Parser for RFC 2822 & 5322 (Header) format email addresses.
This module parses RFC 2822 headers containing addresses such as From, To, CC, and BCC headers.
It is almost a direct port of the perl module Mail::Address and I'm grateful to the original authors of that module for the clean code and the tests.
npm install address-rfc2822
const addrparser = require('address-rfc2822')
const addresses = addrparser.parse('Matt Sergeant <helpme+npm@gmail.com>')
const address = addresses[0]
console.log(`Email address: ${address.address}`)
console.log(`Email name: ${address.name()}`)
console.log(`Reformatted: ${address.format()}`)
console.log(`User part: ${address.user()}`)
console.log(`Host part: ${address.host()}`)
More Info
This module is MIT licensed.