reactive angular data orm
npm install --save-dev angular-pd-data
There is a lot to do...
A little snippet from the example app...
var backend = Data.createStore({
backend.connect('api', {
adapter: $httpAdapter,
options: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4000'
var Video = backend.defineResource({
name: 'Video',
path: 'videos',
model: {
primary: 'id',
relations: {
hasMany: {
Cue: {
field: 'cues',
identifier: 'videoId'
methods: {
start: function() {
collection: {
methods: {
huhu: function() {
var Cue = backend.defineResource({
name: 'Cue',
path: 'cues',
model: {
primary: 'id'
$rootScope.videos = Video.find();
$rootScope.videos2 = Video.find({ title: 'a' });
$rootScope.cues = Cue.find();
Christian Blaschke mail@platdesign.de