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File Explorer

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Comparing version 1.9.0 to 1.10.0


function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var _require = require('./icons'),
iconMyDevice = _require.iconMyDevice;
var _require = require('preact'),
h = _require.h,
Component = _require.Component;
var _require2 = require('preact'),
h = _require2.h,
Component = _require2.Component;
var AddFiles = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Component) {

@@ -38,17 +35,2 @@ _inheritsLoose(AddFiles, _Component);

_this.renderCloudIcon = function () {
return h("svg", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-dropFilesIcon",
"aria-hidden": "true",
width: "64",
height: "45",
viewBox: "0 0 64 45",
xmlns: ""
}, h("path", {
d: "M38 44.932V31h8L33 15 20 31h8v13.932H13.538C6.075 44.932 0 38.774 0 31.202c0-6.1 4.06-11.512 9.873-13.162l.005-.017c.345-5.8 5.248-10.534 10.922-10.534.502 0 1.164.017 1.868.16C25.9 2.85 31.225 0 36.923 0c9.5 0 17.23 7.838 17.23 17.473l-.011.565.012.002C60.039 19.685 64 24.975 64 31.203c0 7.57-6.075 13.729-13.538 13.729H38z",
fill: "#E2E2E2",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
_this.renderHiddenFileInput = function () {

@@ -82,3 +64,20 @@ return h("input", {

onclick: _this.triggerFileInputClick
}, iconMyDevice(), h("div", {
}, h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
width: "32",
height: "32",
viewBox: "0 0 32 32"
}, h("g", {
fill: "none",
"fill-rule": "evenodd"
}, h("rect", {
width: "32",
height: "32",
rx: "16",
fill: "#2275D7"
}), h("path", {
d: "M21.973 21.152H9.863l-1.108-5.087h14.464l-1.246 5.087zM9.935 11.37h3.958l.886 1.444a.673.673 0 0 0 .585.316h6.506v1.37H9.935v-3.13zm14.898 3.44a.793.793 0 0 0-.616-.31h-.978v-2.126c0-.379-.275-.613-.653-.613H15.75l-.886-1.445a.673.673 0 0 0-.585-.316H9.232c-.378 0-.667.209-.667.587V14.5h-.782a.793.793 0 0 0-.61.303.795.795 0 0 0-.155.663l1.45 6.633c.078.36.396.618.764.618h13.354c.36 0 .674-.246.76-.595l1.631-6.636a.795.795 0 0 0-.144-.675z",
fill: "#FFF"
}))), h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardTab-name"

@@ -152,3 +151,3 @@ }, _this.props.i18n('myDevice'))));

focusable: "false",
class: "UppyIcon uppy-Dashboard-poweredByIcon",
class: "uppy-c-icon uppy-Dashboard-poweredByIcon",
width: "11",

@@ -155,0 +154,0 @@ height: "11",

@@ -6,7 +6,2 @@ var _require = require('preact'),

var _require2 = require('../../icons'),
iconPencil = _require2.iconPencil,
iconCross = _require2.iconCross,
iconCopyLink = _require2.iconCopyLink;
function EditButton(_ref) {

@@ -21,3 +16,3 @@ var file = _ref.file,

return h("button", {
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-action uppy-DashboardItem-action--edit",
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-action uppy-Dashboard-Item-action--edit",
type: "button",

@@ -29,3 +24,24 @@ "aria-label": i18n('editFile') + ' ' +,

}, iconPencil());
}, h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "14",
height: "14",
viewBox: "0 0 14 14"
}, h("g", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd"
}, h("path", {
d: "M1.5 10.793h2.793A1 1 0 0 0 5 10.5L11.5 4a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414L9.707.793a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-6.5 6.5A1 1 0 0 0 1.5 8v2.793zm1-1V8L9 1.5l1.793 1.793-6.5 6.5H2.5z",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
}), h("rect", {
x: "1",
y: "12.293",
width: "11",
height: "1",
rx: ".5"
}), h("path", {
"fill-rule": "nonzero",
d: "M6.793 2.5L9.5 5.207l.707-.707L7.5 1.793z"

@@ -40,3 +56,3 @@

return h("button", {
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-action uppy-DashboardItem-action--remove",
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-action uppy-Dashboard-Item-action--remove",
type: "button",

@@ -48,3 +64,15 @@ "aria-label": i18n('removeFile'),

}, iconCross());
}, h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "18",
height: "18",
viewBox: "0 0 18 18"
}, h("path", {
d: "M9 0C4.034 0 0 4.034 0 9s4.034 9 9 9 9-4.034 9-9-4.034-9-9-9z"
}), h("path", {
fill: "#FFF",
d: "M13 12.222l-.778.778L9 9.778 5.778 13 5 12.222 8.222 9 5 5.778 5.778 5 9 8.222 12.222 5l.778.778L9.778 9z"

@@ -66,3 +94,3 @@

return h("button", {
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-action uppy-DashboardItem-action--copyLink",
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-action uppy-Dashboard-Item-action--copyLink",
type: "button",

