> npm i -g azurefunctions
Local -> Azure:
> mkdir functions
> cd functions
> func init
> func new
> func run HttpCSharp -f file.json
> git commit -am "First function"
> func new functionapp MyNewAwesomeFunctionApp -l WestUS
> func list functionapps
> func user
> git push master
> func open MyNewAwesomeFunctionApp
Azure -> Local:
> func login
> func list functionapps
> func switch-tenants
> func switch-tenants <tenantId>
> func list functionapps
> git clone
> cd MyNewAwesomeFunctionApp
> func run FunctionName
> func help
Azure Functions CLI 0.1
Usage: func [verb] [Options]
config get and set global cli config options
fetch fetches function app secrets
login Clears login cache and prompts for a new login
logout Clears login cache
open Launch default browser with link to the function app in
switch-tenants List and switch current tenant for the Cli
init Creates .gitignore, and host.json. Runs git init .
set Not yet Implemented
new Handle creating a new function or function app
run Run the specified function locally
user Helps manage publishing username
web Launches a Functions server endpoint locally
list Lists function apps in current tenant. See switch-tenant command
Tip: run func init to get started.
> azf help new
Azure Functions CLI 0.1
Usage: func new [function/functionApp] <functionAppName> [Options]
<newOption> [Function/FunctionApp/StorageAccount/Secret]
<functionAppName> (Required)
-s/--subscription Subscription to create function app in
-l/--location Geographical location for your function app
Tip: run func init to get started.
> func help run
Azure Functions CLI 0.1
Usage: func run <functionName> [Options]
<functionName> (Required)
-t/--timeout Time to wait until Functions Server is ready in Seconds
-c/--content In line content to use
-f/--file File name to use as content
-d/--debug Attach a debugger to the host process before running the function.
Tip: run func init to get started.
> func help list
Azure Functions CLI 0.1
Usage: func list FunctionApps [Options]
Usage: func list Secrets [Options]
-a/--show Display the secret value
Usage: func list StorageAccounts [Options]
Usage: func list Tenants [Options]
Tip: run func init to get started.
> func help user
Azure Functions CLI 0.1
Usage: func user <userName> [Options]
<userName> (Required)
Tip: run func init to get started.
> func help config
Azure Functions CLI 0.1
Usage: func config <name> <value> [Options]
<name> (Required)
<value> (Required)