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// Type definitions for webpack 2.2
// Project:
// Definitions by: Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>
// Definitions by: Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>, Benjamin Lim <>
// Definitions:
/// <reference types="uglify-js" />
/// <reference types="tapable" />
import * as UglifyJS from 'uglify-js';

@@ -69,2 +66,4 @@ import * as tapable from 'tapable';

stats?: compiler.StatsToStringOptions;
/** Performance options */
performance?: PerformanceOptions;

@@ -280,3 +279,3 @@

packageMains?: (string | string[])[];
packageMains?: Array<string | string[]>;

@@ -288,3 +287,3 @@ /**

packageAlias?: (string | string[])[];
packageAlias?: Array<string | string[]>;

@@ -327,5 +326,3 @@ /**

interface ExternalsFunctionElement {
(context: any, request: any, callback: (error: any, result: any) => void): any;
type ExternalsFunctionElement = (context: any, request: any, callback: (error: any, result: any) => void) => any;

@@ -373,2 +370,3 @@ interface WatchOptions {

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
interface ConditionArray extends Array<Condition> {}

@@ -475,3 +473,3 @@ type Condition = string | RegExp | ((absPath: string) => boolean) | ConditionSpec | ConditionArray;

interface Plugin extends tapable.Plugin {
apply (thisArg: Webpack, ...args: any[]): void
apply(thisArg: Webpack, ...args: any[]): void;

@@ -627,3 +625,3 @@

interface ContextReplacementPluginStatic {
new (resourceRegExp: any, newContentResource?: any, newContentRecursive?: any, newContentRegExp?: any): Plugin
new (resourceRegExp: any, newContentResource?: any, newContentRecursive?: any, newContentRegExp?: any): Plugin;

@@ -636,2 +634,3 @@

interface PrefetchPluginStatic {
// tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures
new (context: any, request: any): Plugin;

@@ -675,27 +674,27 @@ new (request: any): Plugin;

// output filename pattern (false/null to append)
filename?: string | false | null,
filename?: string | false | null;
// source map comment pattern (false to not append)
append?: false | string,
append?: false | string;
// template for the module filename inside the source map
moduleFilenameTemplate?: string,
moduleFilenameTemplate?: string;
// fallback used when the moduleFilenameTemplate produces a collision
fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string,
fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string;
// test/include/exclude files
test?: Condition | Condition[],
include?: Condition | Condition[],
exclude?: Condition | Condition[]
test?: Condition | Condition[];
include?: Condition | Condition[];
exclude?: Condition | Condition[];
// whether to include the footer comment with source information
noSources?: boolean,
noSources?: boolean;
// the source map sourceRoot ("The URL root from which all sources are relative.")
sourceRoot?: string | null,
sourceRoot?: string | null;
// whether to generate per-module source map
module?: boolean,
module?: boolean;
// whether to include column information in the source map
columns?: boolean,
columns?: boolean;
// whether to preserve line numbers between source and source map
lineToLine?: boolean | {
test?: Condition | Condition[],
include?: Condition | Condition[],
exclude?: Condition | Condition[]
test?: Condition | Condition[];
include?: Condition | Condition[];
exclude?: Condition | Condition[];

@@ -709,12 +708,12 @@

interface EvalSourceMapDevToolPluginOptions {
append?: false | string,
moduleFilenameTemplate?: string,
sourceRoot?: string,
module?: boolean,
columns?: boolean,
append?: false | string;
moduleFilenameTemplate?: string;
sourceRoot?: string;
module?: boolean;
columns?: boolean;
lineToLine?: boolean | {
test?: Condition | Condition[],
include?: Condition | Condition[],
exclude?: Condition | Condition[]
test?: Condition | Condition[];
include?: Condition | Condition[];
exclude?: Condition | Condition[];

@@ -751,3 +750,3 @@

interface LimitChunkCountPluginStatic {
new (options: any): Plugin
new (options: any): Plugin;

@@ -857,4 +856,23 @@ interface MinChunkSizePluginStatic {

type CompilerCallback = (err: Error, stats: Stats) => void
type CompilerCallback = (err: Error, stats: Stats) => void;
interface PerformanceOptions {
* Turns hints on/off. In addition, tells webpack to throw either an error or a warning when hints are found. This property is set to "warning" by default.
hints?: boolean | 'error' | 'warning';
* An entrypoint represents all assets that would be utilized during initial load time for a specific entry. This option controls when webpack should emit performance hints based on the maximum entrypoint size. The default value is 250000 (bytes).
maxEntryPointSize?: number;
* An asset is any emitted file from webpack. This option controls when webpack emits a performance hint based on individual asset size. The default value is 250000 (bytes).
maxAssetSize?: number;
* This property allows webpack to control what files are used to calculate performance hints.
assetFilter?: (assetFilename: string) => boolean;

@@ -861,0 +879,0 @@

"name": "@types/webpack",
"version": "2.2.0",
"version": "2.2.1",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for webpack",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>",
"author": "Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>, Benjamin Lim <>",
"main": "",

@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ "repository": {

"peerDependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "8209f7ff08362569ba8010e4ae5376b1dba1468de6f4a6c3a2a2f70c0ba9ee28",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "1ff4a8112e08def99d33837601e36e5f8b1e464553044e293626970d0ca99d31",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.0"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

Additional Details
* Last updated: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 18:54:50 GMT
* Last updated: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 06:31:27 GMT
* Dependencies: uglify-js, tapable

@@ -17,2 +17,2 @@ * Global values: none

# Credits
These definitions were written by Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>.
These definitions were written by Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>, Benjamin Lim <>.

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ {

"data": {
"authors": "Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>",
"authors": "Qubo <>, Matt Lewis <>, Benjamin Lim <>",
"dependencies": {

@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ "uglify-js": "*",

"hasPackageJson": false,
"contentHash": "8209f7ff08362569ba8010e4ae5376b1dba1468de6f4a6c3a2a2f70c0ba9ee28"
"contentHash": "1ff4a8112e08def99d33837601e36e5f8b1e464553044e293626970d0ca99d31"
"isLatest": true
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