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A collection of various Canvas Buttons

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Canvas Kit Button

Clickable button elements that extend the native <button> element with Canvas styling.

> Workday Design Reference


yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react


yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react-button

Deprecation Warning

We are rolling out our next iteration of our buttons and will be deprecating the old style (orange primary, and accompanying secondary, and delete). These are still avialable, but will be removed in the first major release after they are available for all Workday customers. The biggest change is with regards to colors and styling, but the behavior should remain the same.

New Button

Anywhere you were using Button, you will automatically get the updated styling (previously beta_Button). This will be a visual breaking change (padding and colors have changed). The new buttons include: blue primary button, and accompanying secondary, delete, outline, highlight, and dropdown buttons. The import and usage is documented below.

Deprecated Buttons

If you need to continue to use the old style buttons, you can use the deprecated_Button class. Usage will be the same as before, but you must change your imports. Note: this will be removed entirely in a future release.

import * as React from 'react';
import {deprecated_Button as Button} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<Button>Button Label</Button>;

Deprecation tags have been added to all the pieces regarding the old buttons including it's types and the component itself. Tslint and your IDE should reflect this warning but you should still be able to compile your code.

Table of Contents


import * as React from 'react';
import {Button} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<Button>Button Label</Button>;

Static Properties

Size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
<Button size={Button.Size.Small}>Small Button</Button>
Variant: ButtonVariant
<Button variant={Button.Variant.Primary}>Primary Button</Button>

Component Props


children: ReactNode

Buttons cannot be empty


variant: ButtonVariant

The type of the button

Default: ButtonVariant.Secondary

PrimaryBlue background, white text
SecondaryGray background, dark gray text
size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'

The size of the button

Default: 'medium'

small24px tall, small padding, small text
medium32px tall, medium padding, medium text
large48px tall, large padding, larger text
grow: boolean

If true, the button will grow to its container's width.

Default: false

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

dataLabel: String

The data label of the button (generally used for media timestamps).

Note: not displayed at small size.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button.

Note: not displayed at small size.

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined


import * as React from 'react';
import {DeleteButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<DeleteButton>Button Label</DeleteButton>;

Static Properties

Size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
<DeleteButton size={DeleteButton.Size.Small}>Small Button</DeleteButton>

Component Props


children: ReactNode

Buttons cannot be empty


size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'

The size of the button

Default: 'medium'

small24px tall, small padding, small text
medium32px tall, medium padding, medium text
large48px tall, large padding, larger text
buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

grow: boolean

If true, the button will grow to its container's width.

Default: false

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined


import * as React from 'react';
import {DropdownButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<DropdownButton>Button Label</DropdownButton>;

Static Properties

Size: 'medium' | 'large'
<DropdownButton size={DropdownButton.Size.Large}>Large Button</DropdownButton>
Variant: DropdownButtonVariant
<DropdownButton variant={DropdownButton.Variant.Primary}>Primary Button</DropdownButton>

Component Props


children: ReactNode

Buttons cannot be empty


variant: ButtonVariant

The type of the button

Default: DropdownButtonVariant.Secondary

PrimaryBlue background, white text/icon
SecondaryGray background, dark gray text/icon
size: 'medium' | 'large'

The size of the button

Default: 'medium'

medium32px tall, medium padding, medium text
large48px tall, large padding, larger text
grow: boolean

If true, the button will grow to its container's width.

Default: false

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined


import * as React from 'react';
import {HighlightButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<HighlightButton>Button Label</HighlightButton>;

Static Properties

Size: 'medium' | 'large'
<HighlightButton size={HighlightButton.Size.Large}>Large Button</HighlightButton>

Component Props


children: ReactNode

Buttons cannot be empty


size: 'medium' | 'large'

The size of the button

Default: 'medium'

medium32px tall, medium padding, medium text
large48px tall, large padding, larger text
grow: boolean

If true, the button will grow to its container's width.

Default: false

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined


import * as React from 'react';
import {OutlineButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<OutlineButton>Button Label</OutlineButton>;

Static Properties

Size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
<OutlineButton size={OutlineButton.Size.Small}>Small Button</OutlineButton>
Variant: OutlineButtonVariant
<OutlineButton variant={OutlineButton.Variant.Primary}>Primary Button</OutlineButton>

Component Props


children: ReactNode

Buttons cannot be empty


variant: ButtonVariant

The type of the button

Default: OutlineButtonVariant.Secondary

PrimaryTransparent background, blue border and text
SecondaryTransparent background, gray border and text
InverseTransparent background, white border and text
size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'

The size of the button

Default: 'medium'

small24px tall, small padding, small text
medium32px tall, medium padding, medium text
large48px tall, large padding, larger text
grow: boolean

If true, the button will grow to its container's width.

Default: false

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

dataLabel: String

The data label of the button (generally used for media timestamps)

Note: not displayed at small size.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button

Note: not displayed at small size.

