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Comparing version 10.0.0-beta.5 to 10.0.0-beta.6



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { DragConfig, GenericOptions, InternalDragOptions, Vector2 } from '../types';
import { DragConfig, InternalDragOptions, Vector2 } from '../types';
export declare const DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY = 180;

@@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ export declare const DEFAULT_SWIPE_VELOCITY = 0.5;

pointerLock(this: InternalDragOptions, _v: any, _k: string, { pointer: { lock, touch } }: DragConfig): boolean;
device(this: InternalDragOptions, _v: any, _k: string, config: {
shared: GenericOptions;
}): "pointer" | "touch" | "mouse";
device(this: InternalDragOptions, _v: any, _k: string): "touch" | "mouse" | "pointer";
preventScroll(value?: boolean): boolean;

@@ -39,4 +37,4 @@ pointerCapture(this: InternalDragOptions, _v: any, _k: string, { pointer: { capture } }: {

transform(value: any, _k: string, config: {
shared: GenericOptions;
shared: import("../types").GenericOptions;
}): any;

@@ -10,6 +10,3 @@ import { PinchConfig, GenericOptions, InternalPinchOptions, State, Vector2 } from '../types';

shared: GenericOptions;
} & PinchConfig): "pointer" | "touch" | "gesture" | undefined;
useRad(_v: any, _k: string, config: {
shared: GenericOptions;
} & PinchConfig): boolean | undefined;
} & PinchConfig): "touch" | "pointer" | "gesture" | undefined;
bounds(_v: any, _k: string, { scaleBounds, angleBounds }: PinchConfig): number[][] | ((state: State) => number[][]);

@@ -16,0 +13,0 @@ threshold(this: InternalPinchOptions, value: number | Vector2, _k: string, config: PinchConfig): [number, number];

@@ -6,3 +6,2 @@ import { Target, Vector2 } from '../types';

enabled(value?: boolean): boolean;
r3f(value?: boolean): boolean;
window(value?: (Window & typeof globalThis) | undefined): (Window & typeof globalThis) | undefined;

@@ -9,0 +8,0 @@ eventOptions({ passive, capture }?: {

@@ -36,2 +36,1 @@ import { Engine } from './Engine';

export declare function convertAngle(engine: PinchEngine, value: number): number;

@@ -25,6 +25,2 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

* Performs @react-three/fiber specific operations when set to true.
r3f?: boolean;
* A function that you can use to transform movement and offset values. Useful

@@ -105,6 +101,2 @@ * to map your screen coordinates to custom space coordinates such as a

* Which units to use for calculating rotation angle.
angleUnit?: 'deg' | 'rad';
* Scales OR rotates when set to 'lock'.

@@ -111,0 +103,0 @@ */

@@ -9,3 +9,2 @@ import { GestureKey, CoordinatesKey } from './config';

enabled: boolean;
r3f: boolean;
transform: (v: Vector2) => Vector2;

@@ -46,3 +45,2 @@ };

device: 'gesture' | 'pointer' | 'touch' | undefined;
useRad: boolean;
lockDirection: boolean;

@@ -49,0 +47,0 @@ };

@@ -194,6 +194,2 @@ 'use strict';

r3f(value = false) {
return value;
window(value = SUPPORT.isBrowser ? window : undefined) {

@@ -244,6 +240,5 @@ return value;

} = _ref,
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled", "r3f"]);
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled"]);

@@ -255,4 +250,3 @@ const _config = {

}, sharedConfigResolver)

@@ -930,3 +924,3 @@ };

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`);

@@ -937,3 +931,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``);

@@ -944,3 +938,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`);

@@ -1180,4 +1174,2 @@ }

let device = config.device;
const target =;
const currentTarget = event.currentTarget;

