Calendar Widget 
npm start
npm run mock-server
npm run test-ci
const calendar = new BookingSyncCalendarWidget({ el: document.querySelector('.my-widget') });
import Calendar from 'bookingsync-calendar-widget';
const calendar = new Calendar({ el: document.querySelector('.my-widget') });
@see index.html
for more examples.
Getting started with Development
Additionally you can run json-mock server
npm run mock-server
it serve maps api for local development. Mocks are in db.json
npm start
- starts development server with live-reload and hot module replacement
npm run build
- produces production version under the dist
npm run test
- runs tests.
el | HTMLElement to act as a container (only this one is MANDATORY) | HTMLElement | null |
apiHost | API host name | String | http://localhost:3000 for development, for production |
apiNamespace | API namespase | String | /api/v2/public |
apiMapsRoute | route for maps | String | /maps.json?rental_id={params} - {params} is replaced with rentalId |
rentalURL | URL route for maps | Function | |
rentalId | parameter to pass in API request for availability maps | String or Number | null |
currency | Set currency conversion | String | null |
minStay | Minimum selectable range | Number | 1 |
maxStay | Maximum selectable range | Number | Infinity |
allowShorterMinStaySelection | Force minimum selection to opts.minStay | Boolean | false |
allowShorterMaxStaySelection | Force maximum selection to opts.maxStay | Boolean | false |
monthStart | Calendar starts months, the left up most, 0 - 11 range | Number | Current month |
yearStart | Calendar start year, YYYY format (2016) | Number | Current year |
displayMonths | How many months to render | Number | 2 |
selectable | Allow to select range | Boolean | false |
showRates | Show rates from availability map | Boolean | false |
showMinStay | Show minimum stay per single day (be careful to use together with showRates or showMaxStay , can be too munch information) | Boolean | false |
showMaxStay | Show maximum stay per single day (be careful to use together with showRates or showMinStay , can be too munch information) | Boolean | false |
isReverseSelectable | User selects end date first | Boolean | false |
isBackDisabled | Disable back button for past months | Boolean | true |
isDropDown | Act like drop down, good idea to specify elStartAt and elEndAt | Boolean | false |
elStartAt | Input field to show start selected, open drop-down on focus | HTMLElement | null (will try to find .bookingsyncCalendarWidget__start-at if null) |
elEndAt | Input field to show end selected, open drop-down on focus | HTMLElement | null (will try to find .bookingsyncCalendarWidget__end-at if null) |
elSingleInput | Single input field to show start/end selected, open drop-down on focus | HTMLElement | null (will try to find .bookingsyncCalendarWidget__single-input if null) |
isSingleInput | Allow to use the single input, hides start/end inputs | Boolean | null |
elReset | Any element on click resets calendar selections and input values | HTMLElement | null |
formatDate | Overwrite locale defined date format | String | %m/%d/%y ( |
hiddenElFormat | Duplicate start/end inputs with a different date format | String | null |
disableAvailabityMap | Overwrite each days to be available | Boolean | false |
enableAllDays | Force past days/months to be selectable | Boolean | false |
currentDate | Current date Date object | Date | new Date() |
onSelectStart(ISO String, Date)
onSelectEnd(ISO String, Date)
onSelectionCompleted(ISO String, ISO String)
see index.html
for more examples.
All options can be passed as data-
attributes to HTMLElement calendar placeholders, with dasherized way.
Calendar implements event Emitter, receiver can subscribe/unsubscribe to events and subscribe one-time.
var cal = new bookingsyncCalendarWidget({
el: document.querySelector('.calendar-wrapper'),
cal.on('selection-end', function(a, b) {
console.log('selection-end', a, b)
cal.on('selection-start', function(a, b) {
console.log('selection-start', a, b)
cal.once('selection-end', function(a, b) {
console.log('selection-end', a, b)
});'selection-end', function(a, b) {
console.log('selection-end', a, b)
init | Finished initializing, data is NOT loaded | |
maps-loaded | Availability, rates and minimum stay maps are loaded and added to calendar | {Object} raw response from the server |
maps-error | Error when loading maps | |
loading-show | Loading indicator shows | |
loading-hide | Loading indicator hides | |
selection-start | User selected start date | {String} {Date}, ISO format '2016-01-01', Date |
selection-end | User selected end date | {String} {Date}, ISO format '2016-01-01', Date |
selection-reset | Selection reset | {Array}, {Array}, selection start, selection end ([yyyy, m, dd]) |
selection-completed | User selects end date when start date was already selected | {Array}, {Array}, selection start, selection end ([yyyy, m, dd]) |
drop-open | Calendar-drop open | |
drop-close | Calendar-drop close | |