
* Fullscreen
export class FullscreenControl extends Control {
export class FitBoundsOptions {
maxZoom?: number;
* Popup
export class Popup extends Evented {
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.PopupOptions);
* Geolocate
export class GeolocateControl extends Control {
constructor(options?: { positionOptions?: PositionOptions, fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions, trackUserLocation?: boolean, showUserLocation?: boolean });
addTo(map: mapboxgl.Map): this;
* Attribution
export class AttributionControl extends Control {
constructor(options?: { compact?: boolean });
isOpen(): boolean;
* Scale
export class ScaleControl extends Control {
constructor(options?: { maxWidth?: number, unit?: string })
remove(): this;
* Fullscreen
export class FullscreenControl extends Control {
getLngLat(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
* Popup
export class Popup extends Evented {
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.PopupOptions);
setLngLat(lnglat: LngLatLike): this;
addTo(map: mapboxgl.Map): this;
setText(text: string): this;
isOpen(): boolean;
setHTML(html: string): this;
remove(): this;
setDOMContent(htmlNode: Node): this;
getLngLat(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
export interface PopupOptions {
closeButton?: boolean;
setLngLat(lnglat: LngLatLike): this;
closeOnClick?: boolean;
setText(text: string): this;
anchor?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
setHTML(html: string): this;
offset?: number | PointLike | { [key:string]: PointLike;};
setDOMContent(htmlNode: Node): this;
export interface Style {
bearing?: number;
center?: number[];
glyphs?: string;
layers?: Layer[];
metadata?: any;
name?: string;
pitch?: number;
light?: Light;
sources?: any;
sprite?: string;
transition?: Transition;
version: number;
zoom?: number;
export interface PopupOptions {
closeButton?: boolean;
export interface Transition {
delay?: number;
duration?: number;
closeOnClick?: boolean;
export interface Light {
"anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
"position"?: number[];
"color"?: string;
"intensity"?: number;
anchor?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
export interface Source {
type: "vector" | "raster" | "geojson" | "image" | "video" | "canvas";
offset?: number | PointLike | { [key: string]: PointLike; };
* GeoJSONSource
export interface Style {
bearing?: number;
center?: number[];
glyphs?: string;
layers?: Layer[];
metadata?: any;
name?: string;
pitch?: number;
light?: Light;
sources?: any;
sprite?: string;
transition?: Transition;
version: number;
zoom?: number;
export interface GeoJSONSourceRaw extends Source, GeoJSONSourceOptions {
type: "geojson";
export interface Transition {
delay?: number;
duration?: number;
export class GeoJSONSource implements GeoJSONSourceRaw {
type: "geojson";
export interface Light {
'anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'position'?: number[];
'color'?: string;
'intensity'?: number;
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.GeoJSONSourceOptions);
export interface Source {
type: 'vector' | 'raster' | 'geojson' | 'image' | 'video' | 'canvas';
setData(data: GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | String): this;
* GeoJSONSource
export interface GeoJSONSourceOptions {
data?: GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | string;
export interface GeoJSONSourceRaw extends Source, GeoJSONSourceOptions {
type: 'geojson';
maxzoom?: number;
export class GeoJSONSource implements GeoJSONSourceRaw {
type: 'geojson';
buffer?: number;
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.GeoJSONSourceOptions);
tolerance?: number;
setData(data: GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | String): this;
cluster?: number | boolean;
export interface GeoJSONSourceOptions {
data?: GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.GeometryObject> | string;
clusterRadius?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
clusterMaxZoom?: number;
buffer?: number;
* VideoSource
export interface VideoSource extends VideoSourceOptions { }
export class VideoSource implements Source {
type: "video";
tolerance?: number;
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.VideoSourceOptions);
cluster?: number | boolean;
getVideo(): HTMLVideoElement;
clusterRadius?: number;
setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
clusterMaxZoom?: number;
export interface VideoSourceOptions {
urls?: string[];
* VideoSource
export interface VideoSource extends VideoSourceOptions {
coordinates?: number[][];
export class VideoSource implements Source {
type: 'video';
* ImageSource
export interface ImageSource extends ImageSourceOptions { }
export class ImageSource implements Source {
type: "image";
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.VideoSourceOptions);
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.ImageSourceOptions);
getVideo(): HTMLVideoElement;
setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