@@ -1187,8 +1179,7 @@ if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

if (device === 'pointer') {
const _currentTarget = this.sharedConfig.r3f ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget;
const currentTarget = 'uv' in event ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget;
const style = window.getComputedStyle(currentTarget);
const style = window.getComputedStyle(_currentTarget);
if (style.touchAction === 'auto') {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: The drag target has its \`touch-action\` style property set to \`auto\`. It is recommended to add \`touch-action: 'none'\` so that the drag gesture behaves correctly on touch-enabled devices. For more information read this:\n\nThis message will only show in development mode. It won't appear in production. If this is intended, you can ignore it.`, _currentTarget);
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: The drag target has its \`touch-action\` style property set to \`auto\`. It is recommended to add \`touch-action: 'none'\` so that the drag gesture behaves correctly on touch-enabled devices. For more information read this:\n\nThis message will only show in development mode. It won't appear in production. If this is intended, you can ignore it.`, currentTarget);

@@ -1200,21 +1191,8 @@ }

if (config.pointerLock) {
if (device === 'touch' || config.pointerCapture) {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
if (event.uv) {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: You're probably using \`use-gesture\` on with \`@react-three/fiber\` without setting the drag config option \`r3f: true\`. The gesture will now probably fail.`);
if (document.pointerLockElement === target) device = 'mouse';
this.eventStore.add(target, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
} else {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
if (!config.pointerCapture) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));

@@ -1280,10 +1258,11 @@ }

bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this));
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
if (this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
if (this.config.filterTaps) {

@@ -1317,4 +1296,3 @@ bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), {

device(_v, _k, config) {
if (config.shared.r3f) return 'pointer';
device(_v, _k) {
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch';

@@ -1379,3 +1357,3 @@ if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse';

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`);

@@ -1386,3 +1364,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`);

@@ -1393,3 +1371,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`);

@@ -1400,3 +1378,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`);

@@ -1407,3 +1385,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`);

@@ -1416,3 +1394,2 @@ }


@@ -1462,4 +1439,3 @@ class PinchEngine extends Engine {

if (!state.axis) {
const angleScaleRatio = this.config.useRad ? SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_RAD : SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG;
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * angleScaleRatio - Math.abs(v[1]);
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(v[1]);
if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle';else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale';

@@ -1557,3 +1533,3 @@ }

state.turns = delta_turns;
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, convertAngle(this, state.values[1] - state.initial[1])];
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, state.values[1] - state.initial[1]];

@@ -1613,3 +1589,3 @@ this.emit();

const _previousMovement = state._movement;
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, convertAngle(this, event.rotation)];
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation];
state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement);

@@ -1634,5 +1610,2 @@ this.compute(event);

wheelStart(event) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option and \`config.eventOptions.passive\` set to \`false\`. This message will only appear in development mode.`, event.currentTarget);

@@ -1643,3 +1616,14 @@ this.wheelChange(event);

wheelChange(event) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
const isR3f = ('uv' in event);
if (!isR3f) {
if (event.cancelable) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !event.defaultPrevented) {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option.\n\nThis message will only appear in development mode.`);
const state = this.state;

@@ -1667,10 +1651,10 @@ state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO, 0];

bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
} else bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this));
} else {
bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), {
passive: false
function convertAngle(engine, value) {
if (engine.config.useRad) return value / 180 * Math.PI;
return value;

@@ -1689,3 +1673,2 @@ const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {

if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture';
if (sharedConfig.r3f) return 'pointer';
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch';

@@ -1696,6 +1679,2 @@ if (SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer';

useRad(_v, _k, config) {
return config.angleUnit === 'rad' || config.angleUnit == null && config.shared.r3f;
bounds(_v, _k, {

@@ -1727,4 +1706,3 @@ scaleBounds = {},

this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock';
const angleRatio = this.useRad ? Math.PI / 180 : 1;
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3 * angleRatio] : 0);
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0);
return threshold;

@@ -1731,0 +1709,0 @@ }

@@ -194,6 +194,2 @@ 'use strict';

r3f(value = false) {
return value;
window(value = SUPPORT.isBrowser ? window : undefined) {

