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Comparing version 0.6.72 to 0.9.0



import { SyntheticEvent } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { SizeType } from "../../interfaces/SizeType";
import { SizeType } from '../../interfaces';
import CSS from 'csstype';

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ export interface SVGIconProps {

style?: CSS.Properties;
size?: SizeType;
size?: SizeType | string;
color?: string;

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ className?: string;

@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ var __makeTemplateObject = (this && this.__makeTemplateObject) || function (cooked, raw) {

import styled from "styled-components";
import { SizeType } from "../../interfaces/SizeType";
var IconWrapper = styled.div(templateObject_1 || (templateObject_1 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n display: flex;\n position: relative;\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n opacity: ", ";\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n transition: fill .5s, opacity .5s;\n }\n &:hover {\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n }\n }\n"], ["\n display: flex;\n position: relative;\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n opacity: ", ";\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n transition: fill .5s, opacity .5s;\n }\n &:hover {\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n }\n }\n"])), function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return (props.hoverColor && props.hasclick && !props.disabled) ? 'pointer' : 'default'; }, function (props) { return props.disabled ? .5 : 1; }, function (props) { return props.color; }, function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return !props.disabled ? (props.hoverColor || props.color) : props.color; }, function (props) { return (props.hoverColor && props.hasclick && !props.disabled) ? 'pointer' : 'default'; });
import { SizeType } from '../../interfaces';
var IconWrapper = styled.div(templateObject_1 || (templateObject_1 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n display: inline-flex;\n position: relative;\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n opacity: ", ";\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n transition: fill .5s, opacity .5s;\n }\n &:hover {\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n }\n }\n"], ["\n display: inline-flex;\n position: relative;\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n opacity: ", ";\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n width: ", ";\n height: ", ";\n transition: fill .5s, opacity .5s;\n }\n &:hover {\n > svg {\n fill: ", ";\n cursor: ", ";\n }\n }\n"])), function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return (props.hoverColor && props.hasClick && !props.disabled) ? 'pointer' : 'default'; }, function (props) { return props.disabled ? .5 : 1; }, function (props) { return props.color; }, function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return props.size; }, function (props) { return !props.disabled ? (props.hoverColor || props.color) : props.color; }, function (props) { return (props.hoverColor && props.hasClick && !props.disabled) ? 'pointer' : 'default'; });
export var SVGIcon = function (props) {

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ var inherit = 'default';

var useTag = '<use xlink:href="#' + props.iconid + '" />';
return (React.createElement(IconWrapper, __assign({ className: 'Icon ' + props.className, hoverColor: props.hoverColor, hasclick: !!onClick, disabled: !!(disabled), style: style, size: iconSize, color: color ? color : colorObj.iconColor, "data-name": props.iconid }, context.getDataSet(props)),
return (React.createElement(IconWrapper, __assign({ className: 'Icon ' + props.className, hoverColor: props.hoverColor, hasClick: !!onClick, disabled: !!(disabled), style: style, size: iconSize, color: color ? color : colorObj.iconColor, "data-name": props.iconid }, context.getDataSet(props)),
React.createElement("svg", { "data-id": props["data-id"], viewBox: "0 0 100 100", dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: useTag } }),

@@ -62,0 +62,0 @@ onClick && !disabled ? React.createElement("div", __assign({ style: { position: 'absolute', cursor: 'pointer', top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, left: 0, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.001)' }, className: "icon-click-target", onClick: clickAction }, context.getDataSet(props, ' clickTarget'))) : null));

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ import React, { SyntheticEvent } from 'react';

import { InputType } from "../../interfaces/InputType";
import { AnnotationPosition } from "../../interfaces/AnnotationPosition";
import { AnnotationPosition } from '../../interfaces';
export interface TextFieldProps {

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ autoComplete?: string;

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react';

import { LabelWrapper } from "./LabelWrapper";
import { AnnotationPosition } from "../../interfaces/AnnotationPosition";
import { AnnotationPosition } from '../../interfaces';
import { HintMessage, TextFieldWrapper } from "./TextFieldWrapper";

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ var tabIndexVal = 1;

