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Oracle Drags Its Feet in the JavaScript Trademark Dispute
Oracle seeks to dismiss fraud claims in the JavaScript trademark dispute, delaying the case and avoiding questions about its right to the name.
Validate the api to your functions to help people use them correctly. This is pretty much React's propTypes without React.
If that build is ever red or the coverage is ever less than 100% then I want you to flame me on twitter (@kentcdodds) and be sure to mention how disappointed @josepheames would be in me
It's like ReactJS propTypes
without React. Actually,
it's very heavily inspired by this concept. It's purpose is for normal JavaScript functions rather than just React
$ npm i -S api-check
or $bower i -S api-check
api-check utilizes UMD, so you can:
var apiCheck = require('api-check')(/* your custom options, checkers*/);
Also available as an AMD module or as apiCheck
on global
Note, there are a bunch of tests. Those should be instructive as well.
var myApiCheck = require('api-check')({
/* config options */
output: {
prefix: 'app/lib Name',
suffix: 'Good luck!',
docsBaseUrl: 'http://www.example.com/error-docs#'
verbose: false
}, {
/* custom checkers if you wanna */
// given we have a function like this:
function foo(bar, foobar) {
// we can define our api as the first argument to myApiCheck.warn
myApiCheck.warn([myApiCheck.number, myApiCheck.arrayOf(myApiCheck.string)], arguments);
// do stuff
// the function above can be called like so:
foo(3, ['a','b','c']);
// if it were called like so, a descriptive warning would be logged to the console
foo('whatever', false);
// here's something a little more complex (this is what's in the screenshot and [the demo](http://jsbin.com/hibocu/edit?js,console,output))
var myCheck = require('api-check')({
output: {
prefix: 'myApp',
suffix: 'see docs -->',
docsBaseUrl: 'http://example.com/error-descriptions#'
function doSomething(person, options, callback) {
myCheck.warn([ // you can also do myCheck.throw to throw an exception
name: myCheck.shape({
first: myCheck.string,
last: myCheck.string
age: myCheck.number,
isOld: myCheck.bool,
walk: myCheck.func,
ipAddress: function(val, name, location) {
if (!/(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/.test(val)) {
return myCheck.utils.getError(name, location, 'ipAddress');
childrenNames: myCheck.arrayOf(myCheck.string).optional
], arguments, {
prefix: 'doSomething',
suffix: 'Good luck!',
urlSuffix: 'dosomething-api-check-failure'
// do stuff
var person = {
name: {
first: 'Matt',
last: 'Meese'
age: 27,
isOld: false,
ipAddress: '',
walk: function() {}
function callback() {}
var options = 'whatever I want because it is an "any" type';
console.log('Successful call');
doSomething(person, options, callback);
console.log('Successful call (without options)');
doSomething(person, callback); // <-- options is optional
console.log('Failed call (without person)');
doSomething(callback); // <-- this would fail because person is not optional
person.ipAddress = 'Invalid IP Address!!!';
console.log('Failed call (invalid ip address)');
doSomething(person, options, callback); // <-- this would fail because the ipAddress checker would fail
// if you only wish to check the first argument to a function, you don't need to supply an array.
var libCheck = apiCheck(); // you don't HAVE to pass anything if you don't want to.
function bar(a) {
var errorMessage = libCheck(apiCheck.string, arguments);
if (!errorMessage) {
// success
} else if (typeof errorMessage === 'string') {
// there was a problem and errorMessage would like to tell you about it
bar('hello!'); // <-- success!
Differences in Supported Types noted below with a *
and node
fails on null. Use object.nullOk
if you don't want thatThis project was totally written from scratch, but it (should) support the same api as React's propTypes
(with the
noted difference above). If you notice something that functions differently, please file an issue.
These functions do the same thing, with minor differences. In both the warn
and throw
case, a message is generated
based on the arguments that the function was received and the api that was defined to describe what was wrong with the
In all cases, an object is returned with the following properties:
This is an array of objects representing the types of the arguments passed.
This is an object representing the types of the api. It's a whole language of its own that you'll hopefully get after looking at it for a while.
Will be false when the check passes, and true when it fails
Will be true when the check passes, and false when it fails
If the check failed, this will be a useful message for display to the user. If it passed, this will be an empty string
Also note that if you only have one argument, then the first argument to the apiCheck
function can simply be the
checker function. For example:
apiCheck(apiCheck.bool, arguments);
The second argument can either be an arguments-like object or an array.
