Vue 3 Multiselect with Tailwind support
Other libraries
- @vueform/slider - Vue 3 slider component with Tailwind support.
- @vueform/toggle - Vue 3 toggle component with labels, custom slots and styling options.
Multiselect features
- Vue 2 & 3 support
- Tailwind & utility class support
- No dependencies
- 100% coverage
- TypeScript support
- ESM support
- Single select options
- Multiple select options
- Tags
- Async options
- Search & filtering
- Custom slots
- Events
- Fully configurable
Check out our demo.
npm install @vueform/multiselect
Using with Vue 3
import Multiselect from '@vueform/multiselect'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
value: null,
options: [
<style src="@vueform/multiselect/themes/default.css"></style>
Using with Vue 2
When using Vue 2 install @vue/composition-api via npm/yarn first:
npm i @vue/composition-api --save-dev
Then install the plugin for Vue:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api'
After that make sure to change the imported Multiselect module to:
import Multiselect from '@vueform/multiselect/dist/multiselect.vue2.js'
Using with Nuxt.js
First you need install @nuxtjs/composition-api:
npm i @nuxtjs/composition-api --save-dev
Then you need to enable it as a module in nuxt.config.js
buildModules: [
After that make sure to change the imported module to Vue 2 version of Multiselect, as Nuxt.js still depends on that:
import Multiselect from '@vueform/multiselect/dist/multiselect.vue2.js'
Styling with CSS vars
The following CSS variables can be used to customize multiselect when using default.css
--ms-font-size: 1rem
--ms-line-height: 1.375
--ms-bg: #FFFFFF
--ms-bg-disabled: #F3F4F6
--ms-border-color: #D1D5DB
--ms-border-width: 1px
--ms-radius: 4px
--ms-py: 0.5rem
--ms-px: 0.875rem
--ms-ring-width: 3px
--ms-ring-color: #10B98130
--ms-placeholder-color: #9CA3AF
--ms-tag-font-size: 0.875rem
--ms-tag-line-height: 1.25rem
--ms-tag-font-weight: 600
--ms-tag-bg: #10B981
--ms-tag-bg-disabled: #9CA3AF
--ms-tag-color: #FFFFFF
--ms-tag-color-disabled: #FFFFFF
--ms-tag-radius: 4px
--ms-tag-py: 0.125rem
--ms-tag-px: 0.5rem
--ms-tag-my: 0.25rem
--ms-tag-mx: 0.25rem
--ms-tag-remove-radius: 4px
--ms-tag-remove-py: 0.25rem
--ms-tag-remove-px: 0.25rem
--ms-tag-remove-my: 0rem
--ms-tag-remove-mx: 0.125rem
--ms-dropdown-bg: #FFFFFF
--ms-dropdown-border-color: #D1D5DB
--ms-dropdown-border-width: 1px
--ms-dropdown-radius: 4px
--ms-option-font-size: 1rem
--ms-option-line-height: 1.375
--ms-option-bg-pointed: #FFFFFF
--ms-option-bg-selected: #10B981
--ms-option-bg-disabled: #FFFFFF
--ms-option-bg-selected-pointed: #26C08E
--ms-option-bg-selected-disabled: #FFFFFF
--ms-option-color-pointed: #1F2937
--ms-option-color-selected: #FFFFFF
--ms-option-color-disabled: #D1D5DB
--ms-option-color-selected-pointed: #FFFFFF
--ms-option-color-selected-disabled: #D1FAE5
--ms-option-py: 0.5rem
--ms-option-px: 0.75rem
--ms-empty-color: #4B5563
Override them globally:
:root {
--ms-tag-bg: #059669;
--ms-tag-color: #D1FAE5;
--ms-tag-radius: 9999px;
--ms-tag-font-weight: 400;
Or on an instance level:
.multiselect-green {
--ms-tag-bg: #D1FAE5;
--ms-tag-color: #059669;
.multiselect-blue {
--ms-tag-bg: #DBEAFE;
--ms-tag-color: #2563EB;
Styling with Tailwind CSS
The Multiselect
component accepts a classes
property which allows to override default class names. When using utility classes you don't need to import default.css
. Here's a default styling for Tailwind CSS:
<Multiselect v-model="value" :options="options" :classes="{
container: 'relative mx-auto w-full flex items-center justify-end box-border cursor-pointer border border-gray-300 rounded bg-white text-base leading-snug outline-none',
