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5.5.0-beta.3 (2021-04-23)

Bug Fixes

  • use new CLI utils (2acd4fd)
published 5.5.0-beta.2 •



5.5.0-beta.2 (2021-04-23)

Bug Fixes

published 5.5.0-beta.1 •



5.5.0-beta.1 (2021-04-22)

Bug Fixes

published 5.5.0-beta.0 •



5.5.0-beta.0 (2021-04-22)

Bug Fixes

  • add missing findByType method (f7a8564)
  • load 404 page properly on any non-existing path (6ad6ce5)
  • update dependencies (9c9696d)
  • update template with new Apollo links plugins (fdaf3fd)
  • api-headless-cms: export contentModel crud plugin (2c10e2d)
  • api-headless-cms: update validateModelAccess function (36449d8)
  • app-admin: remove help icon (644b3fc)
  • app-admin: update PermissionInfo style (feb013b)
  • app-headless-cms: add description and reorder permission labels (31a3c68)
  • app-headless-cms: hide CMS Menu in case of no "cms.endpoint.manage" permission (228b35e)
  • app-headless-cms: hide content model group section from CMS menu (8fbb82d)
  • app-headless-cms: replace "cms.contentModel" with "cms.endpoint.manage" in welcome widget (74a354e)
  • app-headless-cms: update canReadEntries function (8bbf51b)
  • app-headless-cms: update CMS permission UI order (e3d25ee)
  • app-headless-cms: update description and label text copies (1fcec9c)
  • app-headless-cms: update permission check in menu section (2a9cb95)
  • app-headless-cms: update text copy (49f1251)
  • app-headless-cms: update text copy again (19b103c)
  • app-headless-cms: update usage of canReadEntries (8b82f16)
  • app-page-builder: load page snippet and remove debounce on settings save (#1537) (d8f94e2)
  • ui: defer props.children invocation in DataList (ec47a9f)
  • add bufferLength property (6bb5acc)
  • add tenant and locale to meta (05f19d5)
  • add tenant and locale to prerendered pages (eb90a23)
  • add yarn and remove unnecessary quotes (98a9810)
  • append tenant/locale to preview URL (f869000)
  • change "scope" to "package" (with "p" alias) (eb75434)
  • change "scope" to "package" (with "p" alias) (a516203)
  • correct PS_RENDER_TENANT / PS_RENDER_LOCALE variables (0088dc8)
  • correct docs link (0197bae)
  • correct import path (fa11b72)
  • correct link (46c2f17)
  • correct version (0b8039f)
  • directly assign all "log" functions (8cff513)
  • display logs with colors (692e97e)
  • display multi-line logs correctly (91c67ee)
  • display Pulumi logs with colors (f5f0b9c)
  • ensure command is executed from project root (0201785)
  • ensure file exists before copying (781a31d)
  • import apolloLinks plugins (bff0396)
  • include PULUMI_LOGIN to stay backwards compatible (2d5e145)
  • make template dynamic (2a7b8b6)
  • normalize inputs (022e126)
  • only try/catch plugin require statements (41b0ab4)
  • remove ansi-to-html (44134f1)
  • remove log function (7e059ac)
  • reorder merging of inputs (072b365)
  • replace ContextPluginInterface with ContextPlugin (f749b01)
  • reword message (c0961e0)
  • send "--env" only if present (3236313)
  • update dependencies (9132196)
  • update dependencies (80dbdab)
  • update to latest code changes (36cc3a2)
  • when rendering not-found page, add "notFoundPage" flag to "meta" (078b850)
  • cli-plugin-deploy-pulumi: use onExit to tree-kill execa processes (2330569)
  • remove unnecessary spread (9516953)
  • use folder basename as a fallback name (b85da10)
  • cli: simplify PluginsContainer (b3daa70)
  • cwp-template-aws: update template (watch command in package.json in "api") (2f14c08)
  • cwp-template-aws: update template (WEBINY_LOGS_FORWARD_URL) (56179a8)
  • cwp-template-aws: update template (webiny.application.js) (e98a1df)
  • cwp-template-aws: update template (webiny.config.js in "api") (570fb11)
  • cwp-template-aws: update template add handler-logs package to GQL and CMS) (430a7dd)
  • add "@webiny/handler-logs" to all handlers (a9bc48f)
  • add "include" property (4e16fc2)
  • add "WEBINY_LOGS_FORWARD_URL" env variable (b69618a)
  • add backwards compatibility (ceac91a)
  • add dependency (13d9006)
  • add missing "@webiny/cli" dependency (f99bf3e)
  • add missing comma (7df368b)
  • add missing dependencies (c72b399)
  • add missing dependencies (f31e9e8)
  • add recursive flag (286c30d)
  • bring back "env" argument (c41e9a0)
  • calculate project app's root against Pulumi.yaml file (05e89e1)
  • catch require statements (8cb7f18)
  • change "projectName" to "name" (c6cec9f)
  • change order of loading (fca16a9)
  • correct argument name (b5276a6)
  • correct filename (17b3b73)
  • correct path (8148d58)
  • correct project root variable (39c996f)
  • correct self-managed-backend path construction (ca19e30)
  • enable graph validation (f8f7c61)
  • export PluginsContainer (e9a29c0)
  • finish distinct flag handling (df6ec62)
  • forward logs only from "headless-cms" and "graphql" functions (2ac3616)
  • handle init errors (0b78a9c)
  • improve check (3c9ce3e)
  • make "getPackages" args optional (dbdca09)
  • move initial checks to the top (25413dd)
  • move log function into the handler function (ab47109)
  • promisify "ncp" before executing it (9a0cefc)
  • reduce default depth to 2 (155f60e)
  • remove "beta" tag (99bac9e)
  • remove "beta" tag (712a8ef)
  • remove "beta" tag (b502de7)
  • remove "install" process from "run" method (4873583)
  • remove getProjectApplication from utils (a568455)
  • remove trailing dot (2f2b36a)
  • rename file (8d2dea0)
  • skip graph validation (53d11b9)
  • update "login" calls (7190d59)
  • update code to latest code changes (d96a454)
  • update dependencies (7067da6)
  • update dependencies (c17ae8a)
  • update dependency (ad46474)
  • update watch config (653d4df)
  • update yarn.lock (020cdf6)
  • update yarn.lock (39804d2)
  • use "getProject" utility (b291ec5)
  • use newly added log utility (a05bf3c)
  • use own PluginsContainer (6c34707)
  • utilize functions from "@webiny/cli/utils" (cce49b9)