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ var __makeTemplateObject = (this && this.__makeTemplateObject) || function (cooked, raw) {

import { SizeType } from "../../interfaces/SizeType";
import { InputType } from "../../interfaces/InputType";
export var HintMessage = styled.div(templateObject_1 || (templateObject_1 = __makeTemplateObject(["\ndisplay: flex;\nfont-family: ", ";\n> .input_error {\n display: flex;\n font-size: ", ";\n text-align: left;\n color: ", ";\n &:empty {\n display:none;\n }\n}\n> .input_hint {\n display: flex;\n font-size: ", ";\n text-align: left;\n color: ", ";\n &:empty {\n display:none;\n }\n}\n"], ["\ndisplay: flex;\nfont-family: ", ";\n> .input_error {\n display: flex;\n font-size: ", ";\n text-align: left;\n color: ", ";\n &:empty {\n display:none;\n }\n}\n> .input_hint {\n display: flex;\n font-size: ", ";\n text-align: left;\n color: ", ";\n &:empty {\n display:none;\n }\n}\n"])), function (props) { return props.fontFamilyObj; }, function (props) { return props.spacingObj.bodySmallFontSize; }, function (props) { return props.colors.errorBorderColor; }, function (props) { return props.spacingObj.bodySmallFontSize; }, function (props) { return props.colors.textColor; });

@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ var calcPaddingLeft = function (preFixWidth, spacingObj) {