containerDisabled: 'cursor-default bg-gray-100',
containerOpen: 'rounded-b-none',
containerOpenTop: 'rounded-t-none',
containerActive: 'ring ring-green-500 ring-opacity-30',
singleLabel: 'flex items-center h-full absolute left-0 top-0 pointer-events-none bg-transparent leading-snug pl-3.5',
multipleLabel: 'flex items-center h-full absolute left-0 top-0 pointer-events-none bg-transparent leading-snug pl-3.5',
search: 'w-full absolute inset-0 outline-none appearance-none box-border border-0 text-base font-sans bg-white rounded pl-3.5',
tags: 'flex-grow flex-shrink flex flex-wrap mt-1 pl-2',
tag: 'bg-green-500 text-white text-sm font-semibold py-0.5 pl-2 rounded mr-1 mb-1 flex items-center whitespace-nowrap',
tagDisabled: 'pr-2 !bg-gray-400 text-white',
tagRemove: 'flex items-center justify-center p-1 mx-0.5 rounded-sm hover:bg-black hover:bg-opacity-10 group',
tagRemoveIcon: 'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-repeat opacity-30 inline-block w-3 h-3 group-hover:opacity-60',
tagsSearch: 'h-full border-0 outline-none appearance-none p-0 text-base font-sans mx-1 mb-1 box-border flex-grow flex-shrink',
placeholder: 'flex items-center h-full absolute left-0 top-0 pointer-events-none bg-transparent leading-snug pl-3.5 text-gray-400',
caret: 'bg-multiselect-caret bg-center bg-no-repeat w-2.5 h-4 py-px box-content mr-3.5 relative z-10 opacity-40 flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0 transition-transform transform',
caretOpen: 'rotate-180',
clear: 'pr-3.5 relative z-10 opacity-40 transition duration-300 flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0 flex hover:opacity-80',
clearIcon: 'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-repeat w-2.5 h-4 py-px box-content inline-block',
spinner: 'bg-multiselect-spinner bg-center bg-no-repeat w-4 h-4 z-10 mr-3.5 animate-spin flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0',
dropdown: 'absolute -left-px -right-px bottom-0 transform translate-y-full border border-gray-300 -mt-px overflow-y-scroll z-50 bg-white flex flex-col rounded-b',
dropdownTop: '-translate-y-full top-px bottom-auto flex-col-reverse rounded-b-none rounded-t',
options: 'flex flex-col p-0 m-0 list-none',
optionsTop: 'flex-col-reverse',
option: 'flex items-center justify-start box-border text-left cursor-pointer text-base leading-snug py-2 px-3',
optionPointed: 'text-gray-800 bg-gray-100',
optionSelected: 'text-white bg-green-500',
optionDisabled: 'text-gray-300 cursor-not-allowed',
optionSelectedPointed: 'text-white bg-green-500 opacity-90',
optionSelectedDisabled: 'text-green-100 bg-green-500 bg-opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed',
noOptions: 'py-2 px-3 text-gray-600 bg-white',
noResults: 'py-2 px-3 text-gray-600 bg-white',
fakeInput: 'bg-transparent absolute left-0 right-0 -bottom-px w-full h-px border-0 p-0 appearance-none outline-none text-transparent',
spacer: 'h-9 py-px box-content',
}" />
Certain classes has different states which are merged to the base class when the state is active. For exmple dropdown
will be merged with dropdownTop
when open-direction: 'top'
resulting in the following classes:
absolute -left-px -right-px bottom-0 transform translate-y-full border border-gray-300 -mt-px overflow-y-scroll z-50 bg-white flex flex-col rounded-b -translate-y-full top-px bottom-auto flex-col-reverse rounded-b-none rounded-t
The same is true for container
, tag
, options
and option
In case you need to override the same type of utility you might use @neojp/tailwind-important-variant and use eg. bg-green-500!
Join our Discord channel or open an issue.
