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Version published



2.0.0-rc.3 (2024-05-10)

Bug Fixes

  • ui5-cb-item: return the DOM reference of the list item (#8872) (2553213), closes #8841
  • ui5-dialog: state icon no longer shrinks when title is too long (#8839) (9b7fa49)
  • ui5-file-uploader: adjust drop area (56bcab5), closes #8572
  • ui5-illustrated-message: typo in the UnsuccessfulAuth name (#8873) (b64d76f)
  • ui5-link: remove unnecessary transparent border (aa27032), closes #8512
  • ui5-multi-combobox: correct unstable tests (#8867) (b2d004b)
  • ui5-multi-combobox: remove value state header on validation reset (#8832) (5cad77b), closes #8674
  • ui5-multi-input: focus tokens on BACKSPACE for inputs of type 'Number' and 'Email' (#8866) (7b5645d), closes #8712
  • ui5-progress-indicator: removed redundant z-index (#8797) (4763637), closes #8303
  • ui5-split-button: restrict height manipulation from outside wrapper (#8780) (691c68e)
  • ui5-step-input: remove value rounding, apply value-state (#8293) (0c0aa1d)
  • ui5-tabcontainer: avoid multiple selected tabs when there is no explicit selection (#8808) (ae8d969)
  • ui5-tab: focus() now works if tab is currently displayed in the overflow (#8796) (52c3ea8)
  • ui5-time-picker: fix buttons announcements in value help dialog (#8848) (d5f25fb)
  • ui5-toolbar: prevent closing of overflow on interaction (#8924) (9fb21bf)


Code Refactoring

  • rename ValueState values (#8864) (ef9304d)
  • theming: remove Belize theme (#8519) (990313f), closes #8461
  • ui5-*: use unified API to define a11y attributes via accessibilityAttributes (#8810) (49d587c)
  • ui5-badge: change default values of properties (#8601) (6d1df02)
  • ui5-badge: rename Badge ui5-badge to Tag ui5-tag (#8884) (4b8c1ee)
  • ui5-carousel: replace items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l properties (#8635) (fc8d15a), closes #8494 #8496 #8461 #8497 #8461 #8504 #8509 #8507 #8511 #8501 #8461 #8503 #8461 #8506 #8502 #8524 #8461 #8525 #8461 #8518 #8461 #8526 #8529 #8528 #8531 #8532 #8534 #8163 #8527 #8538 #8521 #8461 #8542 #8461 #8548 #8555 #8559 #8565 #8570 #8558 #8568 #8596 #8192 #8606 #8605 #8600 #8602
  • ui5-icon: add mode property (#8834) (446483d)
  • ui5-illustrated-message: remove titleLevel property (#8700) (9fe199c)
  • ui5-input: events changes (#8769) (9f5c8a4)
  • ui5-li, ui5-list: changes accessibleRole type (#8825) (8235159)
  • ui5-list: enable hierarchical groups (#8632) (193ed52), closes #8461
  • ui5-menu: rename the busy and busy delay properties (#8778) (3a4be3a), closes #8764
  • ui5-page: rename disableScrolling and floatingFooter properties (#8816) (2f6fe6c)
  • ui5-segmented-button-item: implement segmented button item independently from button (#8669) (7b5f751)
  • ui5-segmented-button: rename mode to selectionMode (#8761) (4be1540)
  • ui5-split-button: remove activeIcon property (#8803) (f2bcfc1), closes #8461
  • ui5-table: move Table to @ui5/webcomponents-compat (#8849) (779bcdc)
  • ui5-title: wrap text by default (#8916) (f267f50)
  • ui5-toast: replace show method with open property (#8855) (372d27d), closes #8461
  • ui5-wizard: rename event parameter (#8845) (9882144), closes #8461


  • ui5-badge: new property added (#8714) (a60c5ee)
  • ui5-date-picker: Replace openPicker method with open property (#8749) (d283984)



  • ui5-title: wrapping-type property default value has changed from None to Normal. Previously long texts would truncate if there is not enough space. Now, long texts would wrap.

Related to:

  • ui5-input: Remove suggestion-item-select event. Rename and modify suggestion-item-preview event. Remove openPicker method and replace it with public property "open".