export interface ImageSourceOptions {
url?: string;
export interface VideoSourceOptions {
urls?: string[];
coordinates?: number[][];
coordinates?: number[][];
* CanvasSource
export class CanvasSource implements Source, CanvasSourceOptions {
type: "canvas";
* ImageSource
export interface ImageSource extends ImageSourceOptions {
coordinates: number[][];
export class ImageSource implements Source {
type: 'image';
canvas: string;
constructor(options?: mapboxgl.ImageSourceOptions);
getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
export interface ImageSourceOptions {
url?: string;
export interface CanvasSourceOptions {
coordinates: number[][];
coordinates?: number[][];
animate?: boolean;
* CanvasSource
export class CanvasSource implements Source, CanvasSourceOptions {
type: 'canvas';
canvas: string;
coordinates: number[][];
interface VectorSource extends Source {
type: "vector";
url?: string;
tiles?: string[];
minzoom?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
canvas: string;
interface RasterSource extends Source {
type: "raster";
url: string;
tiles?: string[];
minzoom?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
tileSize?: number;
getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
* LngLat
export class LngLat {
lng: number;
lat: number;
setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
constructor(lng: number, lat: number);
export interface CanvasSourceOptions {
coordinates: number[][];
/** Return a new LngLat object whose longitude is wrapped to the range (-180, 180). */
wrap(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
animate?: boolean;
/** Return a LngLat as an array */
toArray(): number[];
canvas: string;
/** Return a LngLat as a string */
toString(): string;
interface VectorSource extends Source {
type: 'vector';
url?: string;
tiles?: string[];
minzoom?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
toBounds(radius: number): LngLatBounds;
interface RasterSource extends Source {
type: 'raster';
url: string;
tiles?: string[];
minzoom?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
tileSize?: number;
static convert(input: LngLatLike): mapboxgl.LngLat;
* LngLat
export class LngLat {
lng: number;
lat: number;
* LngLatBounds
export class LngLatBounds {
sw: LngLatLike;
ne: LngLatLike;
constructor(sw?: LngLatLike, ne?: LngLatLike);
constructor(lng: number, lat: number);
setNorthEast(ne: LngLatLike): this;
/** Return a new LngLat object whose longitude is wrapped to the range (-180, 180). */
wrap(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
setSouthWest(sw: LngLatLike): this;
/** Return a LngLat as an array */
toArray(): number[];
/** Extend the bounds to include a given LngLat or LngLatBounds. */
extend(obj: mapboxgl.LngLat | mapboxgl.LngLatBounds): this;
/** Return a LngLat as a string */
toString(): string;
/** Get the point equidistant from this box's corners */
getCenter(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
toBounds(radius: number): LngLatBounds;
/** Get southwest corner */
getSouthWest(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
static convert(input: LngLatLike): mapboxgl.LngLat;
/** Get northeast corner */
getNorthEast(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
* LngLatBounds
export class LngLatBounds {
sw: LngLatLike;
ne: LngLatLike;
/** Get northwest corner */
getNorthWest(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
constructor(sw?: LngLatLike, ne?: LngLatLike);
/** Get southeast corner */
getSouthEast(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
setNorthEast(ne: LngLatLike): this;
/** Get west edge longitude */
getWest(): number;
setSouthWest(sw: LngLatLike): this;
/** Get south edge latitude */
getSouth(): number;
/** Extend the bounds to include a given LngLat or LngLatBounds. */
extend(obj: mapboxgl.LngLat | mapboxgl.LngLatBounds): this;
/** Get east edge longitude */
getEast(): number;
/** Get the point equidistant from this box's corners */
getCenter(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
/** Get north edge latitude */
getNorth(): number;
/** Get southwest corner */
getSouthWest(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
/** Returns a LngLatBounds as an array */
toArray(): number[][];
/** Get northeast corner */
getNorthEast(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
/** Return a LngLatBounds as a string */
toString(): string;
/** Get northwest corner */
getNorthWest(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
/** Convert an array to a LngLatBounds object, or return an existing LngLatBounds object unchanged. */
static convert(input: LngLatBoundsLike): mapboxgl.LngLatBounds;
/** Get southeast corner */
getSouthEast(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
* Point
// Todo: Pull out class to seperate definition for Module "point-geometry"
export class Point {
x: number;
y: number;
/** Get west edge longitude */
getWest(): number;
constructor(x: number, y: number);
/** Get south edge latitude */