Basic props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mode | string | single | Possible values: single|multiple|tags . |
options | array|object|function | [] | List of options. Can be: - an array (eg. [1,2,3] ) - an object (eg. {a:1,b:2,c:3} ) - an array of objects [{value:1,label:'v1'},{value:2,label:'v2'},{value:3,label:'v3',disabled:true}] - a function returning a Promise (async function) with query input param. The promise should return options as an object or as an array of objects. When an array of objects is provided it must have properties that equal to :valueProp 's, :trackBy 's and :label 's value. |
required | boolean | false | Whether the HTML5 required attribute should be used for multiselect (using an invisible fake input). |
searchable | boolean | false | Whether the options should be searchable. |
valueProp | string | 'value' | If you provide an array of objects as options this property should be used as the value of the option. |
trackBy | string | 'label' | The name of the property that should be searched when searchable is true and an array of objects are provided as :options . |
label | string | 'label' | If you provide an array of objects as options the value this property will be displayed as selected option. |
placeholder | string | null | The text that should be displayed before any option is selected. |
multipleLabel | function | | A function that returns the label to be displayed for selected options when using multiple mode. It receives value as an argument. By default it renders 1 option selected and [n] options selected based on value length. |
disabled | boolean | false | Whether the input should be disabled for the user (API can still be used programmatically). |
max | number | -1 | The maximum number of options that can be selected when using multiple or tags mode. If -1 the number of options won't be limited. |
limit | number | -1 | The maximum number of options that should be displayed. If -1 the number of options won't be limited. |
loading | boolean | false | Whether a loading spinner should be shown. |
id | string | 'multiselect' | The id of the multiselect container DOM. |
caret | boolean | true | Whether should display the caret symbol on the right. |
maxHeight | string | 10rem | The maximum height of options list. |
noOptionsText | string | 'The list is empty' | The text that should be displayed when options list is empty. |
noResultsText | string | 'No results found' | The text that should be displayed when there are no search results. |
openDirection | string | bottom | Whether the option list should be displayed above or below the multiselect. Possible values: top|bottom |
classes | object | | An object of class names that gets merged with the default values. Default: { container: 'multiselect', containerDisabled: 'is-disabled', containerOpen: 'is-open', containerOpenTop: 'is-open-top', containerActive: 'is-active', singleLabel: 'multiselect-single-label', multipleLabel: 'multiselect-multiple-label', search: 'multiselect-search', tags: 'multiselect-tags', tag: 'multiselect-tag', tagDisabled: 'is-disabled', tagRemove: 'multiselect-tag-remove', tagRemoveIcon: 'multiselect-tag-remove-icon', tagsSearch: 'multiselect-tags-search', placeholder: 'multiselect-placeholder', caret: 'multiselect-caret', caretOpen: 'is-open', clear: 'multiselect-clear', clearIcon: 'multiselect-clear-icon', spinner: 'multiselect-spinner', dropdown: 'multiselect-dropdown', dropdownTop: 'is-top', options: 'multiselect-options', optionsTop: 'is-top', option: 'multiselect-option', optionPointed: 'is-pointed', optionSelected: 'is-selected', optionDisabled: 'is-disabled', optionSelectedPointed: 'is-selected is-pointed', optionSelectedDisabled: 'is-selected is-disabled', noOptions: 'multiselect-no-options', noResults: 'multiselect-no-results', fakeInput: 'multiselect-fake-input', spacer: 'multiselect-spacer'
} |
Advanced Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
canDeselect | boolean | true | Whether a selected option can be deselected when using single mode. |
canClear | boolean | true | Whether option(s) can be cleared. |
clearOnSearch | boolean | false | Whether the option list should be cleared when a new character is typed before loading new options list, when using async options. |
clearOnSelect | boolean | true | Whether the option list should be cleared upon selecting an option when using async options. |
delay | number | -1 | The delay in milliseconds that should occur between the last typed character and refreshing an async option list. If -1 the option list will not refresh when the search query changes. If 0 it will refresh without delay. |
filterResults | boolean | true | Whether option list should be filtered by search query. This may be set to false if you are handling filtering manually when returning async options. |
minChars | number | 0 | The minimum number of characters that should be typed to refresh async option list. If 0 it will refresh even when the search field becomes empty. |
resolveOnLoad | boolean | true | Whether async options should be loaded initially (with an empty query). This should be true if you are planning to load non-object value(s) initially while using async options (to fetch matching objects for values). |
appendNewTag | boolean | true | Whether it should append new tag automatically to option list when using tags mode with createTag . If set to false you need to take care of appending a new tag to the provided :options list upon @tag event. |
createTag | boolean | false | Whether it should allow creating new tag based on search query when using tags mode. |
addTagOn | array | ['enter'] | The list of keys that creates a new tag while typing in the search field when having createTag enabled. Possible values: enter|space|;|, . |