export var TextFieldWrapper = styled.div(templateObject_2 || (templateObject_2 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n font-family: ", ";\n border-radius: ", "px;\n min-height: ", "px;\n color: ", ";\n line-height: ", "px;\n border: solid 1px ", ";\n position: relative;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n z-index: 1;\n outline: none;\n font-weight: normal;\n width: calc(", " - ", "px);\n display: inline-block;\n margin: ", ";\n background-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent;\n transition: .25s linear border-color, .1s linear box-shadow;\n &:hover {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n &.active {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n > input, > textarea {\n font-family: ", ";\n background-color: transparent;\n overflow: hidden;\n line-height: ", ";\n outline: none;\n width: calc(100% - ", "px);\n padding-bottom: 0;\n padding-top: 0;\n color: ", ";\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: ", ";\n margin-top: ", ";\n border: none;\n &::placeholder {\n color: ", ";\n }\n caret-color: ", ";\n }\n > .prefix, .postfix {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n position: absolute;\n font-size: ", "rem;\n padding: 0 ", "px 0 ", "px;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n }\n > .prefix {\n left: 0;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n }\n > .postfix {\n right: 0;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n }\n"], ["\n font-family: ", ";\n border-radius: ", "px;\n min-height: ", "px;\n color: ", ";\n line-height: ", "px;\n border: solid 1px ", ";\n position: relative;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n z-index: 1;\n outline: none;\n font-weight: normal;\n width: calc(", " - ", "px);\n display: inline-block;\n margin: ", ";\n background-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent;\n transition: .25s linear border-color, .1s linear box-shadow;\n &:hover {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n &.active {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n > input, > textarea {\n font-family: ", ";\n background-color: transparent;\n overflow: hidden;\n line-height: ", ";\n outline: none;\n width: calc(100% - ", "px);\n padding-bottom: 0;\n padding-top: 0;\n color: ", ";\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: ", ";\n margin-top: ", ";\n border: none;\n &::placeholder {\n color: ", ";\n }\n caret-color: ", ";\n }\n > .prefix, .postfix {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n position: absolute;\n font-size: ", "rem;\n padding: 0 ", "px 0 ", "px;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n }\n > .prefix {\n left: 0;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n }\n > .postfix {\n right: 0;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n }\n"])), function (props) { return props.fontFamilyObj; }, function (props) { return props.shape !== ShapeType.Sharp ? props.spacingObj.padding / 2 : 0; }, function (props) { return props.elementType === 'textarea' ? props.height * 2.5 : props.height; }, function (props) { return props.colors.textColor; }, function (props) { return props.height; }, function (props) { return !!props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.borderColor; }, function (props) { return calcPaddingLeft(props.preFixWidth, props.spacingObj); }, function (props) { return calcPaddingRight(props.inputType, props.postFixWidth, props.spacingObj); }, function (props) { return props.width; }, function (props) { return (calcPaddingLeft(props.preFixWidth, props.spacingObj) + (calcPaddingRight(props.inputType, props.postFixWidth, props.spacingObj))); }, function (props) { return (props.showSuggestions ? '0' : props.spacingObj.margin) + 'px 0'; }, function (props) { return props.disabled ? props.colors.idleBorderColor
export var TextFieldWrapper = styled.div(templateObject_2 || (templateObject_2 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n font-family: ", ";\n border-radius: ", "px;\n min-height: ", "px;\n color: ", ";\n line-height: ", "px;\n border: solid 1px ", ";\n position: relative;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n z-index: 1;\n outline: none;\n font-weight: normal;\n width: calc(", " - ", "px);\n display: inline-block;\n margin: ", ";\n background-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent;\n transition: .25s linear border-color, .1s linear box-shadow;\n &:hover {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n &.active {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n > input, > textarea {\n font-family: ", ";\n background-color: transparent;\n overflow: hidden;\n line-height: ", ";\n outline: none;\n width: calc(100% - ", "px);\n padding-bottom: 0;\n padding-top: 0;\n position: relative;\n &::-webkit-outer-spin-button,\n &::-webkit-inner-spin-button {\n margin-left: ", "px;\n width: ", "px;\n }\n color: ", ";\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: ", ";\n margin-top: ", ";\n border: none;\n &::placeholder {\n color: ", ";\n }\n caret-color: ", ";\n }\n > .prefix, .postfix {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n position: absolute;\n font-size: ", "rem;\n padding: 0 ", "px 0 ", "px;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n }\n > .prefix {\n left: 0;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n }\n > .postfix {\n right: 0;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n }\n"], ["\n font-family: ", ";\n border-radius: ", "px;\n min-height: ", "px;\n color: ", ";\n line-height: ", "px;\n border: solid 1px ", ";\n position: relative;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n z-index: 1;\n outline: none;\n font-weight: normal;\n width: calc(", " - ", "px);\n display: inline-block;\n margin: ", ";\n background-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent;\n transition: .25s linear border-color, .1s linear box-shadow;\n &:hover {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n &.active {\n border-color: ", ";\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ", ";\n }\n > input, > textarea {\n font-family: ", ";\n background-color: transparent;\n overflow: hidden;\n line-height: ", ";\n outline: none;\n width: calc(100% - ", "px);\n padding-bottom: 0;\n padding-top: 0;\n position: relative;\n &::-webkit-outer-spin-button,\n &::-webkit-inner-spin-button {\n margin-left: ", "px;\n width: ", "px;\n }\n color: ", ";\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: ", ";\n margin-top: ", ";\n border: none;\n &::placeholder {\n color: ", ";\n }\n caret-color: ", ";\n }\n > .prefix, .postfix {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n position: absolute;\n font-size: ", "rem;\n padding: 0 ", "px 0 ", "px;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n }\n > .prefix {\n left: 0;\n padding-left: ", "px;\n }\n > .postfix {\n right: 0;\n padding-right: ", "px;\n }\n"])), function (props) { return props.fontFamilyObj; }, function (props) { return props.shape !== ShapeType.Sharp ? props.spacingObj.padding / 2 : 0; }, function (props) { return props.elementType === 'textarea' ? props.height * 2.5 : props.height; }, function (props) { return props.colors.textColor; }, function (props) { return props.height; }, function (props) { return !!props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.borderColor; }, function (props) { return calcPaddingLeft(props.preFixWidth, props.spacingObj); }, function (props) { return calcPaddingRight(props.inputType, props.postFixWidth, props.spacingObj); }, function (props) { return props.width; }, function (props) { return (calcPaddingLeft(props.preFixWidth, props.spacingObj) + (calcPaddingRight(props.inputType, props.postFixWidth, props.spacingObj))); }, function (props) { return (props.showSuggestions ? '0' : props.spacingObj.margin) + 'px 0'; }, function (props) { return props.disabled ? props.colors.idleBorderColor
: (!!props.error || props.error)
? props.colors.errorBackgroundColor
: props.colors.backgroundColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.hoverBorderColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.hoverBorderColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.typingBorderColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.typingBorderColor; }, function (props) { return props.fontFamilyObj; }, function (props) { return props.elementType === 'textarea' ? 'normal' : "".concat(props.height, "px"); }, function (props) { return props.postFixWidth; }, function (props) { return props.colors.typingTextColor; }, function (props) { return (props.size === SizeType.XSmall || props.size === SizeType.Small)
: props.colors.backgroundColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.hoverBorderColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.hoverBorderColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.typingBorderColor; }, function (props) { return !!props.error || props.error ? props.colors.errorBorderColor : props.colors.typingBorderColor; }, function (props) { return props.fontFamilyObj; }, function (props) { return props.elementType === 'textarea' ? 'normal' : "".concat(props.height, "px"); }, function (props) { return props.inputType === InputType.Number ? 0 : props.postFixWidth; }, function (props) { return props.postFixWidth - (props.spacingObj.margin * 2); }, function (props) { return props.spacingObj.margin * 3; }, function (props) { return props.colors.typingTextColor; }, function (props) { return (props.size === SizeType.XSmall || props.size === SizeType.Small)
? props.spacingObj.bodyMediumFontSize
: props.spacingObj.bodyLargeFontSize; }, function (props) { return props.elementType === 'textarea' ? props.spacingObj.padding + 'px' : 0; }, function (props) { return props.colors.textColor; }, function (props) { return props.colors.textColor; }, function (props) { return props.spacingObj.fontSize; }, function (props) { return 2 * props.spacingObj.padding; }, function (props) { return 2 * props.spacingObj.padding; }, function (props) { return 1.5 * props.spacingObj.padding; }, function (props) { return 1.5 * props.spacingObj.padding; });
var templateObject_1, templateObject_2;