getSouth(): number;
clone(): Point;
/** Get east edge longitude */
getEast(): number;
add(p: number): Point;
/** Get north edge latitude */
getNorth(): number;
sub(p: number): Point;
/** Returns a LngLatBounds as an array */
toArray(): number[][];
mult(k: number): Point;
/** Return a LngLatBounds as a string */
toString(): string;
div(k: number): Point;
/** Convert an array to a LngLatBounds object, or return an existing LngLatBounds object unchanged. */
static convert(input: LngLatBoundsLike): mapboxgl.LngLatBounds;
rotate(a: number): Point;
* Point
// Todo: Pull out class to seperate definition for Module "point-geometry"
export class Point {
x: number;
y: number;
matMult(m: number): Point;
constructor(x: number, y: number);
unit(): Point;
clone(): Point;
perp(): Point;
add(p: number): Point;
round(): Point;
sub(p: number): Point;
mag(): number;
mult(k: number): Point;
equals(p: Point): boolean;
div(k: number): Point;
dist(p: Point): number;
rotate(a: number): Point;
distSqr(p: Point): number;
matMult(m: number): Point;
angle(): number;
unit(): Point;
angleTo(p: Point): number;
perp(): Point;
angleWidth(p: Point): number;
round(): Point;
angleWithSep(x: number, y: number): number;
mag(): number;
static convert(a: PointLike): Point;
equals(p: Point): boolean;
export class Marker {
constructor(element?: HTMLElement, options?: { offset?: PointLike });
dist(p: Point): number;
addTo(map: Map): this;
distSqr(p: Point): number;
remove(): this;
angle(): number;
getLngLat(): LngLat;
angleTo(p: Point): number;
setLngLat(lngLat: LngLatLike): this;
angleWidth(p: Point): number;
setPopup(popup?: Popup): this;
angleWithSep(x: number, y: number): number;
getPopup(): Popup;
static convert(a: PointLike): Point;
togglePopup(): this;
export class Marker {
constructor(element?: HTMLElement, options?: { offset?: PointLike });
* Evented
export class Evented {
on(type: string, listener: Function): this;
addTo(map: Map): this;
on(type: string, layer: string, listener: Function): this;
remove(): this;
off(type?: string | any, listener?: Function): this;
getLngLat(): LngLat;
off(type?: string | any, layer?: string, listener?: Function): this;
setLngLat(lngLat: LngLatLike): this;
once(type: string, listener: Function): this;
setPopup(popup?: Popup): this;
fire(type: string, data?: mapboxgl.EventData | Object): this;
getPopup(): Popup;
listens(type: string): boolean;
togglePopup(): this;
* StyleOptions
export interface StyleOptions {
transition?: boolean;
* Evented
export class Evented {
on(type: string, listener: Function): this;
* EventData
export class EventData {
type: string;
target: Map;
originalEvent: Event;
point: mapboxgl.Point;
lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLat;
on(type: string, layer: string, listener: Function): this;
export class MapMouseEvent {
type: string;
target: Map;
originalEvent: MouseEvent;
point: mapboxgl.Point;
lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLat;
off(type?: string | any, listener?: Function): this;
export class MapTouchEvent {
type: string;
target: Map;
originalEvent: TouchEvent;
point: mapboxgl.Point;
lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLat;
points: Point[];
lngLats: LngLat[];
off(type?: string | any, layer?: string, listener?: Function): this;
export class MapBoxZoomEvent {
originalEvent: MouseEvent;
boxZoomBounds: LngLatBounds;
once(type: string, listener: Function): this;
export class MapDataEvent {
type: string;
dataType: "source" | "style" | "tile";
isSourceLoaded?: boolean;
source?: mapboxgl.Source;
coord?: any;
fire(type: string, data?: mapboxgl.EventData | Object): this;
* AnimationOptions
export interface AnimationOptions {
/** Number in milliseconds */
duration?: number;
easing?: Function;
/** point, origin of movement relative to map center */
offset?: PointLike;
/** When set to false, no animation happens */
animate?: boolean;
listens(type: string): boolean;
* CameraOptions
export interface CameraOptions {
/** Map center */
center?: LngLatLike;
/** Map zoom level */
zoom?: number;
/** Map rotation bearing in degrees counter-clockwise from north */
bearing?: number;
/** Map angle in degrees at which the camera is looking at the ground */
pitch?: number;
/** If zooming, the zoom center (defaults to map center) */
around?: LngLatLike;
* StyleOptions
export interface StyleOptions {
transition?: boolean;
* FlyToOptions
export interface FlyToOptions extends AnimationOptions, CameraOptions {
curve?: number;
minZoom?: number;
speed?: number;
screenSpeed?: number;
easing?: Function;
* EventData
export class EventData {
type: string;
target: Map;
originalEvent: Event;
point: mapboxgl.Point;
lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLat;
* MapEvent
export interface MapEvent {
resize?: void;
webglcontextlost?: {originalEvent: WebGLContextEvent};
webglcontextrestored?: {originalEvent: WebGLContextEvent};
remove?: void;
dataloading?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
data?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