@@ -244,6 +240,5 @@ return value;

} = _ref,
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled", "r3f"]);
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled"]);

@@ -255,4 +250,3 @@ const _config = {

}, sharedConfigResolver)

@@ -1151,20 +1145,10 @@ };

let device = config.device;
const target =;
const currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
if (config.pointerLock) {
if (device === 'touch' || config.pointerCapture) {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (document.pointerLockElement === target) device = 'mouse';
this.eventStore.add(target, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
} else {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
if (!config.pointerCapture) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));

@@ -1230,10 +1214,11 @@ }

bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this));
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
if (this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
if (this.config.filterTaps) {

@@ -1267,4 +1252,3 @@ bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), {

device(_v, _k, config) {
if (config.shared.r3f) return 'pointer';
device(_v, _k) {
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch';

@@ -1326,3 +1310,2 @@ if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse';


@@ -1372,4 +1355,3 @@ class PinchEngine extends Engine {

if (!state.axis) {
const angleScaleRatio = this.config.useRad ? SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_RAD : SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG;
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * angleScaleRatio - Math.abs(v[1]);
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(v[1]);
if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle';else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale';

@@ -1467,3 +1449,3 @@ }

state.turns = delta_turns;
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, convertAngle(this, state.values[1] - state.initial[1])];
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, state.values[1] - state.initial[1]];

@@ -1523,3 +1505,3 @@ this.emit();

const _previousMovement = state._movement;
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, convertAngle(this, event.rotation)];
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation];
state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement);

@@ -1544,3 +1526,2 @@ this.compute(event);

wheelStart(event) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();

@@ -1551,3 +1532,10 @@ this.wheelChange(event);

wheelChange(event) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
const isR3f = ('uv' in event);
if (!isR3f) {
if (event.cancelable) {
const state = this.state;

@@ -1575,10 +1563,10 @@ state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO, 0];

bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
} else bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this));
} else {
bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), {
passive: false
function convertAngle(engine, value) {
if (engine.config.useRad) return value / 180 * Math.PI;
return value;

@@ -1597,3 +1585,2 @@ const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {

if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture';
if (sharedConfig.r3f) return 'pointer';
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch';

@@ -1604,6 +1591,2 @@ if (SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer';

useRad(_v, _k, config) {
return config.angleUnit === 'rad' || config.angleUnit == null && config.shared.r3f;
bounds(_v, _k, {

@@ -1635,4 +1618,3 @@ scaleBounds = {},

this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock';
const angleRatio = this.useRad ? Math.PI / 180 : 1;
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3 * angleRatio] : 0);
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0);
return threshold;

@@ -1639,0 +1621,0 @@ }

@@ -190,6 +190,2 @@ function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {

r3f(value = false) {
return value;
window(value = SUPPORT.isBrowser ? window : undefined) {

@@ -240,6 +236,5 @@ return value;

} = _ref,
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled", "r3f"]);
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled"]);

@@ -251,4 +246,3 @@ const _config = {

}, sharedConfigResolver)

@@ -926,3 +920,3 @@ };

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`);

@@ -933,3 +927,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``);

@@ -940,3 +934,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`);

@@ -1176,4 +1170,2 @@ }

let device = config.device;
const target =;
const currentTarget = event.currentTarget;

@@ -1183,8 +1175,7 @@ if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

if (device === 'pointer') {
const _currentTarget = this.sharedConfig.r3f ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget;
const currentTarget = 'uv' in event ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget;
const style = window.getComputedStyle(currentTarget);
const style = window.getComputedStyle(_currentTarget);
if (style.touchAction === 'auto') {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: The drag target has its \`touch-action\` style property set to \`auto\`. It is recommended to add \`touch-action: 'none'\` so that the drag gesture behaves correctly on touch-enabled devices. For more information read this:\n\nThis message will only show in development mode. It won't appear in production. If this is intended, you can ignore it.`, _currentTarget);
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: The drag target has its \`touch-action\` style property set to \`auto\`. It is recommended to add \`touch-action: 'none'\` so that the drag gesture behaves correctly on touch-enabled devices. For more information read this:\n\nThis message will only show in development mode. It won't appear in production. If this is intended, you can ignore it.`, currentTarget);