  • refactor(ui5-input): events changes

  • refactor(ui5-input): property open tests

  • refactor(ui5-input): events change

  • refactor(ui5-input): events change

  • refactor(ui5-input): events changes

  • refactor(ui5-input): events changes

  • refactor(ui5-input): events changes

  • ui5-date-picker: removed openPicker(), closePicker() and isOpen() methods. If you previously used openPicker() and closePicker():

const datePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID");

Now use the open property respectively:

const datePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID"); = true; = false;

Related to:

  • ui5-*: FlexibleLayout's accessibilityTexts and accessibilityRoles properties are removed. If you have previously used the accessibilityTexts or accessibilityRoles properties:
fcl.accessibilityTexts = {
    startColumnAccessibleName: "Products list",
    midColumnAccessibleName: "Product information",
    endColumnAccessibleName: "Product detailed information",
    startArrowLeftText: "Collapse products list",
    startArrowRightText: "Expand products list",
    endArrowLeftText: "Expand product detailed information",
    endArrowRightText: "Collapse product detailed information",
    startArrowContainerAccessibleName: "Start Arrow Container",
    endArrowContainerAccessibleName: "End Arrow Container",

fcl.accessibilityRoles = {
    startColumnRole: "complementary",
    startArrowContainerRole: "navigation",
    midColumnRole: "main",
    endArrowContainerRole: "navigation",
    endColumnRole: "complementary".

Now use accessibilityAttributes instead:

fcl.accessibilityAttributes = {
    startColumn: {
      role: "complementary",
      name: "Products list",
    midColumn: {
      role: "main",
      name: "Product information",
    endColumn: {
      role: "complementary",
      name: "Product detailed information",
    startArrowLeft:  {
      name: "Collapse products list",
    startArrowRight: {
      name: "Expand products list",
    endArrowLeft: {
      name: "Expand product detailed information",
    endArrowRight:  {
      name: "Collapse product detailed information",
    startArrowContainer: {
      role: "navigation",
      name: "Start Arrow Container",
    endArrowContainer: {
      role: "navigation",
      name: "End Arrow Container",

ShellBar's accessibilityTexts and accessibilityRoles properties are removed. If you have previously used the accessibilityTexts or accessibilityRoles properties:

shellbar.accessibilityTexts = {
    profileButtonTitle: "John Dow",
    logoTitle: "Custom logo title",

shellbar.accessibilityRoles = {
    logoRole: "link"

Now use accessibilityAttributes instead:

shellbar.accessibilityAttributes = {
  profile: {
    name:  "John Dow",
  logo: {
    role: "link"
    name: "Custom logo title"

Related to:

  • ui5-badge: Badge web component has been renamed to Tag. If you have previously used the ui5-badge:

Now use ui5-tag instead:


Related to:

  • ui5-icon: The properties ariaHidden , interactive and accessibleRole , previously available in the ui5-icon component, have been removed. They are replaced by a new property named mode that specifies the component's mode. Alongside this update, a new enumeration IconMode, has been introduced to outline the available options for this property:

Image: This is the default setting. It configures the component to internally render role="img". Interactive: Configures the component to internally render role="button". This mode also supports focus and press handling to enhance interactivity. Decorative: In this mode, the component internally renders role="presentation" and aria-hidden="true", making it purely decorative without semantic content or interactivity.

Now, you can set the mode of the ui5-icon as it follows:

<ui5-icon id="imageIcon" mode="Image" name="add-equipment"></ui5-icon>
<ui5-icon id="myInteractiveIcon" mode="Interactive" name="add-equipment"></ui5-icon>
<ui5-icon id="decorativeIcon" mode="Decorative" name="add-equipment"></ui5-icon>

Related to:,

  • ui5-li, ui5-list: The accessibleRole property for both ui5-li and ui5-list has been updated from a string type to an enum type. Additionally, the new enums ListItemAccessibleRole and ListAccessibleRole have been introduced for these properties respectively. The available options for the ui5-li: ListItem- Represents the ARIA role "listitem". (by default) MenuItem - Represents the ARIA role "menuitem". TreeItem - Represents the ARIA role "treeitem". Option - Represents the ARIA role "option". None - Represents the ARIA role "none".