@@ -74,23 +102,14 @@ "aria-label": props.i18n('copyLink'),

}, iconCopyLink());
}, h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "14",
height: "14",
viewBox: "0 0 14 12"
}, h("path", {
d: "M7.94 7.703a2.613 2.613 0 0 1-.626 2.681l-.852.851a2.597 2.597 0 0 1-1.849.766A2.616 2.616 0 0 1 2.764 7.54l.852-.852a2.596 2.596 0 0 1 2.69-.625L5.267 7.099a1.44 1.44 0 0 0-.833.407l-.852.851a1.458 1.458 0 0 0 1.03 2.486c.39 0 .755-.152 1.03-.426l.852-.852c.231-.231.363-.522.406-.824l1.04-1.038zm4.295-5.937A2.596 2.596 0 0 0 10.387 1c-.698 0-1.355.272-1.849.766l-.852.851a2.614 2.614 0 0 0-.624 2.688l1.036-1.036c.041-.304.173-.6.407-.833l.852-.852c.275-.275.64-.426 1.03-.426a1.458 1.458 0 0 1 1.03 2.486l-.852.851a1.442 1.442 0 0 1-.824.406l-1.04 1.04a2.596 2.596 0 0 0 2.683-.628l.851-.85a2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0-3.697zm-6.88 6.883a.577.577 0 0 0 .82 0l3.474-3.474a.579.579 0 1 0-.819-.82L5.355 7.83a.579.579 0 0 0 0 .819z"
function ErrorButton(_ref3) {
var file = _ref3.file,
onClick = _ref3.onClick;
if (file.error) {
return h("span", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-errorDetails",
"aria-label": file.error,
"data-microtip-position": "bottom-left",
"data-microtip-size": "medium",
role: "tooltip",
onclick: onClick
}, "?");
return null;
module.exports = function Buttons(props) {

@@ -108,9 +127,4 @@ var file = props.file,

return h("div", {
className: "uppy-DashboardItem-actionWrapper"
}, h(ErrorButton, {
file: file,
onClick: function onClick() {
}), h(EditButton, {
className: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-actionWrapper"
}, h(EditButton, {
i18n: i18n,

@@ -117,0 +131,0 @@ file: file,

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ var _require = require('preact'),

return props.file.source && props.file.source !== && h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-sourceIcon"
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-sourceIcon"
}, (acquirer) {

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ if ( === props.file.source) {

return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-name",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-name",

@@ -48,13 +48,36 @@ }, truncateString(, maxNameLength));

return && h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-statusSize"
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-statusSize"
}, prettierBytes(;
var ErrorButton = function ErrorButton(_ref) {
var file = _ref.file,
onClick = _ref.onClick;
if (file.error) {
return h("span", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-errorDetails",
"aria-label": file.error,
"data-microtip-position": "bottom",
"data-microtip-size": "medium",
role: "tooltip",
onclick: onClick
}, "?");
return null;
module.exports = function FileInfo(props) {
return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-fileInfo",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-fileInfo",
"data-uppy-file-source": props.file.source
}, renderFileName(props), h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-status"
}, renderFileSize(props), renderFileSource(props)));
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-status"
}, renderFileSize(props), renderFileSource(props), h(ErrorButton, {
file: props.file,
onClick: function onClick() {

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ var _require = require('preact'),

return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-previewInnerWrap",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewInnerWrap",
style: {

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ backgroundColor: getFileTypeIcon(props.file.type).color

}, props.showLinkToFileUploadResult && props.file.uploadURL && h("a", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-previewLink",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewLink",
href: props.file.uploadURL,

@@ -19,0 +19,0 @@ rel: "noreferrer noopener",

var _require = require('preact'),
h = _require.h;
var _require2 = require('../../icons'),
iconRetry = _require2.iconRetry;
var PauseResumeCancelIcon = require('./PauseResumeCancelIcon');
function onPauseResumeCancelRetry(props) {

@@ -17,9 +12,5 @@ if (props.isUploaded) return;

if (props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons) {
if (props.resumableUploads) {
if (props.resumableUploads && !props.hidePauseResumeButton) {
} else if (props.individualCancellation) {
} else if (props.individualCancellation && !props.hideCancelButton) {