render?: void;
contextmenu?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
dblclick?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
click?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
tiledataloading?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
sourcedataloading?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
styledataloading?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
touchcancel?: {data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
touchmove?: {data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
touchend?: {data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
touchstart?: {data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
mousemove?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
mouseup?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
mousedown?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
moveend?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
move?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
movestart?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
mouseout?:{data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent};
load?: void;
sourcedata?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
styledata?: {data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent};
zoomend?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
zoom?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
zoomstart?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
boxzoomcancel?: {data: mapboxgl.MapBoxZoomEvent};
boxzoomstart?: {data: mapboxgl.MapBoxZoomEvent};
boxzoomend?: {data: mapboxgl.MapBoxZoomEvent};
rotate?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
rotatestart?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
rotateend?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
drag?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
dragend?: {data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent};
pitch?: {data: mapboxgl.EventData};
export class MapMouseEvent {
type: string;
target: Map;
originalEvent: MouseEvent;
point: mapboxgl.Point;
lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLat;
export interface Layer {
id: string;
type?: "fill" | "line" | "symbol" | "circle" | "fill-extrusion" | "raster" | "background" | "heatmap";
export class MapTouchEvent {
type: string;
target: Map;
originalEvent: TouchEvent;
point: mapboxgl.Point;
lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLat;
points: Point[];
lngLats: LngLat[];
metadata?: any;
ref?: string;
export class MapBoxZoomEvent {
originalEvent: MouseEvent;
boxZoomBounds: LngLatBounds;
source?: string | VectorSource | RasterSource | GeoJSONSource | ImageSource | VideoSource | GeoJSONSourceRaw;
export class MapDataEvent {
type: string;
dataType: 'source' | 'style' | 'tile';
isSourceLoaded?: boolean;
source?: mapboxgl.Source;
coord?: any;
"source-layer"?: string;
* AnimationOptions
export interface AnimationOptions {
/** Number in milliseconds */
duration?: number;
easing?: Function;
/** point, origin of movement relative to map center */
offset?: PointLike;
/** When set to false, no animation happens */
animate?: boolean;
minzoom?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
* CameraOptions
export interface CameraOptions {
/** Map center */
center?: LngLatLike;
/** Map zoom level */
zoom?: number;
/** Map rotation bearing in degrees counter-clockwise from north */
bearing?: number;
/** Map angle in degrees at which the camera is looking at the ground */
pitch?: number;
/** If zooming, the zoom center (defaults to map center) */
around?: LngLatLike;
interactive?: boolean;
* FlyToOptions
export interface FlyToOptions extends AnimationOptions, CameraOptions {
curve?: number;
minZoom?: number;
speed?: number;
screenSpeed?: number;
easing?: Function;
filter?: any[];
layout?: BackgroundLayout | FillLayout | FillExtrusionLayout | LineLayout | SymbolLayout | RasterLayout | CircleLayout;
paint?: BackgroundPaint | FillPaint | FillExtrusionPaint | LinePaint | SymbolPaint | RasterPaint | CirclePaint;
* MapEvent
export interface MapEvent {
resize?: void;
webglcontextlost?: { originalEvent: WebGLContextEvent };
webglcontextrestored?: { originalEvent: WebGLContextEvent };
remove?: void;
dataloading?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
data?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
render?: void;
contextmenu?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
dblclick?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
click?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
tiledataloading?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
sourcedataloading?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
styledataloading?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
touchcancel?: { data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
touchmove?: { data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