The available options for the ui5-list: List- Represents the ARIA role "list". (by default) Menu - Represents the ARIA role "menu". Tree - Represents the ARIA role "tree". ListBox - Represents the ARIA role "listbox". If you have previously used:

<ui5-li accessible-role="menuitem"> List Item</ui5-li>
<ui5-list accessible-role="tree"> List </ui5-list>

Now use:

<ui5-li accessible-role="MenuItem"> List Item</ui5-li>
<ui5-list accessible-role="Tree"> List </ui5-list>

Related to,

  • ui5-table: If you previously used the Table from @ui5/webcomponents, you need to import it from @ui5/webcomponents-compat:
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/Table.js"; // ui5-table
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableColumn.js"; // ui5-table-column
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableRow.js"; // ui5-table-row`
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableGroupRow.js";` // ui5-table-group-row
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableCell.js"; // ui5-table-cell

Related to:

  • If you previously used ValueState.Warning, ValueState.Error or ValueState.Success, start using ValueState.Critical, ValueState.Negative and ValueState.Positive respectively. All components with valueState property are also affected. For example:
<ui5-input value-state="Success"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Warning"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Error"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Positive"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Critical"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Negative"></ui5-input>

Related to:

  • ui5-toast: The Toast#show method has been replaced by open property. If you previously used to show the toast, you must now se
  • ui5-segmented-button-item: The ui5-segmentedbutton-item pressed property is called selected now.

Previously the application developers could use the ui5-segmentedbutton-item as follows:

  <ui5-segmented-button-item pressed> Option 1</ui5-segmented-button-item>
  <ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 2</ui5-segmented-button-item>
  <ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 3</ui5-segmented-button-item>

Now the application developers should use the ui5-segmentedbutton-item as follows:

  <ui5-segmented-button-item selected> Option 1</ui5-segmented-button-item>
  <ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 2</ui5-segmented-button-item>
  <ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 3</ui5-segmented-button-item>

Related to:

  • ui5-wizard: changeWithClick was renamed to withScroll in the WizardStepChangeEventDetail.


  • theming: Remove SAP Belize theme
  • ui5-illustrated-message: The titleLevel property of the ui5-illustrated-messageis removed. If you have previously used the titleLevel property:
<ui5-illustrated-message title-level="H6>

it will no longer work for the component.

Instead, you could set the title of the ui5-illustrated-message on the title slot, as it follows

      <ui5-title slot="title" level="H3">This is a slotted title</ui5-title>

Related to,

  • ui5-segmented-button: The mode property is changed to SelectionMode and the values it take from SingleSelect and MultiSelect to Single and Multiple. Also deleted deprecated getter - selectedItem and deprecated event detail selectedItem and now can be used with the selectedItems getter and selectedItems event detail.

Previously the application developers could set the selection mode as follows:

<ui5-segmented-button id="segButtonMulti" mode="MultiSelect">

Now the application developers could set the selection mode as follows:

<ui5-segmented-button id="segButtonMulti" selection-mode="Multiple">

Related to:

  • ui5-page: disableScrolling has been renamed, floatingFooter property has been removed and fixedFooter property has been added instead.

Related to:

  • ui5-split-button: The activeIcon property ha been remove, as the interaction is considered obsolete by the UX design team. if you previously used active-icon:
<ui5-split-button id="sbTextActiveIcon" active-icon="accept">Active Icon</ui5-split-button>

it's wont take effect anymore even if set.

