A fast postgres CRUD ORM
Original base work was a forked from @abeai/node-utils
PGActiveModel ⇐ PGEncryptModel
Postgres Active Model class to extend a custom model from.
Postgres Base Model class to extend a custom model from.
Postgres Connecter to initialize the singleton for connection.
PGEncryptModel ⇐ PGBaseModel
Postgres Encryption Model class to extend a custom model from.
- PGTypes
The types of fields for Postgres Models.
Postgres Active Model class to extend a custom model from.
Kind: global class
Extends: PGEncryptModel
- PGActiveModel ⇐
- instance
- static
- .create(model) ⇒
- .findById(id) ⇒
- .findLimtedBy(fieldValues, operator, limit) ⇒
- .findAllBy(fieldValues, operator) ⇒
- .findAll() ⇒
- .deleteById(id) ⇒
- .deleteLimitedBy(fieldValues, operator, limit) ⇒
- .deleteAllBy(fieldValues, operator) ⇒
- .deleteAll() ⇒
- .updateById(id, model, returnModel) ⇒
- .updateLimitedBy(fieldValues, model, operator, returnModel, limit) ⇒
- .updateAllBy(fieldValues, model, operator, returnModel) ⇒
- .updateAll(model) ⇒
pgActiveModel.addProperty(name, value)
Adds a property to this model that does not affect it from a database perspective.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
name | String | The name of the property. |
value | Any | The the value to set the property. |
Retrieves the current model by its set field with type PGTypes.PK
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
Deletes the current model by its set field with type PGTypes.PK
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
Creates a new row with the currently set properties.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
Saves the model with its changed properties.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
Updates the model with the passed in changed properties.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
pgActiveModel.decrypt(...props) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Decrypts the properties on the model based on which stringed names are passed in as arguments.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
...props | String | name of each property. |
pgActiveModel.encrypt(...props) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Encrypts the properties on the model based on which stringed names are passed in as arguments.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
...props | String | name of each property. |
pgActiveModel.redactSensitiveData(redactionCensor) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Redacts all encrypted fields from the model.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
redactionCensor | String | "[redacted]" | The string to replace the encrypted values with. |
pgActiveModel.getEncryptedProfile() ⇒ String
Gets the encrypted profile that the model has set.
Kind: instance method of PGActiveModel
Returns: String
- Returns it's self.
PGActiveModel.create(model) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Creates a new row with the passed in props and values.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns it's self.
model | Object | A plain object with the name of the properties and their values to be set with the new model. |
username: 'foo',
email: '',
PGActiveModel.findById(id) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Retrives a model by it's PK.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns a new model.
id | String | The PK of the model to retrieve. |
PGActiveModel.findLimtedBy(fieldValues, operator, limit) ⇒ Array.<PGActiveModel>
Retrives a limited amount models by the passed in fieldValues
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of new models.
fieldValues | Object | | A plain object with the properties and their values to retrive by. |
operator | String | AND | The query operator to use between each of the fieldValues [AND , OR , 'NOT'] |
limit | Number | | The limit to stop searching when the records retrived are equal or greater than the set limit . |
username: ['user2', 'OR', 'user3'],
email: null,
}, 'AND', 5);
PGActiveModel.findAllBy(fieldValues, operator) ⇒ Array.<PGActiveModel>
Retrives all models by the passed in fieldValues. Will stop searching when the records retrived are equal or greater than limit
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of new models.
fieldValues | Object | | A plain object with the properties and their values to retrive by. |
operator | String | AND | The query operator to use between each of the fieldValues [AND , OR , 'NOT'] |
username: ['user2', 'OR', 'user3'],
email: null,
}, 'AND');
Retrives all rows in the table of the model.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of new models.
PGActiveModel.deleteById(id) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Deletes a model that is found by it's PK with the passed in props and values.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns a new model or null
id | String | The PK of the model to delete. |
PGActiveModel.deleteLimitedBy(fieldValues, operator, limit) ⇒ Array.<PGActiveModel>
Deletes a limited amount models by the passed in fieldValues.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of deleted models.
fieldValues | Object | | A plain object with the properties and their values to delete by. |
operator | String | AND | The query operator to use between each of the fieldValues [AND , OR , 'NOT'] |
limit | Number | | The limit to stop deleting when the records retrived are equal or greater than the set limit . |
registered: false,
},'AND', 5);
PGActiveModel.deleteAllBy(fieldValues, operator) ⇒ Array.<PGActiveModel>
Deletes all models by the passed in fieldValues
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of deleted models.
fieldValues | Object | | A plain object with the properties and their values to delete by. |
operator | String | AND | The query operator to use between each of the fieldValues [AND , OR , 'NOT'] |
registered: true,
Deletes all models in their table.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of deleted models or null
PGActiveModel.updateById(id, model, returnModel) ⇒ PGActiveModel
Updates a model that is found by it's PK with the passed in props and values.