@@ -51,32 +42,141 @@ }

function ProgressIndicatorButton(props) {
return h("div", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progress"
}, h("button", {
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIndicator",
type: "button",
"aria-label": progressIndicatorTitle(props),
title: progressIndicatorTitle(props),
onclick: function onclick() {
return onPauseResumeCancelRetry(props);
}, props.children));
function ProgressCircleContainer(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children;
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
width: "70",
height: "70",
viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
class: "uppy-c-icon uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--circle"
}, children);
function ProgressCircle(_ref2) {
var progress = _ref2.progress;
// circle length equals 2 * PI * R
var circleLength = 2 * Math.PI * 15;
return h("g", null, h("circle", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--bg",
r: "15",
cx: "18",
cy: "18",
"stroke-width": "2",
fill: "none"
}), h("circle", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--progress",
r: "15",
cx: "18",
cy: "18",
transform: "rotate(-90, 18, 18)",
"stroke-width": "2",
fill: "none",
"stroke-dasharray": circleLength,
"stroke-dashoffset": circleLength - circleLength / 100 * progress
module.exports = function FileProgress(props) {
if (props.hideRetryButton && props.error || props.isUploaded && props.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete) {
// Nothing if upload has not started
if (!props.file.progress.uploadStarted) {
return null;
} // Green checkmark when complete
if (props.isUploaded) {
return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-progress"
} else if (props.isUploaded || props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons && !props.error) {
return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-progress"
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progress"
}, h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-progressIndicator"
}, h(PauseResumeCancelIcon, {
progress: props.file.progress.percentage,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIndicator"
}, h(ProgressCircleContainer, null, h("circle", {
r: "15",
cx: "18",
cy: "18",
fill: "#1bb240"
}), h("polygon", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--check",
transform: "translate(2, 3)",
points: "14 22.5 7 15.2457065 8.99985857 13.1732815 14 18.3547104 22.9729883 9 25 11.1005634"
} // Retry button for error
if (props.error && !props.hideRetryButton) {
return h(ProgressIndicatorButton, props, h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--retry",
width: "28",
height: "31",
viewBox: "0 0 16 19"
}, h("path", {
d: "M16 11a8 8 0 1 1-8-8v2a6 6 0 1 0 6 6h2z"
}), h("path", {
d: "M7.9 3H10v2H7.9z"
}), h("path", {
d: "M8.536.5l3.535 3.536-1.414 1.414L7.12 1.914z"
}), h("path", {
d: "M10.657 2.621l1.414 1.415L8.536 7.57 7.12 6.157z"
} else {
return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-progress"
}, h("button", {
class: "uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-progressIndicator",
type: "button",
"aria-label": progressIndicatorTitle(props),
title: progressIndicatorTitle(props),
onclick: function onclick() {
return onPauseResumeCancelRetry(props);
}, props.error ? props.hideRetryButton ? null : iconRetry() : h(PauseResumeCancelIcon, {
progress: props.file.progress.percentage,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons
} // Pause/resume button for resumable uploads
if (props.resumableUploads && !props.hidePauseResumeButton) {
return h(ProgressIndicatorButton, props, h(ProgressCircleContainer, null, h(ProgressCircle, {
progress: props.file.progress.percentage
}), props.file.isPaused ? h("polygon", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--play",
transform: "translate(3, 3)",
points: "12 20 12 10 20 15"
}) : h("g", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--pause",
transform: "translate(14.5, 13)"
}, h("rect", {
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "2",
height: "10",
rx: "0"
}), h("rect", {
x: "5",
y: "0",
width: "2",
height: "10",
rx: "0"
} // Cancel button for non-resumable uploads if individualCancellation is supported (not bundled)
if (!props.resumableUploads && props.individualCancellation && !props.hideCancelButton) {
return h(ProgressIndicatorButton, props, h(ProgressCircleContainer, null, h(ProgressCircle, {
progress: props.file.progress.percentage
}), h("polygon", {
class: "cancel",
transform: "translate(2, 2)",
points: "19.8856516 11.0625 16 14.9481516 12.1019737 11.0625 11.0625 12.1143484 14.9481516 16 11.0625 19.8980263 12.1019737 20.9375 16 17.0518484 19.8856516 20.9375 20.9375 19.8980263 17.0518484 16 20.9375 12"
} // Just progress when buttons are disabled
return h("div", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progress"
}, h("div", {
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIndicator"
}, h(ProgressCircleContainer, null, h(ProgressCircle, {
progress: props.file.progress.percentage

@@ -54,3 +54,2 @@ function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }

var uploadInProgress = file.progress.uploadStarted && !file.progress.uploadComplete || isProcessing;
var isPaused = file.isPaused || false;
var error = file.error || false;

@@ -64,8 +63,6 @@ var showRemoveButton = this.props.individualCancellation ? !isUploaded : !uploadInProgress && !isUploaded;

var dashboardItemClass = classNames({
'uppy-u-reset': true,
'uppy-DashboardItem': true,
'uppy-Dashboard-Item': true,
'is-inprogress': uploadInProgress,
'is-processing': isProcessing,
'is-complete': isUploaded,
'is-paused': isPaused,
'is-error': !!error,

@@ -80,3 +77,3 @@ 'is-resumable': this.props.resumableUploads,

}, h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-preview"
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-preview"
}, h(FilePreviewAndLink, {

@@ -90,3 +87,4 @@ file: file,

hideRetryButton: this.props.hideRetryButton,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: this.props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons,
hideCancelButton: this.props.hideCancelButton,
hidePauseResumeButton: this.props.hidePauseResumeButton,
showRemoveButtonAfterComplete: this.props.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete,

@@ -100,3 +98,3 @@ resumableUploads: this.props.resumableUploads,

})), h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-fileInfoAndButtons"
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-fileInfoAndButtons"
}, h(FileInfo, {

@@ -103,0 +101,0 @@ file: file,

@@ -51,3 +51,4 @@ function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }

hideRetryButton: props.hideRetryButton,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons,
hidePauseResumeButton: props.hidePauseResumeButton,
hideCancelButton: props.hideCancelButton,
showLinkToFileUploadResult: props.showLinkToFileUploadResult,

@@ -54,0 +55,0 @@ showRemoveButtonAfterComplete: props.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete,

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ var getFileTypeIcon = require('../utils/getFileTypeIcon');

return h("img", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-previewImg",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewImg",

@@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ src: file.preview

return h("div", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-previewIconWrap"
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewIconWrap"
}, h("span", {
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-previewIcon",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewIcon",
style: {

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ color: color

focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-DashboardItem-previewIconBg",
class: "uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewIconBg",
width: "58",

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ height: "76",

var _require = require('preact'),
h = _require.h;
var _require2 = require('./icons'),
iconPlus = _require2.iconPlus;
var uploadStates = {

@@ -113,3 +110,12 @@ STATE_ERROR: 'error',

}, iconPlus(), h("span", {
}, h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "15",
height: "15",
viewBox: "0 0 15 15"
}, h("path", {
d: "M8 6.5h6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H8v6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H7a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V8h-6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V7a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h6v-6A.5.5 0 0 1 7 0h.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v6z"
})), h("span", {
class: "uppy-DashboardContent-addMoreCaption"

@@ -116,0 +122,0 @@ }, props.i18n('addMore'))) : h("div", null));

@@ -34,5 +34,2 @@ var _class, _temp;

var _require2 = require('./components/icons'),
defaultPickerIcon = _require2.defaultPickerIcon;
var createSuperFocus = require('./utils/createSuperFocus');

@@ -53,2 +50,14 @@

function defaultPickerIcon() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
width: "30",
height: "30",
viewBox: "0 0 30 30"
}, h("path", {
d: "M15 30c8.284 0 15-6.716 15-15 0-8.284-6.716-15-15-15C6.716 0 0 6.716 0 15c0 8.284 6.716 15 15 15zm4.258-12.676v6.846h-8.426v-6.846H5.204l9.82-12.364 9.82 12.364H19.26z"