@@ -1,8 +0,1 @@

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.ShapeType = void 0;

@@ -13,7 +6,9 @@ * Theme style definitions for various components. Typically describes the

var ShapeType = {
Round: 'round',
Rounded: 'rounded',
Sharp: 'sharp'
exports.ShapeType = ShapeType;
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
export var ShapeType;
(function (ShapeType) {
ShapeType["Round"] = "round";
ShapeType["Rounded"] = "rounded";
ShapeType["Sharp"] = "sharp";
})(ShapeType || (ShapeType = {}));
export var ShapePropType = PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(ShapeType));
"name": "@zebra-fed/zds-react-desktop",
"version": "0.6.72",
"version": "0.9.0",
"description": "Zebra Desktop. A React component library.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "./index.css",

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { SVGIcon, RangeSlider, RangeSliderInput, SliderInput, TextField } from './components';
import { SVGIcon, TextField } from './components';
import { StripesTheme } from './StripesTheme';
import { icons } from './iconLibrary';
import '@zebra-fed/icons/Navigation/index.css';
import { ThemeMode, ShapeType } from './interfaces';
import { ThemeMode, ShapeType, InputType } from './interfaces';
export function App() {

@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ var themeObj = {

return React.createElement(StripesTheme, { mode: ThemeMode.Light, theme: themeObj },
React.createElement("div", { style: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' } },
React.createElement(SVGIcon, { iconid: 'home', size: '50px', style: { marginRight: '10px' } }),
React.createElement("span", null, "Get Started")),
React.createElement("div", { style: { margin: '50px' } },
React.createElement(RangeSliderInput, { numMarkers: 10, range: [0, 90], step: 2, onChange: function (val) { return console.log(val); }, shape: ShapeType.Rounded, label: 'This is a Label', value: [40, 50] })),
React.createElement(TextField, { shape: ShapeType.Sharp, postfix: React.createElement(SVGIcon, { iconid: 'email' }), width: '100px', inputType: InputType.Number, placeholder: "Enter a Number" })),
React.createElement("div", { style: { margin: '50px' } },
React.createElement(SliderInput, { numMarkers: 10, range: [0, 90], step: 2, label: 'Another Label for testing height', onChange: function (val) { return console.log(val); }, shape: ShapeType.Rounded, value: 40 })),
React.createElement("div", { style: { margin: '50px' } },
React.createElement(RangeSlider, { numMarkers: 10, range: [0, 90], value: [40, 50] })),
React.createElement("div", { style: { margin: '50px' } },
React.createElement(TextField, { shape: ShapeType.Sharp, postfix: React.createElement(SVGIcon, { iconid: 'email' }), width: '50%', placeholder: "Enter a Number" })));
React.createElement(TextField, { shape: ShapeType.Sharp, postfix: React.createElement(SVGIcon, { iconid: 'email' }), width: '100px', placeholder: "Enter a Number" })));
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