touchend?: { data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
touchstart?: { data: mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
mousemove?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
mouseup?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
mousedown?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
moveend?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
move?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
movestart?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
mouseout?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent };
load?: void;
sourcedata?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
styledata?: { data: mapboxgl.MapDataEvent };
zoomend?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
zoom?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
zoomstart?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
boxzoomcancel?: { data: mapboxgl.MapBoxZoomEvent };
boxzoomstart?: { data: mapboxgl.MapBoxZoomEvent };
boxzoomend?: { data: mapboxgl.MapBoxZoomEvent };
rotate?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
rotatestart?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
rotateend?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
drag?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
dragend?: { data: mapboxgl.MapMouseEvent | mapboxgl.MapTouchEvent };
pitch?: { data: mapboxgl.EventData };
export interface StyleFunction {
stops?: any[][];
property?: string;
base?: number;
type?: "identity" | "exponential" | "interval" | "categorical";
default?: any;
"colorSpace"?: "rgb" | "lab" | "interval";
export interface Layer {
id: string;
type?: 'fill' | 'line' | 'symbol' | 'circle' | 'fill-extrusion' | 'raster' | 'background' | 'heatmap';
export interface BackgroundLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
export interface BackgroundPaint {
"background-color"?: string;
"background-pattern"?: string;
"background-opacity"?: number;
metadata?: any;
ref?: string;
export interface FillLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
export interface FillPaint {
"fill-antialias"?: boolean;
"fill-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction;
"fill-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"fill-outline-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"fill-translate"?: number[];
"fill-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
"fill-pattern"?: "string";
source?: string | VectorSource | RasterSource | GeoJSONSource | ImageSource | VideoSource | GeoJSONSourceRaw;
export interface FillExtrusionLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
export interface FillExtrusionPaint {
"fill-extrusion-opacity"?: number;
"fill-extrusion-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"fill-extrusion-translate"?: number[];
"fill-extrusion-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
"fill-extrusion-pattern"?: string;
"fill-extrusion-height"?: number | StyleFunction;
"fill-extrusion-base"?: number | StyleFunction;
'source-layer'?: string;
export interface LineLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
minzoom?: number;
maxzoom?: number;
"line-cap"?: "butt" | "round" | "square";
"line-join"?: "bevel" | "round" | "miter";
"line-miter-limit"?: number;
"line-round-limit"?: number;
export interface LinePaint {
"line-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction;
"line-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"line-translate"?: number[];
"line-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
"line-width"?: number | StyleFunction;
"line-gap-width"?: number | StyleFunction;
"line-offset"?: number | StyleFunction;
"line-blur"?: number | StyleFunction;
"line-dasharray"?: number[];
"line-dasharray-transition"?: Transition;
"line-pattern"?: string;
interactive?: boolean;
export interface SymbolLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
filter?: any[];
layout?: BackgroundLayout | FillLayout | FillExtrusionLayout | LineLayout | SymbolLayout | RasterLayout | CircleLayout | HeatmapLayout;
paint?: BackgroundPaint | FillPaint | FillExtrusionPaint | LinePaint | SymbolPaint | RasterPaint | CirclePaint | HeatmapPaint;
"symbol-placement"?: "point" | "line";
"symbol-spacing"?: number;
"symbol-avoid-edges"?: boolean;
"icon-allow-overlap"?: boolean;
"icon-ignore-placement"?: boolean;
"icon-optional"?: boolean;
"icon-rotation-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto";
"icon-pitch-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport"| "auto";
"icon-size"?: number | StyleFunction;
"icon-text-fit"?: "none" | "both" | "width" | "height";
"icon-text-fit-padding"?: number[];
"icon-image"?: string | StyleFunction;
"icon-rotate"?: number | StyleFunction;
"icon-padding"?: number;
"icon-keep-upright"?: boolean;
"icon-offset"?: number[] | StyleFunction;
"text-pitch-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto";
"text-rotation-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto";
"text-field"?: string | StyleFunction;