@@ -816,2 +825,4 @@ * Dashboard UI with previews, metadata editing, tabs for various services and more

hideCancelButton: _this.opts.hideCancelButton,
hideRetryButton: _this.opts.hideRetryButton,
hidePauseResumeButton: _this.opts.hidePauseResumeButton,
showRemoveButtonAfterComplete: _this.opts.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete,

@@ -1044,4 +1055,5 @@ containerWidth: pluginState.containerWidth,

hideUploadButton: false,
hideCancelButton: false,
hideRetryButton: false,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: false,
hidePauseResumeButton: false,
hideProgressAfterFinish: false,

@@ -1079,2 +1091,2 @@ note: null,

return Dashboard;
}(Plugin), _class.VERSION = "1.9.0", _temp);
}(Plugin), _class.VERSION = "1.10.0", _temp);

@@ -1,10 +0,119 @@

var _require = require('../components/icons'),
iconFile = _require.iconFile,
iconText = _require.iconText,
iconImage = _require.iconImage,
iconAudio = _require.iconAudio,
iconVideo = _require.iconVideo,
iconPDF = _require.iconPDF,
iconArchive = _require.iconArchive;
var _require = require('preact'),
h = _require.h;
function iconImage() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("g", {
fill: "#686DE0",
"fill-rule": "evenodd"
}, h("path", {
d: "M5 7v10h15V7H5zm0-1h15a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v10a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V7a1 1 0 0 1 1-1z",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
}), h("path", {
d: "M6.35 17.172l4.994-5.026a.5.5 0 0 1 .707 0l2.16 2.16 3.505-3.505a.5.5 0 0 1 .707 0l2.336 2.31-.707.72-1.983-1.97-3.505 3.505a.5.5 0 0 1-.707 0l-2.16-2.159-3.938 3.939-1.409.026z",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
}), h("circle", {
cx: "7.5",
cy: "9.5",
r: "1.5"
function iconAudio() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("path", {
d: "M9.5 18.64c0 1.14-1.145 2-2.5 2s-2.5-.86-2.5-2c0-1.14 1.145-2 2.5-2 .557 0 1.079.145 1.5.396V7.25a.5.5 0 0 1 .379-.485l9-2.25A.5.5 0 0 1 18.5 5v11.64c0 1.14-1.145 2-2.5 2s-2.5-.86-2.5-2c0-1.14 1.145-2 2.5-2 .557 0 1.079.145 1.5.396V8.67l-8 2v7.97zm8-11v-2l-8 2v2l8-2zM7 19.64c.855 0 1.5-.484 1.5-1s-.645-1-1.5-1-1.5.484-1.5 1 .645 1 1.5 1zm9-2c.855 0 1.5-.484 1.5-1s-.645-1-1.5-1-1.5.484-1.5 1 .645 1 1.5 1z",
fill: "#049BCF",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
function iconVideo() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("path", {
d: "M16 11.834l4.486-2.691A1 1 0 0 1 22 10v6a1 1 0 0 1-1.514.857L16 14.167V17a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h10a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2.834zM15 9H5v8h10V9zm1 4l5 3v-6l-5 3z",
fill: "#19AF67",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
function iconPDF() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("path", {
d: "M9.766 8.295c-.691-1.843-.539-3.401.747-3.726 1.643-.414 2.505.938 2.39 3.299-.039.79-.194 1.662-.537 3.148.324.49.66.967 1.055 1.866-.128 3.653.114 4.918.655 1.487.635 2.192 1.685 1.614 2.84-.566 1.133-1.839 1.084-3.416.249-1.141-.604-2.457-1.634-3.51-2.707a13.467 13.467 0 0 0-2.238.426c-1.392 4.051-4.534 6.453-5.707 4.572-.986-1.58 1.38-4.206 4.914-5.375.097-.322.185-.656.264-1.001.08-.353.306-1.31.407-1.737-.678-1.059-1.2-2.031-1.53-2.91zm2.098 4.87c-.033.144-.068.287-.104.427l.033-.01-.012.038a14.065 14.065 0 0 1 1.02-.197l-.032-.033.052-.004a7.902 7.902 0 0 1-.208-.271c-.197-.27-.38-.526-.555-.775l-.006.028-.002-.003c-.076.323-.148.632-.186.8zm5.77 2.978c1.143.605 1.832.632 1.787 1.459 2.609 1.894zM6.559 18.789c.14.223.693.16 1.425-.413.827-.648 1.61-1.747 2.208-3.206-2.563 1.064-4.102 2.867-3.633 3.62zm5.345-10.97c.088-1.793-.351-2.48-1.146-2.28-.473.119-.564 1.05-.056 2.405.213.566.52 1.188.908 1.859.18-.858.268-1.453.294-1.984z",
fill: "#E2514A",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
function iconArchive() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("path", {
d: "M10.45 2.05h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V2.55a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.024h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V3.6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5v-.001zM10.45 0h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.024a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-2.05 3.074h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.024a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-2.05 1.024h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.024a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-1.656 3.074l-.82 5.946c.52.302 1.174.458 1.976.458.803 0 1.455-.156 1.975-.458l-.82-5.946h-2.311zm0-1.025h2.312c.512 0 .946.378 1.015.885l.82 5.946c.056.412-.142.817-.501 1.026-.686.398-1.515.597-2.49.597-.974 0-1.804-.199-2.49-.597a1.025 1.025 0 0 1-.5-1.026l.819-5.946c.07-.507.503-.885 1.015-.885zm.545 6.6a.5.5 0 0 1-.397-.561l.143-.999a.5.5 0 0 1 .495-.429h.74a.5.5 0 0 1 .495.43l.143.998a.5.5 0 0 1-.397.561c-.404.08-.819.08-1.222 0z",
fill: "#00C469",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
function iconFile() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("g", {
fill: "#A7AFB7",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
}, h("path", {
d: "M5.5 22a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-18a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h10.719a.5.5 0 0 1 .367.16l3.281 3.556a.5.5 0 0 1 .133.339V21.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-14zm.5-1h13V7.25L16 4H6v17z"
}), h("path", {
d: "M15 4v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3V7h-3V4h-1z"
function iconText() {
return h("svg", {
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: "uppy-c-icon",
width: "25",
height: "25",
viewBox: "0 0 25 25"
}, h("path", {
d: "M4.5 7h13a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-13a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1zm0 3h15a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-15a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1zm0 3h15a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-15a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1zm0 3h10a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-10a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1z",
fill: "#5A5E69",
"fill-rule": "nonzero"
module.exports = function getIconByMime(fileType) {

