
Server side implementation of Amplitude's HTTP API.
Amplitude SSL Issue
As of 2020-05-30, Amplitude reported issues with their SSL certificate, so they set up an endpoint and alternate endpoint at
. Read about it on Amplitude's Status Page and affected devices here.
As of v5.1.0+, you can use the alternative endpoint by setting the environment variable:
Or in the constructor:
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', {
tokenEndpoint: ''
Version 5+ Note
For amplitude@5+, it uses Amplitude's V2 HTTP API, which replaces the deprecated V1 HTTP API. This only affects the .track
method. The only potential breaking change is by default user_id
and device_id
require a minimum of 5 characters.
npm install amplitude --save
Basic Initialization
const Amplitude = require('amplitude')
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token')
See the examples/
directory for further usage.
Track an event
Pass in any keys listed on the Amplitude V2 HTTP API. The only required keys are event_type
and either user_id
or device_id
. If you initialized the Amplitude object with a user/device id, they can be ignored when calling the track method. Note: the user_id
and device_id
must be 5 or more characters if passed.
const data = {
event_type: 'some value',
user_id: 'some-user-id',
device_id: 'some-device-id',
session_id: 1492789357923,
event_properties: {
user_properties: {
try {
await amplitude.track(data)
} catch (err) {
You can also pass an array of event
const data = [
event_type: 'some value',
user_id: 'some id',
device_id: 'some id',
event_properties: {
user_properties: {
event_type: 'another value',
user_id: 'some id',
device_id: 'some id',
event_properties: {
user_properties: {
amplitude.track(data).then(res => {
console.log('Amplitude response', res)
Identify API
The identify
method allows you to make changes to a user without sending an analytics event.
const data = {
user_id: 'some id',
device_id: 'some id',
event_properties: {
user_properties: {
amplitude.identify(data).then(res => {
console.log('Amplitude response', res)
You can also pass an array of identify
const data = [
user_id: 'some id',
device_id: 'some id',
event_properties: {
user_properties: {
user_id: 'some id',
device_id: 'some id',
event_properties: {
user_properties: {
amplitude.identify(data).then(res => {
console.log('Amplitude response', res)
With this method, you can also modify user properties using property operations.
const data = {
user_id: 'some id',
device_id: 'some id',
user_properties: {
$set: {
$add: {
$append: {
amplitude.identify(data).then(res => {
console.log('Amplitude response', res)
Note the limitation of mixing user property operations with top level properties. If you use any property operations ($add
, $append
, etc.), and you want to set a user property, it must be done using the $set
CamelCase Data
If you prefer camelCase variables, you can pass in the camelCase version instead to the track
and identify
const data = {
eventType: 'some value',
userId: 'some id',
deviceId: 'some id',
sessionId: 1492789357923,
eventProperties: {
userProperties: {
amplitude.track(data).then(res => {
console.log('Amplitude response', res)
This is the full list of properties that will be automatically transformed:
userId -> user_id
deviceId -> device_id
sessionId -> session_id
eventType -> event_type
eventProperties -> event_properties
userProperties -> user_properties
appVersion -> app_version
osName -> os_name
osVersion -> os_version
deviceBrand -> device_brand
deviceManufacturer -> device_manufacturer
deviceModel -> device_model
locationLat -> location_lat
locationLng -> location_lng
User/Device/Session ID
If the user/device/session id will always be the same, you can initialize the object with it. Passing a user id or device id in the track
and identify
methods will override the default value set at initialization.
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { user_id: 'some-user-id' })
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { device_id: 'some-device-id' })
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { session_id: 1492789357923 })
try {
await amplitude.track({
event_type: 'some value'
} catch (err) {
event_type: 'some value',
user_id: 'will-override-the-default-id'
.then(res => {
console.log('Amplitude response', res)
All methods return a Promise.
.then(function(result) {
.catch(function(error) {
try {
const result = await amplitude.track({
event_type: 'some value'
} catch (error) {
Dashboard API
Export your data
The export method requires your secret key to be added when initializing the amplitude object. This method uses the export api and requires a start and end string in the format YYYYMMDDTHH
The method returns a stream.
const fs = require('fs')
const stream = fs.createWriteStream('./')
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { secretKey: 'secret' })
start: '20160501T20',
end: '20160601T20'
User Search
The user search method requires your secret key to be added when initializing the amplitude object. This method uses the dashboard api.
Search for a user with a specified Amplitude ID, Device ID, User ID, or User ID prefix.
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { secretKey: 'secret' })
amplitude.userSearch('user/device/amplitude id or user id prefix').then(res => {
const matches = res.matches
const type = res.type
User Activity
The user activity method requires your secret key to be added when initializing the amplitude object. This method uses the dashboard api.
Get a user summary and their recent events. This method requires an Amplitude ID. You can use the user search method to find that.
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { secretKey: 'secret' })
amplitude.userActivity('Amplitude ID').then(function(res) {
const userData = res.userData
const events =
If there is nothing found for the passed Amplitude ID, the Promise will still resolve. The userData
object will contain empty values and the events
array will be empty:
userData: {
num_sessions: 0,
purchases: 0,
revenue: 0,
merged_amplitude_ids: [],
num_events: 0,
canonical_amplitude_id: 1,
user_id: null,
last_location: null,
usage_time: 0,
last_device_id: null,
device_ids: []
events: []
If you do not know the Amplitude ID, you can use the userSearch method to find it.
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { secretKey: 'secret' })
.then(function(res) {
const match = res.matches[0]
return amplitude.userActivity(match.amplitude_id)
.then(function(res) {
const userData = res.userData
const events =
Event Segmentation
The event segmentation method requires your secret key to be added when initializing the amplitude object. This method uses the dashboard api.
Get metrics for an event with segmentation.
const amplitude = new Amplitude('api-token', { secretKey: 'secret' })
e: {
event_type: 'event_name'
start: '20170104',
end: '20170117'
.then(res => {
const segmentationData =
Example response:
{ series: [ [ 2, 25, 3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ],
seriesLabels: [ 0 ],
[ '2017-01-04',
'2017-01-17' ] }
If the event does not exist, Amplitude will throw a 400 error.
View the CHANGELOG for changes in each version.