@@ -1196,21 +1187,8 @@ }

if (config.pointerLock) {
if (device === 'touch' || config.pointerCapture) {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
if (event.uv) {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: You're probably using \`use-gesture\` on with \`@react-three/fiber\` without setting the drag config option \`r3f: true\`. The gesture will now probably fail.`);
if (document.pointerLockElement === target) device = 'mouse';
this.eventStore.add(target, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
} else {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
if (!config.pointerCapture) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));

@@ -1276,10 +1254,11 @@ }

bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this));
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
if (this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this));
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this));
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this));
if (this.config.filterTaps) {

@@ -1313,4 +1292,3 @@ bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), {

device(_v, _k, config) {
if (config.shared.r3f) return 'pointer';
device(_v, _k) {
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch';

@@ -1375,3 +1353,3 @@ if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse';

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`);

@@ -1382,3 +1360,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`);

@@ -1389,3 +1367,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`);

@@ -1396,3 +1374,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`);

@@ -1403,3 +1381,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`;
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`);

@@ -1412,3 +1390,2 @@ }


@@ -1458,4 +1435,3 @@ class PinchEngine extends Engine {

if (!state.axis) {
const angleScaleRatio = this.config.useRad ? SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_RAD : SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG;
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * angleScaleRatio - Math.abs(v[1]);
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(v[1]);
if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle';else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale';

@@ -1553,3 +1529,3 @@ }

state.turns = delta_turns;
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, convertAngle(this, state.values[1] - state.initial[1])];
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, state.values[1] - state.initial[1]];

@@ -1609,3 +1585,3 @@ this.emit();

const _previousMovement = state._movement;
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, convertAngle(this, event.rotation)];
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation];
state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement);

@@ -1630,5 +1606,2 @@ this.compute(event);

wheelStart(event) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option and \`config.eventOptions.passive\` set to \`false\`. This message will only appear in development mode.`, event.currentTarget);

@@ -1639,3 +1612,14 @@ this.wheelChange(event);

wheelChange(event) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
const isR3f = ('uv' in event);
if (!isR3f) {
if (event.cancelable) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !event.defaultPrevented) {
console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option.\n\nThis message will only appear in development mode.`);
const state = this.state;

@@ -1663,10 +1647,10 @@ state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO, 0];

bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this));
} else bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this));
} else {
bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), {
passive: false
function convertAngle(engine, value) {
if (engine.config.useRad) return value / 180 * Math.PI;
return value;

@@ -1685,3 +1669,2 @@ const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {

if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture';
if (sharedConfig.r3f) return 'pointer';
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch';

@@ -1692,6 +1675,2 @@ if (SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer';

useRad(_v, _k, config) {
return config.angleUnit === 'rad' || config.angleUnit == null && config.shared.r3f;
bounds(_v, _k, {

@@ -1723,4 +1702,3 @@ scaleBounds = {},

this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock';
const angleRatio = this.useRad ? Math.PI / 180 : 1;
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3 * angleRatio] : 0);
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0);
return threshold;

@@ -1727,0 +1705,0 @@ }

"name": "@use-gesture/core",
"version": "10.0.0-beta.5",
"version": "10.0.0-beta.6",
"description": "Core engine for receiving gestures",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -37,3 +37,3 @@ import { Vector2, State, GenericOptions } from '../types'

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`)

@@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``
throw Error(
`[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``

@@ -49,3 +51,3 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`
throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`)

@@ -52,0 +54,0 @@ }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { DragConfig, GenericOptions, InternalDragOptions, Vector2 } from '../types'
import { DragConfig, InternalDragOptions, Vector2 } from '../types'
import { V } from '../utils/maths'