  • api-headless-cms: add cms permission migration for API keys (2cb07b2)
  • api-headless-cms: add filterAsync helper function (35bf612)
  • api-headless-cms: add missing groups in contentModelGroup permission (e7096a9)
  • api-headless-cms: add read permission check for group and model (bf32479)
  • api-headless-cms: add validateGroupAccess check (b5d2f7b)
  • api-headless-cms: add validateGroupAccess helper (a4b747f)
  • api-headless-cms: migrate cms permissions (728be2a)
  • api-headless-cms: search via ref field id (#1567) (4bb65cf)
  • api-headless-cms: update permission check for models (a377638)
  • api-headless-cms: update types (d5edc6b)
  • api-upgrade: use coerced deployedVersion (4dda23b)
  • app-admin: update SimpleFormHeader cell span (cf39f6a)
  • app-headless-cms: add canCreate in usePermission (3f1cf15)
  • app-headless-cms: add group field in listContentModels (61cdd1e)
  • app-headless-cms: add v5.5.0 upgrade plugin (91f1663)
  • app-headless-cms: restructure permission UI (d82fde5)
  • app-headless-cms: update contentEntry permission selector (c01026d)
  • app-headless-cms: update contentModel permission UI (d6f620c)
  • app-headless-cms: update contentModelGroup permission selector (8ba9969)
  • app-headless-cms: update permission selector UI (c457c3f)
  • app-headless-cms: update PermissionSelector (cbaf8ce)
  • add "watch" command (3aea32e)
  • add --ignore-folder && --ignore-scope args (f62e517)
  • add "PS_NOT_FOUND_PAGE" variable for not-found page (2ef3cf4)
  • add "depth" and "scope" args (27ca553)
  • add "handler-result" plugin (6de426d)
  • add "highlight" function for every log type (f24b5b0)
  • add "id" property (2212bc2)
  • add "watch" command (bcbd0a1)
  • add "webiny.application.js" (bc2a299)
  • add "webiny.project.js" (934752f)
  • add hl functions (22512d9)
  • add ability to just pass scopes (without application) (405a29d)
  • add ability to skip graph validation (e0ef6cc)
  • add before-handler plugin (cf1e7d6)
  • add logs to the watch command (27a2498)
  • add standalone logging function (37b21ce)
  • allow sending meta data (7bcd9f6)
  • api-file-manager: use new build and watch commands (fdf7c7f)
  • app-headless-cms: use new build and watch commands (a39a1c1)
  • react-rich-text-renderer: create a Rich Text renderer component (#1566) (a11109b)
  • create "browser" watch output (1fba2af)
  • cli-plugin-scaffold-*: add new watch and build commands (6ab87ba)
  • create "webiny upgrade" command (04e684a)
  • create "ws tree" command (aae0e9d)
  • create handler-logs package (0d09b09)
  • create 5.5.0 migration script (4dd7d77)
  • create 5.5.0 migration script (8aee6bc)
  • cli: add current version to context (90bff22)
  • cli-plugin-scaffold-*: use new build and watch commands (3cac889)
  • project-utils: add prebuild, build, postbuild stages (99d6369)
  • storybook-utils: use new build and watch commands (963a3e4)
  • ui: use new build and watch commands (8bda9d0)
  • ws list: add support for scope and folder args (e08a28d)
  • create build / watch webpack configs (2f3992f)
  • create getProject and getProjectApplication utilities (3d7cacd)
  • create getProject and getProjectApplication utils (47390b9)
  • create project config and project root utility functions (3c4042e)
  • create utils for building and watching packages (adc3843)
  • create watch command (836b118)
  • enable loading defaults from project app file (e1a8429)
  • print first message in green (74c1284)
  • use new build and watch commands (4a534a1)
published 5.4.0 •



