Assert Runner
Author: Rich Hildred inspired by Gabriel Llamas' answer to this stack overflow question.
License: MIT
Really light weight test runner based on node's builtin assert.
npm install assert-runner
Given a class TestClass under test:
var Toolbox = require('js-toolbox');
var TestClass = Toolbox.Base.extend({
constructor: function(){
return this;
synchronous: function(req, res){
res.end("synchronous test");
asynchronous: function(req, res, callback){
res.end("asynchronous test");
if(typeof callback != 'undefined') callback();
module.exports = TestClass;
TestClass can be tested using the following code (in test.js):
var TestRunner = require('TestRunner'),
assert = require('assert'),
TestClass = require('./classes/TestClass.js');
var oTest = null;
var tests = {
"TestClass constructor" : function(){
oTest = new TestClass();
assert(oTest != null);
"TestClass synchronous": function(){
var oReq = new TestRunner.TestRequest();
var oResp = new TestRunner.TestResponse();
oTest.synchronous(oReq, oResp);
assert(oResp.sBody == "synchronous test");
"Test asynchronous": function(done){
var oReq = new TestRunner.TestRequest();
var oResp = new TestRunner.TestResponse();
oTest.asynchronous(oReq, oResp, function(){
assert(oResp.sBody == "asynchronous test");
new TestRunner(tests).again(0);
If we run node test.js
the output produced will be:
Passed Test: "TestClass constructor" 1 of 3
Passed Test: "TestClass synchronous" 2 of 3
Passed Test: "Test asynchronous" 3 of 3
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