  • ui5-menu: The busy and busyDelay and properties of the ui5-menu and ui5-menu-item are renamed. If you have previously used the busy, busyDelay properties:

<ui5-menu header-text="My ui5-menu" busy busy-delay="100"><ui5-menu> <ui5-menu-item text="Open" icon="open-folder" busy busy-delay="100"><ui5-menu-item> now you should use loading and loadingDelay properties:

<ui5-menu header-text="My ui5-menu" loading loading-delay="100"><ui5-menu> <ui5-menu-item text="Open" icon="open-folder" loading loading-delay="100"><ui5-menu-item>

  • ui5-carousel: "Device#isIE" method has been removed and no longer available

Related to

  • ui5-carousel: Removed the CSP.js module and the creation of <style> and <link> tags, as all browsers now support adoptedStyleSheets. The following APIs are not available any more and should not be used:
import { setUseLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
import { setPackageCSSRoot } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
import { setPreloadLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
  • ui5-carousel: Removed the ICardHeader interface. If you previously used the interface
import type { ICardHeader } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/Card.js"

Use the CardHeader type instead:

import type CardHeader from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CardHeader.js"
  • ui5-carousel: Removed the IUploadCollectionItem interface. If you previously used the interface:
import type { IUploadCollectionItem} from "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/UploadCollection.js"

Use the UploadCollectionItem type instead:

import type UploadCollectionItem from "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/UploadCollectionItem.js"

Related to

  • ui5-carousel: The size property now accepts different values. If you previously used it like:
<ui5-busy-indicator size="Small"></ui5-busy-indicator>

Now use the new values instead:

<ui5-busy-indicator size="S"></ui5-busy-indicator>

Related to

  • ui5-carousel: The status property and its shadow part have been renamed. If you previously used them:
    .cardHeader::part(status) { ... }
<ui5-card-header status="3 of 10"></ui5-popover>

Now use additionalText instead:

       .cardHeader::part(additional-text) { ... }
<ui5-card-header class="cardHeader" additional-text="3 of 10"></ui5-card-header>

Related to

  • ui5-carousel: The pageIndicatorStyle no longer exists. If you previously used it like:
<ui5-carousel page-indicator-style="Numeric"></ui5-carousel>

Now you should use pageIndicatorType instead:

<ui5-carousel page-indicator-type="Numeric"></ui5-carousel>

Related to

  • ui5-carousel: Removed UI5Element#render method in favour of UI5Element#renderer. If you previously used "render"
class MyClass extends UI5Element {
    static get render() {
        return litRenderer;

start using "renderer"

class MyClass extends UI5Element {
    static get renderer() {
        return litRenderer;
  • ui5-carousel: Remove JavaScript template option from @ui5/create-webcomponents-package Previously npm init @ui5/webcomponents-package used to create JS-based project, however now it will be TypeScript-based project. If you previously used npm init @ui5/webcomponents-package --enable-typescript to create TypeScript-based project, now it's by default, e.g npm init @ui5/webcomponents-package and --enable-typescript is removed.
  • ui5-carousel: The Left and Right options option have been renamed. If you previously used them to set the placement or the alignment of the popover:
<ui5-popover horizontal-align="Left" placement-type="Left"></ui5-popover>

Now use Start or End instead:

<ui5-popover horizontal-align="Start" placement-type="Start"></ui5-popover>

Related to

  • docs: deploy v2 preview
  • ui5-carousel: Remove soccor icon. Use soccer instead.
  • ui5-carousel: Remove add-polygone icon. Use add-polygon instead.
  • ui5-carousel: The JSDoc plugin has been removed, and the generation of api.json has stopped. If you previously relied on the ui5-package/dist/api.json file, you can now use ui5-package/dist/custom-elements.json
  • ui5-carousel: All Assets-static.js modules are removed. If you previously imported any Assets-static.js module from any package:
import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Assets-static.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/Assets-static.js"

use the dynamic equivalent of it:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Assets.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/Assets.js"

Related to:

  • ui5-carousel: The event selected-dates-change is renamed to selection-change. In addition the event details values and dates are renamed to selectedValues and selectedDateValues. If you previously used the Calendar event as follows:
myCalendar.addEventListener("selected-dates-change", () => {
    const values = e.detail.values;
    const dates = e.detail.dates;

Now you have to use the new event name and details:

myCalendar.addEventListener("selection-change", () => {
   const values = event.detail.selectedValues;
   const dates = event.detail.selectedDateValues;

Related to:

  • ui5-carousel: The property color is renamed to value. If you previously used the change event of the ColorPicker as follows:
<ui5-color-picker color="red"></ui5-color-picker>

