JavaScript Bit Array Library
This library contains a JavaScript implementation of bit arrays. The library supports:
- getting, setting and toggling of individual bits
- iterating over each bit
- counting the number of "on" bits
- bitwise operations with other bit arrays such as OR, AND and XOR.
- serialization to and from JSON
- Browser, Node.js and Ender.js compatible
The bit array is sparse. The following example shows how to set and get individual bits within the array:
a = new BitArray(32);
a.set(0, true);
a.set(31, true);
a.toString(); // "10000000000000000000000000000001"
a.get(1); // false
a.get(31); // true
Note that the array internally uses 32 bit integers (actually, JavaScript's number type is 64 bit, but only 32 bits can be addressed using bitwise operations.)
a.set(32, true);
a.toString(); // "1000000000000000000000000000000110000000000000000000000000000000"
Even though bit arrays are not that useful in JavaScript, there is one place where they excel; encoding large boolean sets for transfer between the browser and server. A JSON representation of a bit array is much smaller than an actual boolean array.
The BitArray module has two constructors:
- BitArray(length)
- Creates a new empty bit array with the given length.
<dd>Creates a new bit array using the hex values in the string</dd>
The following instance methods are supported:
- size()
- Returns the total number of bits in the BitArray.
<dt>set(index, boolean)</dt>
<dd>Sets the bit at index to a value (boolean.)</dd>
<dd>Returns the value of the bit at index (boolean.)</dd>
<dd>Toggles the bit at index. If the bit is on, it is turned off. Likewise, if the bit is off it is turned on.</dd>
<dd>Resets the BitArray so that it is empty and can be re-used.</dd>
<dd>Returns a copy of this BitArray.</dd>
<dd>Returns true if this BitArray equals another. Two BitArrays are considered equal if both have the same length and bit pattern.</dd>
<dd>Returns the JSON representation of this BitArray.</dd>
<dd>Returns a string representation of the BitArray with bits in logical order.</dd>
<dd>Returns a hex representation of the BitArray.</dd>
<dd>Convert the BitArray to an Array of boolean values.</dd>
<dd>Returns the total number of bits set to 1 in this BitArray.</dd>
<dd>Inverts this BitArray.</dd>
<dd>Bitwise OR on the values of this BitArray using BitArray `other`.</dd>
<dd>Bitwise AND on the values of this BitArray using BitArray `other`.</dd>
<dd>Bitwise XOR on the values of this BitArray using BitArray `other`.</dd>
You can install the bit array module using npm:
> npm install bit-array
Alternatively you could just include bit-array.js in your project.
Licensed under the revised BSD License. Copyright 2010-2012 Bram Stein. All rights reserved.
Ports - PHP port by Pavel Ptacek