@@ -11,0 +120,0 @@ var defaultChoice = {

"name": "@uppy/dashboard",
"description": "Universal UI plugin for Uppy.",
"version": "1.9.0",
"version": "1.10.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"@transloadit/prettier-bytes": "0.0.7",
"@uppy/informer": "^1.5.6",
"@uppy/provider-views": "^1.6.6",
"@uppy/status-bar": "^1.6.6",
"@uppy/thumbnail-generator": "^1.6.0",
"@uppy/utils": "^3.0.0",
"@uppy/informer": "^1.5.7",
"@uppy/provider-views": "^1.6.7",
"@uppy/status-bar": "^1.7.0",
"@uppy/thumbnail-generator": "^1.6.1",
"@uppy/utils": "^3.1.0",
"classnames": "^2.2.6",

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ "cuid": "^2.1.1",

"gitHead": "6a0152327386cb6dd1ae8aada13f13062d326b61"
"gitHead": "b00ba139128393fd625defeb430c9a19b1a138f2"

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

const { iconMyDevice } = require('./icons')
const { h, Component } = require('preact')

@@ -24,3 +23,3 @@

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="UppyIcon uppy-Dashboard-poweredByIcon" width="11" height="11" viewBox="0 0 11 11">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon uppy-Dashboard-poweredByIcon" width="11" height="11" viewBox="0 0 11 11">
<path d="M7.365 10.5l-.01-4.045h2.612L5.5.806l-4.467 5.65h2.604l.01 4.044h3.718z" fill-rule="evenodd" />

@@ -51,10 +50,2 @@ </svg>

renderCloudIcon = () => {
return (
<svg class="uppy-Dashboard-dropFilesIcon" aria-hidden="true" width="64" height="45" viewBox="0 0 64 45" xmlns="">
<path d="M38 44.932V31h8L33 15 20 31h8v13.932H13.538C6.075 44.932 0 38.774 0 31.202c0-6.1 4.06-11.512 9.873-13.162l.005-.017c.345-5.8 5.248-10.534 10.922-10.534.502 0 1.164.017 1.868.16C25.9 2.85 31.225 0 36.923 0c9.5 0 17.23 7.838 17.23 17.473l-.011.565.012.002C60.039 19.685 64 24.975 64 31.203c0 7.57-6.075 13.729-13.538 13.729H38z" fill="#E2E2E2" fill-rule="nonzero" />
renderHiddenFileInput = () => {

@@ -88,3 +79,8 @@ return (

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<rect width="32" height="32" rx="16" fill="#2275D7" />
<path d="M21.973 21.152H9.863l-1.108-5.087h14.464l-1.246 5.087zM9.935 11.37h3.958l.886 1.444a.673.673 0 0 0 .585.316h6.506v1.37H9.935v-3.13zm14.898 3.44a.793.793 0 0 0-.616-.31h-.978v-2.126c0-.379-.275-.613-.653-.613H15.75l-.886-1.445a.673.673 0 0 0-.585-.316H9.232c-.378 0-.667.209-.667.587V14.5h-.782a.793.793 0 0 0-.61.303.795.795 0 0 0-.155.663l1.45 6.633c.078.36.396.618.764.618h13.354c.36 0 .674-.246.76-.595l1.631-6.636a.795.795 0 0 0-.144-.675z" fill="#FFF" />
<div class="uppy-DashboardTab-name">{this.props.i18n('myDevice')}</div>

@@ -91,0 +87,0 @@ </button>

const { h } = require('preact')
const copyToClipboard = require('../../../utils/copyToClipboard')
const { iconPencil, iconCross, iconCopyLink } = require('../../icons')
function EditButton ({

@@ -18,3 +16,3 @@ file,

class="uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-action uppy-DashboardItem-action--edit"
class="uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-action uppy-Dashboard-Item-action--edit"

@@ -25,3 +23,9 @@ aria-label={i18n('editFile') + ' ' +}

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14">
<g fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="M1.5 10.793h2.793A1 1 0 0 0 5 10.5L11.5 4a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414L9.707.793a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-6.5 6.5A1 1 0 0 0 1.5 8v2.793zm1-1V8L9 1.5l1.793 1.793-6.5 6.5H2.5z" fill-rule="nonzero" />
<rect x="1" y="12.293" width="11" height="1" rx=".5" />
<path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M6.793 2.5L9.5 5.207l.707-.707L7.5 1.793z" />

@@ -36,3 +40,3 @@ )

class="uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-action uppy-DashboardItem-action--remove"
class="uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-action uppy-Dashboard-Item-action--remove"