"text-font"?: string | string[];
"text-size"?: number | StyleFunction;
"text-max-width"?: number;
"text-line-height"?: number;
"text-letter-spacing"?: number;
"text-justify"?: "left" | "center" | "right";
"text-anchor"?: "center" | "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right";
"text-max-angle"?: number;
"text-rotate"?: number | StyleFunction;
"text-padding"?: number;
"text-keep-upright"?: boolean;
"text-transform"?: "none" | "uppercase" | "lowercase" | StyleFunction;
"text-offset"?: number[];
"text-allow-overlap"?: boolean;
"text-ignore-placement"?: boolean;
"text-optional"?: boolean;
export interface StyleFunction {
stops?: any[][];
property?: string;
base?: number;
type?: 'identity' | 'exponential' | 'interval' | 'categorical';
default?: any;
'colorSpace'?: 'rgb' | 'lab' | 'interval';
export interface SymbolPaint {
"icon-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction;
"icon-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"icon-halo-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"icon-halo-width"?: number | StyleFunction;
"icon-halo-blur"?: number | StyleFunction;
"icon-translate"?: number[];
"icon-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
"text-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction;
"text-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"text-halo-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"text-halo-width"?: number | StyleFunction;
"text-halo-blur"?: number | StyleFunction;
"text-translate"?: number[];
"text-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
export interface BackgroundLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
export interface RasterLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
export interface BackgroundPaint {
'background-color'?: string | Expression;
'background-pattern'?: string;
'background-opacity'?: number | Expression;
export interface RasterPaint {
"raster-opacity"?: number;
"raster-hue-rotate"?: number;
"raster-brightness-min"?: number;
"raster-brightness-max"?: number;
"raster-saturation"?: number;
"raster-contrast"?: number;
"raster-fade-duration"?: number;
export interface FillLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
export interface CircleLayout {
visibility?: "visible" | "none";
export interface FillPaint {
'fill-antialias'?: boolean;
'fill-opacity'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'fill-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'fill-outline-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'fill-translate'?: number[] | Expression;
'fill-translate-anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'fill-pattern'?: string;
export interface CirclePaint {
"circle-radius"?: number | StyleFunction;
"circle-radius-transition"?: Transition;
"circle-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"circle-blur"?: number | StyleFunction;
"circle-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction;
"circle-translate"?: number[];
"circle-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport";
"circle-pitch-scale"?: "map" | "viewport";
"circle-pitch-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport";
"circle-stroke-width"?: number | StyleFunction;
"circle-stroke-color"?: string | StyleFunction;
"circle-stroke-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction;
export interface FillExtrusionLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
export interface FillExtrusionPaint {
'fill-extrusion-opacity'?: number | Expression;
'fill-extrusion-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'fill-extrusion-translate'?: number[] | Expression;
'fill-extrusion-translate-anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'fill-extrusion-pattern'?: string;
'fill-extrusion-height'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'fill-extrusion-base'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
export interface LineLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
'line-cap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square';
'line-join'?: 'bevel' | 'round' | 'miter';
'line-miter-limit'?: number | Expression;
'line-round-limit'?: number | Expression;
export interface LinePaint {
'line-opacity'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'line-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'line-translate'?: number[] | Expression;
'line-translate-anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'line-width'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'line-gap-width'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'line-offset'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'line-blur'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'line-dasharray'?: number[];
'line-dasharray-transition'?: Transition;
'line-pattern'?: string;
export interface SymbolLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
'symbol-placement'?: 'point' | 'line';
'symbol-spacing'?: number | Expression;
'symbol-avoid-edges'?: boolean;
