Asynchronous Remote Classes make RPC simple
How does it work
Arc RPC allows you to remotely call functions on other processes or even other hardware using these few main concepts
- Ability to wrap existing class instances
- Mock that acts like the remote class
- Bi-directional
- Protocol agnostic
How to use it
Here is a basic example of using RPC with
let ClientSocketRpc = require("arc-rpc").ClientSocketRpc
let serverRpc = null
class ClientClass {
async clientTest() {
console.log("Remotely called by server, calling server method.")
await rpc.class.serverTest()
console.log("Called remote server method!")
serverRpc = new ClientSocketRpc ("", 9919, Buffer.from ('flbd+mTz8bIWl2DQxFMKHYAA1+PFxpEKmVNsZpFP5xQ=', 'base64'), new ClientClass())
let ServerSocketRpcMaster = require("arc-rpc").ServerSocketRpcMaster
class ServerClass {
async serverTest() {
console.log("Remotely called by client.")
let rpcMaster = new ServerSocketRpcMaster (9919, Buffer.from ('flbd+mTz8bIWl2DQxFMKHYAA1+PFxpEKmVNsZpFP5xQ=', 'base64'), new ServerClass())
rpcMaster.on("client", async (clientRpc) => {
console.log("Got new client, remotely calling client test.")
await clientRpc.class.clientTest()
console.log("Remotely called client test!")
Basic documentation
I'll get to completing this later