@@ -43,3 +47,6 @@ aria-label={i18n('removeFile')}

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18">
<path d="M9 0C4.034 0 0 4.034 0 9s4.034 9 9 9 9-4.034 9-9-4.034-9-9-9z" />
<path fill="#FFF" d="M13 12.222l-.778.778L9 9.778 5.778 13 5 12.222 8.222 9 5 5.778 5.778 5 9 8.222 12.222 5l.778.778L9.778 9z" />

@@ -63,3 +70,3 @@ )

class="uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-action uppy-DashboardItem-action--copyLink"
class="uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-action uppy-Dashboard-Item-action--copyLink"

@@ -70,3 +77,5 @@ aria-label={props.i18n('copyLink')}

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 12">
<path d="M7.94 7.703a2.613 2.613 0 0 1-.626 2.681l-.852.851a2.597 2.597 0 0 1-1.849.766A2.616 2.616 0 0 1 2.764 7.54l.852-.852a2.596 2.596 0 0 1 2.69-.625L5.267 7.099a1.44 1.44 0 0 0-.833.407l-.852.851a1.458 1.458 0 0 0 1.03 2.486c.39 0 .755-.152 1.03-.426l.852-.852c.231-.231.363-.522.406-.824l1.04-1.038zm4.295-5.937A2.596 2.596 0 0 0 10.387 1c-.698 0-1.355.272-1.849.766l-.852.851a2.614 2.614 0 0 0-.624 2.688l1.036-1.036c.041-.304.173-.6.407-.833l.852-.852c.275-.275.64-.426 1.03-.426a1.458 1.458 0 0 1 1.03 2.486l-.852.851a1.442 1.442 0 0 1-.824.406l-1.04 1.04a2.596 2.596 0 0 0 2.683-.628l.851-.85a2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0-3.697zm-6.88 6.883a.577.577 0 0 0 .82 0l3.474-3.474a.579.579 0 1 0-.819-.82L5.355 7.83a.579.579 0 0 0 0 .819z" />

@@ -76,20 +85,2 @@ )

function ErrorButton ({ file, onClick }) {
if (file.error) {
return (
return null
module.exports = function Buttons (props) {

@@ -110,9 +101,3 @@ const {

return (
<div className="uppy-DashboardItem-actionWrapper">
onClick={() => {
<div className="uppy-Dashboard-Item-actionWrapper">

@@ -119,0 +104,0 @@ i18n={i18n}

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ const { h } = require('preact')

props.file.source !== &&
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-sourceIcon">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-sourceIcon">
{ => {

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ if ( === props.file.source) {

return (
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-name" title={}>
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-name" title={}>
{truncateString(, maxNameLength)}

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ </div> &&
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-statusSize">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-statusSize">

@@ -53,9 +53,33 @@ </div>

const ErrorButton = ({ file, onClick }) => {
if (file.error) {
return (
return null
module.exports = function FileInfo (props) {
return (
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-fileInfo" data-uppy-file-source={props.file.source}>
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-fileInfo" data-uppy-file-source={props.file.source}>
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-status">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-status">
onClick={() => {

@@ -62,0 +86,0 @@ </div>

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ const { h } = require('preact')

style={{ backgroundColor: getFileTypeIcon(props.file.type).color }}

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ >


@@ -19,0 +19,0 @@ rel="noreferrer noopener"

const { h } = require('preact')
const { iconRetry } = require('../../icons')
const PauseResumeCancelIcon = require('./PauseResumeCancelIcon')

@@ -13,9 +11,5 @@ function onPauseResumeCancelRetry (props) {

if (props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons) {
if (props.resumableUploads) {
if (props.resumableUploads && !props.hidePauseResumeButton) {
} else if (props.individualCancellation) {
} else if (props.individualCancellation && !props.hideCancelButton) {

@@ -46,42 +40,126 @@ }

function ProgressIndicatorButton (props) {
return (
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progress">
class="uppy-u-reset uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIndicator"
onclick={() => onPauseResumeCancelRetry(props)}
function ProgressCircleContainer ({ children }) {
return (
viewBox="0 0 36 36"
class="uppy-c-icon uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--circle"
function ProgressCircle ({ progress }) {
// circle length equals 2 * PI * R
const circleLength = 2 * Math.PI * 15
return (
<circle class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--bg" r="15" cx="18" cy="18" stroke-width="2" fill="none" />
class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--progress" r="15" cx="18" cy="18" transform="rotate(-90, 18, 18)" stroke-width="2" fill="none"
stroke-dashoffset={circleLength - (circleLength / 100 * progress)}
module.exports = function FileProgress (props) {
if ((props.hideRetryButton && props.error) ||
(props.isUploaded && props.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete)) {
return <div class="uppy-DashboardItem-progress" />
} else if (
props.isUploaded ||
(props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons && !props.error)
) {
// Nothing if upload has not started
if (!props.file.progress.uploadStarted) {
return null
// Green checkmark when complete
if (props.isUploaded) {
return (
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-progress">
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-progressIndicator">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progress">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIndicator">
<circle r="15" cx="18" cy="18" fill="#1bb240" />
<polygon class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--check" transform="translate(2, 3)" points="14 22.5 7 15.2457065 8.99985857 13.1732815 14 18.3547104 22.9729883 9 25 11.1005634" />
} else {
// Retry button for error
if (props.error && !props.hideRetryButton) {
return (
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-progress">
class="uppy-u-reset uppy-DashboardItem-progressIndicator"
onclick={() => onPauseResumeCancelRetry(props)}
{props.error ? (
props.hideRetryButton ? null : iconRetry()
) : (
<ProgressIndicatorButton {...props}>
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--retry" width="28" height="31" viewBox="0 0 16 19">
<path d="M16 11a8 8 0 1 1-8-8v2a6 6 0 1 0 6 6h2z" />
<path d="M7.9 3H10v2H7.9z" />
<path d="M8.536.5l3.535 3.536-1.414 1.414L7.12 1.914z" />
<path d="M10.657 2.621l1.414 1.415L8.536 7.57 7.12 6.157z" />
// Pause/resume button for resumable uploads
if (props.resumableUploads && !props.hidePauseResumeButton) {
return (
<ProgressIndicatorButton {...props}>
<ProgressCircle progress={props.file.progress.percentage} />
? <polygon class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--play" transform="translate(3, 3)" points="12 20 12 10 20 15" />
: (
<g class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIcon--pause" transform="translate(14.5, 13)">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="2" height="10" rx="0" />
<rect x="5" y="0" width="2" height="10" rx="0" />
// Cancel button for non-resumable uploads if individualCancellation is supported (not bundled)
if (!props.resumableUploads && props.individualCancellation && !props.hideCancelButton) {
return (
<ProgressIndicatorButton {...props}>
<ProgressCircle progress={props.file.progress.percentage} />
<polygon class="cancel" transform="translate(2, 2)" points="19.8856516 11.0625 16 14.9481516 12.1019737 11.0625 11.0625 12.1143484 14.9481516 16 11.0625 19.8980263 12.1019737 20.9375 16 17.0518484 19.8856516 20.9375 20.9375 19.8980263 17.0518484 16 20.9375 12" />
// Just progress when buttons are disabled
return (
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progress">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-progressIndicator">
<ProgressCircle progress={props.file.progress.percentage} />