'icon-allow-overlap'?: boolean;
'icon-ignore-placement'?: boolean;
'icon-optional'?: boolean;
'icon-rotation-alignment'?: 'map' | 'viewport' | 'auto';
'icon-pitch-alignment'?: 'map' | 'viewport' | 'auto';
'icon-size'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-text-fit'?: 'none' | 'both' | 'width' | 'height';
'icon-text-fit-padding'?: number[] | Expression;
'icon-image'?: string | StyleFunction;
'icon-rotate'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-padding'?: number | Expression;
'icon-keep-upright'?: boolean;
'icon-offset'?: number[] | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-pitch-alignment'?: 'map' | 'viewport' | 'auto';
'text-rotation-alignment'?: 'map' | 'viewport' | 'auto';
'text-field'?: string | StyleFunction;
'text-font'?: string | string[];
'text-size'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-max-width'?: number | Expression;
'text-line-height'?: number | Expression;
'text-letter-spacing'?: number | Expression;
'text-justify'?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
'text-anchor'?: 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
'text-max-angle'?: number | Expression;
'text-rotate'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-padding'?: number | Expression;
'text-keep-upright'?: boolean;
'text-transform'?: 'none' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-offset'?: number[] | Expression;
'text-allow-overlap'?: boolean;
'text-ignore-placement'?: boolean;
'text-optional'?: boolean;
export interface SymbolPaint {
'icon-opacity'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-halo-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-halo-width'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-halo-blur'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'icon-translate'?: number[] | Expression;
'icon-translate-anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'text-opacity'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-halo-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-halo-width'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-halo-blur'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'text-translate'?: number[] | Expression;
'text-translate-anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
export interface RasterLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
export interface RasterPaint {
'raster-opacity'?: number | Expression;
'raster-hue-rotate'?: number | Expression;
'raster-brightness-min'?: number | Expression;
'raster-brightness-max'?: number | Expression;
'raster-saturation'?: number | Expression;
'raster-contrast'?: number | Expression;
'raster-fade-duration'?: number | Expression;
export interface CircleLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
export interface CirclePaint {
'circle-radius'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'circle-radius-transition'?: Transition;
'circle-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'circle-blur'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'circle-opacity'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'circle-translate'?: number[] | Expression;
'circle-translate-anchor'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'circle-pitch-scale'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'circle-pitch-alignment'?: 'map' | 'viewport';
'circle-stroke-width'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'circle-stroke-color'?: string | StyleFunction | Expression;
'circle-stroke-opacity'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
export interface HeatmapLayout {
visibility?: 'visible' | 'none';
export interface HeatmapPaint {
'heatmap-radius'?: number | Expression;
'heatmap-transition'?: Transition;
'heatmap-weight'?: number | StyleFunction | Expression;
'heatmap-intensity'?: number | Expression;
'heatmap-color'?: string | Expression;
'heatmap-color-transition'?: Transition;
'heatmap-opacity'?: number | Expression;
'heatmap-opacity-transition'?: Transition;
declare module 'mapbox-gl' {
export = mapboxgl;
export = mapboxgl;
declare module 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl' {
export = mapboxgl;
export = mapboxgl;
"name": "@types/mapbox-gl",
"version": "0.41.0",
"version": "0.42.0",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for Mapbox GL JS",

@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"typesPublisherContentHash": "fbb37d11ae597b27dccc4de94123e37ac7e0827f9838bccdceacd96a3427a6ff",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "dbb5041a3119528b9b9c0292ae0ff97702d7611bcdc07fc6005b31e41872a584",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.3"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

Additional Details
* Last updated: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 18:05:58 GMT
* Last updated: Sun, 03 Dec 2017 16:26:42 GMT
* Dependencies: geojson

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ * Global values: mapboxgl

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