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined


import * as React from 'react';
import {TextButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<TextButton>Button Label</TextButton>;

Static Properties

Size: 'small' | 'medium'
<TextButton size={TextButton.Size.Small}>Small Button</TextButton>
Variant: ButtonVariant
<TextButton variant={TextButton.Variant.Inverse}>Inverse Button</TextButton>

Component Props


children: ReactNode

Buttons cannot be empty


variant: TextButtonVariant

The type of the button

Default: TextButtonVariant.Default

DefaultBlue text
InverseWhite text
size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'

The size of the button

Default: 'medium'

small24px tall, small padding, small text
medium32px tall, medium padding, medium text
large48px tall, large padding, larger text
iconPosition: ButtonIconPosition

The position of the TextButton icon.

Default: ButtonIconPosition.Left

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button.

allCaps: boolean

The capitialization of the text in the button.

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined

import * as React from 'react';
import {Hyperlink} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<Hyperlink href={url}>Link</Hyperlink>;

Hyperlink will apply our link styling, but follow the font styles of it's container (size, weight, line-height, etc.).

Static Properties

Variant: ButtonVariant
<Hyperlink variant={Hyperlink.Variant.Inverse}>Link</Hyperlink>

The style of the link for different backgrounds

Default: TextButtonVariant.Default

DefaultBlue text
InverseWhite text

Component Props




href: string

The href url of the anchor tag


Button containing an icon. Icon may be a component from canvas-kit-react-icon or an svg element.


import * as React from 'react';
import {IconButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
import {SystemIcon} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-icon';
import {activityStreamIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';

<IconButton icon={activityStreamIcon} aria-label="Activity Stream" />;

Static Properties

Size: 'small' | 'medium'
<IconButton size={IconButton.Size.Small} icon={xIcon} />
Variant: IconButtonVariant
<IconButton variant={IconButton.Variant.Plain} icon={xIcon} />

Component Props


aria-label: string

The accessibility label to indicate the action triggered by clicking the icon button.


variant: IconButtonVariant

The type of the icon button

Default: IconButtonVariant.Circle

SquareSquare, white background, dark gray icon
SquareFilledSquare, gray background, dark gray icon
PlainDark gray icon
CircleCircular, dark gray icon
CircleFilledCircular, gray background, dark gray icon
InverseCircular, transparent background, white icon
InverseFilledCircular, semitransparent background, white icon
size: 'small' | 'medium

The size of the icon button

Default: 'medium'

ThemeDescriptionIs Default
Small32px Diameter, 20px Icon SizeFalse
Medium40px Diameter, 24px Icon SizeTrue
toggled: boolean | undefined

If defined as a boolean, then it manages the button state: on (true) or off (false). This is a controlled button component. If left undefined then the button is not considered toggle-able (aria-pressed is undefined) and will act as a normal button.

Default: undefined

onToggleChange: (toggled: boolean | undefined) => void

The callback that is fired when a button toggle prop changes This is true when the toggle changes from true to false but also if you disable the toggle-ability of a button (in other words, if toggle changes from a boolean to undefined). This is important because the aria-pressed attribute for accessibility is goverened by whether or not the toggle prop is defined.

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button. Optional because IconButton can also wrap a SystemIcon component.

as: 'a'

The alternative container type for the button. If as="a" is provided, We use Emotion's special as prop to render an a tag instead of a button.

When defined, all props available via React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> (e.g. href, target, etc.) become available.

Default: undefined


Button containing an icon. Icon may be a component from canvas-kit-react-icon or an svg element. Note: This button is intended to be used within a toolbar.


import * as React from 'react';
import {ToolbarIconButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
import {activityStreamIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
<ToolbarIconButton icon={activityStreamIcon} aria-label="Activity Stream" />;

Static Properties


Component Props


aria-label: string

The accessibility label to indicate the action triggered by clicking the toolbar icon button.


toggled: boolean | undefined

If defined as a boolean, then it manages the button state: on (true) or off (false). This is a controlled button component. If left undefined then the button is not considered toggle-able (aria-pressed is undefined) and will act as a normal button.

Default: undefined

onToggleChange: (toggled: boolean | undefined) => void

The callback that is fired when a button toggle prop changes This is true when the toggle changes from true to false but also if you disable the toggle-ability of a button (in other words, if toggle changes from a boolean to undefined). This is important because the aria-pressed attribute for accessibility is goverened by whether or not the toggle prop is defined.

buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button. Optional because ToolbarIconButton can also wrap a SystemIcon component.


Button containing an icon or custom element. Icon may be a component from canvas-kit-react-icon or an svg element. By default, the button has a down chevron to the right indicating that it's a dropdown button. Note: This button is intended to be used within a toolbar.


import * as React from 'react';
import {ToolbarDropdownButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
import {activityStreamIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
<ToolbarDropdownButton icon={activityStreamIcon} aria-label="Activity Stream" />;

Static Properties


Component Props


aria-label: string

The accessibility label to indicate the action triggered by clicking the toolbar icon button.


buttonRef: React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>

Returns the ref to the rendered HTMLButtonElement.

icon: CanvasSystemIcon

The icon of the button. Optional because ToolbarDropdownButton can also wrap a SystemIcon component.




Package last updated on 02 Feb 2021

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