Now you have to use it like this:

<ui5-color-picker value="red"></ui5-color-picker>

Related to:

  • ui5-carousel: JavaScript projects may not function properly with the tools package.
  • ui5-carousel: The openPopover and showAt methods are removed in favor of open and opener properties. If you previously used the imperative API:
button.addEventListener("click", function(event) {

Now the declarative API should be used instead:

<ui5-button id="opener">Open</ui5-button>
<ui5-color-palette-popover opener="opener">
button.addEventListener("click", function(event) { = !;
  • ui5-carousel: The ui5-bar component is now in main library. If you previously imported the ui5-bar from fiori:
import "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/Bar.js;

Now, import the ui5-bar from main:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Bar.js";

Related to:

  • ui5-carousel: If you have previously used:
<ui5-tab id="nestedTab" slot="subTabs"></ui5-tab>

Now use:

<ui5-tab id="nestedTab" slot="items"></ui5-tab>

Relates to

  • ui5-carousel: If you have previously used:
<ui5-tabcontainer tabs-overflow-mode="StartAndEnd"></ui5-tabcontainer>

Now use:

<ui5-tabcontainer overflow-mode="StartAndEnd"></ui5-tabcontainer>

Relates to

  • ui5-carousel: If you previously imported TabContainerBackgroundDesign, use BackgroundDesign instead.

Relates to

  • ui5-carousel: The showOverflow property is removed. If previously you have used:
<ui5-tabcontainer show-overflow></ui5-tabcontainer>

now use the overflowButton slot:

	<ui5-button slot="startOverflowButton" id="startOverflowButton">Start</ui5-button>
	<ui5-button slot="overflowButton" id="endOverflowButton">End</ui5-button>

Relates to

  • ui5-carousel: The placementType property and the PopoverPlacementType enum have been renamed. If you have previously used the placementType property and the PopoverPlacementType
<ui5-popover placement-type="Bottom"></ui5-popover>
import PopoverPlacementType from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/PopoverPlacementType.js";

Now use placement instead:

import PopoverPlacementType from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/PopoverPlacement.js";

Related to

  • ui5-carousel: The size property of the ui5--illustrated-message is renamed to design. If you have previously used the size property:
<ui5-illustrated-message size="Dialog">

Now use design instead:

<ui5-illustrated-message design="Dialog">

Related to,

  • ui5-carousel: The separator-style property is renamed to separators and the BreadcrumbsSeparatorStyle enum is renamed to BreadcrumbsSeparator. If you have previously used the separator-style property:
<ui5-breadcrumbs separator-style="Slash">

Now use separators instead:

<ui5-breadcrumbs separators="Slash">

Related to,

  • ui5-carousel: The disabled property of the ui5-option is removed. If you have previously used the disabled property:
<ui5-option disabled>Option</ui5-option>

it will no longer work for the component.

Related to,

  • refactor(ui5-upload-collection): introduce items-per-page property

The items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l properties are replaced by a single property items-per-page with value in the following format "S1 M2 L3"

  • refactor(ui5-carousel): replace items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l properties

Add XL size and refactor

  • chore: tests added

  • fix: xl test

  • refactor(ui5-carousel): replace items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l properties

Address code review coments

  • refactor(ui5-carousel): replace items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l properties

Address code review comments

  • refactor(ui5-carousel): replace items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l properties

Updates documentation

  • Icons: UI5 Web Components Icons now export getPathData (function) instead of pathData (string)

If you used icons like this:

import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/accept.js";

or like this:

import accept from "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/accept.js";

there is no change and no adaptations are required.

