AngularJS directive for the Leaflet Javascript
Library. This software aims to easily embed maps managed by leaflet on your
Leaflet project.
See some basic examples:
To see it in action, go to the main page where you can find more examples and
some documentation:
How to use it
You must include the leaflet-directive dependency on your angular module:
var app = angular.module("demoapp", ["leaflet-directive"]);
After that, you can change the default values of the directive (if you want) on
your angular controller. For example, you can change the tiles source, the
maxzoom on the leaflet map or the polyline path properties.
angular.extend($scope, {
defaults: {
tileLayer: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
maxZoom: 14,
path: {
weight: 10,
color: '#800000',
opacity: 1
If you want to set the start of the map to a precise position, you can define
the "center" property of the scope (lat, lng, zoom). It will be updated
interacting on the scope and on the leaflet map in two-way binding. Example:
angular.extend($scope, {
center: {
lat: 51.505,
lng: -0.09,
zoom: 8
Finally, you must include the markup directive on your HTML page, like this:
<leaflet defaults="defaults" center="center" height="480px" width="640px"></leaflet>
v0.7.3 (2014-01-11)
The most important change of this release is the overhaul of the markers attribute, which has some implications to mantain backwards compatibility. The icon definition inside a marker must be done without calling explicitly Leaflet Icon creation function. So, instead of:
marker = {
name: "example",
icon: L.icon({
We will use:
marker = {
name: "example",
icon: {
You can take a look at the demo page to see examples of this change:!/examples/customized-markers
- Gruntfile: Updated protractor-runner to allow running the e2e tests from various browsers f (01e9f0da)
- build:
- Added the possibility to group the markers in MarkerCluster without using overla (0d35b2c6)
- Moved all the event management functionality into leafletEvents service. (cd5fc09a)
- Refactor paths attribute (c321784e)
- documentation:
- Updated paths attribute documentation (082b16c4)
- Started the paths attribute documentation (972cad1e)
- examples:
- New example of layer+markers with markerclustering usage (d0230d07)
- New examples of markers attribute. (753e509f)
- Added a new and simplified paths example (2e991d73)
- Added a new simplified example to the paths attribute (c380b742)
- Added a new paths example: paths-simple-example.html (66bc6920)
- All the examples dependencies linked to the bower_components folder. (d9b0cdbf)
- markers: The icon definition has ben changed to be an object of properties, not a Leaflet (b45df205)
- tests: Added a new E2E protractor tests for the paths-simple-example.html (c74c2314)
Bug Fixes
- paths: Solved a bug on the scope watching of the paths attribute. (0663b309)
<a name="v0.7.2"></a>