@@ -35,3 +35,2 @@ const { h, Component } = require('preact')

const uploadInProgress = (file.progress.uploadStarted && !file.progress.uploadComplete) || isProcessing
const isPaused = file.isPaused || false
const error = file.error || false

@@ -48,8 +47,6 @@

const dashboardItemClass = classNames({
'uppy-u-reset': true,
'uppy-DashboardItem': true,
'uppy-Dashboard-Item': true,
'is-inprogress': uploadInProgress,
'is-processing': isProcessing,
'is-complete': isUploaded,
'is-paused': isPaused,
'is-error': !!error,

@@ -66,3 +63,3 @@ 'is-resumable': this.props.resumableUploads,

<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-preview">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-preview">

@@ -78,3 +75,5 @@ file={file}


@@ -92,3 +91,3 @@

<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-fileInfoAndButtons">
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-fileInfoAndButtons">

@@ -95,0 +94,0 @@ file={file}

@@ -50,3 +50,4 @@ const FileItem = require('./FileItem/index.js')

hideRetryButton: props.hideRetryButton,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: props.hidePauseResumeCancelButtons,
hidePauseResumeButton: props.hidePauseResumeButton,
hideCancelButton: props.hideCancelButton,
showLinkToFileUploadResult: props.showLinkToFileUploadResult,

@@ -53,0 +54,0 @@ showRemoveButtonAfterComplete: props.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete,

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ const getFileTypeIcon = require('../utils/getFileTypeIcon')

if (file.preview) {
return <img class="uppy-DashboardItem-previewImg" alt={} src={file.preview} />
return <img class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewImg" alt={} src={file.preview} />

@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@

return (
<div class="uppy-DashboardItem-previewIconWrap">
<span class="uppy-DashboardItem-previewIcon" style={{ color: color }}>{icon}</span>
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-DashboardItem-previewIconBg" width="58" height="76" viewBox="0 0 58 76"><rect fill="#FFF" width="58" height="76" rx="3" fill-rule="evenodd" /></svg>
<div class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewIconWrap">
<span class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewIcon" style={{ color: color }}>{icon}</span>
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-Dashboard-Item-previewIconBg" width="58" height="76" viewBox="0 0 58 76">
<rect fill="#FFF" width="58" height="76" rx="3" fill-rule="evenodd" />
const { h } = require('preact')
const { iconPlus } = require('./icons')

@@ -105,3 +104,5 @@ const uploadStates = {

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15">
<path d="M8 6.5h6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H8v6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H7a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V8h-6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V7a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h6v-6A.5.5 0 0 1 7 0h.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v6z" />
<span class="uppy-DashboardContent-addMoreCaption">{props.i18n('addMore')}</span>

@@ -108,0 +109,0 @@ </button>

@@ -13,3 +13,2 @@ const { Plugin } = require('@uppy/core')

const ResizeObserver = require('resize-observer-polyfill').default || require('resize-observer-polyfill')
const { defaultPickerIcon } = require('./components/icons')
const createSuperFocus = require('./utils/createSuperFocus')

@@ -30,2 +29,10 @@ const memoize = require('memoize-one').default || require('memoize-one')

function defaultPickerIcon () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30">
<path d="M15 30c8.284 0 15-6.716 15-15 0-8.284-6.716-15-15-15C6.716 0 0 6.716 0 15c0 8.284 6.716 15 15 15zm4.258-12.676v6.846h-8.426v-6.846H5.204l9.82-12.364 9.82 12.364H19.26z" />

@@ -112,4 +119,5 @@ * Dashboard UI with previews, metadata editing, tabs for various services and more

hideUploadButton: false,
hideCancelButton: false,
hideRetryButton: false,
hidePauseResumeCancelButtons: false,
hidePauseResumeButton: false,
hideProgressAfterFinish: false,

@@ -859,2 +867,4 @@ note: null,

hideCancelButton: this.opts.hideCancelButton,
hideRetryButton: this.opts.hideRetryButton,
hidePauseResumeButton: this.opts.hidePauseResumeButton,
showRemoveButtonAfterComplete: this.opts.showRemoveButtonAfterComplete,