In the rare case you imported pathData from icons, for example:

import { pathData, ltr, accData } from "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/accept.js";
console.log(pathData); // String containing the SVG path

you must change your code to, for example:

import { getPathData, ltr, accData } from "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/accept.js";
getPathData().then(pathData => {
  console.log(pathData); // String containing the SVG path
  • ui5-list: The ui5-li-groupheader component is removed. Groups can now be created with the ui5-li-group. Instead of using ui5-li-groupheader as separator in a flat structure:
<ui5-list> <ui5-li-groupheader>Actions</ui5-li-groupheader> <ui5-li>Delete Product</ui5-li> <ui5-li>Audit Log Settings</ui5-li> <ui5-li-groupheader>Products</ui5-li-groupheader> <ui5-li>Product 1</ui5-li> </ui5-list> The API supports nesting of ui5-li components inside an ui5-li-group with the header-text property: <ui5-list> <ui5-li-group header-text="Actions"> <ui5-li>Delete Product</ui5-li> <ui5-li>Audit Log Settings</ui5-li> </ui5-li-group> </ui5-list> or with the header slot: <ui5-list> <ui5-li-group> <div slot="header" style="width: '100%'; display: flex; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center;"> <span>Back End Developers</span> <ui5-icon name="navigation-right-arrow"></ui5-icon> </div> <ui5-li>Delete Product</ui5-li> <ui5-li>Audit Log Settings</ui5-li> </ui5-li-group> </ui5-list> In addition, the the List's items slot getter, will now return ui5-li-group instances as well. There is a new readonly getter listItems will return an array flat structure containing listitems and group header items. * **ui5-badge:** The `design` property has new default value `Neutral` instead of `Set3`. If you have previously used ```html <ui5-badge></ui5-badge>``` without attributes, to have the same look and feel now you have to set the design property to “Set3”: ```html <ui5-badge design="Set3"></ui5-badge>```

Related to



UI5 icon

UI5 Web Components - Main

npm Package Version

Provides general purpose UI building blocks such as buttons, labels, inputs and popups.

Provided components

Web ComponentTag nameModule import
Avatarui5-avatarimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Avatar.js";
Avatar Groupui5-avatar-groupimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/AvatarGroup.js";
Tagui5-tagimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Tag.js";
Barui5-barimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Bar.js";
Breadcrumbsui5-breadcrumbsimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Breadcrumbs.js";
Breadcrumbs Itemui5-breadcrumbs-itemcomes with ui5-breadcrumbs
Tagui5-tagimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Tag.js";
Busy Indicatorui5-busy-indicatorimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/BusyIndicator.js";
Buttonui5-buttonimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Button.js";
Calendarui5-calendarimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Calendar.js";
Calendar Dateui5-calendar-datecomes with ui5-calendar
Cardui5-cardimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Card.js";
CardHeaderui5-card-headerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/CardHeader.js";
Carouselui5-carouselimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Carousel.js";
Checkboxui5-checkboximport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/CheckBox.js";
Color Paletteui5-color-paletteimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ColorPalette.js";
Color Palette Itemui5-color-palette-itemcomes with ui5-color-palette
Color Palette Popoverui5-color-palette-popovercomes with ui5-color-palette-popover
Color Pickerui5-color-pickerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ComboPicker.js";
ComboBoxui5-comboboximport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ComboBox.js";
ComboBox Itemui5-cb-itemcomes with ui5-combobox
ComboBox Group Itemui5-cb-group-itemcomes with ui5-combobox
Date Pickerui5-date-pickerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/DatePicker.js";
Date Range Pickerui5-daterange-pickerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/DateRangePicker.js";
Date Time Pickerui5-datetime-pickerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/DateTimePicker.js";
Dialogui5-dialogimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Dialog.js";
File Uploaderui5-file-uploaderimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/FileUploader.js";
Iconui5-iconimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Icon.js";
Inputui5-inputimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Input.js";
Labelui5-labelimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Label.js";
Linkui5-linkimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Link.js";
Listui5-listimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/List.js";
List - Standard Itemui5-liimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/StandardListItem.js";
List - Custom Itemui5-li-customimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/CustomListItem.js";
List - Group Itemui5-li-groupimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ListItemGroup.js";
Menuui5-menu import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Menu.js";
Message Stripui5-message-stripimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/MessageStrip.js";
Multi ComboBoxui5-multi-comboboximport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/MultiComboBox.js";
Multi ComboBox Itemui5-mcb-itemcomes with ui5-multi-combobox
Multi ComboBox Group Itemui5-mcb-group-itemcomes with ui5-multi-combobox
Multi Inputui5-multi-inputimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/MultiInput.js";
Panelui5-panelimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Panel.js";
Popoverui5-popoverimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Popover.js";
ProgressIndicatorui5-progress-indicatorimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ProgressIndicator.js";
Radio Buttonui5-radio-buttonimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/RadioButton.js";
Range Sliderui5-range-sliderimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/RangeSlider.js";
Rating Indicatorui5-rating-indicatorimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/RatingIndicator.js";
Responsive Popoverui5-responsive-popoverimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ResponsivePopover.js";
Segmented Buttonui5-segmented-buttonimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/SegmentedButton.js";
Segmented Button Itemui5-segmented-button-itemcomes with ui5-segmented-button
Selectui5-selectimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Select.js";
Select Optionui5-optioncomes with ui5-select
Sliderui5-sliderimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Slider.js";
Split Buttonui5-split-buttonimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/SplitButton.js";
Step Inputui5-step-inputimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/StepInput.js";
Suggestion Itemui5-suggestion-itemcomes with InputSuggestions.js feature - see below
Switchui5-switchimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Switch.js";
Tab Containerui5-tabcontainerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TabContainer.js";
Tabui5-tabimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Tab.js";
Tab Separatorui5-tab-separatorimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TabSeparator.js";
Textareaui5-textareaimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TextArea.js";
TimePickerui5-time-pickerimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TimePicker.js";
Titleui5-titleimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Title.js";
Toastui5-toastimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Toast.js";
Toggle Buttonui5-toggle-buttonimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ToggleButton.js";
Tokenui5-tokencomes with ui5-multi-input
Treeui5-treeimport "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Tree.js";
Tree Itemui5-tree-itemcomes with ui5-tree