5.4.0 (2021-04-13)

Note: Version bump only for package webiny-js

published 5.4.0-beta.3 •



5.4.0-beta.3 (2021-04-13)

Bug Fixes

  • add codex-editor fix to template (c99a3cb)
  • add codex-editor fix to template (71c3a78)
published 5.4.0-beta.2 •



5.4.0-beta.2 (2021-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • revert change (use berry a version) (7819e80)
  • upgrade to berry and then downgrade to 2.4.1 (eac1e98)
  • api-security-tenancy: check both upper case and lower case header (#1559) (4e593bf)
  • remove whitelist (f8bc8c3)
  • replace "berry" with "2.4.1" (3ee7f67)


  • api-security-tenancy: cache keys are based on tenant + identity (#1558) (6f90361)
published 5.4.0-beta.1 •



5.4.0-beta.1 (2021-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • only use ".keyword" search when the received value is a string (59539a3)
  • only use ".keyword" search when the received value is a string (e945e4d)
published 5.4.0-beta.0 •



5.4.0-beta.0 (2021-04-09)

Bug Fixes

  • add dependency (f62c2a1)
  • add PS functions to output (f63db57)
  • adjust empty line (0428f71)
  • adjust empty line (606f725)
  • adjust messaging (1495343)
  • adjust sentence (6d48cb0)
  • check if invocationArgs exists (2e80691)
  • correct link (be9fcd1)
  • handle --no-build flag - skip file upload and prerendering (5fb2a90)
  • move notification to the end of the process (61ca8d5)
  • remove all jobs on render-all-pages job (7b2d79f)
  • remove upload of React app files (4be3eb8)
  • set all TTLs to zero (b09aa6d)
  • update pathPattern (7b40f71)
  • update dependencies (ed9c799)
  • update dependencies (8a301e3)
  • update messages (8458c6c)
  • update template (b17a4e2)
  • app-admin: update AutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete options list style (#1548) (6c8d770)
  • app-page-builder: update elementType in ImagesList element (#1550) (0ea5bbf)


  • add HandlerClientHandlerPlugin type (dae9567)
  • add order numbers (a66b946)
  • add PS functions to output (b0a8651)
  • add support for local handler execution (389e9ab)
  • add support for render-all-pages (0fad0de)
  • add upload of files and complete rerender steps (cc49996)
  • on successful upload, re-render whole website (1bb9f1b)
  • pass "inputs" to deploy hook callbacks (8725553)
  • return stats object as response (e461157)
  • use dynamic assets folder name (cedb2e6)
  • api-plugin-elastic-search-client: enable multiple services connect (8138c19)
  • api-security-tenancy: cache permissions and get user (7392d27)
  • ui: add reordering controls (f6f7b21)
published 5.3.0 •



5.3.0 (2021-03-26)

Note: Version bump only for package webiny-js

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