What is appium-uiautomator2-driver?
The appium-uiautomator2-driver is an npm package that provides a driver for Appium to automate Android applications using the UIAutomator2 framework. It allows for the automation of various tasks on Android devices, such as interacting with UI elements, performing gestures, and retrieving device information.
What are appium-uiautomator2-driver's main functionalities?
Finding Elements
This feature allows you to find UI elements on the screen using different locators such as ID, class name, XPath, etc.
const { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver');
const driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();
await driver.findElement('id', 'com.example:id/button');
Performing Gestures
This feature allows you to perform various touch gestures like tap, swipe, and pinch on the device.
const { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver');
const driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();
await driver.performTouchAction({
action: 'tap',
options: { element: 'com.example:id/button' }
Retrieving Device Information
This feature allows you to retrieve information about the device, such as its model, manufacturer, and OS version.
const { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver');
const driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();
const deviceInfo = await driver.getDeviceInfo();
Other packages similar to appium-uiautomator2-driver
WebdriverIO is a popular automation framework that supports multiple platforms, including web and mobile. It provides a high-level API for interacting with web and mobile applications. Compared to appium-uiautomator2-driver, WebdriverIO offers a more comprehensive solution for cross-platform automation.
Detox is an end-to-end testing framework for mobile applications. It is designed to test React Native apps but can also be used with native apps. Detox focuses on providing a fast and reliable testing experience. Compared to appium-uiautomator2-driver, Detox is more specialized for React Native and offers better integration with the React Native ecosystem.
Appium UiAutomator2 Driver

Appium UiAutomator2 Driver is a test automation framework for Android devices. Appium UiAutomator2 Driver automates native, hybrid and mobile web apps, tested on emulators and real devices. Appium UiAutomator2 Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool.
Note: Issue tracking for this repo has been disabled. Please use the main Appium issue tracker instead.
npm install appium-uiautomator2-driver
Import Android Driver, set desired capabilities and create a session:
import { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } from `appium-uiautomator2-driver`
let defaultCaps = {
app: 'path/to/your.apk',
deviceName: 'Android',
platformName: 'Android',
automationName: 'uiautomator2'
let driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();
await driver.createSession(defaultCaps);
Specifying and selecting devices/emulators
The driver will attempt to connect to a device/emulator based on these properties in the desiredCapabilities
: Launch or connect to the emulator with the given name.
: Connect to the device with the given UDID.
: Connect to the first device or active emulator whose OS begins with the desired OS. This means platformVersion: 5
will take the first 5x
device from the output of adb devices
if there are multiple available.
If none of these capabilities are given, the driver will connect to the first device or active emulator returned from the output of adb devices
If more than one of these capabilities are given, the driver will only use first the capability in the order above. That is, avd
takes priority over udid
, which takes priority over platformVersion
Custom binaries url
To use a mirror of the UIAutomator 2 driver binaries use npm config property uiautomator2_driver_cdnurl
Default is https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-server/releases/download
npm install appium-uiautomator2-driver --uiautomator2_driver_cdnurl=https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-server/releases/download
Or add the property into your .npmrc
Another option is to use PATH variable UIAUTOMATOR2_DRIVER_CDNURL
UIAUTOMATOR2_DRIVER_CDNURL=https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-server/releases/download npm install appium-uiautomator2-driver
API Notes
behaves differently in Android than it does in iOS. In Android it does not take any arguments, and locks the screen and returns immediately.
npm run watch
Running E2E Tests on TestObject
To run E2E tests (/test/functional/) on TestObject, set the environment variable TESTOBJECT_E2E_TESTS to true
npm test