An AngularJS wrapper for the Web Audio API's AudioContext.

Besides being a wrapper this module also patches the deprecated and prefixed versions of the
AudioContext which are out there. It uses the
standardized-audio-context to do so.
This module is intended to be used with Browserify like this:
var audioContext = require('angular-audio-context');
.module('my-app', [])
.controller('ExampleCtrl', ['audioContextService', function (audioContextService) {
In addition to the audioContextService, which is essentially an instantiated AudioContext, this
module also provides an extra property called isSupported. It is a boolean value that indicates if
the currently used browser supports the Web Audio API's AudioContext or not. An example usage might
look like this:
.module('your-module', [])
.config(function (audioContextServiceProvider, $provide) {
$provide.constant('audioContextIsSupported', audioContextServiceProvider.isSupported);
.controller('YourController', ['audioContextIsSupported', function (audioContextIsSupported) {
this.audioContextIsSupported = audioContextIsSupported;
<div ng-controller="YourController as ctrl" ng-if="!ctrl.audioContextIsSupported">
<span>Sorry AudioContext is not supported.</span>
In case you are missing a feature or found a bug just fork this repository or raise an issue.
There is also module called ngWebAudio which tries to simplify
the buffering and playback of a single audio file by utilizing the Web Audio API.
The naming of this module tries to align with the recommendations given in the
Specification for reusable AngularJS components.