hideSelected | boolean | true | Whether selected options should be excluded from the option list when using multiple or tags mode. |
showOptions | boolean | true | Whether option list should be displayed. Can be used to create free-typed tags. |
object | boolean | false | Whether the value should be stored as an object. If false:
value: ['js','jsx','ts'] If true: value: [ {value:'js',label:'Javascript'}, {value:'jsx',label:'JSX'}, {value:'ts',label:'Typescript'}
] |
nativeSupport | boolean | false | Whether hidden input fields should be appended to achieve native data handling. |
Name | Params | Description |
open | | Opens the options list and focuses the multiselect. |
close | | Closes the options list and blurs the multiselect. |
select | value , option | Selects an option based on its value. |
deselect | value , option | Deselects an option based on its value. |
remove | value , option | Alias for deselect . |
clear | | Deselects all selected options. |
refreshOptions | callback | Refreshes async options list. |
To access API use ref
on Multiselect
mounted() {
Event | Attributes | Description |
@change | value | Emitted after the value is changed. |
@close | | Emitted after closing the option list. |
@deselect | option | Emitted after an option is deselected or a tag is removed. |
@open | | Emitted after opening the option list. |
@search-change | query | Emitted after a character is typed. |
@select | option | Emitted after an option or tag is selected. |
@tag | query | Emitted after enter is hit when a new tag is being created. |
@clear | | Emitted when the options are cleared. |
Slot | Attributes | Description |
placeholder | | Rendered as placeholder when the multiselect does not have value and placeholder prop is defined. |
afterlist | | Rendered after the options list. |
beforelist | | Rendered before the options list. |
multiplelabel | values | Rendered when using multiple mode and options are selected. By default it renders the return value of multipleLabel function. |
nooptions | | Rendered when the options list is empty. By default renders noOptionsText . |
noresults | | Rendered when there are no search results. By default renders noResultsText . |
option | option, search | Renders an option in options list. |
singlelabel | value | Rendered when using single mode and an option is selected. By default it renders the :label if the selected option. |
tag | option, handleTagRemove, disabled | Renders a tag when using tags mode. When disabled the remove icon should not be displayed. The handleTagRemove prop should be used to trigger the removal of the tag. |
caret | | Renders a small triangle on the right side of the multiselect. |
clear | | Renders a remove icon if the multiselect has any value. |
spinner | | Renders a loader icon when async options are being fetched. |
Note: we don't use camelCase because they are normalized back to lowercase when written in DOM.
Single select
:options="['Batman', 'Robin', 'Joker']"
JSFiddle - Example #1
Multiselect with object options
batman: 'Batman',
robin: 'Robin',
joker: 'Joker'
JSFiddle - Example #2
Multiselect with disabled options
{ value: 'batman', label: 'Batman' },
{ value: 'robin', label: 'Robin', disabled: true },
{ value: 'joker', label: 'Joker' },
JSFiddle - Example #3
Tags with search, create and array of objects options
{ value: 'batman', label: 'Batman' },
{ value: 'robin', label: 'Robin' },
{ value: 'joker', label: 'Joker' },
JSFiddle - Example #4
Autocomplete with async options
placeholder="Choose a programming language"
:options="async function(query) {
return await fetchLanguages(query) // check JS block in JSFiddle for implementation
JSFiddle - Example #5
Tags with async options
placeholder="Choose your stack"
:options="async function(query) {
return await fetchLanguages(query) // check JS block in JSFiddle for implementation
JSFiddle - Example #6
Select with custom options slot
placeholder="Select your character"
{ value: 'captainamerica', name: 'Captain America', icon: '' },
{ value: 'spiderman', name: 'Spiderman', icon: '' },
{ value: 'ironman', name: 'Iron Man', icon: '' },
<template v-slot:singlelabel="{ value }">
<div class="multiselect-single-label">
<img class="character-label-icon" :src="value.icon"> {{ }}
<template v-slot:option="{ option }">
<img class="character-option-icon" :src="option.icon"> {{ }}
JSFiddle - Example #7
Multiselect with custom label slot
placeholder="Select your characters"
batman: 'Batman',
robin: 'Robin',
joker: 'Joker'
<template v-slot:multiplelabel="{ values }">
<div class="multiselect-multiple-label">
{{ values.length }} characters selected
JSFiddle - Example #8
Tags with custom tags slot
placeholder="Select employees"
{ value: 'judy', name: 'Judy', image: '' },
{ value: 'jane', name: 'Jane', image: '' },
{ value: 'john', name: 'John', image: '' },
{ value: 'joe', name: 'Joe', image: '' }
<template v-slot:tag="{ option, handleTagRemove, disabled }">
<div class="multiselect-tag is-user">
<img :src="option.image">
{{ }}
@mousedown.prevent.stop="handleTagRemove(option, $event)"
<style> {
padding: 5px 8px;
border-radius: 22px;
background: #35495e;
margin: 3px 3px 8px;
} img {
width: 18px;
border-radius: 50%;
height: 18px;
margin-right: 8px;
border: 2px solid #ffffffbf;
} i:before {
color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 50%;;
.user-image {
margin: 0 6px 0 0;
border-radius: 50%;
height: 22px;
JSFiddle - Example #9
About Vueform
Vueform streamlines the entire form building process in Vue 2 & 3. It comes with 30+ elements, file uploads, element nesting, 50+ validators, conditions, form steps, i18n including reactive configuration, API access, ESM modules and many more. Check out our live demos or see all the features and sign up for beta to get early access.