@@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ import { coordinatesConfigResolver } from './coordinatesConfigResolver'

device(this: InternalDragOptions, _v: any, _k: string, config: { shared: GenericOptions }) {
if (config.shared.r3f) return 'pointer'
device(this: InternalDragOptions, _v: any, _k: string) {
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch'

@@ -68,3 +67,5 @@ if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse'

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`
throw Error(
`[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`

@@ -74,3 +75,5 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`
throw Error(
`[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`

@@ -80,3 +83,5 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`
throw Error(
`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`

@@ -86,3 +91,5 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`
throw Error(
`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`

@@ -92,3 +99,5 @@ },

if (value !== undefined) {
throw `[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`
throw Error(
`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`

@@ -95,0 +104,0 @@ }

@@ -17,3 +17,2 @@ import { PinchConfig, GenericOptions, InternalPinchOptions, State, Vector2 } from '../types'

if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture'
if (sharedConfig.r3f) return 'pointer'
if (this.useTouch) return 'touch'

@@ -24,5 +23,2 @@ if (SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer'

useRad(_v: any, _k: string, config: { shared: GenericOptions } & PinchConfig) {
return config.angleUnit === 'rad' || (config.angleUnit == null && config.shared.r3f)
bounds(_v: any, _k: string, { scaleBounds = {}, angleBounds = {} }: PinchConfig) {

@@ -45,6 +41,5 @@ const _scaleBounds = (state?: State) => {

this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock'
const angleRatio = this.useRad ? Math.PI / 180 : 1
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3 * angleRatio] : 0)
const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0)
return threshold

@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ import { sharedConfigResolver } from './sharedConfigResolver'

export function parse(config: UserGestureConfig, gestureKey?: GestureKey): InternalConfig {
const { target, eventOptions, window, enabled, r3f, } = config as any
const { target, eventOptions, window, enabled, } = config as any
const _config: any = {
shared: resolveWith({ target, eventOptions, window, enabled, r3f }, sharedConfigResolver)
shared: resolveWith({ target, eventOptions, window, enabled }, sharedConfigResolver)

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@

@@ -16,5 +16,2 @@ import { Target, Vector2 } from '../types'

r3f(value = false) {
return value
window(value = SUPPORT.isBrowser ? window : undefined) {

@@ -21,0 +18,0 @@ return value

@@ -151,25 +151,29 @@ import { EngineMap } from './imports'

const bindToEventStore = (eventStore: EventStore, target: EventTarget) => (
device: string,
action: string,
handler: (event: any) => void,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions,
isNative = false
) => {
if (isNative) device = device.slice(2).toLowerCase() // transforms onMouseDown into mousedown
eventStore.add(target, device, action, handler, options)
const bindToEventStore =
(eventStore: EventStore, target: EventTarget) =>
device: string,
action: string,
handler: (event: any) => void,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions,
isNative = false
) => {
if (isNative) device = device.slice(2).toLowerCase() // transforms onMouseDown into mousedown
eventStore.add(target, device, action, handler, options)
const bindToProps = (props: any, eventOptions: AddEventListenerOptions) => (
device: string,
action: string,
handler: (event: any) => void,
options: AddEventListenerOptions = {},
isNative = false
) => {
const capture = options.capture ?? eventOptions.capture
// a native handler is already passed as a prop like "onMouseDown"
const handlerProp = isNative ? device : toReactHandlerProp(device, action, capture)
props[handlerProp] = props[handlerProp] || []
const bindToProps =
(props: any, eventOptions: AddEventListenerOptions) =>
device: string,
action: string,
handler: (event: any) => void,
options: AddEventListenerOptions = {},
isNative = false
) => {
const capture = options.capture ?? eventOptions.capture
// a native handler is already passed as a prop like "onMouseDown"
const handlerProp = isNative ? device : toReactHandlerProp(device, action, capture)
props[handlerProp] = props[handlerProp] || []

