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Autogypi handles dependencies for node-gyp projects.

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autogypi handles issues with C++ libraries published on npm. It generates required compiler and node-gyp options for you and works great with nbind.

node-gyp is very good at fixing relative paths between .gypi files in different locations, but it cannot automatically find other npm packages, which may have been installed globally or in a node_modules directory higher up in the directory tree or hidden inside another package. autogypi deals with them.


  • Initialize configuration for a node-gyp -based project.
  • Generate C++ compiler options.
  • Guess include directories to use headers from other packages.
  • Include additional .gypi files required by other packages.



Add in the scripts section of your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "autogypi": "autogypi",
    "node-gyp": "node-gyp",

    "install": "autogypi && node-gyp configure build"

Then run the commands:

npm install --save autogypi

Configuring node-gyp

You should add auto-top.gypi in the in the includes section at the top level of your binding.gyp file and auto.gypi in the includes section of each target inside.

If you don't have a binding.gyp file yet, you can create one now with the required changes already made. For example:

npm run -- autogypi --init-gyp -p nbind -s

Replace with the name of your C++ source file. You can add multiple -s options, one for each source file.

The -p nbind option means the C++ code uses a package called nbind. Multiple -p options can be added to add any other packages compatible with autogypi.

The above command creates two files with contents:


  "targets": [
      "includes": [
      "sources": [
  "includes": [


  "dependencies": [
  "includes": []

It also prints an error if the packages you listed as dependencies are missing. For example you can install nbind and run autogypi again:

npm install --save nbind
npm run autogypi

Compiling your project

Call autogypi and node-gyp from the install script in your package.json file, for example like autogypi && node-gyp configure build or from the command line: npm run autogypi && npm run node-gyp configure build

autogypi generates two .gypi files according to its configuration. For example with only nbind as a dependency they look like:


  "includes": [


  "include_dirs": [
  "includes": [

Publishing a C++ library on npm

Packages should include an autogypi.json file in their root directory if they require or are intended to be used by other modules. They should list any .gypi files of their own that are required to compile or use the module. For example:

  "dependencies": [
  "includes": [

The example.gypi file would then contain any gyp settings required to successfully compile and include it in other packages.

Modules without any autogypi.json file get their root directory added to include_dirs. This is enough to successfully use the nan module. More heuristics may be added later if needed.

Command line options

Run npm run -- autogypi --help to see the command line options:

  Usage: autogypi [options]

  Generate node-gyp dependency files.


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -V, --version             output the version number
    -r, --root <path>         root path for config files, default is shell working directory
    -c, --config <path>       config file, default autogypi.json
    -o, --output <path>       per-target gypi file to create, default auto.gypi
    -t, --output-top <path>   top-level gypi file to create, default auto-top.gypi
    -T, --no-output-top       omit top-level gypi file
    -p, --package <path>      add dependency on another npm package
    -I, --include-dir <path>  add include directory for header files
    --save [flag]             save changes to config file
    --init-gyp [path]         create gyp file (default binding.gyp, implies --save) with options:
    -s, --source <path>         - add C or C++ source file

Renaming autogypi.json, auto.gypi and auto-top.gypi using the relevant command line parameters will affect generating the .gypi files and also the contents of any binding.gyp generated using the --init-gyp option.


Docs generated using docts

Interface AutogypiConfig

Format of autogypi.json files published in Node.js modules.
Source code: <>


.dependencies? string[]
List of required Node.js modules.
.includes? string[]
Additional gypi files to include inside relevant targets.
.topIncludes? string[]
Additional gypi files to include at top level.
.output? string
Path to auto.gypi to generate.
.outputTop? string
Path to auto-top.gypi to generate.

Interface BindingConfig

Options for generating an initial binding.gyp file.
Source code: <>


.basePath string
Directory where the binding.gyp will be stored.
.outputPath string
Absolute path to generated auto.gypi to include in default target.
.outputTopPath string
Absolute path to generated auto-top.gypi to include at top level.
.sourceList string[]
List of absolute paths to C/C++ source files to compile.

Interface GenerateOptions

General options for generating gypi files.
Source code: <>


.configPath string
Absolute path to autogypi.json.
.outputPath string
Absolute path to auto.gypi to generate.
.outputTopPath string
Absolute path to auto-top.gypi to generate.

Function generate

Write auto.gypi and auto-top.gypi files according to config.
Source code: <>

generate( ) Bluebird<{}[]> <>
 ▪ opts GenerateOptions
 ▪ config AutogypiConfig Contents of autogypi.json.

Function initGyp

Return an object with contents for an initial binding.gyp file.
Source code: <>

initGyp( ) any <>
 ▪ opts BindingConfig

Function writeJson

Save pretty-printed JSON object to a file or print an appropriate error.
Source code: <>

writeJson( ) Bluebird<{}> <>
 ▪ outputPath string
 ▪ json any
 ▫ name? string
 ▫ header? string


The MIT License Copyright (c) 2015-2016 BusFaster Ltd


Package last updated on 03 Jun 2016

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