apiCheck.array([]); // <-- pass
apiCheck.array(23); // <-- fail
apiCheck.bool(false); // <-- pass
apiCheck.bool('me bool too?'); // <-- fail
apiCheck.func(function() {}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.func(new RegExp()); // <-- fail
Not available in React's propTypes
var checker = apiCheck.func.withProperties({
type: apiCheck.oneOfType([apiCheck.object, apiCheck.string]),
help: apiCheck.string.optional
function winning(){}
winning.type = 'awesomeness';
checker(winning); // <--pass
function losing(){}
checker(losing); // <-- fail
apiCheck.number(423.32); // <-- pass
apiCheck.number({}); // <-- fail
fails, use object.nullOk
to allow null to pass
apiCheck.object({}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.object([]); // <-- fail
apiCheck.object(null); // <-- fail
Not available in React's propTypes
apiCheck.object.nullOk({}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.object.nullOk([]); // <--- false
apiCheck.object.nullOk(null); // <-- pass
apiCheck.string('I am a string!'); // <-- pass
apiCheck.string([]); // <-- fail
apiCheck.range(0, 10)(4); // <-- pass
apiCheck.rang(-100, 100)(500); // <-- fail
apiCheck.greaterThan(100)(200); // <-- pass
apiCheck.greaterThan(-10)(-20); // <-- fail
apiCheck.greaterThan(50)('Frogs!'); // <-- fail
apiCheck.lessThan(100)(50); // <-- pass
apiCheck.lessThan(-10)(0); // <-- fail
apiCheck.lessThan(50)('Frogs!'); // <-- fail
apiCheck.instanceOf(RegExp)(new RegExp); // <-- pass
apiCheck.instanceOf(Date)('wanna go on a date?'); // <-- fail
apiCheck.oneOf(['Treek', ' Wicket Wystri Warrick'])('Treek'); // <-- pass
apiCheck.oneOf(['Chewbacca', 'Snoova'])('Snoova'); // <-- fail
apiCheck.oneOfType([apiCheck.string, apiCheck.object])({}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.oneOfType([apiCheck.array, apiCheck.bool])('Kess'); // <-- fail
apiCheck.arrayOf(apiCheck.string)(['Huraga', 'Japar', 'Kahless']); // <-- pass
)([[[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]], [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]]); // <-- pass (for realz)
apiCheck.arrayOf(apiCheck.bool)(['a', 'b', 'c']); // <-- fail
Not available in React's propTypes
Convenience checker that combines oneOfType
with arrayOf
and whatever you specify. So you could take this:
apiCheck.string, apiCheck.arrayOf(apiCheck.string)
which is a common enough use case to justify the checker.
apiCheck.typeOrArrayOf(apiCheck.string)('string'); // <-- pass
apiCheck.typeOrArrayOf(apiCheck.string)(['array', 'of strings']); // <-- pass
apiCheck.typeOrArrayOf(apiCheck.bool)(['array', false]); // <-- fail
apiCheck.typeOrArrayOf(apiCheck.object)(32); // <-- fail
apiCheck.objectOf(apiCheck.arrayOf(apiCheck.bool))({a: [true, false], b: [false, true]}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.objectOf(apiCheck.number)({a: 'not a number?', b: 'yeah, me neither (◞‸◟;)'}); // <-- fail
Note: React propTypes
does support shape
, however it does not support the strict
If you add .strict
to the shape
, then it will enforce that the given object does not have any extra properties
outside those specified in the shape
. See below for an example...
name: checkers.shape({
first: checkers.string,
last: checkers.string
age: checkers.number,
isOld: checkers.bool,
walk: checkers.func,
childrenNames: checkers.arrayOf(checkers.string)
name: {
first: 'Matt',
last: 'Meese'
age: 27,
isOld: false,
walk: function() {},
childrenNames: []
}); // <-- pass
mint: checkers.bool,
chocolate: checkers.bool
})({mint: true}); // <-- fail
Example of strict
var strictShape = apiCheck.shape({
cookies: apiCheck.bool,
milk: apiCheck.bool,
popcorn: apiCheck.bool.optional
}).strict; // <-- that!