@@ -217,10 +217,7 @@ import { CoordinatesEngine } from './CoordinatesEngine'

const target = as HTMLElement
const currentTarget = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
try {
if (device === 'pointer') {
// @ts-ignore r3f
const currentTarget = this.sharedConfig.r3f ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget
// @ts-ignore (warning for r3f)
const currentTarget = 'uv' in event ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget
const style = window.getComputedStyle(currentTarget)

@@ -239,24 +236,8 @@ if (style.touchAction === 'auto') {

if (config.pointerLock) {
;(event.currentTarget as HTMLElement).requestPointerLock()
if (device === 'touch' || config.pointerCapture) {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// @ts-ignore r3f
if (event.uv) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`[@use-gesture]: You're probably using \`use-gesture\` on with \`@react-three/fiber\` without setting the drag config option \`r3f: true\`. The gesture will now probably fail.`
if (document.pointerLockElement === target) device = 'mouse'
this.eventStore.add(target, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this))
} else {
if (!this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window!, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this))
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window!, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this))
if (!config.pointerCapture) {
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window!, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this))
this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window!, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this))

@@ -322,9 +303,9 @@ }

bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this))
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this))
if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this))
bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this))
bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this))
bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this))
if (this.sharedConfig.r3f) {
bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this))
if (this.config.filterTaps) {

@@ -331,0 +312,0 @@ bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), { capture: true })

@@ -7,3 +7,2 @@ import { Engine } from './Engine'


@@ -45,4 +44,3 @@

if (!state.axis) {
const angleScaleRatio = this.config.useRad ? SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_RAD : SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * angleScaleRatio - Math.abs(v[1])
const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(v[0]) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(v[1])
if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle'

@@ -154,3 +152,3 @@ else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale'

state.turns = delta_turns
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, convertAngle(this, state.values[1] - state.initial[1])]
state._movement = [state.values[0] / state.initial[0] - 1, state.values[1] - state.initial[1]]

@@ -216,3 +214,3 @@ this.emit()

const _previousMovement = state._movement
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, convertAngle(this, event.rotation)]
state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation]
state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement)

@@ -240,10 +238,2 @@ this.compute(event)

wheelStart(event: WheelEvent) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault()
else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option and \`config.eventOptions.passive\` set to \`false\`. This message will only appear in development mode.`,

@@ -254,3 +244,14 @@ this.wheelChange(event)

wheelChange(event: WheelEvent) {
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault()
const isR3f = 'uv' in event
if (!isR3f) {
if (event.cancelable) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !event.defaultPrevented) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option.\n\nThis message will only appear in development mode.`
const state = this.state

@@ -282,9 +283,8 @@ state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO, 0]

bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this))
} else bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this))
} else {
// we try to set a passive listener, knowing that in any case React will
// ignore it.
bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), { passive: false })
export function convertAngle(engine: PinchEngine, value: number) {
if (engine.config.useRad) return (value / 180) * Math.PI
return value

@@ -26,6 +26,2 @@ import { State } from './state'

* Performs @react-three/fiber specific operations when set to true.
r3f?: boolean
* A function that you can use to transform movement and offset values. Useful

@@ -108,6 +104,2 @@ * to map your screen coordinates to custom space coordinates such as a

* Which units to use for calculating rotation angle.
angleUnit?: 'deg' | 'rad'
* Scales OR rotates when set to 'lock'.

@@ -114,0 +106,0 @@ */

@@ -10,3 +10,2 @@ import { GestureKey, CoordinatesKey } from './config'

enabled: boolean
r3f: boolean
transform: (v: Vector2) => Vector2

@@ -51,3 +50,2 @@ }

device: 'gesture' | 'pointer' | 'touch' | undefined
useRad: boolean
lockDirection: boolean

@@ -54,0 +52,0 @@ }

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