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: PGActiveModel
- Returns a new model or null
id | String | | The PK of the model to update. |
model | Object | | A plain object with the name of the properties and their values to update the model with. |
returnModel | Boolean | true | If the updated model should be returned or not. It will return null if this is set to false. |
password: 'bestpasswordinalltheland12346969420'
PGActiveModel.updateLimitedBy(fieldValues, model, operator, returnModel, limit) ⇒ Array.<PGActiveModel>
Updates models that are found by the passed in fieldValues
with the passed in props and values of the model
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of updated models or null
fieldValues | Object | | A plain object with the properties and their values to update by. |
model | Object | | A plain object with the name of the properties and their values to update the model with. |
operator | String | AND | The query operator to use between each of the fieldValues [AND , OR , 'NOT'] |
returnModel | Boolean | true | If the updated model should be returned or not. It will return null if this is set to false. |
limit | Number | | The limit to stop searching when the records retrived are equal or greater than the set limit . |
password: null
password: 'bestpasswordinalltheland12346969420'
},'AND', true, 5);
PGActiveModel.updateAllBy(fieldValues, model, operator, returnModel) ⇒ Array.<PGActiveModel>
Updates all models that are found by the passed in fieldValues
with the passed in props and values of the model
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of updated models or null
fieldValues | Object | | A plain object with the properties and their values to update by. |
model | Object | | A plain object with the name of the properties and their values to update the model with. |
operator | String | AND | The query operator to use between each of the fieldValues [AND , OR , 'NOT'] |
returnModel | Boolean | true | If the updated model should be returned or not. It will return null if this is set to false. |
password: null
password: 'bestpasswordinalltheland12346969420'
Updates all models in their table with the passed in props and values of the model
Kind: static method of PGActiveModel
Returns: Array.<PGActiveModel>
- Returns an array of updated models or null
model | Object | A plain object with the name of the properties and their values to update the models with. |
password: 'bestpasswordinalltheland12346969420'
Postgres Base Model class to extend a custom model from.
Kind: global class
Postgres Connecter to initialize the singleton for connection.
Kind: global class
new PGConnecter(options)
options | Object | | The connection options. |
options.crypto | Crypto | postgres/crypto/interface.js | The implemented crypto interface that follows postgres/crypto/interface.js | | Object | | The options object to pass into pg lib. | | String | process.env.PGUSER | User's name. | | String | process.env.PGPASSWORD | User's password. | | String | process.env.PGDATABASE | Database's name. | | Number | process.env.PGPORT | Database's port. | | String | | Postgres formated connection string. e.g. postgres://user:password@host:5432/database | | TLSSocket | | Options to be passed into the native Node.js TLSSocket socket. | | pg.types | | Custom type parsers. See node-postgres types for more details. | | Number | 0 | Number of milliseconds before a statement in query will time out. | | Number | 0 | number of milliseconds before a query call will timeout. | | Number | 0 | Number of milliseconds to wait before timing out when connecting a new client. | | Number | 10000 | Number of milliseconds a client must sit idle in the pool and not be checked out before it is disconnected from the backend and discarded. | | Number | 10 | Maximum number of clients the pool should contain. |
var pgOptions = {
pg: {
connectionString: 'postgres://postgres@localhost/pgtest',
try {
pgOptions.crypto = require('@abeai/node-crypto').utils.pgCrypto;
} catch (_) {
var pg = new PGConnecter(pgOptions);
Postgres Encryption Model class to extend a custom model from.
Kind: global class
Extends: PGBaseModel
The types of fields for Postgres Models.
Kind: global constant
The primary key of the table.
Kind: static property of PGTypes
Marks this field to auto encrypt/hash (for look up) but not auto decrypt it on retrieval.
The table will need to have a field with the same name as this set field with __
as a prefix.
Kind: static property of PGTypes
phone VARCHAR (500),
__phone VARCHAR (500) UNIQUE,
Marks this field to auto encrypt but not auto decrypt it on retrieval.
Same as Encrypt
but with no lookup hash.
Kind: static property of PGTypes
Marks this field as the encryption profile for encrypting/decrypting/hashing utilizing aws kms.
Kind: static property of PGTypes
Marks this field to auto encrypt/hash (for look up) and to auto decrypt it on retrieval.
Kind: static property of PGTypes
Marks this field to auto encrypt and auto decrypt it on retrieval.
Same as AutoCrypt
but with no lookup hash.
Kind: static property of PGTypes
Marks this field to be hashed on creation (IE: Password and other information you want to protect)
Kind: static property of PGTypes