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Comparing version 0.8.1 to 0.9.0



@@ -42,2 +42,8 @@ 'use strict';

var userInfo = this.user + ':' + this.pass;
var buf = Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from
? Buffer.from(userInfo)
: new Buffer(userInfo);
this.auth = buf.toString('base64');
var isRejectUnauthorized = typeof opts.rejectUnauthorized !== 'undefined';

@@ -72,3 +78,2 @@ this.rejectUnauthorized = isRejectUnauthorized ? opts.rejectUnauthorized : true;

request = JSON.stringify(request);
var auth = new Buffer(self.user + ':' + self.pass).toString('base64');

@@ -150,3 +155,3 @@ var options = {

req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + auth);
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + self.auth);

@@ -165,76 +170,139 @@ req.end();

abandonTransaction: 'str',
abortRescan: '',
addMultiSigAddress: '',
addNode: '',
analyzePSBT: 'str',
backupWallet: '',
bumpFee: 'str',
clearBanned: '',
combinePSBT: 'obj',
combineRawTransaction: 'obj',
convertToPSBT: 'str',
createMultiSig: '',
createPSBT: 'obj',
createRawTransaction: 'obj obj',
createWallet: 'str',
decodePSBT: 'str',
decodeScript: 'str',
decodeRawTransaction: '',
deriveAddresses: 'str',
disconnectNode: '',
dumpPrivKey: '',
dumpWallet: 'str',
encryptWallet: '',
estimateFee: '',
enumerateSigners: '',
estimateFee: '', // deprecated
estimateSmartFee: 'int str',
estimatePriority: 'int',
generate: 'int',
estimatePriority: 'int', // deprecated
generate: 'int', // deprecated
generateBlock: 'str obj',
generateToAddress: 'int str',
getAccount: '',
getAccountAddress: 'str',
generateToDescriptor: 'int str',
getAccount: '', // deprecated
getAccountAddress: 'str', // deprecated
getAddedNodeInfo: '',
getAddressMempool: 'obj',
getAddressUtxos: 'obj',
getAddressBalance: 'obj',
getAddressDeltas: 'obj',
getAddressTxids: 'obj',
getAddressesByAccount: '',
getAddressMempool: 'obj', // deprecated
getAddressUtxos: 'obj', // deprecated
getAddressBalance: 'obj', // deprecated
getAddressDeltas: 'obj', // deprecated
getAddressesByLabel: 'str',
getAddressInfo: 'str',
getAddressTxids: 'obj', // deprecated
getAddressesByAccount: '', // deprecated
getBalance: 'str int',
getBalances: '',
getBestBlockHash: '',
getBlockDeltas: 'str',
getBlockDeltas: 'str', // deprecated
getBlock: 'str int',
getBlockchainInfo: '',
getBlockCount: '',
getBlockHashes: 'int int obj',
getBlockFilter: 'str',
getBlockHashes: 'int int obj', // deprecated
getBlockHash: 'int',
getBlockHeader: 'str',
getBlockNumber: '',
getBlockNumber: '', // deprecated
getBlockStats: 'str',
getBlockTemplate: '',
getConnectionCount: '',
getChainTips: '',
getChainTxStats: '',
getDescriptorInfo: 'str',
getDifficulty: '',
getGenerate: '',
getHashesPerSec: '',
getInfo: '',
getMemoryPool: '',
getGenerate: '', // deprecated
getHashesPerSec: '', // deprecated
getIndexInfo: '',
getInfo: '', // deprecated
getMemoryInfo: '',
getMemoryPool: '', // deprecated
getMemPoolAncestors: 'str',
getMemPoolDescendants: 'str',
getMemPoolEntry: 'str',
getMemPoolInfo: '',
getMiningInfo: '',
getNetTotals: '',
getNetworkHashPS: '',
getNetworkInfo: '',
getNewAddress: '',
getNewAddress: 'str str',
getNodeAddresses: '',
getPeerInfo: '',
getRawChangeAddress: '',
getRawMemPool: 'bool',
getRawTransaction: 'str int',
getReceivedByAccount: 'str int',
getReceivedByAccount: 'str int', // deprecated
getReceivedByAddress: 'str int',
getReceivedByLabel: 'str',
getRpcInfo: '',
getSpentInfo: 'obj',
getTransaction: '',
getTxOut: 'str int bool',
getTxOutProof: '',
getTxOutSetInfo: '',
getUnconfirmedBalance: '',
getWalletInfo: '',
getWork: '',
getZmqNotifications: '',
finalizePSBT: 'str',
fundRawTransaction: 'str',
help: '',
importAddress: 'str str bool',
importDescriptors: 'str',
importMulti: 'obj obj',
importPrivKey: 'str str bool',
importPrunedFunds: 'str, str',
importPubKey: 'str',
importWallet: 'str',
invalidateBlock: 'str',
joinPSBTs: 'obj',
keyPoolRefill: '',
listAccounts: 'int',
listAddressGroupings: '',
listBanned: '',
listDescriptors: '',
listLabels: '',
listLockUnspent: 'bool',
listReceivedByAccount: 'int bool',
listReceivedByAddress: 'int bool',
listReceivedByLabel: '',
listSinceBlock: 'str int',
listTransactions: 'str int int',
listUnspent: 'int int',
listLockUnspent: 'bool',
listWalletDir: '',
listWallets: '',
loadWallet: 'str',
lockUnspent: '',
logging: '',
move: 'str str float int str',
ping: '',
preciousBlock: 'str',
prioritiseTransaction: 'str float int',
pruneBlockChain: 'int',
psbtBumpFee: 'str',
removePrunedFunds: 'str',
reScanBlockChain: '',
saveMemPool: '',
send: 'obj',
setHDSeed: '',
setLabel: 'str str',
setWalletFlag: 'str',
scanTxOutSet: 'str',
sendFrom: 'str str float int str str',

@@ -245,14 +313,29 @@ sendMany: 'str obj int str', //not sure this is will work

setAccount: '',
setBan: 'str str',
setNetworkActive: 'bool',
setGenerate: 'bool int',
setTxFee: 'float',
signMessage: '',
signMessageWithPrivKey: 'str str',
signRawTransaction: '',
signRawTransactionWithKey: 'str obj',
signRawTransactionWithWallet: 'str',
stop: '',
submitBlock: '',
submitBlock: 'str',
submitHeader: 'str',
testMemPoolAccept: 'obj',
unloadWallet: '',
upgradeWallet: '',
uptime: '',
utxoUpdatePSBT: 'str',
validateAddress: '',
verifyChain: '',
verifyMessage: '',
verifyTxOutProof: 'str',
walletCreateFundedPSBT: '',
walletDisplayAddress: 'str',
walletLock: '',
walletPassPhrase: 'string int',
walletPassphraseChange: '',
walletProcessPSBT: 'str'

@@ -259,0 +342,0 @@


"name": "bitcoind-rpc",
"description": "Bitcoin Client Library to connect to Bitcoin Core via RPC",
"version": "0.8.1",
"version": "0.9.0",
"author": {

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "name": "Stephen Pair",

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