A CLI tool to send lines from stdin as messages to AWS CloudWatch Logs.
Will create the log group and log stream if necessary (and if the correct
permissions are available). Loads credentials in the same way the AWS SDKs do
(env, config file, IAM role).
Also check out
cloudwatchlogs-stream in
case that's more suitable for your needs – it wasn't for mine because I needed
other features like line splitting, credential loading, timestamping etc.
$ awslogger --help
Usage: awslogger [-t] group-name stream-name < lines.log
Sends lines from stdin to AWS CloudWatch Logs
--help Display this help message and exit
-t Prepend a ISO8601 timestamp to each message/line
Or programmatically (as a writable stream):
var awslogger = require('awslogger'),
CloudWatchLogsStream = awslogger.CloudWatchLogsStream
var logStream = awslogger({logGroupName: 'a', logStreamName: 'b', addTimestamp: true})
var logStream = new CloudWatchLogsStream({logGroupName: 'a', logStreamName: 'b', addTimestamp: true})
With npm do:
$ npm install -g awslogger