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Comparing version 0.1.3 to 0.1.4


"name": "ag-grid-mongo-query-builder",
"version": "0.1.3",
"version": "0.1.4",
"description": "Utility to generate Mongo DB aggregation pipeline queries starting from AgGrid server side params",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -1,2 +0,5 @@

module.exports.buildQuery = function (reqBody) {
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
// const ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
export const buildQuery = function (reqBody) {
let {

@@ -17,8 +20,10 @@ groupKeys = [], // holds the ID of the expanded node and the ID's of all its parent/grandparent node

const isFiltering = Object.keys(filterModel).length > 0;
const isGrouping = groupKeys.length > 0 || 1;
const isGrouping = rowGroupCols.length > 0 || 0;
const isSorting = sortModel.length > 0;
const limit = endRow - startRow;
const isAggregation = valueCols.length > 0 || 0;
const filterQuery = isFiltering ? buildFilterQuery(filterModel) : [];
const groupQuery = isGrouping ? buildGroupingQuery(groupKeys, rowGroupCols) : null;
const groupQuery = isGrouping ? buildGroupingQuery(groupKeys, rowGroupCols, valueCols, pivotCols,pivotMode) : [];
const aggregationQuery = isAggregation ? buildAggregationQuery(valueCols) : [];
const sortQuery = isSorting ? buildSortQuery(sortModel) : null;

@@ -32,3 +37,4 @@ const skipQuery = {'$skip': startRow};


@@ -158,3 +164,4 @@ skipQuery,

console.log('inside set filter for : ', filterModel , ' key:', key);
console.log('inside set filter');
console.log('set filter for : ', filterModel , ' key:', key);

@@ -178,8 +185,121 @@ if(filterModel.values.length >0)

function buildGroupingQuery(groupKeys , rowGroupCols){
const query = groupKeys
.map((key, index) =>({ [rowGroupCols[index].id ] : key}));
return {"$match": {"$and" : query}};
function buildGroupingQuery(groupKeys , rowGroupCols, valueCols, pivotCols,pivotMode){
console.log('group keys:', groupKeys);
console.log('rowGroupCols :', rowGroupCols);
console.log('valuCols:', valueCols);
console.log('Pivot mode:', pivotMode);
console.log('Pivot cols:',pivotCols);
// there is a match step if groupKeys.length > 0
// there is always a grouping step
// the grouping step can be with or without aggregation depending of valueCols.lengh > 0
// final query looks something like this:
// [
// {$match: {}}, //consition: empty if groupKeys.length = 0 otherwise it matches with keys
// {$group: {
// "_id": "$"+rowGroupCols[excessIndex].id+'',
// "doc":{"$first":"$$ROOT"},
// <field1>: { <accumulator1> : <expression1> },
// <field1>: { <accumulator1> : <expression1> } // as many times as many items in valueCols otherwise nothing
// }},
// {"$replaceRoot":{"newRoot":"$doc"}}
const _matchQuery = groupKeys.length ?, index) => { return {[rowGroupCols[index].id ] : key} } ) : [{}];
const _finalMatchQuery= _matchQuery.length > 1 ? [{"$match": {"$and" : _matchQuery}}] : [{"$match": _matchQuery[0]}];
console.log('match query:',JSON.stringify(_matchQuery));
const excessIndex = rowGroupCols.length - groupKeys.length > 0 ? groupKeys.length : 0;
console.log('excess indeX:',excessIndex);
const constantGroupQuery = {
'$group': {
"_id": "$"+rowGroupCols[excessIndex].id+'',
console.log('group query1:',JSON.stringify(constantGroupQuery));
const aggregationArray = buildAggregationQuery(valueCols);
//build pivot Query
// pivotCOls, pivot mode.. query for pivoting is :
// {
// $group: {
// _id: "$field2", //rowGroupCols[0]
// field1_counts: {
// $addToSet: {
// k: "$field1", // PivotCols[0]
// v: { $sum: 1 } // get this calling aggr function : sum avg max min etc.
// }
// }
// }
// },
// {
// $project: {
// _id: 0,
// field2: "$_id",
// field1_counts: {
// $arrayToObject: "$field1_counts"
// }
// }
// }
let tempGroup=[
"$group": {
"_id": "$"+rowGroupCols[excessIndex].id+'',
"field1_aggr": {
"$addToSet": {
// k: { $concat: ["$"+ pivotCols[0].id+""] },
k: "$"+ pivotCols[0].id+"", // PivotCols[0]
v : aggregationArray
// v: { $sum: 1 } // get this calling aggr function : sum avg max min etc.
// "doc":{"$first":"$$ROOT"}
"$project": {
// _id: 0,
// [rowGroupCols[0].id+'']: "$_id",
"field1_aggr": {
"$arrayToObject": "$field1_aggr"
console.log('temp group query with pivot:', JSON.stringify(tempGroup));
return [
const _groupQuery = Object.assign(constantGroupQuery['$group'], constantGroupQuery['$group'], ...aggregationArray);
console.log('group query2:',JSON.stringify({"$group":_groupQuery}));
console.log('aggr query:',JSON.stringify(aggregateQuery));
console.log('final match query in grouping:',JSON.stringify(_finalMatchQuery));
const grouingPipelineQuery = [
console.log('grouping pipeline:',JSON.stringify(grouingPipelineQuery));
return grouingPipelineQuery;

@@ -195,2 +315,41 @@

return {'$sort': sortQuery}
function buildAggregationQuery(valueCols){
if(!valueCols || valueCols== null || Object.keys(valueCols).length === 0) // if valuecols null or undefined.. just return empty array
return [];
if(Object.keys(aggFunction).includes('aggFunc') && aggFunction['aggFunc']){
return { ["_"+aggFunction.aggFunc]: aggregateQuery(aggFunction)};
console.log('aggrQuery array :', aggrQuery);
return aggrQuery;
function aggregateQuery(aggFunction){
console.log('inside building aggregateQuery: ',aggFunction);
switch (aggFunction.aggFunc) {
case 'sum': return {$sum : "$"""};
case 'avg': return {$avg : "$"""};
case 'min' : return {$min : "$"""};
case 'max' : return {$max : "$"""};
case 'first' : return {$first : "$"""};
case 'last' : return {$last : "$"""};
case 'count' : return { 'count' : {$count : { } } }; // counts each doc
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