Provided assets

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Assets.js";

i18n, themes@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Assets.jsTheming parameters and translations for the components

Automatically imports also:

Provided features

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/<FEATURE-NAME>.js
AffectsFeature ImportDescription
ui5-color-palette@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/ColorPaletteMoreColors.jsSupport for "more colors dialog" for the color palette component
ui5-input@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/InputSuggestions.jsSupport for input suggestions while typing
Multiple (ui5-input, ui5-date-picker, etc...)@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/InputElementsFormSupport.jsSupport for using input components in forms

Color Palette "More Colors" Feature

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/ColorPaletteMoreColors.js";

The ui5-color-palette component has a showMoreColors property, that, when set to true, enables a "More colors" dialog. Since this is not always needed, in order to use this dialog, you must import the above feature.

Input Suggestions Feature

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/InputSuggestions.js";

The <ui5-input> element acts as an <input> with the Fiori design and added functionality, such as value state.

The so-called "input suggestions" is an advanced feature that allows the user to choose from a list of predefined options while typing. Since input suggestions may not always be needed, they do not come as part of the <ui5-input> itself.

To enable the functionality, import the above module into your app. This will also automatically import ui5-suggestion-item for your convenience.

Form Support Feature

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/InputElementsFormSupport.js";

HTML <form> only submits a couple of standard HTML elements such as <input> and <textarea> to name a few.

Web Components that function as inputs, such as UI5's <ui5-input>, <ui5-checkbox>, <ui5-textarea> are therefore not submitted by the form out of the box.

Generally, this is not an issue, as very few modern applications submit forms in the classic way.

However, if you need to submit forms, you can import the module above, and it will enrich:

  • ui5-input
  • ui5-textarea
  • ui5-checkbox
  • ui5-radio-button
  • ui5-date-picker
  • ui5-select

with functionality, allowing them to be submitted in forms (provided you set their name attribute) just as any standard HTML input element would be.

How to submit a form

There are two ways of submitting a form:

  1. The ui5-button element will be able to submit the closest form it's placed in, provided you set its submits attribute.
  2. Pressing Enter while a form control is focused. (Note: ui5-textarea is the only exception. If Enter is pressed while ui5-textarea is focused, it will result in a new line).



We welcome all comments, suggestions, questions, and bug reports. Please follow our Support Guidelines on how to report an issue, or chat with us in the #webcomponents channel of the OpenUI5 Community Slack.


Please check our Contribution Guidelines.


Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.



Last updated on 10 May 2024

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