cookies: true,
milk: true,
popcorn: true,
candy: true
}); // <-- fail because the extra `candy` property
cookies: true,
milk: true
}); // <-- pass because it has no extra properties and `popcorn` is optional
Note, you can also append .optional
to the .strict
(as in: apiCheck.shape({}).strict.optional
Not available in React's propTypes
This can only be used in combination with shape
cookies: apiCheck.shape.onlyIf(['mint', 'chips'], apiCheck.bool)
})({cookies: true, mint: true, chips: true}); // <-- pass
cookies: apiCheck.shape.onlyIf(['mint', 'chips'], apiCheck.bool)
})({chips: true}); // <-- pass (cookies not specified)
cookies: apiCheck.shape.onlyIf('mint', apiCheck.bool)
})({cookies: true}); // <-- fail
Not available in React's propTypes
This can only be used in combination with shape
cookies: apiCheck.shape.ifNot('mint', apiCheck.bool)
})({cookies: true}); // <-- pass
cookies: apiCheck.shape.ifNot(['mint', 'chips'], apiCheck.bool)
})({cookies: true, chips: true}); // <-- fail
Not available in React's propTypes
This can only be used in combination with shape
checker = checkers.shape({
foobar: checkers.shape.requiredIfNot(['foobaz', 'baz'], checkers.bool),
foobaz: checkers.object.optional,
baz: checkers.string.optional,
foo: checkers.string.optional
foo: [1, 2],
foobar: true
}); // <-- passes
checker({foo: 'bar'}); // <-- fails
Not available in React's propTypes
This can only be used in combination with shape.requiredIfNot
checker = checkers.shape({
foobar: checkers.shape.requiredIfNot.all(['foobaz', 'baz'], checkers.bool),
foobaz: checkers.object.optional,
baz: checkers.string.optional,
foo: checkers.string.optional
foo: [1, 2]
}); // <-- fails
foo: [1, 2],
foobar: true
}); // <-- passes
foo: [1, 2],
baz: 'foo'
}); // <-- passes
Not available in React's propTypes
This will check if the given item is an arguments
-like object (non-array object that has a length property)
function foo(bar) {
apiCheck.args(arguments); // <-- pass
apiCheck.args([]); // <-- fail
apiCheck.args({}); // <-- fail
apiCheck.args({length: 3}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.args({length: 'not-number'}); // <-- fail
apiCheck.any({}); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any([]); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(true); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(false); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(/* seriously, anything, except undefined */); // <-- fail
apiCheck.any.optional(/* unless you specify optional :-) */); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.1); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.14); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.141); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.1415); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.14159); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.141592); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.1415926); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.14159265); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.141592653); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.1415926535); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(3.14159265359); // <-- pass
apiCheck.any(jfio,.jgo); // <-- Syntax error.... ಠ_ಠ
You can specify your own type. You do so like so:
var myCheck = require('api-check')({
output: {prefix: 'myCheck'}
function ipAddressChecker(val, name, location) {
if (!/(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/.test(val)) {
return apiCheck.utils.getError(name, location, ipAddressChecker.type);
ipAddressChecker.type = 'ipAddressString';
function foo(string, ipAddress) {
], arguments);
Then, if you invoked that function like this:
foo('hello', 'not-an-ip-address');
It would result in a warning like this:
myCheck apiCheck failed! `Argument 1` passed, `value` at `Argument 2` must be `ipAddressString`
You passed:
With the types:
The API calls for:
There's actually quite a bit of cool stuff you can do with custom types checkers. If you want to know what they are, look at the tests or file an issue for me to go document them. :-)
When writing custom types, you may find the utils
helpful. Please file an issue to ask me to improve documentation for
what's available. For now, check out api-check-utils.test.js
Note, obviously, these things are specific to apiCheck
and not part of React propTypes
When you create your instance of apiCheck
, you can configure it with different options as part of the first argument.
You can specify some extra options for the output of the message.
var myApiCheck = require('api-check')({
output: {
prefix: 'Global prefix',
suffix: 'global suffix',
docsBaseUrl: 'https://example.com/errors-and-warnings#'
verbose: false, // <-- defaults to false
disabled: false // <-- defaults to false, set this to true in production
You can also specify an output
object to each apiCheck()
, apiCheck.throw()
, and apiCheck.warn()
myApiCheck(apiCheck.bool, arguments, {
prefix: 'instance prefix:',
suffix: 'instance suffix',
urlSuffix: 'example-error-additional-info'
A failure with the above configuration would yield something like this:
Global prefix instance prefix {{error message}} instance suffix global suffix https://example.com/errors-and-warnings#example-error-additional-info
As an alternative to urlSuffix
, you can also specify a url
myApiCheck(apiCheck.bool, arguments, {
url: 'https://example.com/some-direct-url-that-does-not-use-the-docsBaseUrl'
This is the method that apiCheck uses to get the message it throws or console.warns. If you don't like it, feel free to
make a better one by simply: apiCheck.getErrorMessage = function(api, args, output) {/* return message */}
This is the method that apiCheck uses to throw or warn the message. If you prefer to do your own thing, that's cool.
Simply apiCheck.handleErrorMessage = function(message, shouldThrow) { /* throw or warn */ }
It's a good idea to disable the apiCheck in production. You can disable your own instance of apiCheck
as part of
the options
, but it's probably just better to disable apiCheck
globally. I recommend you do this before you (or
any of you dependencies) create an instance of apiCheck
. Here's how you would do that:
var apiCheck = require('api-check');
apiCheck.globalConfig.disabled = true;
This library was written by Kent C. Dodds. Again, big credits go to the team working on React for thinking up the api. This library was written from scratch, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I referenced their functions a time or two.
Validate the api to your functions to help people use them correctly. This is pretty much React's propTypes without React.
We found that api-check demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Oracle seeks to dismiss fraud claims in the JavaScript trademark dispute, delaying the case and avoiding questions about its right to the name.
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The Linux Foundation is warning open source developers that compliance with global sanctions is mandatory, highlighting legal risks and restrictions on contributions.
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