@@ -861,0 +871,0 @@ containerWidth: pluginState.containerWidth,

@@ -1,3 +0,66 @@

const { iconFile, iconText, iconImage, iconAudio, iconVideo, iconPDF, iconArchive } = require('../components/icons')
const { h } = require('preact')
function iconImage () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<g fill="#686DE0" fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="M5 7v10h15V7H5zm0-1h15a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v10a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V7a1 1 0 0 1 1-1z" fill-rule="nonzero" />
<path d="M6.35 17.172l4.994-5.026a.5.5 0 0 1 .707 0l2.16 2.16 3.505-3.505a.5.5 0 0 1 .707 0l2.336 2.31-.707.72-1.983-1.97-3.505 3.505a.5.5 0 0 1-.707 0l-2.16-2.159-3.938 3.939-1.409.026z" fill-rule="nonzero" />
<circle cx="7.5" cy="9.5" r="1.5" />
function iconAudio () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<path d="M9.5 18.64c0 1.14-1.145 2-2.5 2s-2.5-.86-2.5-2c0-1.14 1.145-2 2.5-2 .557 0 1.079.145 1.5.396V7.25a.5.5 0 0 1 .379-.485l9-2.25A.5.5 0 0 1 18.5 5v11.64c0 1.14-1.145 2-2.5 2s-2.5-.86-2.5-2c0-1.14 1.145-2 2.5-2 .557 0 1.079.145 1.5.396V8.67l-8 2v7.97zm8-11v-2l-8 2v2l8-2zM7 19.64c.855 0 1.5-.484 1.5-1s-.645-1-1.5-1-1.5.484-1.5 1 .645 1 1.5 1zm9-2c.855 0 1.5-.484 1.5-1s-.645-1-1.5-1-1.5.484-1.5 1 .645 1 1.5 1z" fill="#049BCF" fill-rule="nonzero" />
function iconVideo () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<path d="M16 11.834l4.486-2.691A1 1 0 0 1 22 10v6a1 1 0 0 1-1.514.857L16 14.167V17a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h10a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2.834zM15 9H5v8h10V9zm1 4l5 3v-6l-5 3z" fill="#19AF67" fill-rule="nonzero" />
function iconPDF () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<path d="M9.766 8.295c-.691-1.843-.539-3.401.747-3.726 1.643-.414 2.505.938 2.39 3.299-.039.79-.194 1.662-.537 3.148.324.49.66.967 1.055 1.866-.128 3.653.114 4.918.655 1.487.635 2.192 1.685 1.614 2.84-.566 1.133-1.839 1.084-3.416.249-1.141-.604-2.457-1.634-3.51-2.707a13.467 13.467 0 0 0-2.238.426c-1.392 4.051-4.534 6.453-5.707 4.572-.986-1.58 1.38-4.206 4.914-5.375.097-.322.185-.656.264-1.001.08-.353.306-1.31.407-1.737-.678-1.059-1.2-2.031-1.53-2.91zm2.098 4.87c-.033.144-.068.287-.104.427l.033-.01-.012.038a14.065 14.065 0 0 1 1.02-.197l-.032-.033.052-.004a7.902 7.902 0 0 1-.208-.271c-.197-.27-.38-.526-.555-.775l-.006.028-.002-.003c-.076.323-.148.632-.186.8zm5.77 2.978c1.143.605 1.832.632 1.787 1.459 2.609 1.894zM6.559 18.789c.14.223.693.16 1.425-.413.827-.648 1.61-1.747 2.208-3.206-2.563 1.064-4.102 2.867-3.633 3.62zm5.345-10.97c.088-1.793-.351-2.48-1.146-2.28-.473.119-.564 1.05-.056 2.405.213.566.52 1.188.908 1.859.18-.858.268-1.453.294-1.984z" fill="#E2514A" fill-rule="nonzero" />
function iconArchive () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<path d="M10.45 2.05h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V2.55a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.024h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V3.6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5v-.001zM10.45 0h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.024a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-2.05 3.074h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.024a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-2.05 1.024h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.025a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1.05a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm2.05 1.025h1.05a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v.024a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H12.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.024a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-1.656 3.074l-.82 5.946c.52.302 1.174.458 1.976.458.803 0 1.455-.156 1.975-.458l-.82-5.946h-2.311zm0-1.025h2.312c.512 0 .946.378 1.015.885l.82 5.946c.056.412-.142.817-.501 1.026-.686.398-1.515.597-2.49.597-.974 0-1.804-.199-2.49-.597a1.025 1.025 0 0 1-.5-1.026l.819-5.946c.07-.507.503-.885 1.015-.885zm.545 6.6a.5.5 0 0 1-.397-.561l.143-.999a.5.5 0 0 1 .495-.429h.74a.5.5 0 0 1 .495.43l.143.998a.5.5 0 0 1-.397.561c-.404.08-.819.08-1.222 0z" fill="#00C469" fill-rule="nonzero" />
function iconFile () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<g fill="#A7AFB7" fill-rule="nonzero">
<path d="M5.5 22a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-18a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h10.719a.5.5 0 0 1 .367.16l3.281 3.556a.5.5 0 0 1 .133.339V21.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-14zm.5-1h13V7.25L16 4H6v17z" />
<path d="M15 4v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3V7h-3V4h-1z" />
function iconText () {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="uppy-c-icon" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25">
<path d="M4.5 7h13a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-13a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1zm0 3h15a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-15a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1zm0 3h15a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-15a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1zm0 3h10a.5.5 0 1 1 0 1h-10a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1z" fill="#5A5E69" fill-rule="nonzero" />
module.exports = function getIconByMime (fileType) {

@@ -4,0 +67,0 @@ const defaultChoice = {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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